Tfa X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Megatron x cybertronian!reader - angst+fluff
Meeting D-16 + Megatron Angst
Toxic Megatron x cybertronian!male reader - bit of angst
D-16 x human!reader - silliness
Swerve x Reader with a similar personality
Swerve x Badass Cybertronian!Reader
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Shattered Glass!Swerve x Con!Reader
Swerve x Cybertronian!reader who finds him charming
Skitching HCs
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Swerve x Bubbly Reader
Whirl x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Tarn x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Rodimus x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Skitching HCs
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Drift x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Drift helps human!Reader dye their hair
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Skitching HCs
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Ratchet celebrating their human partner's graduation
Comforting human!reader
Bee x Cybertronian!reader he thought was dead
Optimus Prime
Optimus celebrating their human partner's graduation
Smokescreen celebrating their human partner's graduation
Comforting human!reader
Comforting human!reader
Comforting human!reader
Megatrons child HCs
Starscream x Cybertronian!Reader that stands up for him
S/O with a soft spot for animals and nature
Tarantulas x human!reader
Mirage x human!reader drabble
Mirage x starfire-like reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus x starfire-like reader
Bumblebee x starfire-like reader
Scourge x human!reader
+ Scourge, Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal, Battletrap, Nightbird
Prosthetic arm cybertronian!reader HCs
+ silly reader drabbles (follower submissions)
D-16 and menace y/n
Orion + y/n D-16
freaky y/n with cons pt1
freaky y/n with cons pt2 (shockwave)
freaky y/n with cons pt3 (soundwave)
freaky y/n with cons pt4
freaky y/n with cons pt5 (starscream)
freaky y/n with cons pt6 (soundwave)
freaky y/n with cons aftermath
Downfall, MotorRaid, A-Strike dating HCs
Hey hi how are you I wanna ask for a headcannon if you’re not busy how about transformers animated starscream x cybertronian s/o who loves him a lot and get insanily angry when someone insult him or mocked him
i made the reader a con as well bc it makes more sense and I think tfa starscream was soo silly
TFA Starscream x Cybertronian!Reader

your relationship very much consists of him being like "Tell me something I don't really keep telling me how great I am" whenever you give him a compliment
although Starscream isn't the best at expressing his feeling or the most affectionate, he appreciates all the affection you give him in his own different ways.
He says it's a privilege for you to be holding him the way you do, for you to kiss him, and for you to be the only bot he'd share the throne with. On especially softer days, he expresses this in a much more romantic way I promise
he often rants about that actually, about how you and he will rule over the Decepticons and will be the perfect power-couple, much better than Megathot. He does this dramatically as he puts one arm around your shoulders and the other gestures out into the distance towards whatever vision he is imagining (he is confessing his love for you)
He loves how fierce you are whenever you defend him from other bots
Someone insults him? You're not letting that happen, you're taking your weapons out and will NOT hesitate to kill a bitch
"Yeah, that's my conjunx everyone." Is something he would think/say as you're beating a particularly pesky bot to a pulp in the distance
He actually enjoys having someone to protect him and defend him though, but it's not like he'll ever admit that to you...
After YEARS of being humiliated and insulted by superiors and bots-alike, its a relief to have someone like you
he does not hold you back btw, bro wants to see the person that mocked him pay for it
Knowing that you're willing to do this for him, whenever you happen to get insulted or something he will NOT hold back either. They will feel the wrath of Starscream
hi!!! if it's not much of a bother, can you do a tfa starscream with a cybertronian s/o that begins to have a soft spot for animals and nature once they land on earth? ty!
starscream being an earth enjoyer (not clickbait)
TFA Starscream
Once you, Starscream, and the rest landed on Earth, you quickly had the goal of intimating life on this planet. You and Starscream had plans of ruling over these simple organics, building an army, and destroying the-
But then you realized there was more to this planet than just those annoying fleshy organics. Upon landing on Earth, the first thing you noticed was its greenery and plant life. You discovered ecosystems
These little plants called flowers, they had a bunch of other names too but that was sometimes confusing. They varied in colors, textures, etc, it was so lovely. Sustainability for the organics sprouted from the ground as well, you heard
Once you express your new found love for Earth's animals and plant life, Starscream was definitely confused at first. He simply could not understand how you could like anything on this dirt planet.
