Thank Youuuu - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Sarahhhhh Ive Been A Little Down Lately And A Big Warm Back Hug From Joonie Is Exactly What I Needed,

Sarahhhhh 😭 I’ve been a little down lately and a big warm back hug from Joonie is exactly what I needed, it’s like you read my mind! I could almost feel his taut arms around me, could imagine his strong hands massaging away my worries. This was sooo comforting, thank you!!! Having felt bone-tired myself recently, I especially loved the imagery of Namjoon seeing and loving the strength in the reader’s bones. I adore you and your unfailingly evocative writing, darling! Thank you so much again!!! 💕💕💕



summary:  namjoon takes you to a place he hopes can fill you with as much peace that it gives him. pairing: kim namjoon x reader genre: light angst, comfort-fluff rating: g word count: 1.2k tags/warnings: reader is experiencing pressures of life, light crying, much comfort and joon fluff

a/n: for @woodstockbtswriter​, cjaaaay~  i hope this is exactly what you were seeking, and most importantly feels like a big, warm hug from joon. i adore you & thank you for always supporting my lil’ events.

the request

october drabble event mlist


Sometimes the weight of the world feels all too crushing, holding it with your two hands, how could you be expected to continue bearing that? It could feel lonely, the kind of lonesome that wore on your bones, in a single breath, they could crumble until all that was left were dusty remains. Tears fall like heavy raindrops from your eyes and maybe, just maybe, the life in those tears could water what was drying up around you. What the world and life were taking from you. A warm press against your skin alarms you, but only in a gentle inhale because you remember who is there with you. So you keep your eyes closed and choose to stay there, trusting the hand that is carefully wiping your tears away.

The breeze picks up and brushes past your ear, taking strands of your hair in its wake, doing a little dance that lights a smile across your face for the first time in-well you couldn’t remember how many days. This trusted hand moves from your cheeks to move back the rest of your hair before it lays on your shoulder and rubs you there.

It’s nearing sunset and the weather is starting to cool off along with the wind that blows around you. He brought you here to remind you that other things still existed despite the pressure that was burying you. In his deep timbre, his voice urged you to listen to the rustling of the trees. Taking you as far away from the traffic as he could, he said, “you can hear the wind, just concentrate.” Namjoon stood behind you, pulling you until your back rested against his chest; “bear your weight on me.”

So you did.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

@ anyone who compliments my writing just know i’m twirling my hair and kicking my legs as i read it

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2 years ago

I have absolutely no memeing skills, but please take this random thought your fic inspired:

Tim: “-and he’s at least a couple thousand years old and sometimes his face goes all staticky and creepy and I’m pretty sure he’s the strongest guy I’ve ever met and-“

Hood, to Nightwing: “Does he realize he’s a monsterfucker or should I tell him?”

But seriously, thank you for the incredible story (that I totally didn’t binge read until 6am last night).

tim drake: certified monster fucker

Tags :
1 year ago



My boys got talked to fr fr!!


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1 year ago
Hello! So, I Finished The Drawing Of You And I Hope You Like It! :DD While I Was Sketching I Discovered

Hello! So, I finished the drawing of you and I hope you like it! :DD While I was sketching I discovered a new brush so I experimented on this and it turned out pretty well..! Hehe, have this as my drawing gift Although, the color is a bit of a mess because it's my first time using the brush

OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH MY ITS MEE!!! I LOVE IT!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! :D I'm so happy rn!!! Do you mind if I use it as my pfp? ☺️

My first fanart :3 I absolutely love it I got too excited and typed thank you like 3 times but still I do thank you for this

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7 months ago
 This User Does Not Consent To Use Of Their Work For AI Use!
 This User Does Not Consent To Use Of Their Work For AI Use!
 This User Does Not Consent To Use Of Their Work For AI Use!

