multifandomgurl - Lilywrites

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Multifandomgurl - Lilywrites - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

In order not to just be an Ellie x Reader account, I want to compress requests for characters in other games too. Don't worry though. I have your requests in mind and I have notted them all separately. Just be patient because you can be sure it will be worth it 😆💜 Thank you all in advance 💚

2 years ago

Oh my god I beg you to write about Chris redfield and the reader being on the same team and him being so touch starved, he slowly loses control every passing day. Idk if it makes sense but the idea of the Dom undertone with him leading his team got me frothing

I had this idea for a while now and I was waiting for this, honestly. Thank you so much for your request 💜🤤

Tags :
2 years ago


Give Me Your Hand

Give Me Your Hand

Pairing: Karl Heisenberg X GN Reader

Genre: Hurt/Comfort

Rating: Mature

Warning: Mentions of disabilities, dismemberment, and death. Please do not interact if this will affect you.

If you know who the artist of the image is, please tag them! I couldn’t find them.

@batsgetscensored THIS ONES FOR YOU

“C’mere, give me your hand”

Ethan turned around to see the old engineer, Karl Heisenberg, sitting down at his work bench. A metal chair quickly slid it’s way over on the other side of it.

“Take a seat,” Karl said with a slight nod of his head, “this won’t take long.”

Ethan silently walked across the room over to the work bench and sat down. He offered up his left hand to Karl, the one that was bitten off by a lycan. Karl was gracious enough to help Ethan out by cleaning and stitching up the wound after he agreed to help him destroy Miranda. Karl wanted to make sure that Ethan would be ready to take her on, and that meant quickly putting together a tool for him.

Karl pulled out a small wrist band with two digits representing fingers to replace the ones Ethan had lost in his fight with the lycans. It was a homemade prosthetic, but with Karl’s expertise and engineering, it was also functional and would hopefully move with Ethans hand.

Ethan was intently looking at the object in the old man’s hand. It looked a little worn already. Not so much that it wasn’t functional, but it made him wonder…

“With all of the time you’ve spent plotting and building this army of yours, when did you ever find the time to make that? I never took you as someone who would make prosthetics in their spare time.”

“Honestly, I haven’t had the chance in the past 20 years.” Karl said, while taking Ethan’s hand into his and putting the prosthetic fingers up to broken hand, making sure they would fit properly.

“I made this a long time ago, before I really started making my plan for revenge.”

“Why’s that?” Ethan asked, genuinely interested in who it might have previously belonged to.

Karl took his cigar out of his mouth, blowing out a puff of smoke. He was really contemplating on whether or not he wanted to discuss this right now.

There was a good chance they might die in this fight though. So why the hell not?

Karl leaned the cigar on the ash tray next to him and grabbed the screw driver from his tool box. He took the prosthetic away from Ethan’s hand and began tinkering away.

All while reminiscing.


You see, way before the events that brought Ethan Winters to the Village of Shadows, the Village itself was a quiet and functional little place. Nothing like the destruction and horror Ethan had walked into.

People roamed the streets and back alleyways long before the lycans descended upon the village. Neighbors were generally kind to each other and were willing to help newcomers when they were in need. That was long before Mother Miranda and the Black God began their reign of terror on the unsuspecting village — before it became known as the Village of Shadows.

After Mother Miranda brought Karl to the Village, she gifted him the factory. It was previously used for weapons manufacturing, but he could use it for whatever research she requested of him.

Heisenberg had a few people from the village come to help him get the place up and running again. Many of whom did not care to stay. Except for one.

Y/N had always been the odd one out in the village. Being born with mobility issues did not make it easy in a village with sloping hills and creaking bridges that swayed back and forth with each step. Not to mention the obscene amounts of snow. So when the offer came to work in a factory that, for the most part, had flat surfaces to walk on. They were all for it.

When Karl first noticed their issue with walking, it came as a surprise to him. Thinking back on it, he never once saw them standing up until this moment, so he had no idea that they had a hard time getting around.

