Elayne Trakand - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

After Elayne explains how Emond's field is part of her kingdom:

After Elayne Explains How Emond's Field Is Part Of Her Kingdom:

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My fishwives are fine they are just going through a rough patch right now it happens in a marriage. Or maybe it's just part of the manipulation to fool the rest of the Aei Sedi. MY FISHWIVES ARE NOT DIVORCED!!!😭😭😭😭😭 DO YOU HEAR ME THEY'RE JUST NOT!!!

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Can someone please make a Rand and Lanfear story where Lews Therin started manifesting early in the show like he did in the books but as an actual person that only he can see. Because I found it fascinating how he took over rands body in the books.

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I need to remind you all to CONSIDER what would have been if Nynaeve was the Dragon Reborn in the show since a female could have been a contender for it. Imagine both Lanfear and Moghedien fighting over her like feral cats

I believe it would make more sense if the Dragon reborn had been a girl, not only to have her wield Saidar because she's a woman but to also have her wield Saidin as well. Because if Lews Therin did resurface he wouldn't be able to help Egwene or Nynaeve because he doesn't see female weaves. So you should have either one of them wield both Saidar and Saidin which would make the dragon reborn extremely more powerful than what Rand would be. Somebody needs to make a story about this

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Thoughts on this piece of information about the forsaken in season 3

Thoughts On This Piece Of Information About The Forsaken In Season 3

I can't wait to see just how crazy Moghedien, Asmodean, and Graendal are gonna be in the show I just can't freaking wait. I live for unhinged characters.

Thoughts On This Piece Of Information About The Forsaken In Season 3

I don't know what a Cylon or Battlestar Galactic is but I'm sute that this just means we are gonna be looking at a background character and not even know they are a forsaken. I hope they don't use the alias that the forsaken used in the books because book readers know who that person is automatically. I hope they use names where it not only confuses non book readers but also book readers as well.

Tell which Forsaken can you not wait to see.

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Anyone else want to babygirl Moghedien so much after seeing the season 2 final because I just want to scoop her up and hold her. NYNAEVE GET YOUR GIRL SHE'S LITERALLY IN THE SAME CITY AS YOU!!! I also want to babygirl Liandrin as well.

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I just finished the last book on The Wheel of Time and reading about Graendal in battle I can really really not only see but FEEL show Lanfear's terror about the other Forsaken being loose outside because man was Graendal a beast. This shows how underestimated she is. Plus with Lanfear calling her a vain idiot show watchers who haven't read books probably take that to heart.

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I just realized the two rivers folk plus Moiraine and Lan don't know that all the forsaken are loose. I wonder how they are going to find out since Lanfear has been told to stay away (which she won't) she's probably going to drop some hints. We all know that Lanfear will find a way. Or they'll show off screen them all seeing the seals broken.

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If Nynaeve was the Dragon Reborn Moghedien would have served her faithfully as her most loyal follower. Gathering secrets from others to report back to Nynaeve, and sabotaging the other Forsaken's plots against Nynaeve. Lanfear would have some serious competition.

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1 year ago

watching the first episode of s2 and going ‘alright where’s the red head’ every two seconds (this could be about rand or elayne)

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1 year ago

It's interesting hearing people talk about the polycule in the books vs show, and the possibility that the show will go "full polyamory" or whatever. There's this implication that the book polycule would have been more accurate if Min had also been dating Elayne and Aviendha, so all four characters would have been romantically entwined together.

Obviously it's a fantasy series and the writers can do whatever they want, but irl most polyamorous people date individually in dyads, rather than 3+ person relationships. It's much more realistic that not all of Rand's partners are dating each other.

Triads, quads, and other group relationships are uncommon in polyamory because they're notably more difficult than dyadic relationships. Lots of newbies experiment with them because of the stereotype that it's how polyamory works.

Anyway, this is all to say that I think the relationships in the show will work best if Rand is dating all three women, Elayne and Aviendha date each other, and Min only dates Rand. Developing romantic relationships between Min & Aviendha and Min & Elayne would take more time than the show has, and it's not necessary for the polycule to work.

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7 months ago
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset
Daughter-Hair Appreciation Gifset

Daughter-Hair appreciation gifset

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