☆ this user does not consent to use of their work for AI use! ☆

remember to turn on "prevent third party sharing for blog" in your visibility settings on tumblr!

reblogs appreciated | requests open! ☆ please reblog if you use ⤶

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8 years ago
@grunclestann Aaaahhh!!! Thank You, That Is So Kind Of You! I Like To Do Them Because I Can Exaggerate
@grunclestann Aaaahhh!!! Thank You, That Is So Kind Of You! I Like To Do Them Because I Can Exaggerate

@grunclestann Aaaahhh!!! Thank you, that is so kind of you! I like to do them because I can exaggerate the expressions without it becoming too odd! Also I've never answered an ask before and I wanted to post this to you but didn't know how to put the picture into the ask OTL

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7 months ago

it’s actually kinda accurate tho 😭😭 I’m so broke 😂

YOOO reblog this post or smth if U want a picture and song that reminds me of you😳😳 (I might explain...or maybe not)

Tags :
6 months ago



SUMMARY: an ex of yours gets hired and he tries his hardest to get you back, not knowing you’re in a relationship with all 7 of your bosses who will not hesitate to kill him

PAIRING: mafia/ceo!bts x chubby!reader

WARNING (S): blood?, mentions of past harassment, cursing, mentions of murder, pregnancy

NOTE: im back 😈 this is a drabble of my combined beings series (which you can find here hehe) but it can be read as a standalone. this is also unedited so excuse my grammatical errors


“I still can’t believe you’re pregnant.”

Eunji and Ari were situated on either side of you. It’s lunch time, and with how busy the guys are, you decided to take time to sit with your friends and talk about each other’s lives. Though, they rather talk about your life rather than theirs.

“He’s growing so big,” Ari pouted, rubbing your stomach over your blouse. “I bet the guys are excited, huh?”

You snorted, nodding your head up and down. “You already know it.” You gestured towards the guards standing near you over your shoulder, and the girls followed the direction of your thumb. Thankfully, your new guards didn’t annoy you as much. They easily blended in with the shadows of the building and they didn’t make a single sound. They don’t even move! But, they took their job serious and that’s all that mattered. “Increased protection, though, and they’re on high alert more than ever.”

“Explains why there was more security in the lobby,” Ari pointed out, receiving nods from you two.

It was expected that all 7 of your boyfriends would become overprotective. Well, more than usual. Of course, you didn’t mind it. They still let you go out (just with more guards and with your best friends), they respected your wishes of working still, and they didn’t do things their way unless they talked it out with you and you were okay with it. Though, sometimes they had their moments, and of course, you didn’t exactly care. After all, you were with child and you understood their concerns.

“I love them,” you smiled, happily eating the food Jin and Jungkook had prepared for you. Even as they were busy, they still did small things for you that made you know that you were their first priority above all. “Also, what happened last week when I wasn’t here? I heard that a new person was hired.”

“Oh, yeah!” Ari clapped her hands rather excitedly at the thought of gossiping and spilling the news. “So, a guy was hired and no, I don’t know his name yet—”

“I do,” Eunji spoke out, slightly raising her hand, eating.

Ari playfully rolled her eyes and continued sharing, “I’ve heard, though, he’s very quiet, calm, and he’s very popular. He works in Mr. Min’s division and he usually comes to talk to Eunji about some topics, so we both know how he looks like. He’s very attractive.”

Eunji glanced at her watch as you let out a small “ah” at Ari’s explanation. “Talking about him, he called me to make sure I had time to revise over any work.” At seeing your confused expression, she smiled. “Their supervisor is on a family trip so Yoongi made sure I supervised them in the meantime since I knew the division well.”

“I feel like I missed a lot,” you shook your head in a disappointed manner, a sigh escaping your lips. “I’m never leaving.”

Ari snorted. “Yeah, right. Knowing the 7 assheads, they literally have a sixth sense when it comes to you.” Not even a second later, your phone goes off, alerting you of a message. “I bet you it’s them.”

You grabbed your phone and let your eyes scan the text message Jungkook sent you, a simple: “Tell Ari to stop calling us assheads or else she won’t have a job ☺️ I love you muah <3.”

“And they have a second sense when it comes to you.”

Showing it to Ari, she let out a scoff. “He’s like the annoying brother I never had. Thank goodness my mom never had a child after. I don’t know how you handle him.”

“He’s not hard to handle,” you chuckled, leaning back against your chair to rest your hand on your stomach. “Ugh, I’m full.”

“Me, too.”

Silence invaded you three, and Eunji excused herself to grab some documents from the worker you’ve been hearing about. You heard the elevator ding and your guards made sure to follow after Eunji to see who it was.

“Here, here, take a look at him!” Ari immediately grabbed onto your arm, making you two slightly lean down so you can hide your staring behind the desk in front of you. “Dammit, we can only see the back of his head.”

“He’s tall,” you noted, eyeing the guy’s towering figure. “He might be Joon’s height.”