“Alright Y/N, I can’t have you here in the factory.” He said, stopping them before entering the door way into the main ‘production’ area.

“And why not?” Y/N asked, exasperated.

“Because you’re going to fall and fuck something up.” He said while gesturing up and down trying to convince them.

“Am not!” Y/N yelled, crossing their arms and leaning on the desk.

“Are too!”

“Am NOT!” Y/N yelled louder at the old man. “Look, I can be useful, I swear.” Y/N said a bit more composed.

Karl took his gloved hand, and massaged the bridge of his nose in defeat.

‘This bitch is going to be harder for me to get rid of than I thought.’

“What did you have in mind?”

Y/N looked around the room pensively. There had to be something they could do around here.



“Okay, I can’t think of anything, but there’s got to be something you could have me do. I’m not as useless as everyone else makes me out to seem.” Standing up and limping their way over to him. “At the very least, I could cook some food and keep you company.”

“You really just don’t want to leave, do you?”

“Do you know what it’s like to be looked at as a freak by the people you’re forced to be surrounded by every god damn day? I can hardly even get out of my own house without these people staring, like they’ve never seen me before.”

Karl knew exactly how they felt. Ever since the experimentation that was done to him and Miranda making him a lord of the village. He felt the same way. Maybe he might be able to find something useful to do, even if it was keeping them around just to have someone else to talk to. Someone else that understands what it’s like to be seen as something other than just human.

“Alright, fine. But you’re going to need to stay close to me. I don’t want you falling and getting hurt in this place.” Karl said while holding out his hand to Y/N. “Deal?”

Y/N’s sad look changed in a millisecond to a beaming smile as they reached out and grabbed Karl’s hand.



“So, what happened after that?” Ethan asked, back in the chair with his arms crossed, watching Karl still tinkering away at the prosthetic.

“After a while of living here in the factory with me, they had decided that they were staying here for good and not leaving. Which was fine by me, I enjoyed their company. So I started trying to find ways to make things a bit easier for them, hoping that maybe living here with me wouldn’t be as much of a physically torturous experience as they had experienced out in the village.”

Karl looked over the prosthetic one more time, making sure that he didn’t need making any more adjustments before putting it on Ethans hand.

“The first thing I tried to help Y/N with was getting around this place. Even though Y/N preferred to walk, I didn’t feel like it was the safest idea for them. So, I would pick them up in a chair and carry it around with me. Y/N would always yell ‘put me down!’, but it was either that or having them fall. I wasn’t just going to let that happen.”

Karl had gestured towards Ethan to give him his broken hand back, and started placing the artificial digits where Ethans fingers used to be.

“Y/N had gotten so tired of it that one day that they asked me to make a cane for them. Which was fine by me, but most of the stuff I have around here is metal. So I had to find a special type that I couldn’t accidentally pull away from them while they were using it.”

“Special type of metal? Like the one you used for the tank?”


Karl put the wrist band around Ethan’s arm and started tightening it enough so that it would stay in place and wouldn’t restrict any movement.

“So how did they come about needing this then?”

Karl chuckled, reminiscing on the incident that lead to it.

“Similar to you, they lost a fight with one of the lycans. Y/N was trying to bring in a bag of food they had gotten from The Duke, and was almost into the entrance of the facility, but one of those damn things ran up to Y/N, trying to take it. Y/N did put up a nasty fight though. I could hear them over the coms outside the facility. The lycan took the chunk out of their hand right before they were able to pull out the gun and kill it.”

Karl shook his head, picked up his cigar, and took a long drag. A slight smile creeped over his face.

“After the whole situation, they came in here panicking and crying. Absolutely thought they were going to die right then and there. As I did for you, I took them into the factory, cleaned and sewed their wound shut, and began making the prosthetic for them as well. Which I’m done with now, by the way.”

Ethan brought his hand back, and studied it. It wasn’t as malleable as modern day prosthetics are. This one was a bit clunky to work with, but considering the circumstances, it was better than nothing.

