The Last Of Us Ellie - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

This is soooo good.

╰───► MORAL CONSCIENCE- e. williams smau.

 MORAL CONSCIENCE- E. Williams Smau.

Pairing — streamer! ellie x youtuber!black fem!reader x rockstar! dina

Synopsis — dina and y/n are exes that found out they were better off as friends, ellie had been interested in you since highschool but couldn’t act on it bc of your relationship with dina. after a drunken night with hazy memories of ellie’s body on top of yours, budding feelings bloom and hell breaks loose.

 MORAL CONSCIENCE- E. Williams Smau.


「uno」 ⇢ blue

「dos」 ⇢ i wish you roses

「tres」 ⇢ love between

「cuatro」 ⇢ hasta cuando

「cinco」 ⇢ moonlight

「seis」 ⇢ endlessly

「siete」 ⇢ deserve me

「ocho」 ⇢ not too late

「nueve」 ⇢ como te quiero yo

「diez」 ⇢ all mine

 MORAL CONSCIENCE- E. Williams Smau.


a/n- @totheblood, @phantombriide, and my fren @brackishkittie all inspired this smau !! so creds to them 🫶🏾 i was struggling so hard to get social maker it was crazy!!! but i hope y’all will enjoy this fic and i can’t wait for y’all to experience all the angst 🫶🏾💋

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7 months ago
Do U Understand That Ellie Is Grown And Not Real? Idk Its Like Not That Serious. Yall Are Way To Attached

do u understand that ellie is grown and not real? idk its like not that serious. yall are way to attached to fictional hoes

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2 years ago

Pacifying The Blame

   A/N- Hey guys! I have a publishing schedule and I shared it with you yesterday. Of course there may be setbacks so I apologize in advance but now enjoy the story because in my opinion this fic turned out good. Send me some feedback If you liked it though <3 

Request from- Anonymous

   Summary- Ellie blames reader for hiding the fact that she saved her from getting studied by the fireflies and they breakup but later, Ellie realizes how much she fucked up when she sees Reader at a party with another girl.

   Warnings-  Smut, angst, Ellie is angry with Reader ( I’m a sucker for angry Ellie btw that girl can do everything to me :)  )

     You woke up with a loud banging on your door. You sighed deeply as you got up. When you shuffled to open the outer door of the house, you questioned why Joel was in your small house at this hour. But before you could even open your mouth, Joel pushed you inside and thoroughly searched the already small house. You closed the outer door and folded your arms across your chest, watching what he was doing. You couldn't see much because you were sleepy and your eyes were half closed, and it was a bit like you were dreaming.     Fortunately, Joel finished his inspection of the house and stood before you. “Where is she, Y/N?” he said in a single move without hesitation. It was obvious that he was running fast on the way here. He was obviously talking about Ellie, but Ellie was here. Your eyes suddenly opened and you looked at the side of the bed, but you still couldn't believe it and wanted to look at the place where the bathroom was, but she wasn't there either. Ellie was nowhere in the house.     Turning hastily towards Joel, you met his usual scowl. That's when you started to panic.

  “ I-I- I don't understand. She was with me last night. We drank and laughed and we-we. Holy shit! ” Actually, Ellie hadn't had anything to drink. She was sober all night. Ellie put you to sleep. No matter how much you wanted to avert your eyes from Joel, you couldn't succeed. He came up to you and held you by both shoulders and asked you to look at him in the eyes and tell the truth. “ Y/N, you're her girlfriend I'm pretty sure you know what happened. So please tell me and we can find her.” You asked Joel to speak more clearly. “ Guards saw her running of. Without saying anything. Do you know where she went? “ With no idea, you slipped out of Joel's arms and looked around. She should have left a note. She couldn't have just left in the middle of the night. She wouldn't do such a thing to Joel, and especially to you, whom she cares so much about.

  But there was something that Joel and you had not noticed before. There was a note hanging on the cork board right behind her bed, and it was a miracle you had even seen it, for it was a small torn and handwritten note so that it could not be found. What was Ellie supposed to do that was so important? You almost ran to the clipboard and quickly ripped the note out.