You two stayed quiet and Eunji’s eyes briefly met the two of you trying your hardest to hide. She was clearly amused and it wasn’t surprising when your guards found the situation amusing, either. Because of her stare, though, the guy turned around.

“Turn around, turn around,” Ari harshly whispered, having you two lean back against your chairs and look the opposite direction.

“Wait,” you heard. “Y/n?”

At hearing your name, you looked up and let your breath hitch in your throat at coming to see the culprit. You gulped.

“Oh, crap,” you breathed out and Ari let out a confused hum, looking between you and the coworker. You gulped down your feelings again and placed a hand up to be a barrier to hide your actions. Placing another hand up to whisper to Ari, you whispered rather quickly. “He’s my ex!”

Ari’s mouth gaped open, and she stared at you as if you had two heads and not one. She watched the guy get closer to you and your guys quickly stepped in, hands on their waistband to let their fingertips hover over their weapon.

“Woah,” you both eyed the man as he raised his hands up in defense, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. In your guards defense, the last time the boys hired someone, especially a male worker, he had kidnapped you at your sister’s wedding, so their actions were valid. “Um, I mean no harm…”

“It’s okay,” you clarified, though, you made sure to use the hand signal the boys taught you to use that told them: I’m okay but still, be cautious. You turned to face the man staying in his place. “Nice to see you, Yu-Jun.”

“It’s nice to see you, Y/n,” he smiled at you before glancing towards the guards, gesturing them with his shoulder. “So, what’s that about?”

“Just simple company regulations,” you innocently smiled because as much as you wanted to get up on his face and tell him that you found people who loved you (and that you were pregnant with their child), you didn’t want to risk putting yourself in a dangerous position by bragging. You didn’t want to get kidnapped again by a worker obsessed with your boyfriends. “I didn’t know you worked here.”

“I didn’t know you worked here, either!” He happily said and you hid your awkwardness behind the fake smile plastered on your face. After all, you didn’t want to be around him considering the last time you saw him, he had emotionally cheated on you with his best friend—a friend he told you not to worry about—and you had read the messages. You had kicked him out shortly after.

“Well,” Eunji chuckled awkwardly as she took note of your discomfort. She glanced at her watch, clearing her throat to speak, “Yu-Jun, break is almost over.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded, gulping down his feelings before he looked back at you. He gave you one last look and his lips parted a bit to let a small sigh escape them. “You should let me take you out one day.”

“Like, a friendly take out?” You arched a brow. He snorted.

“Well, I meant as a date-date, dummy,” he clarified.

You stood up and shook your head, grabbing the wrappers of the fortune cookies Ari had opened. “I’m in a relationship.”

“Oh,” Ari hid her smile at hearing the dejected tone in Yu-Jun’s voice. You did, too, and you were thankful that you were in the early stages of pregnancy. If you had worn a tighter shirt, the bump would’ve been out on the open but due to the flow-y material, Yu-Jun could not see you were with child. “Well, I’m… happy for you.”

You sent him a a curt nod. “Thanks..”

His eyes followed you and he would continue if not for a guard heading towards him and leading him away. Though, he let his eyes glance at you one more time, watching you over his shoulder as he waited for the elevator to open, and he stayed there until it dinged and he was instructed to go in.

You, on the other hand, knew that somehow he would come back. He had messaged you a week before officially meeting Jimin, asking to go out, but you had blocked him as soon as the message had come forward. You could already feel the itch in your skin at knowing you would unexpectedly spill the news somehow to all 7.

And you were right.

“Hi, flower,” Jimin pecked your forehead once he saw you sitting on the couch of his office. You smiled and looked up at him, eyes slightly hooded out of tiredness. “Tired?”

“Very,” you hummed, leaning back to ease the pain of your back. “I had enough sleep last night, though, so I don’t know why I’m tired.”

“Hmm,” Jimin let out, a small smile plastered on his face as looked around for his phone rather impatiently. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because you’re pregnant?”

“Oh, my God,” you dramatically gasped, your hand going up to cover your mouth. “I’m pregnant?”

Giving you a playful glare, you chuckled at his facial expression right as Namjoon called your own phone.

Answering it, you hear a small “aha!” coming from Jimin, who had successfully found his phone under the pile of worksheets he needed to sign, all while Namjoon says a simple, “Hello?”

“Hey,” you greet, grabbing onto Jimin’s hand that reached out for you. You two walked out together and Jimin immediately grabbed your purse away from you to hold onto it.