With a lot of asking, he begrudgingly agrees to join you in a meadow in the middle of nowhere. The sun is setting, theres a light breeze that makes the grass sway, and plently of sheep roaming the area. Will admit that this is very, very calming compared to being stuck all day with Megatron. However, you will never get him to admit that the little multi-colored flowers look pretty, no, he's not sneakily reaching over to pick some when youre not looking
Honestly still relieved that you have a chance of disliking humans as much as he does. As long as you dont start developing a soft spot for them too -_-
Internally thinks its absoluetly adorable to see you interacting with little animals and fussing over them. You, a big tough alien robot gently petting any animal you see and cooing at it. What an unexpected change, but he doesnt mind too much
If you insist on adopting taking animals of your own, he'll pretend to not be happy about it, claiming its just a distraction. After some time you might find him with said animal resting in his palm as he rants about he's a better leader, blah blah blah. He supposes this isnt so least this Earth critter listens to him and calms him down
If you want to own plants too, very intrigued in watching them grow. To be honest, he probably also rants to that plant
TFA prowl and bee w cybertonian reader where they both act like a couple despite not being in a romantic relationship (yet)
Holds hands, looks at the other a lil longer than necessary, kisses their face except the lips??, HUGSS especially ones on the bed, the lil shits share a bed from time to time just to fall asleep near each other
They both act like a married couple basically
The other's are gobsmacked and confused whenever they're informed that they aren't conjunxed
sorry about no post yesterday, I got caught up in existential crisis sunday. Thanks for the request :)
Warnings: SFW, GN Bot reader
Optimus wasn’t sure what to think when the team’s brief run-in with Blitzwing ends with you dragging Prowl out of rubble and placing a gratuitous kiss on his forehead’s crest.
On one hand, this isn’t the first time the two of you have shared affections in front of the team, but this is certainly of a much more romantic context than the occasional intentioned brush of the shoulders and meaningful glance. On the other hand, Optimus is sure any Decepticon would have a field day taking advantage of the bond the two of you share.
“You know you’ll have to be much more careful if the two of you are going to be conjunxes?” The leader doesn’t look up from the datapad in his servos when he continues, “I can’t imagine Starscream leaving an opportunity like that.”
“Oh no, you misunderstand. We are not conjunxes.” Prowl smiles fondly at the door to your room, unfaltering from his meditative position.
That has Optimus’ attention, “Right… because teammates hold each other forlornly and kiss each other. Definitely normal.”
Prowl turns to Optimus nodding, “Yes. I’m glad you understand.”
The conversation ends as Prowl returns to meditating, and Optimus resigns himself to knowing less than he did before.
Your servos are clasped around a blushing Bumblebee’s, his nervousness only rivaled by your clear enthusiasm as you press your face to his.
Prowl spares you the embarrassment of being taunted, turning to Bumblebee. But what kind of teammate would he be if he held back on such a young and wild ‘bot such as Bumblebee?
“So, the two of you have finally made things official?” Prowl can only smirk, watching Bee go rigid in his seat in front of the TV.
“Nope- no,” the yellow bot nervously laughs, one servo rubbing at the back of his neck, his optics never leaving you. It seems Bee has finally found someone able to cool his bumbling idiocy, Prowl notes affectionately.
You smile, completely unhindered by your lover’s denial. It’s obvious the two of you are good for each other, understanding the other’s feelings, even in the absence of words.
“Yup, not conjunxes. I just like teasing Bee.” You press your digits into the aforementioned mech’s side, watching with some cruel humor in your optics as he crumbles in a fit of laughter.
“Hey! You’ll be sorry you even started this,” Bee shouts, his servos up, ready to get his revenge.
As far as Prowl is concerned, conjunxes is just a fancy word for lovers, and who needs labels anyways? The two of you seem perfectly entertained with one another and your childish games.
Tfa Blitzwing, Bumblebee and Mtmte Cygate with a cybertronian s/o comfort headcanons? Cyc, Tailgate and s/o are poly. Please no nsfw ones <3
Blitzwing doesn’t like to see you stressed, there are a couple ways he likes to pull you away from your responsibilities.
Icy will bring you out and into the forest, he’ll sit against a tree and let you rest in his lap. You’ll talk for hours with him like this, babbling away your anxieties and discomforts.
Hothead will join you in smashing trees or wrecking havoc on already half-crumbled buildings.
Random will (lovingly) kidnap you and administer cuddles and a long nap.
When you’re sad, he’ll wrap you in his arms and cradle you like a sparkling. Blitzwing’s willing to give you any sort of compliments or reassurance you need.
So many hugs, he’ll pick you up (if he can) and spin you around to make you laugh.
If you’re stressed out, Bumblebee will set you in front of the tv and you two will watch cartoons or trashy reality shows.
If you don’t want to do that, he’ll drive around with you (safe or reckless, he supports you for both).
Bumblebee will also propose a small nap when you’re cuddling, he’s too lazy to get up, and you’re warm. So you both fall asleep together.
