The Bad Batch Echo - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

3 years ago

Hello!! I was wondering if you’re still doing match ups, could I possibly get one for the bad batch?

I’m female, I have short, blonde hair and green eyes. I’m only 5’3, a curvy body. My favorite thing to do is be out in the garden or working with animals, though I love anything involving outdoors and nature (hiking, kayaking, swimming, etc.). I also love to play music and sing, I can play 6 different instruments! I also really love traveling and seeing new places! My animals mean the world to me, as well as my plants.

I’m really outgoing and love talking to people/making new friends, though I do love some quiet time once in a while. I literally always have so much energy when I’m out and about though. Concerts are some of my favorite social events!

I tend to think about some crazy things and am always spitting out these wild ideas and questions whether that be involving the universe, life, how something was made, etc. I really just love learning and asking questions, even if the answer isn’t so clear / obvious. I have an extremely curious mind with a nice and active imagination.

I’m not sure what else to put, but if you don’t wanna do me that’s totally ok!! Thank you so much in advance!!

I match you with.....


Hello!! I Was Wondering If Youre Still Doing Match Ups, Could I Possibly Get One For The Bad Batch?

Echo loves running his hand thought your hair it's something of a reminder of things he has lost. Fives used to do it to calm him or make him stop talking when he would go on his tangents. So be now does it as a comfort for you and himself.

Please trace patterns and symbols on his skin he melts having you touch him. Becuase he doesn't expect anyone to want him after everything.

He misses his brother and Rex dearly but you make the days just a little bit easier to live.

He loves your eyes. They are like looking across a vast field. A place that to him feels so calm. It was one of the places he got to see right after joining the bad batch.

He loves how outgoing you are. He loves that yoy enjoy learning. Has asked you to play a few songs becuase He loves listening to music.

Plez Please sing for him. He loves your voice. And will ask you to sing when ever he can.

He loves spending time with you just the two of you. He will pull you to play in his hammock with him placing gentle kisses to your forehead.

Omega has found her way to join you both curling up in the hammock Echo finds it quite cute and doesn't say no.

You have both fallen asleep like this on many occasions and hunter has come looking for Echo. Most times he will leave you with a soft smile on his lips.

You sadly don't have much luck getting Echo going swimming anymore but he still enjoys watching. Hiking on the other hand he will do all day with you.

He loves just being with you or having you ask him to join you becuase to him it's means you want him, want to be near him.

"Echo?" You call out walking the halls of the ship. Echo turns from tthe pilot seat and smiles lightly too you. "Hello Cyar'ika, what are you doing?" He ask with a smile.

You make your way towards him and grab his arms. "Come on! Come with me" the smile on both of your faces never faulter. " Alright I'm coming, Tech! Take over" he calls out to Tech, Tech gives Echo a quick nod as he goes back to working.

Echo is quick to follow you as you pull him down the hall towards the area his hammock is set up. "really? Is this what you had in mind" he chuckles giving you a soft kiss to the forehead.

"Well I happen to want to spend some time with my boyfriend. And this so the closed to alone time we get so yes. I wish to cuddle in the hammock" he shakes his head with a smile as he moves to sit in it.

Echo waves you over, you make take a few quick steps to be standing infornt of him before his arms wrap around you and pull you into the hammock. "Come here you" he says while laying back and and pulling you to his armored chest.

The laughs are shared between you as he pulls the pillow from behind his head and rest it agaisnt his chest do you.

He missed your forehead right before he pulls you down to play against his chest. " What would I do without you?" He ask lightly.

You mean up to him chest pushed into the pillow as you place your hands on the sides of his face and lean in to kiss him. Both of you enjoy the touch being close and wrapped in each others embrace.

You both pull away smiling. Your hand moves up to the side of his head feeling the light fluff of hair staring to grow again. " Your hair is coming back slowly" you mumble agaisnt his lips. He hums contently.

"I might have to have you shave the sides and leave the top to grow. I'd like to try and grow it" he says lightly. Your hands slowly brush thought the light fuzz with a smile getting bigger each time.

Echo closes his eyes enjoying the touch. Enjoying having you wrapped in his arms as you both lay about in his hammock. "Maker I love you"

"I love you more handsome"

Tags :
3 years ago

Hi I was wondering if I could do a ship request for The Bad Batch.