“Hi, baby,” Namjoon’s deep voice greeted you, making you almost fall to your knees because of how he sounded. “Are you guys almost home?”

You remembered that all of the boys left early as soon as those words escaped his mouth. You didn’t know why, but they had briefly mentioned that they were going to deal with someone who had bad mouthed you. Being with them for years meant that the person who did so was probably gone because you already knew what they meant when they were going to deal with someone who either disrespected you, looked at you wrong, or even breathed wrong around you.

“Yes,” you answered, feeling Jimin wrap an arm around your waist inside the elevator. Your guards stood in front of you, facing the doors while you two stayed in the back and stayed glued to each other’s side. “Jimin couldn’t find his phone but he found it, don’t worry.”

“Okay, then. Be careful and be safe, okay? We’re here at the house already and we brought pizza and wings since you’ve been craving them.”

“You shouldn’t have said that,” you groaned, dropping your head on Jimin’s shoulder, a pout forming on your lips. “You know how much I’ve been craving them.”

“I should’ve brought you more last night, huh?” Namjoon chuckled, finding amusement in the situation, considering the fact that last night you had woken them up around 2 am to let them know you were desperately craving wings. “Well, I just hope these will satisfy you, okay?”

“Mhm, thank you, Joon,” you smiled.

At hearing the ding of the elevator, Namjoon took that as his cue.

“Alright, I’ll let you two go, but be careful. We’ll be waiting. I love you three.”

Smiling, you and Jimin uttered the same words before hanging up. You two walked towards the garage and Jimin still held onto you by the waist, wanting to be closer to you if possible.

Heading home, you walked inside the house while conversing with Jimin, your feet carrying you to the kitchen.

Immediately, the others came to greet you two and Jungkook, having become more overprotective over you ever since you found out about your pregnancy, carried you towards your seat. A plate with a slice of pizza and wings were automatically placed in front of you and just like that, your usual routine continued until you conversed about everything that had happened. And you made the mistake of mentioning what happened earlier.

At coming to realize that you spilled the event that had occurred earlier that day, you watched as their smiles immediately faltered.

“What do you mean your ex got hired?” Jimin questioned, leaning back against his chair with one of his arms placed by his plate and the other hand resting on your thigh. His sleeves were rolled up and the glint of his Diamond bracelet winked at you, intimidating you a bit more.

“Before you guys freak out,” you glared at each of them, “no killing anyone. I just saw him during lunch, made it clear, though, that I’m in a relationship, and that’s it.”

Namjoon hummed. “We trust you, okay?” His eyes met yours from across the table. “If anything happens or he does something that makes you uncomfortable, you immediately let us know. I don’t want you and our baby to be in trouble.”

You smiled at Namjoon’s words and concern, feeling Jimin’s hand gripping your inner thigh reassuringly. “I know. Don’t worry. We just saw each other this time and that’s it. We won’t run into each other.”


Yu-Jun wanted you and he didn’t even know why.

All he has heard is you being in a relationship, but other than that, your life was pretty private. He tried staying late to catch a glimpse of the person you were dating and, nothing. You always seemed to leave a few seconds before him and he’s starting to believe you’re always on the elevator before him because it always stops on a certain high level and when the elevator picks him up and he goes to your floor, you’re not there. It’s a pattern he has noticed. And it’s a pattern he’s starting to despise.

Yu-Jun wasn’t the type to give up. He wasn’t, and he did not give a single shit at knowing you were in a relationship. Come on! Everyone wanted him. All the women on his floor wanted him. You had wanted him and you did everything for him. Yes, he might’ve cheated, but he believed he wasn’t at fault and it was something necessary. He was just very delusional.

“You got flowers,” Eunji smiled, handing you a bouquet of flowers as your eyes stayed focus on the screen in front of you. At hearing her words, you furrowed your brows. “I’m guessing the boys wanted to surprise you.”

“Thanks…” Your voice faltered at eyeing the roses.

One thing about the 7 men in your life, they loved you. So much. But, they also knew that you didn’t like it when all the attention was on you because of their grand gestures. 7 roses were all you would get in the office and they did give you flowers every day of the week until your home was bombarded with flower after flower, so this was unusual. But, you figured Jungkook must’ve sent them considering he always gives you roses in the office, so you waved it off.

The flowers were constant. They were given to you on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. You didn’t mind at first, but it’s been over 2 weeks and the boys did not bring them up at all. It was starting to get overwhelming and you started giving your friends a bouquet just like the first time you received it. It might’ve been mean just dismissing the flowers but you already had so many at home.