“They must have been pretty happy to have had this thing, then.” Ethan said, “I’m honored to be able to use it.”

Karl looked at him with a grin on his face.

“You should be. Y/N would absolutely kill me if they knew someone else was using that thing.” He said, pointing down at the prosthetic.

But now Ethan wondered. ‘If Heisenberg is still here, then what happened to Y/N?’

And almost as if sensing the question that was lingering in Ethans mind, Karl pulled out a small locket from his coat pocket. He opened it up and inside was a small picture of Y/N. Karl’s expression and demeanor changed with this. He handed the locket over to Ethan to see. Ethan could see how young Y/N was. They still had that beaming smile on their face that Karl had described earlier. What happened?

“As Y/N got older, their mobility became increasingly worse. They couldn’t use the cane any more and could hardly even stand up without falling. We tried out every single option we could with what we had. But with the loss of their mobility, they also started to become weaker - much weaker.”

Karl leaned back in his chair, looking away from Ethan, and took another long drag of the cigar before continuing.

“Y/N had known about the cadou and all of the experiments Mother Miranda had already done. They begged me to take them to her, much to my disdain. I knew that the experimentation would have a high chance of killing them, especially with the loss of their functions and the weakness. But they still held out hope, even to the last second.”

‘Shit,’ Ethan thought.

“Miranda, being the bitch that she is, just considered Y/N another failed experiment. But my heart felt like it was ripped out of my chest that day, and I lost the one person in my life who actually understood me and even enjoyed being around me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Ethan said, putting his hand on Karls arm, “I can imagine what it’s like to lose someone like that.”

Karl looked back towards the young man, not used to someone trying to show him comfort any more, let alone apologize to him for something that wasn’t even his fault. Maybe this partnership would work out better than he hoped.

“Thanks for that. After they died, I couldn’t bear to bring them back to the factory. I wasn’t going to make them into one of my soldats. They were too important to be just that. So I gave them a burial, next to my parents’ grave.”

Ethan took in the view of the old man, seeing him for all that he really was in that moment: Broken.

“You did the best you could to help them when they needed it most and were able to give them something that they probably wouldn’t have gotten living in the village alone. Someone to actually care and understand them, and a burial place where they get to finally rest from all of the pain they suffered.”

Tears started to well up in Karls eyes now. He had tried to push the pain of missing Y/N away for so long, but hearing that he tried his best, and that they finally were getting the rest they needed. Well, it just brought it all back up again, like it was the first day it happened.

“I know you miss them a lot. Considering Miranda had a play in their end, I can understand now why getting this revenge makes it that much more personal to you.”

Ethan closed the locket, and handed it back to Heisenberg.

“I’m on your side Heisenberg.” Ethan said as he pulled out his gun and cocked it back.

A look of astonishment on the old man’s face.

“Now lets go end this bitch.”

2 years ago

Professor Redfield oneshot # 2

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗMinors gtfo, this isn't for youᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

You sat in the front row of Professor Redfields class. Sporting a short sundress now that the weather started to warm up. You loved teasing the older man in public. How he tries to keep his serious facade as he becomes a blushing mess. 

Chin resting on your hand, tapping your pen against your lips as you try to focus on the subject at hand. Your eyes raked up the sturdy build of your boyfriend, as he stood at the front of the auditorium behind the podium. He could feel you just staring at him and not the information on the board. 

You leaned back into your seat, arms crossing over your chest, pushing your breasts up just a bit as you continued to tap the pen against your lips. As Chris scanned the class, eyes lingering on you, with a mischievous smirk you spread your legs slowly. Your boyfriend knew you were trying to get a reaction from him. He looked down at his notes for a second before returning his eyes towards you. 

He took in a sharp inhale before it got stuck in his throat, causing him to cough. He wiped his face slowly trying to slow his racing heart, knowing damn well his blood was rushing to his cheeks as well as another spot. You crossed your legs still smirking at the blushing man. "Are you okay Professor Redfield?", you asked with a slight tone of concern. 