I'm 15 almost 16, I'm also 5'3½. My eyes and hair are brown. I am quite pale and apparently have very soft skin. I have very bad social anxiety and can't start or hold a conversation to save my life unless it is about books, I can talk about them for hours. I have a few friends, but with my friends I like to think I am the quiet yet mum friend. I like to make sure everyone one is okay I carry everything with me so if someone needs something I have it but I also shy away and don't like making plans (I am also very loyal). I am frankly boring I like books, knitting, politics and history. History is fabulous and I love learning all I can about everything that has happened in the time before I was born. I also hope to be a nurse when I become of age. I am also apparently more mature for my age and have been since I was little. I took the Pottermore quiz several times and I got a mix between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff but I think I am more a Ravenclaw.

- thank you :)

Woah I haven't been on Pottermore in years. I kinda got out do Harry potter after the who JK Rowling drama. But hey I'm also Hufflepuff used to call myself the Hufflepunk warrior back when I was 15. Good times hahah.

I match you with.... Echo

Hi I Was Wondering If I Could Do A Ship Request For The Bad Batch.

Echo much to the amusement of the bad batch was very nerdy when he was a shiny. He would go thought books after books of anything he could read. Sever module manuscripts. He's read it. The life of Bantha's read it. The crappy little comic which he adored that Fives and Hevy used to make. He misses those.

Ask him to read to you. You may have to flick the pages but he can work with that. Echo has such a soothing reading voice and enjoys reading for both you and Omega who joins in sometimes.

He has learnt that if he needs something just ask you. 8/10 times you will have what he's after just on hand without any preknowledge.

Echo understand social anxiety. He didn't have much trouble with it as a Reg before the Citidel but after socialising really gets to him. He gets mistaken, sold and all sorts so he takes comfort in being near you becuase you understand.

Please knit this man a fluffy sweater. He will rock it and go "yea my lover made this for me" and it does need. 'I'm a luxury' 'few can afford' or 'to tired for this shit' just something snarky becuase he will stand wearing it with a cup of Caf of a morning and he is a picture of domestic.

He loves listening to you talk about your hobbies. Will sit and listen for hours on end as you talk about the mitochondria being the power house of the cell. Or anything really. At this point you and Tech and a small rivalry and Echo loves it.

Please just shower this man in affection, he needs a confidence boost to deal with all the drama. Which he secretly lives for.

"Echo what are you wearing?" Omega ask looking up at him in absolute glee. Echo stands with a cup of Caf in the cockpit of the ship with a. Tired expression on his face. Omega smiles reading the text across the sweater. ' Sarcasm loading Please wait' Echo smiles as he takes his seat in the pilots seat and waves Omega over to jump up with him.

"If you ask Y/n they might make you one too" he says with a smile which makes Omega shout with glee before she runs down the hall towards where you are set up reading. Echo chuckles to himself as he takes a mouthful of his Caf. The flavor is horrible but it won't stop him from drinking it.

Not even five minutes later you are walking into the cockpit with Omega on your heel as you take the seat near Echo. "Morning Cyar'ika" he says lightly leaning over to place a kiss to your forehead. You smile to him as Omega makes herself comftable agaisnt your lap as she watches the stars fly by thought hyperspace.

"Y/n can I get a sweater with something on it?" She ask with a smile trying to look up at you. "Hmm how about 'Collector of Dads?' " you ask which makes Echo cough on his Caf.

You and Omega both laugh as He shoots you both a look. "Come on its true tho" you say with smile. He shakes his head as the smile works it's way onto his lips.

"How about 'menace to Society' and 'apprentice to the Menace' for the both of you" Echo jokes lightly.

"What in the hells are you wearing?" Tech says as he walks into the room Echo now stands in. Echo turns to stare Twch down. "Fashion"

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3 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if I could get a Bad Batch Matchup?

I am 19, female, standing at 5ft 1 with short and wavy brown hair in a bob, I’m pretty pale, with many freckles and I have central heterochromia, the inner ring of the iris (the closest to my pupil) is hazel and the outer ring (along the edge of the iris) is blue. I am pretty shy when first meeting people but when I warm up to you, I’ll always try and make sure you have a smile on your face! I love to draw, write, sew and play my guitar. I usually end up being the leader in situations but I’m always listening to everyone’s ideas. However I can get pretty insecure about my looks and weight even though I weight around 55 - 60kg.

