Tgcf Xie Lian - Tumblr Posts

decided to play with an incorrect quote generator and now im scared that these are so accurate
hualian vs fengqing
The best quality a fictional man can have is being deeply, pathetically, wretchedly in love with someone, I think
modern tgcf in which hualian make each other bentō boxes when they go out without the other.. xie lian gets the most carefully prepared, way too luxurious meals while hua cheng opens the box to.. i'll leave that to your imagination
so... if one were to write an au in which xie lian is a ceo's son, and jun wu is the literal president, what would mu qing be?
please please PLEASE tell me i have been debating this for hours

I realised I have never posted my fenglian sketches here👀
It's my second favourite ship in tgcf🥰
i want someone like that in my life
I remember asking, when I started Heaven Officials Blessing, why Hua Cheng called himself San Lang. The name should be significant to him since he wanted Xie Lian to call him that instead of his chosen name, Hua Cheng. Most people answered that it was just a random name but MXTX doesn't do anything randomly. I finally know the answer.
San Lang - meaning Third Youth.
I at first thought it meant that he was the third Calamity, but he's actually the second and treated as the greatest.
San Lang means....third try. 🥺 It's Hua Cheng's third attempt at becoming Xie Lian's friend. It was the successful attempt. He tried first as a little helpless boy that couldn't live past eighteen. Failed again as the ghost warrior. Finally succeeded as Hua Cheng. San Lang, third try.
Imagine someone loving you so hard they try three times to be your friend in three different life times. (TT)(TT) Most people only get one chance at their redemption arc. If they mess up with the one time then that's it. Xie Lian got three tries. Three times someone was willing to sacrifice his all just to make sure he stayed on the right path. Three times, three lives to say "I love you.". It's things like this that make me have a love hate relationship with HuaLian. (TT) Where can we even find this kind of love?

xie lian redraw…i’ve come so far huh
I've been reading and I starting to enjoy it. I also read the mahua and watched the two seasons of the donghua. It's shocked I joined around his birthday!
I made my friend who had never watched nor read TGCF make ships and the results were☠️
1: Lady Wind Master x San Lang

Weird, but not that bad tbh 4/10
2: Hua Cheng x Nan Feng

I can't see it happening, but I guess it's fine 2/10
Prepare yourselves

Btw I showed her both Nan Feng and Feng Xin and Hua Cheng and San Lang and explained to her that they are the same people, but she chose to group them based on how good they look together
Bonus our chat :

Edit: Just to mention, not that it has any significance, but I am not Japanese, my friend is and I know it somewhat, but her English is really bad, so I text her in her native
I've finally made a proper fanart piece of Xie Lian!!

@gaywatch I don't know why but the first thing that comes to mind while seeing this photo of Chengyi for his new drama his Xie Lian from Tgcf. Don't know why 😅

Anyone fancy a kebab or the entirety of Cheng Yi’s career summed up in one photo.

The gang(TM)
🖇A few of my thoughts🖇
┈┈──────────╼⊳⊰ 𖤍 ⊱⊲╾──────────┈┈
Xie Lian, the highest of the elven race, is a white elf. Capable of using magic without foreign objects or enhancements. Remained the only one of its kind, the state and blood relatives were destroyed many years ago.
After the destruction of his state, Lian renounced ordinary life and became a wandering hermit, occasionally helping those in need along the way.
║ ➲ the distinctive color of magic is “golden”
║ ➲ initially light blue eyes, with maximum use of magic they are cast in gold, and the magic acquires scarlet flashes.
║ ➲ uses a staff to hide his origin and higher family.
Lian has a magical beast familiar in the form of a white snake with gold flecks and dark blue eyes "Zhoye".

🖇Немножечко моих мыслей🖇
┈┈──────────╼⊳⊰ 𖤍 ⊱⊲╾──────────┈┈
Се Лянь, высший из расы эльфов, белый эльф. Способен использовать магию без посторонних предметов и усилений. Остался единственным в своём роде, государство и кровные родственники были уничтожены много лет назад.
После разрушения его государства, Лянь отрёкся от обычной жизни и стал странствующим отшельником, изредка помогает нуждающимся на пути.
║ ➲ отличительный цвет магии "золотой"
║ ➲ изначально светло голубые глаза, при максимальном использование магии отливают золотом, а магия приобретает алые всполахи.
║ ➲ пользуется посахом что бы скрыть свое происхождение и высший род.
У Ляня есть волшебный зверь—фамильяр в виде белой змеи с золотыми вкрапинами и темно синими глазами "Жое".
┈┈──────────╼⊳⊰ 𖤍 ⊱⊲╾──────────┈┈
I finished Xie Lian☺️
I really like how it turned out, it’s almost exactly how it was in my head)
Initially I wanted to draw a moment from the ff, I will indicate the moment below....
- “Hello,” he whispers, watching as it crawls along his finger, tickling the skin. The butterfly is moving wings, as if answering him. Xie Lian feels the tight knot in his chest loosen and his heart begins to beat a little calmer.
- Several more butterflies join the first, landing on the shoulders and bent knees. They flutter around his head, creating something like a shimmering crown, illuminating everything around with an unearthly light. He doesn't resist - he enjoys their company. It calms.
This moment is so wow... that I couldn’t resist... but I still made a little edits to the image, but oh well)

┈┈──────────╼⊳⊰ 𖤍 ⊱⊲╾──────────┈┈
Я доделала Се Ляня☺️
Мне таааак нравиться что получилось, вот почти так как в голове было)
Изначально я хотела нарисовать момент из фф, укажу момент ниже....
- Привет, — шепчет он, глядя как она ползет по пальцу, щекоча кожу. Бабочка шевелит крылышками, словно отвечая ему. Се Лянь чувствует, как тугой узел в груди ослабевает и сердце начинает биться немного спокойнее.
Еще несколько бабочек присоединяются к первой, садясь на плечи и согнутые колени. Они порхают вокруг его головы, создавая нечто вроде мерцающей короны, освещая все вокруг неземным светом. Он не противится — ему нравится их общество. Оно успокаивает.
Этот момент такой увувуву... что я не удержалась... но все равно немного внесла правки в образ, ну и ладно)
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