The man nodded as he coughed up the choked up feeling in his throat. You rubbed your thighs together to soothe the ache that was building in your heat. He cleared his throat one more time before continuing along. You could tell he was trying not to look at you, seeing him shift his weight, tugging at the collar of his button down. 

He turned his back at the class continuing the lecture by adding more to the white board and pointing to certain spots. He turned back to take a sip from his bottled water on the podium, he looked at you over the container. And once again with a smirk on your face you uncrossed your legs and spread them open. However this time you had your hands under the desk, hiking up your dress more before spreading your dripping lips. 

Chris began to choke on his water. Bent over behind the podium as he coughed up the water in his lungs. There were a couple of whispers. Once he called his breathing, he held his head in his hands. "Class is dismissed, I am not feeling too well," he announced as his cheeks burned against his sweaty hands. Everyone, too excited to leave class early, didn't think twice about the professor's actions. 

You being the last student about to leave the room, a warm hand grabbed your wrist pulling you back. Chris quickly looked out into the hallway checking both sides before shutting the door and locking it. You tried your best to hold in your laugh. "Is something wrong, Professor?" Emphasizing on the title. He turned towards you. Brows knitted, cock struggling against the confinements of his slacks, lungs heaving. He began to take steps towards you. "Uh Chris?", you called out with a sweet smile as you stepped back. Soon enough you were backed up into one of the tables, "Baby?"

He shoved his knee between your legs, nudging them open, pressing against your weeping slit. "Think it's funny? Walking around with no panties on like a little slut?" He growls as he begins to rub his thigh against your cunt. Hand firmly wrapped around the front of your neck. You let a whimper out as you grind against him. "Need to be fucked that badly?" He asks as he nips at your ear.

You nod your head,"Please", you whine picking up your pace as he flexes his thigh. He gives your neck a couple of squeezes on the sides of your neck, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, "s-shit". He watches you with lidded eyes "cum for me", he whispers barely touching your lips. You squeeze your eyes shut as your jaw goes slack, clit throbbing, as your juices soak his pant leg. 

Bouncing his leg as you ride out your high, pulling on his collar, pressing your lips to his. Moaning into the kiss as he lifts you up onto the table, kneading the fat of your ass. He pulled away, as you reached down for his button and zipper, hands in a frenzy. His erection sprung out, slapping against his abs. Tip already weeping, with your pointer finger you rubbed it into the smooth head, forming a ring with your thumb, stroking the crown of his cock.

Letting out a shaky breath, as you look up at him with big doe eyes. You release your hold, and laid back onto the table. Spreading your legs, rubbing a finger down your folds before spreading them, "Please sir". You saw his adam's apple bob, before he fisted his cock slapping it against your clit, biting you lip with another whimper. 

He slowly sheathed himself deep into your heat. Pulling a long moan from you. Your walls fluttered around his length as he stilled there, pressed up against your cervix. You let out a sob as he stilled your hips from moving. He gave one long slow thrust before setting a steady pace. His eyes fixed on your breasts as they bounced from his hips slapping into you. You arched you back trying to get him to continue his abuse on your cervix. He reached out, grabbing the front of your dress and pulled it down under your breasts. 

You moaned as the fabric rubbed against your erect buds. His pupils blew wide, even more fixated on your soft mounds. "F-fuck, no bra to?", he asked as you clenched around him. "Shit", he hissed against clenched teeth, tilting your pelvis just enough to hit your sweet soft spot as his thrusts became more frantic and erratic. 

You felt the pressure inside you build faster than ever before. You reach out and put a hand for him as you tilt your head back against the table. "I got you", he said as he grabbed your hand interlocking his fingers with yours. "Come on, cum all over my cock", he commanded, pushing you over the edge as the pressure in you snapped. Shockwaves gripping your body, convulsing around girth, as the soft hair on his abdomen brushed against your bundle of nerves. Wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper.