I understand if you don’t want to do it, I’m sure you are busy 😁

I feel that about being insecure about weight. I've been stuck at 49kgs for nearly 8 years becuase of my heart condition, Tyroid and other factors. It... it sucks alot. It's hard to gain muscle when you don't have any mass to use. Joys of Malnutrition.

I match you with.... Echo

Hi, I Was Wondering If I Could Get A Bad Batch Matchup?

It's no secret that Echo loves hand made things wither it be clothing, art or writing. He loves everything you make for him.

Your eyes fascinate him, he knows some clones who have Hetrochromia but it's a very rare thing. And your seems even rarer to him. It's like the Ocean meeting sand cliffs to him.

Your smile makes him feel like a Shiny Reg again. Something he hasn't felt in a long time.

Let's face it your still smallcompared to him. Your small compared to all of the Batch.

Please play him songs it helps him feel calm and light the galaxy isn't out to get him or his brothers.

He loves that you listen to his ideas without sassing him like Tech does.

He knows what it's like to be insecure of looks. He hates how he looks now and doesn't know how he ended up with someone as gorgeous as you.

Sometimes he doesn't feel enough with now being more machine then human.

Echo can easily pick you up and spin you around when he is excited or just relieved to see you.

"Hello cyar'ika" Echo says lightly as his arms wrap around your waist light resting his chin on your shoudler as he stares back at you though the reflection of the mirror.

He places a soft kiss on the side of your neck as his eyes flick back to yours. "Cyare, what are you thinking about.?" He ask lightly slowly turning you to look at him.

"Echo... am.. am I good enough?" You whisper only for his eyes to go wide as he lifts your chin up so that your now looking him in the eyes. "Princess, of course why wouldn't you be?" He says.

"My looks and weight. I.. I don't feel good enough for you" you say only for him to wrap his arms around you pulling you closer.

"cyar'ika, you are everything I could ever dream of and I should be the one not depeing good enough for you. Hells I'm more then half machine now yet you still look at me as if I was that young shiny troop being assigned to the 501st" he says bringing you in for a soft kiss.

"You make me feel alive again. And I'll spend every day I have proving to you that you deserve more then I can ever give you sweetheart. And I love you more then I can ever express" he whispers agaisnt your lips.

"You give me a reason to keep going kar'taylir darasuum" he says making you tremble and cling to him. He closes his eyes holding you close in the confines of the small shower room.

"You are my beloved and I will never, never stop trying to prove that" Echo states and he presses a kiss to your forehead.

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3 years ago

I really like your Bad Batch match ups! Would I be able to get one please?

I’m 5’2 with an hourglass body type and I have short black hair that goes to my shoulders. I’ve alway been really into cosmetics and beauty; my nails are always done, I dye my hair frequently and I’ve got a huge makeup collection. Despite this I still look like a 2013 emo kid. I still religiously listen Fall Out Boy and I bought tickets to the My Chemical Romance reunion tour before the pandemic (rip 😔). I’ve also got a nice collection of rings and bracelets that have various different crystals in them that I wear daily. For the past several years I’ve been a practicing witch and advanced tarot reader. I’ve got a huge collection of tarot cards and crystals and I’m my friends go to person for anything to for crystals and herbal medicine. I’m a very lively person and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my friends. In fact everyday we’re either out dancing or making a late night snack run. I’m a huge workaholic, I always take on way too much to handle and it always makes my depression worse. All my friends describe me as “mean but loving”, I’ll viciously roast you and then make you a meal cuz you don’t feel well. I’m a Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising

Ahhh another witch on here. I can connect with this and this. And blessed be my friend. I feel that I do readings for my friends alot. But I mainly stick with plant work. (I love plants) also sorry this one was short.

I match you with... Echo

I Really Like Your Bad Batch Match Ups! Would I Be Able To Get One Please?

Please paint Echo's and Omega's nails they will love it echo with blue and black nails he will rock the shimmer ones. While Omega would love red glittery nails or grey with little skulls and 99 on them and there is no in between with her.

Echo finds it amusing watching you dye your hair. And Omega is just so fascinated by it becuase he hasn't ever see anything like it. Yea she knows some clones have different coloured hair but now she understands.

