Nan Feng - Tumblr Posts
feng xin: istg if i have to watch these two for one more second-

Our TGCF dinner~
Xie Lian // fae2day Hua Cheng // @tartecosplay Nan Feng // @awesomecos Fu Yao // flaircosplay Wind Master // chelthulu Earth Master // OO7honeybadger

good LORD the cave scene is difficult to read
my face was FLAMING red
i had to take breaks every paragraph… it was too much … i’m dying
Reading TGCF for the first time. I'm still in book one. Somewhere in the first ten chapters.
!!! SPOILERS !!!
Fu Yao and Nan Feng. They'e not really Fu Yao and Nan Feng, right ?
Nan Feng is under General "Nan" Yan, "Feng" Xin. That cannot be a coincidence, right ?
And neither of them have a "disciple" vibe to them. And they take insults about Feng Xin and Mu Qing on such a personal level.
I cannot wait to see if I'm wrong or not.
OP's friend is not wrong. 🤣
i’ve gotten my friend to start reading tgcf (she’s just started book 2) but she struggles to remember character names so when she tries to talk abt nan feng and fu yao she instead refers to them as “the two useless guys with rage” and that about sums it up
I made my friend who had never watched nor read TGCF make ships and the results were☠️
1: Lady Wind Master x San Lang

Weird, but not that bad tbh 4/10
2: Hua Cheng x Nan Feng

I can't see it happening, but I guess it's fine 2/10
Prepare yourselves

Btw I showed her both Nan Feng and Feng Xin and Hua Cheng and San Lang and explained to her that they are the same people, but she chose to group them based on how good they look together
Bonus our chat :

Edit: Just to mention, not that it has any significance, but I am not Japanese, my friend is and I know it somewhat, but her English is really bad, so I text her in her native

Modern au FengQing
Feng Xin as Police Officer
Mu Qing as Detective
Them always throwing offensive remarks at each other, but being the first to rescue the other.
This idea was stuck in my head so I had to make it into a moodboard, of course.
I could see them being the more aggressive version of Sherlock and John.
Yanno, sometimes I make the joke that the character design team for the TGCF donghua streamlined and changed a lot of Feng Xin and Mu Qing's respective designs for animation reasons and to make the animators' jobs easier, but then looked over at Nan Feng and Fu Yao and their manhua designs, said "fuck it" and then just slapped a crap ton of details onto their designs.
yall im totally normal abt heavens official blessing i swear (im rewatching it cuz apparently theres a second season now????)
oh good lord Xie Lian i understand you COMPLETELY I would fall for Hua Cheng too god damn (he just showed up again on the cart and his ENGLISH VA, SIR) (I watched it in mandarin when I watched it ages ago but I’m multitasking while rewatching so English)
why must everyone in tgcf have like four different names im literally having to keep notes of everyone’s different names in my notes app to keep track send help

TGCF References: Martial Gods (New Heaven AU)
This is something I’ve been slowly working on over the last few months, and I’m not even finished yet! This is only Part 1: The Martial Gods I’ll probably do the Ghost Kings next! This is suppossed to be just a simplified little reference sheet for myself, so I know what’s going on with their outfits and colors (hence why I couldn’t bother to draw them fingers in some cases, etc.) I basically started working on this because I was going absolutely insane that I couldn’t find clear references on any of the charachters, like the details on their outfits and their colors, soooo I made my own! Most of these are based on the Donghua designs (with my additions here and there where it wasn’t clear what’s goning on), for the charachters that don’t have a Donghua design yet I used the Manhua one, and those who have neither I used the Book/made up my own design, I’ll probably change those when we get official Donghua designs. This is also more of a reference sheet for my post-canon/next-gen New Heaven AU, which is why Xie Lian has the fancy new outfit and is the new Heavenly Emperor, and why the Ghost Kings won’t include Bai Wuxiang, but a secret new Ghost King instead! Art by @mexcraziness-artTGCF belongs to MXTX
hot take but not really: feng xin is the most normal out of the xian le quartet