You’ll wake up to his faceplates close to yours, his inner energon painting them blueish. He’s snoring a bit, it sounds more like buzzing than snoring though.
Cyclonus + Tailgate
You’ll be taken care of so well.
You’re stressed? You’ll be taken to Swerve’s bar, you and Cyclonus find a quiet spot while Tailgate handles ordering the drinks.
You’re overwhelmed? You’re going back to their room, then cuddled (in the dark, of course) and surrounded by warmth, being put in between the two with their sparks quietly humming on your sides.
You’re sad? You’re going to be smothered by comforting words and kisses and compliments.
I … I’m home 🥹😭💖
Tfa optimus, ratchet, bulkhead, prowl, sari, bumblebee with a techno organic reader that reminds them that they are apart of their family no matter what and that they will always be there for them, Basically found family dynamic please. All platonic.
I will use headcanon instead of writing words
Tfa Team Prime X GN!Techno-organic Reader
TW:SFW,none,abit of angst,fluff,platonic
-WHAT?! No he would never hate you! Your just perfect
-He would be supportive and a great sire (father) figure
-He will be proud of your skills and being yourself whenever you will always open up for him.
-He’s maybe a grumpy ex-war medic grandpa in the group but you can’t every say bad things in front of him!
-He will sigh and explain that your not a weapon but a grand creation to him.
-Yeah he been depressed and needs a therapy by you are his therapist and he is yours as well….
-Hearing you saying bad things about yourself makes him cry
-he would hug you tightly saying that you are like a sibling to him
-He said he likes your company and you didn’t ruined his mood when he painted his arts with you
-He would beef up with if someone has insulted you but you explain to him as he feel bad about you being a half machine makes him sad
-He would comfort you telling that you are not a war machine or an emotionless bot
-He would cheer you up when he plays video game with you saying “you are my sibling right now that’s mean you are a family right now!We will support you!”
-Oh no….he would be concerned about you hating yourself as he tries to comfort you
-He may have some past he experienced when he was a young troublemaker who is absolutely struggling himself
-He would tell nice calm comfort quotes he had said to you makes you feel safe and happy with him
-She would be worried about you being upset. She didn’t want you to be upset! She wanted you to be happy!
-Since she is a child she would support the way you were born with flesh and machine.
-She is like a little sister to you she would be there for you no matter what!
“You are the part of the family,family have to stick together!”
What can I say I’m a sucker for found fam dynamics
Tfa optimus, ratchet, bulkhead, prowl, sari, bumblebee with a techno organic reader that reminds them that they are apart of their family no matter what and that they will always be there for them, Basically found family dynamic please. All platonic.
I will use headcanon instead of writing words
Tfa Team Prime X GN!Techno-organic Reader
TW:SFW,none,abit of angst,fluff,platonic ,Family Dynamic
-WHAT?! No he would never hate you! Your just perfect and very special to him
-He would be supportive and a great sire (father) figure
-He will be proud of your skills and being yourself whenever you will always open up for him.
-He lost Elita when she became a techno organic aka. Arachnia which he hugged you when your upset
-However he made Sentinel to shut up when he complained about humans
-He’s maybe a grumpy ex-war medic grandpa in the group but you can’t every say bad things in front of him!
-He will sigh and explain that your not a weapon but a grand creation to him.
-Yeah he been depressed and needs a therapy by you are his therapist and he is yours as well….
-He also tells you to heal or fixed the others instead of fighting so you became his assistant or nurse to help him fix the damaged team
-Hearing you saying bad things about yourself makes him cry
-he would hug you tightly saying that you are like a sibling to him
-He said he likes your company and you didn’t ruined his mood when he painted his arts with you
-He painted you when he painted or draw your optics colours
-He would beef up with if someone has insulted you but you explain to him as he feel bad about you being a half machine makes him sad
-He would comfort you telling that you are not a war machine or an emotionless bot or a Decepticon
-He would cheer you up when he plays video game with you which he let’s you win
-He likes your cool battle mask which makes him screaming in excitement when you transform which he shows off his battle mask or gun mask
-Oh no….he would be concerned about you hating yourself as he tries to comfort you
-He may have some past he experienced when he was a young troublemaker who is absolutely struggling himself
-He would cheered you up by comfort,nature and meditation
-He likes your optics or eye colour which he stares at it for hours trying to figure what a meaning to your optics colour
-He would tell a comfort quotes he reads and saying it to you makes you feel happy with him
-She would be worried about you being upset. She didn’t want you to be upset! She wanted you to be happy!
-Since she is a child she would support the way you were born with flesh and machine.