Echo falls hard when he hears little giggles from Omega's bed to see you doign her make up and yours. And Omega turns to echo. "Echo! Don't we look pretty?" She ask with a bright smile. " You don't need make up to look beautiful. The both of you"

Echo can hear you any where on the ship due to your jewelry. He loves how to looks but it does give your position away.

He does love your style. It's not something he would personally wear these days but he does like it on you.

He is very interested in witch craft he knows of the Witches of Dathomir but other then that he hasn't really had much to do with it.

Brain goes brrr with crystals. He just thinks they are neat. (No one. I mean no one can convince me this man didn't collect pretty rocks while out on missions)

Please do tarot readings for the Batch.

"Echo!, Echo! Look!!" Omega calls out to the man as she waves her hands around. Echo gives a raised eyebrow as she moves closer to show her painted nails.

"Y/n did them for me come on! They'll do yours too!!" She says almost pulling him to follow her. Echo laughs light and let's Omega take him to her destination.

"So rumors have it your illegally supplying b modification" Echo says light with his arms crossed.

You look up from your spot to see him and omega stand together. "Why Sir!, I would never" you call out in an over dramatic voice.

Echo chuckles and follows Omega up the ladder. Once up on the bed he holds his still human hand out. "Can I get some of these not so illegal mods" you smile at him with a nod.

"So what colour would you like?" You ask moving to scatter thought the different polishes. He thinks for a second before pointing to the light blue and the shiny black polishes. "Those too please"

The fifteen minutes is spend with both him and Omgea showing off the colours to each other until Wrecker makes his presences known.

"Can you do mine too? "

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3 years ago

Hi! I was wondering if I could get a match-up with one of the clone boys ( either from clone wars or the bad batch) if that's okay?

I'm 16 and about 170cm tall. I identify as female and use She/her pronouns. I am pansexual. I have a curvy body and really small hands. I have big blue/green eyes and a small scar going through my upper lip. I have long dirty blonde hair that is usually really messy.

For my character, I have always been told I have side-kick energy. I am an INFJ-t and a Slytherin. I am a very shy and kind of awkward person at first but as you get to know me better I open more up. I love to read and write and have always been considered a huge nerd. My humor is very sarcastic and I tend to make a lot of inappropriate sexual jokes when I'm with my friends. I have been an unapologetic feminist my entire life and could talk about misogyny for hours if someone lets me.

When it comes to School I have always been at the top of all of my classes and I am the friend that helps everyone and gives the answer to tests. My preferred classes are English, social studies, and history. I am also the student that calls teachers (and sometimes other students) out on their sexist, racist, or homophobic comments. Besides that, I am also on the debate team. My absolute dream job is to become a civil rights lawyer

For things, I like the first thing that came to mind was music. I listen to music 24/7 and am never seen without my AirPods. I mostly listen to classic rock and indie rock such as arctic monkeys. The second thing that came to mind was reading. I have always adored reading articles on Wikipedia and usually read at least one before I go to sleep. I love politics and have always loved to talk about and discuss current political crises and the current news from around the world.

thank you so much!

This is the first time if found someone who I feel would match a thought and thought of Echo

Clone wars

I match you with..... Echo!

Hi! I Was Wondering If I Could Get A Match-up With One Of The Clone Boys ( Either From Clone Wars Or

Echo has quite a soft spot for you when he first meets you. Takes a while for him to work up the courage to talk to you.

Lots of reading between you both it's who ge trs you to spend more time with him and he loves it.

Will run his hand thought your hair taking out the knots while you both sit together reading.

Be prepared for Fives to invite himself to reading night so he can tease you both. 'Ve love birds, held hands yet?'

He loves how small your hands are compared to his. Please just hold his hand and he will be a very happy Clone.

Run your hand thought his hair and mess it up from the normal crew cut. He will melt in your hands.

He loves curling up agaisnt you wirh his chin on your head as he cuddles. This man's body is very warm to the point some times you don't need blanket becuase of him.

He's very shy when you first kiss but he's alot more confident after being wirh you long enough.

Play your music for him, he loves hearing new music and your collection is very nice.

" Cyar'ika, are you here?" He whispers lightly moving thought the dark room. You hum lightly looking up from your spot on the couch.

