The Gay Agenda: - Tumblr Posts

hua cheng's patience: infinite
hua cheng's impulse control: zero
Anyone else ever felt like you want to be gayer?
Like, I'm already gay. But could there be more? More gay? Is there a way to become some kind of super gay? How do I advance to the next level of gay?
The Non-Binary Agenda:
Heart of Gold
Mind of c h ao s
HAnd s . . . . Of Bees!
Omfg I just bought this book

And I feel so smug and gay reading it in public like "yes I'm reading up on my GAY AGENDA"
really good book so far, would recommend
How is asking a question forcing an agenda? Respectfully, the crowd you cheer for are the people that claim a boy in a dress is an agenda in itself. Feminine boys and masculine girls exist— but being trans isn't the same
If you took a moment to learn, rather than opting to just complain, you'd know that.
Egg posting is a fun joke; but, sometimes a question like that is what someone needs to actually consider new options.
Moreover the trans label and flag is an umbrella that includes gender non-conformity and non-binary identities. A tomboy or a feminine guy can be considered examples of non-conformity.
"The agenda" you despise celebrates our freedom to do as we wish, rather than, exclusively conforming to arbitrarily decided categories.
Please stop using children as a defence for your own lack of understanding.

Anybody else get serious egg vibes from this kid?