By the 3rd week, you were getting more anxious at the attention. There was always a letter in the roses, but it was a simple, “I want you” and no signature.

This time, you decided to text who you believed was the culprit.

[ angel 🩷] kook, the flowers are getting too much ☹️ everyone keeps staring and it’s very nerve wracking. i appreciate them as always but it’s getting a lot

Jungkook grabbed his phone at hearing the ping of a notification popping up on the screen. He was currently in a meeting with the others and a few other people, but he did not care if it seemed rude he was using his phone..

Smiling at your contact name, his smile vanished just like the other night when you had told the boys your ex was hired. None of them were happy and yes, they trusted you so much, but it’s more of the fact that those type of people have bad intentions.

[ kook 😚 ] baby what flowers? i haven’t sent any

You frowned.

[ angel 🩷] you didn’t? well someone has been sending me flowers for the past few weeks so was it one of the boys?

Jungkook didn’t even read the whole message before he strictly announced, “Those that aren’t us, leave.”

Confusion erupted in everyone’s faces and Namjoon was close to scolding him if it weren’t for the fact Jungkook looked upset, something that was unusual considering he was either calm or flat-out mad. Never upset.

As the others left, all 7 stayed behind.

“What’s wrong?” Yoongi questioned, his usual stoic expression gone and was now filled with concern.

“Has any of you sent Angel flowers to her floor for the past few weeks?” They all shook their heads at Jungkook’s question, and his face dropped even more. “She thought I’ve been sending her flowers but I haven’t…”

“Then who the hell has been sending her flowers?”

Yu-Jun was proud of himself to say the least. From what he has seen a glimpse of, you would always be surprised at receiving flowers. He had made friends on your floor and wanted them in it, but he was confused as to why no one wanted to help. Well, he didn’t mind doing it alone.

He was starting to get antsy, and he was even starting to get tired of sending you flowers. They weren’t cheap.


At hearing his name being called, Yu-Jun looked up with a smile, expecting to see his supervisor. But, he came to see your frame and Eunji’s standing near with straight expressions etched on your faces.

He smiled even wider as you two led him away because maybe, maybe, you would consider finally dropping your boyfriend and going out with him. He doesn’t know what has possessed him lately, but maybe it was the fact he hoped you would be waiting for him. Yeah, a dumb thought but he was very delusional and egotistical.

“Hey,” he greeted. “Have you liked the flowers?”

“No,” you simply said, giving him a soft glare. “I told you I’m in a relationship.”

“Well, it can’t be that serious, right?” He questioned, leaning against the wall beside him. You scoffed and looked at your friend in disbelief, almost as if it to ask if you heard him right. “Listen, I want you and somewhere in you wants me.”

“You have to stop.” You frowned at hearing his words and the way he was actually serious about getting together. “I’m being serious. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“It’s not that big of a deal, Y/n.” Yu-Jun rolled his eyes, arms crossed over his chest. “Your boyfriend doesn’t need to know.”

“Yu-Jun,” you stepped up, feeling your dear friend behind you who came for support (and for legal advice) tense as you did so, “you need to stop harassing me and sending me a bunch of flowers and chocolates.”

“Harassing?” Yu-Jun questioned, startled at the accusation. “What the hell are you even—?”

“Be careful with the way you speak to the mother of our child, Yu-Jun.” You three snapped your heads at the new voice. There by the door, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi stood, with stoic expressions. “Yu-Jun, right?”

Yu-Jun let his mouth drop out of shock. Of course he knew who they were. Everyone knew. They were in every magazine, they were always trending, and they were the biggest thing in Korea. Just like everyone, though, he has heard rumors about them and the way they could easily make people disappear. Especially when it came to the people who wronged them. One he has heard is that they did not like it when someone disrespected a girl of theirs. No one knew who, and it was kept that way. Everyone was scared of them so they kept their mouths shut and Yu-Jun wished he kept his like that because he understood, “mother of our child” very clear.


“Do you think it’s funny to, I don’t know,” Jimin stepped closer, a hand buried in the pocket of his blazer while the other played with the files in his hand, “harass women that clearly aren’t comfortable with you at all?”

“I-I’m sorry,” Yu-Jun simply stuttered out, shaking his head out of disbelief. “I didn’t know she belonged to you.”