  ‘ Don't worry about me but now I want some answers. I know you will come to see me, you know where i will be Y/N ‘

 You wanted not to show Joel this note that you read with trembling hands. You thought it was all over. You thought that now a normal life, a decent life awaits you. Ellie wasn't going to stop because she knew you were lying. You really wished this was a dream. You wished that everything, everything she would do, would end. When you opened and closed your eyes, you were faced with the same view again. Tears streamed from your eyes. You walked slowly to Joel and  reluctantly handed Joel the note you were holding with trembling fingers.

  You knew he had read it when he began to scowl and raise his eyebrows.   There was dead silence in the room. Joel crumpled the note in his hand and threw it on the floor, turned and quickly left the house. You ran after him and grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you. “I'll come with you. “ He took his wrist from your hand and kept walking. He couldn't walk away without you. You two started it and you two were going to finish it. “Joel! Please wait up! “ He stopped but did not turn to you, his face still facing forward. You stepped in front of him and grabbed his chin with your fingers, making him look at you. "You can't just do this by yourself, Joel" was insisting on not looking at you, and you held his chin tighter so he was looking at you " let me help you. “He pulled his head out of your hands and shook his head no. He quickly walked away from there without looking back, and you couldn't just do anything and watched him disappear.

 You wanted to go after him and be by his side. You wanted to say you saved Ellie to her face but have no regrets, but your feet couldn't even move from where you were. Your tears were flowing like floods. Of course, your conscience was never clear because of the lie you told your girlfriend, but that's what you had to do.

  In order not to just stand there and do something silly, you went back to the house you shared with Ellie and after you went in and closed the door, you went to the side of her bed and laid there sniffing her pillow. You had no choice but to wait.

   “ Y/N, you there? “ You opened your eyes at the sound of the radio and quickly got up from your bed. You picked up the radio and answered the leader. “Yeah, what's up? Are they here? “ Yes,” the woman said, taking a deep breath. Before she could answer, you turned off the radio and rushed out. You didn't expect to see Ellie in front of you. You held your breath and looked into her eyes. You tried to tell something with your eyes so that she would shout at you. You wanted her to hit you, just wanted her to tell you at least something. You did not say anything. You couldn't. Ellie glanced at you for a moment, then slammed her shoulder into you and slammed the door behind her.” Here we go Y/N” you said to yourself. Your instincts were telling you this would be very difficult, but you didn't listen to any of them. You owed her an explanation.

 You walked into the house and saw her sitting there, on the corner of the bed, shaking her leg in anger. It was something you wanted so much at that moment to stop her and hug , but you did not dare and started to tell everything directly.

  “ I-I mean ‘we’ didn't want to lose you. I loved you since the day I met you, Ellie. I couldn't do it. Joel was in the same way with me so I didn't force him to but I swear I have nothing to do with Marl- " She looked up to you so fatally that you had to interrupt yourself. The girl stood up and stared nervously into your eyes, right in front of you. You didn't know where to put your hands at that moment, you wanted to go backwards, but she was staring at you so deathly that you seemed nailed in place. You couldn't move. “We. are. done. Y/N,” she said, emphasizing every word. You heard the sound of your heart cracking and breaking. You were dizzy. You moved towards her, but she backed off and made a stop sign with her hand. “ Don't you dare see me again. I said we are done. Now go! “ You left the house without even looking at her face because she was so angry and not to go too far, and only one person you knew, who would understand you at that moment, came to your mind. Maria. 

  It was normal for you to still feel very tired and unhappy even after a few days, because all the days without Ellie had made you exhausted. She was your everything and the last thing you wanted to suddenly lose her like that. You haven't seen his face since the day she kicked you out of her house, you only saw her back, and even if she saw you, she would walk away without even looking at you. It was obvious that you were bored with this situation, and she couldn't be said to be very happy either.

