Tedbecca - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

All I’m saying is that I trust nothing and no one, least of all my heart, since the bantr sequence in s2. See y’all next Tuesday, I reckon.

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1 year ago

The shrink on the radio show in “Sleepless in Seattle” is named Dr. Fieldstone. That’s rom-communism, baby! Who else is keeping a tally of Nora Ephron references in the soccer show? Just me?

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1 year ago

This is a shift, lads. This is a big shift. The sign is was? the front that Ted’s been putting up, and he’s done. He’s tired of that shit. It’s real now. The belief is inside. I mean right before the speech, we saw Ted successfully fucking COPE instead of hiding his pain. And he told Henry something REAL. This is a whole new ballgame, so to speak.

Now, about that Tedbecca scene—

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2 years ago

Feeling a lot of feelings about

how there is an intricate parallel between Ted/Rebecca and Keely/Roy between S1E7 and 8. Like, how each pair has an intimate moment that changes their relationship, which leads to one to text the other. And once that text is sent (one from Ted and one from Keely), the sender receives a knock on the door. Contextually we think it’s going to be the other half of the pair, but it’s someone else. Someone that ends up having sex with them instead.

And so episode 8 starts with Ted freaking out about sleeping with Sassy and the show reveals his anxiety is tied to not only his previous sexual activities (seemingly only in a committed relationship) but also to the fact of What will Rebecca think?

And Roy? Well he says what he thinks and he’s pissed Keely slept with Jamie. But the Diamond Dogs talk him down and tell him that Keely did nothing wrong. They had no prior agreement and he should get over himself.


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1 year ago

The spectrum of love is so interesting...what would be enough? To look into each other’s eyes and know that you love each other? To say the words? Or to kiss and turn words into pheromones? To have sex once? To promise to have sex forever? Moving into the same home? Never doing anything above to another person ever again?

How could this love ever be less than “enough” when it is already fully there? How could it ever be greater or lesser than what it is?

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1 year ago


Some Of His Quotes Feel So Modern, So Of Our Time. I Know. Powerful. | Ted Lasso 3x08
Some Of His Quotes Feel So Modern, So Of Our Time. I Know. Powerful. | Ted Lasso 3x08

“Some of his quotes feel so modern, so of our time. I know. Powerful.” | Ted Lasso 3x08

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1 year ago
Need Everyone To See This Bc Its Perfect

need everyone to see this bc it’s perfect

TED LASSO | 3.11
TED LASSO | 3.11
TED LASSO | 3.11
TED LASSO | 3.11

TED LASSO | 3.11

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