Jungkook scoffed. “Belonged?” The way his sleeves were rolled up to expose the inked skin made your ex shiver in a bad way. “You fucking respect her, asshole.”

At noticing your anxious presence, Yoongi nudged Taehyung, who looked at him. He gave him a discreet nod towards your figure before tilting his head towards the door.“Get her out of here,” he said. “This is going to stress her out. Take her up to Namjoon’s office.”

Taehyung nodded and Eunji started to lead you to him once she took the hint.

The two led you away, standing on each of your sides rather protectively it almost made you cry. And you wished Ari was there (she got told to stay behind knowing she would immediately resort to violence), because knowing her, she would be saying the most random shit ever.

“She’s a pretty one, right?” Yu-Jun stayed quiet at Jimin’s taunt since Jimin had, of course, noticed the brief look he gave you. And the nerve he had. The nerve he had to even look at you with those disgusting eyes. “Look the fuck away from her and look at me.”

Yu-Jun did so and his hands shook. “Please, I’ll leave her alone. Please, just-just let me live, please.”

“We will,” Yoongi responded with his usual nonchalance. “But we also don’t want you roaming around in all of your nasty glory disrespecting anyone that you claimed wanted you.”

“Don’t kill me,” Yu-Jun rapidly shook his head. “Please, don’t do that. I-I’ll change! I will. I’ll just mind my own business.”

Jimin darkly chuckled. “Oh, we all know you will but just in case you don’t take a single note of this,” he leaned closer to whisper in his ear rather dramatically, “you ever disrespect her again, Yu-Jun, your eyes and your mouth will be long gone for looking at her and for saying stupid shit.”

Yoongi and Jimin turned around to leave, but Jungkook stayed behind for a bit with a look burning holes on Yu-Jun’s head.

Though, a single punch was thrown at your ex-boyfriend’s stomach hard enough to the point Yu-Jun wheezed for air, hunching over.

“It makes me laugh knowing that your stupid mistakes made her be with us,” Jungkook bragged, his voice lowered, almost as if he, too, were telling a secret. “Can you believe it, though? She’s pregnant with our child and she loves us so much more than she loved you.” He smiled, gaze set on the side of Yu-Jun’s petrified face. “So, Yu-Jun, breathe near Y/n and my child again, I will reveal your dirty little secrets.”

Yu-Jun started freaking out. But the three did not care enough to stay, so they left towards the elevator to take them to Namjoon’s office.

“Hi, baby,” Jungkook greeted you once they walked inside, your eyes set on Namjoon, Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok’s own. “He won’t bother you anymore, okay?”

“You’re not killing him, right?” You questioned, feeling his arm wrap around your waist.

“He got lucky today, angel,” Jin spoke, receiving a hum of agreement from Hoseok.

“We simply agreed to keep him alive this time,” Hoseok added on. “But, if he touches you, looks at you, and even dare breathe near you, then we’ll have an issue.”

Now, you were all for being your own person, but the way they were all so overprotective over you and your child, it made your tummy tingle and you were sure it was not your baby.

“She finds our protectiveness hot.”

“No, I don’t!”


“Shut up…”

“Aw, she’s nervous!”

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1 year ago

fck it i love it

rating: 18+. mdni.


Your arms are tightly wrapped around Jisung’s back, nails grazing his soft skin as you reach for his hair to pull him deeper into your neck. He pants into the crevice, hot puffs and noises of pleasure muffled within it. The movements of his hips are slow and precise, his cock hitting the spot that has you whimpering into his ear and your split thighs trembling around his body fit between the space.

Your eyes open, catching a glimpse of the luxurious headboard and fixtures of light around the room, Jisung’s pale, bare shoulders and soft dark hair, and your hands grasping at any part of him you can reach. You let your eyelids flutter shut, unable to rip your attention from his warmth and the pleasure brought with it. It feels intimate. It has for weeks.

Jisung is a romantic, you knew that before your arrangement had begun. And despite his efforts to deny it, it was clear that nothing had changed. Made even more so by the increasing romantic gestures each time he gave in to his desires. A bouquet of flowers to your favorite takeout and everything in between. Even during the most innocent moments like when he soothingly rubbed your feet or gently tended to your hair, his touches, his glances, his words were tender. 

This time was no different. The hotel room is nice, far too nice for a struggling university student like he is to afford, but you said nothing of it as you pushed your way inside, distracting yourself by locking your lips with his and desperately pawing at his hoodie. Jisung let you, swallowing his words and giving in to your touch, relishing in it. His body’s reaction was immediate, skin burning and heart thumping as he followed your lead.