-She somehow make a robot sounds which you join in as you two laugh in joy
-She is like a little sister to you she would be there for you and following you like a little duckling!
-She is amazed about you having cool abilities and weapons you have on your hands
-When she became a teenage techno organic and th the truth you don’t feel lonely anymore as she and you became best techno organic siblings. (Which she have blue or red eyes I headcanon that she have red eyes like her original self. Which you decide which favourite colour option you perfer for your eyes)
“You are the part of the family,family have to stick together!We will support you no matter what!”
I have a funni idea I might write out
Where reader is drinking those over carbonated sprites and reader is always saying that the sprite taste like straight battery acid and the bots are looking at reader like ‘wtf why are you drinking battery acid?!?!?!’ And they knock the drink out of reader’s hand 😪
gonna write angst with this HEHAHAHAHGAGAGAHAH

Do you think you’d kill for me one day?
yes, of course I will my darling: starscream, megaton, soundwave, shockwave, cyclonus, drift, ratchet, ultra mags, Optimus, (2018) bumblebee, (tf one) sentinel prime (unfortunately), skywarp, grimlock, dreadwing, breakdown, ur fav :p
I don’t really like Lana del ray cuz she’s…erm, but that song lyric was stuck in my head all night :sob:

She is so adorable 😭
Silver Aid the sparkling part 2
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
Optimus didn’t know why humans had a fascination with explosives. Granted he had some bad experiences with them, not to mention he had lost count of how many fires he had to put out because of these kinds of things.
So, he was a bit biased.
But he had to admit that the colors were nice to see from a far.
It was some sort of celebration the humans had; some holiday he couldn’t remember the name of. The team was technically off duty, but trouble always seemed to follow them around. It was good to be on alert.
Bumblebee and Sari were trying to explain to Prowl how to play with the sparklers; Bulkhead had brought his easel and paints attempting to paint the colorful sky above them; and Ratchet was inside the Plant. He didn’t like the loud noises the fireworks made.
Optimus himself was watching everyone from his spot on the ground near a couple of bushes by the Plant. Maybe he’d stay out a bit longer before turning in a bit early, or even try one of those sparklers.
Optimus looked behind him, crouching down to get a better look at whatever made that noise.
Maybe it was one of those squirrels or racoons Prowl had been trying to sneak into his room for the past months?
More snapping was heard, it was something bigger.
Or maybe it was a lost dog or cat.
The snapping sounded heavier this time.
The Prime grabbed his axe in one servo and was ready to strike at anything--
He dropped his axe at the sound of the little voice.
A voice so young that he hadn’t heard since Cybertron.
A tiny frame suddenly tumbled from the bushes and landed in front of his knees.
The sparkling sat up, pouting a bit, before looking up at him rather confused.
They both studied each other for a minute before the sparkling smiled widely at him. She waddled a bit until she put both servos on his knees.
“Oppy I found you! I found you!”
… There was no way this was her…
Maybe this was Silver’s sparkling—wait no, she would have told him about that.
And there had been weird situations the bots had been in…
And there was only one bot from his sparklinghood that gave him that name…
The sparklings optics widened happily reaching at him. He gently picked her up, slightly cradling her in his arms, she didn’t seem to mind too much. The sparkling was too busy rejoicing having found her friend, even though he was so much bigger than last time. Maybe this is what happens when you drink too much energon?
“Oppy! Oppy! Oppy!”
…Sweet Primus…
“Silver? Is that you?”
Silver hugged his neck cables the best she could.
“Oppy! You too big! Too big to hug! But still hug!”
She pulled back and gently patted the side of his face smiling.
He couldn’t help but smile back.
She always seemed to be able to make him smile no matter the circumstances.
Too bad their moment didn’t last long.
“Optimus do you know where Ratchet hid the rest of the—IS THAT A BABY!?”
Optimus and Silver jumped a bit at the new voice.
Silver peaked from her now taller friend’s shoulder angerly.
Who decided to yell at him!
That’s not nice!
Oppy hates yelling!
She looked down at the funny looking sparkling and glared.
“No yell! Scare Oppy! Say sorry!”
Sari couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and Optimus suddenly had a bad feeling about this.
Silver had always had a bit of a protective streak when they were all younger, especially when it came down to newer bots.
Sari flew up to get a better look at it.
The sparkling was adorable, even with the little angry look on their face.
But that color scheme was a bit familiar…
Sari turned to the Prime.
“Did Silver and Megatron have a baby?”
Optimus shook his helm immediately.