Guys I can’t shut up about this show! My spouse just stares at me like I’m possessed. 😵💫
“Xie Lian is struggling with his impulse control. But is it his imagination? Or does Hua Cheng seem to be encouraging his deviance?
One shot. 2000 words.
Forgot to add this to the blog too

Guys I can’t shut up about this show! My spouse just stares at me like I’m possessed. 😵💫
“Xie Lian is struggling with his impulse control. But is it his imagination? Or does Hua Cheng seem to be encouraging his deviance?
One shot. 2000 words.
who would read a fluffy xianle quartet fic with added fluff and maybe a lil more fluff
includes: shi qingxuan convincing mu qing to crossdress with him, a very awkward sleepover where everyone in the xianle quartet invites their best friends and he xuan and shi qingxuan see each other and start making reparations, feng xin and mu qing teaming up to try and win the heart of the crown prince only to also fall for the ghost king, homophobia in the heavenly capital, and much more! (if it gets written idk if i will)
i might just start planning out the sleepover at paradise manor below the cut...
ok so mu qing, after crossdressing with shi qingxuan, invites him
xie lian's like "ok i guess i cant invite sqx who do i invite?" he ends up inviting ling wen, who is relieved for a break, and yushi huang, bc she did help them overthrow the government last time i guess
feng xin has no friends. he invites pei ming in the end because why not
hua cheng invites he xuan because yin yu said no, and hua cheng has no other besties
so the party is xianle quartet, the remaining Cancers, shi qingxuan, and yushi huang
pei ming has the wonderful idea to play spin the bottle, shi qingxuan agrees bc at this point he knows mu qing has a crush on xie lian and hua cheng
xie lian has no idea what spin the bottle is, but shi qingxuan goes first bc hes kinda besties with everyone here (except the ghost king), lands on yushi huang, gives her a lil peck on the cheek. pei ming goes "hey! thats not how you play! you have to kiss them on the lips actually!"
he is ignored.
next is hua cheng, who spins, and thanks to his incredible luck, lands on gege! kisses him on the lips and hands it to he xuan.
he xuan does not spin the bottle.
next is pei ming, who spins it and lands on ling wen. the immovable glare she affixes him with is enough to make him back off. she leaves the circle and goes to sleep on one of the couches at like 11 (there are many couches in paradise manor bc hua cheng needs something to kiss xie lian on)
pei ming complains that he gets to spin again because he didnt kiss anyone, but no one listens bc no one wants to kiss him lol
next up is yushi huang, who lands on pei ming. she starts by wiping off his cheek with a wet towel, her lips barely making contact with his cheek, then wiping off her lips with a different towel. pei ming is very embarassed and red.
then we got feng xin, who is very scared. he lands on he xuan. uh oh. he walks a lil closer. then a lil closer. he kisses his own hand and pats he xuan on the shoulder. the glare that he xuan is wearing is very very very scary. he is very scared. like hes about to pee himself. but at least. he managed it. pei ming doesnt comment surprisingly.
mu qing is next (of course they sat next to each other guys), who lands on xie lian. oh no oh no oh no. he leans over. kisses xie lian very very quickly on the cheek. he is very very very very red and blushing.
yeah mu qing will get murdered if he falls asleep at the sleepover.
now it's xie lian's turn. everyone wants to kiss him for different reasons except he xuan, so of course that's who he lands on.
xie lian knows this is platonic except hes not really friends with he xuan??? and also the tension between he xuan and shi qingxuan has been physically (whats the touch version of audible?), so hes very nervous.
"you dont have to do it if you dont wanna gege"
"yes he does!" shouts pei ming
xie lian kisses his finger and taps the Supreme on the cheek.
yeah, he xuan's debt is getting increased for that.
ANYWAYS might update this later bye, lmk if youd read this