"Echo?, is that you" you ask tiredly as you spot him at the door. A soft smile graces his lips as he moves to the couch.

He gentle brushes your hair out of your face as he sits down on the corner on the couch. "Hello sweetheart" he replys only for you to wrap your arms around his waist.

He chuckles lightly as you sit up only for him to move his body to lay on the couch and pill you to his chest. "How was your mission?" You ask lightly into his chest.

He plays back and closes his eyes enjoying being close to you again. "It went well, no casualties and minimal injuries" he says, cinnamon eyes meeting yours.

You smile to him leaning up to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "In glad your home finally" you say lightly. It's quite between you both again into he speaks up.

"Do you want to continue our reading session from where we stopped last time?" He ask lightly snuggling into you.

"Maybe another time I'm tired and I'm just glad to have you home" you whisper as he smiles again. "Ofcourse get some sleep"

Bad batch

I match you with..... Echo!

Hi! I Was Wondering If I Could Get A Match-up With One Of The Clone Boys ( Either From Clone Wars Or

Bad batch Echo is alot more confident, sassy, snarky and sarcastic.

Since you have known him since before the bad batch it takes him a little to get used to being around you again.

Once he is comftable with you again he is alot more forth coming with affection. Alot more hugs, kisses and PDA around people.

Please reassure him that you s ttill love him, it's something thag gets him alot not being the same man as he used to be.

He has a lot of trauma and Ptsd and you help calm the storm in his head. Was bee gentle with him.

He loves having small snark off with you, will pull you into his lap and just rest with you against him while he pilots or works.

He loves gripping your hip with his flesh hand, he's alot more touchy with you now then he used to be.

He loves reading reports and just listening to audio logs wirh you alspee against him or just laying with him.

Echo lays in his hammock set up rocking lightly to the sway of the ship in hyperspace. His eyes are closed as he rest.

Your eyes land on him as you walk thought the door smiling widely as you make your way over to him. It goes wider on your lips as he mumbles something in his sleep and moves lightly.

You are quick to move your face near his. " Echo, Echo. Baby you awake?" You ask lightly. His pale honey brown eyes land on you as he smiles up to you with a tired smile.

You move quickly pulling yourself into the hammock and resting against his chest. "Hey baby" you whisper lightly and press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Hello Cyar'ika" he chuckles arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer. " What are you doing here beloved?" He mumbles into your hair and giving you soft kisses.

"Want you to read for me" you whisper lightly into his chest as he smiles down at you. He reaches over to the small table pulling one of the books off it and brings it closer.

He opens the book turning to the page marked and continues reading lightly to you.

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3 years ago

HI!!! Can I have a bad batch match up is that what it’s called? Anyways they are so cute and amazing and I would like to try it myself :)

Physically I’m 5’1 or 5’0 pretty short. I have an hourglass body I’m pretty curvy. I’m tan, I have longish sized brunette hair with layers and curtain bangs brown eyes you can sometimes see gold specs in them pretty eyebrows their perfect shape. I wear glasses sometimes but I mostly wear contracts. And I’m always wearing earrings or doing my hair in braids or some hairstyle.

I’m extrovert but also introvert it’s weird but I’m very loud I talk really loud and I’m always cracking jokes or saying something sarcastic but if I say accidentally say something rude I immediately feel really bad even if it’s not that bad and say sorry at least 20 times. I love taking with new people and always telling them weird stories about me or something or ask them questions about anything. I have a pretty bubbly personality. I am very clumsy today I literally fell down the stairs and that’s something that happens a lot or you can se me tripping on my own feet sometimes. I’m curious about anything and I’m always asking myself questions and always thinking. I daydream a lot like all the time in cars, school, restaurants and people always have to snap me back to “reality”. I’m an over thinker and over think everything. When I’m with my friends I usually put music and we just dance for fun but I’m always there when someone needs me I’m very empathetic I really connect with people and help them through any issue they need. I have ADHD and I can never really Finnish my sentences because I always get sidetracked with anything or get distracted with anything. I’m very smart definitely above average especially in reading I love reading it’s my favorite thing to do in the world I love reading romance novels too it’s just amazing. I also love watching romcoms or musicals but if you watch a musical with me I’m gonna be singing every song especially if it’s mamma Mia or high school musical I am also absolutely terrified of horror movies but I still watch them. I’m really into Astrology and astronomy (is that the same thing?) like this one time when I was bored i memorized all 88 constellations anyways sidetracking, my zodiac sign is a Virgo my favorite animal is either a butterfly or an elephant my favorite color is yellow or purple and my favorite band is Queen. I love nature, plants and flower they really fascinate me and I read a lot about them. I love knitting and making cardigans too. I am very oblivious like very oblivious it’s kinda embarrassing. Any I love cuddles and holding someone’s hand or anything or leaning into people.