  You shared everything with each other. You always supported each other no matter what, but of course, she was very upset that she was lied to by her girlfriend and that a vaccine that could save all humanity could not be made because she was saved. She was right until the end, yelling and pushing and shoving you, but it was also meaningful that you loved her more than anyone else in the whole world, and it hurt so much to see her on that operating table at that moment, that you forcibly suppressed the urge to pull those cables attached to her and yell. You probably wouldn't have been able to deal with those doctors and soldiers if Joel wasn't around.

 Neither of you knew it would come to this. Ellie said she believed in you, but the thoughts she was holding inside were starting to choke her, and she found herself on her way to the hospital in the middle of the night.

   You could no longer cope with your thoughts, and your desire to tell your troubles to someone was increasing. Although you talked to Maria the same things over and over, she had a lot.. That's why you couldn't bother her very often. One day, after returning from patrol, while you were sprawling in Maria's seat, Tommy came over to you and told you to get out and wander for a bit. He heard from Maria that there were some newcomers to Jackson and he wanted to introduce you to them. Tommy told them about you, and one of their girl eagerly agreed and asked you to come to the party that was going to be at a bar in Jackson. Tommy said the girl's name was Enid, but you weren't too keen on the idea of ​​going out. All you wanted to do was lie down and shut yourself up in your thoughts, no matter how much they were suffocating now.

 “ No, Tommy I don't wanna go out right now. Actually I am not gonna go out for my whole life because I can't even look at girlfriend's- I mean my EX girlfriend's eyes and she doesn't even look at me because she hates me so no. I won't. ' you said with one breath.  Tommy laughed softly at your statement  and pulled you from your arms and sat next to you. “ I know this is hard for you girl but you can't give up on her, not yet. You love her and I bet she still loves you. So stop being like a stubborn little girl and go get your girlfriend. “ “ How though? Like I said she doesn't even- oh.Yeah. Okay now I've got an idea. “ You chuckled and before you stood up, thanked him for the chance to meet Enid, you leaned in and gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek. The man was surprised and looked at you as if he didn't understand anything. He squinted his eyes and watched you leave his side and leave the small but modern living room. “Damn. This girl really does love Ellie. “

  You wore a beautiful red dress that you've never worn before and that you got from the common attire the day before. You couldn't imagine how Ellie would look at you when she saw this on you. Maybe being the center of attention wouldn't be so good because you always dressed like yourself and today you're a player who wants to get your girlfriend back. You thought it would work, because both that outfit and talking to that girl Enid would drive her crazy. Of course, there was also the possibility that she might not come to the bar, but at that moment, you didn't care much about it, you put on your old jacket in case the weather gets cold and  smiling at the possibility of leaving this house and making peace with Ellie, and you went to the bar where you would meet with Enid.

   Along the way, you stumbled several times over what to talk to Enid and how Ellie would react if she saw you. There wasn’t a sign of her on the streets. Just before you walked into the bar, you took a deep breath and prayed that things would work out. Since you didn't know what kind of girl Enid is, you took a glance inside and looked from a distance before you checked all the girls who were close to your age, and when you turned your head to the left, you saw Tommy waving at you and making a come sign. You smiled and took your steps towards them. When you looked at the girl sitting next to Tommy and thought that she was a very beautiful girl but that she would never be able to take Ellie's place, it made you even more sad, but it was easier for you to shake it off because she held out her hand for you to shake her hand at that time and introduced herself. " Hi! “ she said affectionately. “ I'm Enid but you already know that and I'm guessing you're Y/N, right? “ Even though the girl had only just arrived here a few days ago, she seemed to have adjusted well. You nodded as you sat next to her and started talking.

   You got along with the girl better than you thought and you didn't even realize how time flew. Enid was such a witty girl and it was good for you since you had  been wandering around like a spirit and you were pretty sure everyone who saw you declared you the walking dead. But you didn't mind.

