The Dragon Reborn - Tumblr Posts
god i'm rereading WoT (only got 4 books in on the first round, now on book 6) and honestly...this is a MOOD
When it comes to the show honestly I’m just excited that the masses will finally know what I mean when I tell someone “that’s an Aes Sedai answer”
I was rereading Wheel Of Time and one thing I love is that you don’t get Mat’s point of view until the third book. I mean the first two books you watch Mat say all the wrong things and be a complete idiot and you’re like “What is this guy doing?!”, and then you get to the Dragon Reborn and you’re like “Oh, that’s what goes on in his head” and you still think he’s an idiot, but now you experience the comedic genius that he is
okay, gonna use this during my Wheel of Time read through for my faves whenever i have one of these thoughts about: my sweet lil baby Matrim Cauthon, my #1 forsaken Moghedien, and our trauma king Rand al’Thor..... do we count Rand and Lews Therin as one for having the same body or do they each get their own for the dif levels of unhinged 🤔

Uh so I made a character bingo if anyone wants to try it (:

Wheel of Time book 3. Or, as I like to call it: Mattrim Cauthon's Funky Fresh Crime Spree

you ever think about how in The Dragon Reborn Perrin and Loial have to go fishing and they suck at it and then Moiraine shows up and flexes her fish catching skills and she is actually laughing out loud when she catches them and she is having such a good time and she's teasing the boys ??? bc i do
(click image for optimal quality ! )
+ bonus bc i couldn’t help myself