I hope your alright!,I knwo this is late but it's never fun falling down anything

I match you with.... Echo

HI!!! Can I Have A Bad Batch Match Up Is That What Its Called? Anyways They Are So Cute And Amazing And

Compared to all the close toy are very short and Echo wouldn't have it any other way.

Your easy to hold he can lean agaisnt you, and pull you in for hugs as he pleases.

Man loves brushing your hair our of your face and just smiling at you and pressing light kisses to your skin. He loves how the light catches in your eyes and they look like melting butterscotch

You have scared him and the rest of the batch with taking contact lenses out. They fear you and the power you have to touch your eye.

He really wants to learn how to do your hair for you, he may only have one hand but please let him try and learn so he can do yours and Omega's in cute styles.

Echo has changed alot since his time as a Reg he used to be alot more shy and introverted relying on Fives input until he finally felt more comfortable speaking his mind.

These days Echo is more an extrovert but does enjoy his alone time. He's learn to speak up and argue with people when need be. He may pull an offend face at something you say before he smiles at you and laughs.

He loves answering your questions to the best of his ability. If hesitant know somethign he will ask Tech so he can learn something to share with you.

He seems to have an instinct of knowing when your gonna trip, fall or drop something and he's always there to save you or whatever you almost drop. Hunter is quite impressed.

He will try to pick up romance, adventure and fantasy novels, holos for you whenever the batch is planet side. He also loves reading to you if your two tired to read yourself.

"Easy Cyare, Your gonna hurt yourself if your not careful" Echo says lightly helping you stay upright after tripping over. You let out a soft Laugh as your hands grip onto his shoulders "thank you Echo. Don't know what is do without you" you say lightly only for him to help you set down. He is quick to move to take a kneel in front of you to check the bleeding of your knees.

"That's some nice bleeding you have their sweetheart, let's get you patched up. Don't need you bleeding out on us" he says lightly with small chuckle. He moves around the room quickly picking up the equipment he needs to clean your wounds. He moves back to take a seat in front of you.

"This is going to sting a little but it's better then getting infected" he states as he wipes a small cloth wirh disinfectant across the scrapes. It stings as he wipes the blood away but you stay quite as he cleans everything. He grabs a bandage and gets you to hold one end as he begins to wrap it around your knee. Once the First is finished he moves into the next one.

Once he is finished he hold his hand out to you, to help pull you up to stand. "Lets get you to bed, we dont need you falling over again do we". You roll your eyes at him bit let him lead you towards the small bunk.

He's gentle placing you down and taking a seat beside you. " We really need to get you some knee guards or better yet some bubble wrap" he teases only for you to lightly punch his shoulder.

He laughs light pulling you to rest agaisnt his lap. " Sorry, I couldn't help myself, but please try not to hurt yourself anymore. Would hate to have to get Tech to stitch you all back together. Don't need you ending up like me." He reply as he leans down and places a kiss to your forehead.

"Nothing wrong with you Echo, you just have a few extra mods that's all. Beside it gives you more personality" you shoot back at him only for him to fake a wounded expression. "Oh so it's the extras you like and here I thought you liked me for my witty comments and good looks" he snarks only to begin tickling you.

"Echo!, echo stop I can't breath!!" You laugh and he rolls onto you trying to hold you down as he presses lighthouses across your face. When he finally let's you breath your panting and giggling while you rest your head on his chest.

"I think Fives would be proud of you, your not as much a stick in the mud as you used to be" you state as you lean up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "Yea, I miss him. I think he is proud, we suvived the war. He's be rubbing it in our face if he were here. That or causing Chaos" he chuckled the last part. He wraps his arms around your torso as he pulls you closer.