 While you continued your talk with Enid  and telling each other your funny moments, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and saw that it belonged to Enid. It was natural. Laughing people could be out of control and do things like that, but the prospect of Ellie seeing you made you shudder. You looked left and right to see if she was indeed here. And yes she was there. She was leaning against a table with a glass in her hand, trying not to look at you, but it was obvious that she was.

  Your gaze lingered on her for a moment, then ended when she turned her head the other way. As much as you wanted to go back to your conversation with Enid and laugh like you had for the last half hour, you couldn't. You never expected this to happen. Again.

 Enid realized there was something wrong, and again she put her hand on your arm and bent over you. “ Is something wrong? You look upset. “ You shook your head no and smiled for her to continue. Enid seemed very happy with her life at that moment and was trying to make you a partner in her happiness. You made a mental note to say thank you for her effort afterward and asked permission to go to get a drink.

   After asking the bartender for a drink, you sat in the bar chair until your drink was ready, put your head down and rested a bit. Of course, you didn't think that Ellie would come to you because since you knew her, she had been very stubborn but open to any apology. It made you very unhappy that you saw Ellie looking at you like that and didn't greet you or come and hug you. What did you expect? That you're going to do these things after all that's happened? But nothing was impossible. You lifted your head when you heard  noises coming from your side as your mouth formed an O shape. “Ellie…” She didn't even look at you. She just sat. You didn't even know when the drink was put in front of you.  You looked at her just like that. You were speechless again, although you had a lot to say to her, but you forgot all of them with the excitement of that moment.

  You didn't hesitate to look at her as if you were seeing her for the first time. It was the first time you had seen her this close in a long time. Her appearance had hardened, her childlike self almost gone. “ You're gonna keep lookin' or say something? “ Again, you just sat there without saying anything. This gravitational force between you was eating away at you. “ Well how about we go somewhere more private? Somewhere that your 'new' girlfriend can't finds us, " You wanted to tell her that Enid wasn't your new girlfriend, but at that moment you were scorched by the thought of being alone with her.

  She got off the chair and held out her hand. At that moment, you oscillated between holding it or not. What would you say to Enid? You'd have to tell her later why you left her. That didn't matter to you either. With trembling hands, you grabbed Ellie's hand with sweaty hands and let her tug at you. You didn't speak at all until you left the bar and went home.

 After opening the door of the house, she pushed you inside and quickly closed the door and then locked it. She walked towards you with the stature of a cheetah approaching its prey. You just waited because you deserved everything she'd do to you, everything she'd say to you. “ So this girlfriend of yours, she good? “ You shook your head no. Ellie was pleased, folded her hands behind her back and bent down, looking into your eyes. “ Your words, little one. Use 'em for me. “ “ No Ellie. She's not as good as you. “

 “Can she do that to you?” She suddenly put her hand on your lower side and pressed it. Because that was too much, you squirmed and pushed your hip against her hand. Against this, she pulled her hand away and threw you onto the bed. She climbed on top of you, pulled the dress from under you, and then your panties to the side and rubbed her middle finger into your hole.

 “ No one can satisfy you like me, babe. Seeing you with that girl made me so angry, I admit. But you know that you made me angry too, right? “ You shook your head and almost moaned for her to continue. She didn't withdraw his hand, but instead slowly inserted a finger into your hole and left it there until she painfully finished speaking. “ I didn't expect that to come from you, you know. I thought you're telling the truth because you were my girlfriend. “At once she withdrew her finger and put the second finger in the hole. She stuck them both in and did it slowly back and forth. “I'm sorry Ellie. “ Your throat was dry and you had to say something, and you finally did. She leaned down to your lips and finally pressed her lips to yours. “I know baby. I know. “ 

  Both getting offended and reconciling with Ellie were a separate problem, because your resentment had been an event, but your return was magnificent. That evening, Ellie took you to peaks you've never been before and took you on a journey through different dream worlds. You would have longed a lot for the honor of reuniting after a long time. She let you show her affection and apologized to her over and over again, and she accepted your apology, whispered words of love each time her lips was pressed against your lips.

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