“No, but I have reason to think this is—"
Leave it to Bumblebee to let the world know about the sparkling at once. Soon enough the rest of the team began crowding around them both. Silver tried to ignored the sudden loud voice around her and came up with a single thought. She didn’t like this, not one bit. First, there were a bunch of new bots around, none she had ever seen before. Second, some of them were poking her pedes and servos. Finally, it was getting way too crowded for her liking, and Oppy hates crowds!
She needed to fix this right now!
The bots looked at her waving her servos in a shooing motion.
Bulkhead wagged one of his digits at her face.
“Aww! Look at tiny Silver! So tiny—"
“Go! Go! Go! GO!”
The bots slightly winced at the shriek she gave at the last word.
Bumblebee leaned to Bulkhead’s side.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have called her small, big guy.”
Optimus sighed readjusting his hold on Silver.
“It’s not that. She is trying to get you all to back up.”
Ratchet looked at Optimus a bit skeptical yet had a feeling he knew why his former student was acting like this. “And how do you know that Prime?”
Optimus groaned internally.
“I just know okay.”
“Oppy no like crowd. Shoo! Shoo!”
Optimus felt his faceplate burning as the others smiled a bit teasingly.
“Aww! Look Oppy you have a little protector.” Bumblebee teased.
Silver glared straight into Bumblebee’s optics making him shudder a bit.
“Yeesh! She still has that same glare.”
Prowl thankfully got the message.
“Maybe we should back up. Give them some space.”
The bots slowly stepped back.
The sparklings glared and hold was still strong, but now it softened a bit looking at Optimus’s face.
She had a worried look patting his face.
“Oppy okay? Oppy?”
Optimus smiled.
“I’m okay Silver.”
That put a smile on the sparkling’s face.
The Prime took that moment and turned to the others.
“Silver, these are my friends, Sari, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl and Ratchet.”
Silver looked at the bots then at Optimus.
“Oppy friends?”
He nodded.
“Down now.”
Optimus gently placed the sparkling down and waddled to the bots, circling them before coming back to Optimus’s side with a judge look.
Ratchet raised an optics “Are we being judged by a sparklng?”
Optimus quietly shushed him.
Silver finally smiled and waved at them.
“Me Silly! Silly friend Oppy! You Silly friends now!”
Prowl gently pats her helm a bit.
“Quite the extrovert, isn’t she?”
Optimus just sighs as she waddled up to them giving pats on their legs before waddling back to Optimus.
“Why Oppy big now?”
“Oppy drink too much energon?”
“Yes! Oppy drank too much.”
She looked around.
“Where Nel and Eeta?”
Oh Primus how was he going to explain this one.
“… They’re on a trip now.”
Silver looked at him curiously.
“Yes, a trip.”
“Coming back?”
Optimus gently rubbed her helm.
“I’m sorry Silver, we can’t see them right now.”
“That okay. I wait.”
This was not going how he thought it would. Hopefully she would forget about this soon.
Optimus then rubbed small circles on her back until soft little snores were heard. Silver Aid was always the first to fall asleep.
In a whisper the Prime addressed the team.
“We have to figure out what happened to her.”
Sari gently patted the sparkling’s arm.
“No duh, but how? Where did you even find her?”
Optimus gestured to the bushes behind him.
“I don’t know how we are going to figure this out, but we will.”
Sari spoke up.
“Maybe my dad can find something about Silver becoming a baby.”
The team agreed. In the morning, they would pay a visit to the Professor, but first there was something Optimus needed to do. The Prime tried to pass Silver to Ratchet, but her grip tightened and let out a soft whine when the field tech’s servos touched her. Optimus held her and she went right back to sleep.
He silently carried her into his room.
Her tiny servo had clamped down on one of his digits. Peacefully unaware of the stress she was inadvertently causing on the young Prime.
He placed her on his chassis and sighed.
“Oh Silver… what are we going to do with you…”
With that the Prime’s optics slowly closed and drifted into a pleasant sleep with the grip on his digit tightening a bit.
Megatron was slightly pacing back and forth across the room. It took the entire team to convince the leader to at least take a nap before returning to the skies to search for the sparkling. Everyone else was working on the main console. Lugnut was looking over Blitzwing’s shoulder. Blitzwing and Starscream were typing furiously.
“Has anyone any trace of her signature?”
“She’s techno organic Lugnut.”
Lugnut tapped Blitzwings’s wings a few times.
Blitzwing vented heavily before turning to the bigger mech.
“What that means Lugnut is that we don’t have the trackers for techno organic bots yet! They were a work in progress and nowhere near finished.”
“…So still no sign of her?”
Starscream nearly threw the keyboard at the wall.

This is how any bot would see sparkling Silver Aid trying to fight them for Optimus's honor.