"Im glad your still here"

Tags :
3 years ago

Echo fanfic and match up links


Echo Fanfic And Match Up Links
Echo Fanfic And Match Up Links
Hello!! I was wondering if you’re still doing match ups, could I possibly get one for the bad batch? I’m female, I have short, blonde hair
I match you with.... Echo
Hi I was wondering if I could do a ship request for The Bad Batch. I'm 15 almost 16, I'm also 5'3½. My eyes and hair are brown. I am quite p
I match you with.... Echo
Hi, I was wondering if I could get a Bad Batch Matchup? I am 19, female, standing at 5ft 1 with short and wavy brown hair in a bob, I’m pre
I really like your Bad Batch match ups! Would I be able to get one please? I’m 5’2 with an hourglass body type and I have short black hair
Clone wars
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a match-up with one of the clone boys ( either from clone wars or the bad batch) if that's okay? I'm 16 a
I match you with.... Echo
HI!!! Can I have a bad batch match up is that what it’s called? Anyways they are so cute and amazing and I would like to try it myself :)

Tags :
3 years ago

hello!! i love reading your bad batch matchups and was wondering if you could write me one!

i’m 5’7-5’8, with straight blonde hair(ends around my collarbone bones) and blue eyes. i have an athletic build from dancing. i have a pretty pale complexion.

as i said before i love to dance and during majority of the year i spend most days after school in my dance classes. i’m super passionate about dancing as it does take up most of my life. i would consider myself an introvert but love to hang out with my friends whether it be online or in person. i’m also a huge fan of the marvel cinematic universe, especially bucky barnes in particular. i am pretty private about my emotions, i don’t usually show them in front of people. for hobbies, i love to draw and paint, most recently i have painted the bad batch’s symbol on my converse.

I match you with... Echo

Hello!! I Love Reading Your Bad Batch Matchups And Was Wondering If You Could Write Me One!

Echo when he first sees you doesn't think he is even in the chance of talking with you. So when you come over and sit right beside him.

Echo nearly has to do a double take at you. And Omega comes over and introduced you to Echo and the rest of the batch.

Over time your relationship with Echo grows every time they stop planet side he visits with different gifts for you, from flowers to little trinkers and odds and ends.

Sometimes he watches you dance, he loves watching how your muscles move and bend as you dance. Sometimes he wishes he could dance with you. If he was the man he was before he would have taken your hand and offered to dance with you.

It's one of his favourite things is to watch you perform. He could watch you for hours on end.

He loves running his fingers thought your hair and playing with it. Something that feels so intimate for him.

He's half tempted to try and grow his hair back so that you can return the favour and play with his hair.

He loves paintings and drawing and if it's something you have made he would love it even more wanting to savour it and keep it safe.

Loves to see you with the bad batch insignia on your shoes and finds it quite adorable how much you have taken to the batch.

You and Echo are both curled up on your sofa watching movies for the night. You're sprawled out across his chest with hair fanning out all over the place. His inacted hand runs thought your hair and gently massages your scalp.

Echo hums happily as you both move onto the next holo in your holovid marathon. It's moments like this which makes him feel alive again. Just the peaceful times curled up watch holos with someone who means the galaxy to him.

"Echo what are you thinking about?" You ask quietly eyes flickering up to his. "Just how I'm the luckiest clone in the who known Galaxy cyare" he says proudly. You giggle lightly and place gentle kisses against his cheeks before pressing one to his lips. "Whatever you say sweet talker" you reply before zoning back into your holo. It's a favourite of yours something from another time but it's still a classic to you.

Echo gets interest peaks as he sees alot of himself in one of the characters of the holo. "Sunshine I have a falling you have a thing for men with metal arms, I don't have competition do I?" He ask which makes you blush.

"Echo! How could you say that, Bucky Barnes is the man of my dreams" you say which makes him laugh before he rolls you over to be pinned against the couch. "Is that so mesh'la well I might just have to try a little harder to keep your attention" he chuckles before kissing you. "Echo! We are missing the best part of the holo" you cry out.

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10 months ago

this photo without any context to literally anyone who’s not a Bad Batch fan

This Photo Without Any Context To Literally Anyone Whos Not A Bad Batch Fan

I can't believe that we are all thirsting over a single ear shot

I Can't Believe That We Are All Thirsting Over A Single Ear Shot

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