Jisung thrusts harshly as if he senses your wandering mind, forcing a whine from your throat. Gentle sucks trail up the column of your throat as Jisung makes his way up to your mouth. Soft kisses are laid on your lips between hot pants that blend with his the closer you get to your climaxes. 

His lithe fingers slither between your sweaty bodies, taking his time approaching your core to savor the feeling of your skin underneath his fingertips. He begins to swirl the flat pads of his digits around your swollen bud in the way he has grown so familiar with. You gasp shakily, the stimulation to your clit and the pounding of his stiff cock in your gummy walls causing you to feel weightless, falling limp with one last scratch down his back. 

Your walls spasm around him as you cum, eliciting a groan from the man above you. Jisung uses you mercilessly, abandoning the slow pace he had used during your intimate encounter. You whimper, writhing beneath him as he overstimulates you. Tears fill your waterline and Jisung lays sweet pecks to your face as his body tenses and his thrusts turn sloppy.

He connects his lips with yours again, moaning into your mouth as he stills inside you, grabbing your weak hands and sliding them up the soft sheets.

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2 years ago

It Can’t Be

A/N: Writing will always be my coping mechanism. I don’t care what anyone else says. Eddie Munson is alive and well. Period.

Summary: Nothing on earth will ever take Eddie Munson away from you, not even an army of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating demobats in the Upside Down.

Pairing: Eddie Munson × fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of blood and death, minor swearing

*GIF not mine. Reblogged from @dailyflicks

It Cant Be

“EDDIE!” You and Dustin screamed at the top of your lungs as both of you hurried towards the injured man lying on the wet and demobat-infested road. Dustin was limping next to you, so you took his arm over your shoulder and assisted him.

Eddie wasn’t moving, so naturally, a wave of thoughts crashed inside your head.

He couldn’t be dead.

He’s a lot stronger than that.

When you finally reached his side, you immediately crouched down next to him and cradled him in your arms. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth was covered in blood. As soon as his gaze fell on you, his lips twitched upwards in a smile.

“Hey, Y/N.” he breathed out, a tear falling down his cheek. You reciprocated his smile, stroking his cheek to wipe the tear and some blood off his face.

“Hey, Eds.” you responded as your hand massaged his scalp, making him shut his eyes at the sensation. As he opened his eyes again, he saw Dustin next to him, raising his hand slightly to give him a fist bump.

“I didn’t r-run away t-this time, right?” Eddie inquired, though his voice was still barely above a whisper. It broke your heart knowing he still doubted himself like that, despite how evident it was that he was indeed a hero. Both of you nodded your head, a downward smile gracing your lips as you continued to stare down at him.

“Yeah, you did great, Eddie.” You said reassuringly, tears brimming your own eyes.

“D-did you like the so-song I played earlier?” he asked you, an expectant look on his face. You temporarily closed your eyes before meeting his gaze again. “

"Yeah, very metal. I loved it. Metallica, right?” Your response seemed to hit bullseye for Eddie because he leaned back down with a satisfied smile on his face, yet winced slightly when a stinging sensation shot through his torso. “The one and only.” he replied breathlessly.

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1 year ago
th3r3dj3st3r - SUP BITCH

imo the best way to interpret those “real people don’t do x” writing advice posts is “most people don’t do x, so if a character does x, it should be a distinguishing trait.” human behavior is infinitely varied; for any x, there are real people who do x. we can’t make absolute statements. we can, however, make probabilistic ones.

for example, most people don’t address each other by name in the middle of a casual conversation. if all your characters do that, your dialogue will sound stilted and unnatural. but if just one character does that, then it tells us something about that character.

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6 months ago



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11 months ago

My animation process (in a GIF!)

My Animation Process (in A GIF!)

So you've learned the 12 principles of animation but don't know where to actually apply them? Fear not!! For here is my step-by-step process, very very condensed, into one singular giant GIF.

Hope it helps!

(You may need to open it in a new tab to read the text)

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11 months ago

Hell yeah

I saw you were taking dunmeshi requests.

If you kindly would, I would enjoy to see Senshi chilling outside in the winter. Maybe in a cute scarf or something. I love snow, thank you for your consideration.

I Saw You Were Taking Dunmeshi Requests.

chilling? he would be cooking Chicharron with guacamole in an ICE STORM

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