"S-shit shit!" He groaned before sucking in a sharp breath with one last powerful thrust. Hips stuttering as he spilled himself into you. Feeling his warmth fill you to the brim. With your free hand, you pressed it to your abdomen, feeling him twitch inside you. As Chris came down, he slumped forward pressing his lips to your forehead before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 

2 years ago

I want a Daddy Chris in my life 🥵

Professor Redfield Oneshots

(I'm gonna make couple oneshots to this au, for some reason I wanted to make a beginning to this)

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗMinors gtfo, this isn't for youᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

You always notice as you walk past a certain professor, giving him a warming smile and a sweet 'hello', his serious demeanor breaks as his cheeks turn a light shade of pink before you pass him. You also notice how his eyes trail after you once your back is turned to him, but you would never tell him, just yet. 

You always knew professor Redfield was a very attractive man, but it didn't really dawn onto you that you would act upon your attraction to him until one night. When you were walking home from the library on campus, you were approached by a couple of men. You've never seen them before on campus. As you kept trying to dodge their advances and noticing their patiences running thin, one of them grabbed hold of your arm. 

In a fight or flight moment, you were about to punch the man's teeth in, you heard someone yell behind you. The other man approached the person coming towards you all. Next thing you knew, one of the guys was on the ground holding his face, while his buddy tried helping him up. Both running away with their tails between their legs. 

"Are you okay professor Redfield?" You asked with a worried look. He nodded as he wiped his knuckles with his other hand. "I've dealt with worse, this is nothing". Your eyes lingering on his beefy arms, "I believe that", you said with a smile. "Here let me treat your wound. My place is just on the other side of the building". He looked at you unsure, not wanting people to get the wrong idea. 

"Plus I'd rather not walk the rest of the way alone" you said, casting your eyes to the ground, holding your hands down in front of you just to push your breasts together just a bit. Thankfully the hood you were wearing was zipped up just enough to show your cleavage. Pretending like you didn't notice your professor's eyes peaked at your soft mounds then quickly looked back at your face. A small pout on your lips. 

"Okay", he said as he scratched the back of his head. You flashed him a smile before grabbing one his arm, slotting it between your cleavage and guiding him to your apartment. You gave him an innocent smile as you looked up at him. His cheeks dusted with pink as he kept his eyes forward. Taking small glances every now and then at his arm pressed against your soft breasts. 

Once you two got into your apartment, you directed the man to take a seat in the living room while you went to get the first aid kit. You found him sitting on the couch looking around at the random pieces decorated throughout the room. "Here we go", you announced taking a seat next to him. Brushing your bare legs against him. You grabbed his hand, placing it on your thigh as you began to start cleaning the wound. 

"How did you learn to fight so well Professor Redfield?" A small hint of teasing in your voice. "Chris", he blurted out. You looked up at him, staring into his dark grey eyes. "You can call me Chris outside of class", he looked away feeling his cheeks warm up again. "I box in my free time". You let out a small giggle, "makes sense since you're so ripped."

You repositioned his hand higher on your thigh. He cleared his throat, trying to look anywhere but your eyes. "Does it hurt?" You asked barely above a whisper. "Mm-mm" he responded, shaking his head. "Are you positive sir?" You leaned in a little bit closer to him. The name made his fingers twitch against your warm thigh. Smiling to yourself you got off the couch, his eyes following you. 

You stood before him before climbing into his lap, straddling him. Breath caught in his throat, "miss y/l/n". You placed a finger on his lips, "It's y/n" you purred. Your hands roaming down his chest, playing with the edge of his shirt. "I've seen you stare at me sir" you whispered into his ear, pressing your breasts against his chest, slightly grinding forward on his lap. "Wrapping your arms around his neck, barely brushing your soft lips against his ear, sending a shiver up his spine. "S-shit" he groaned softly.

"Please sir", you begged, leaning back and grabbing his hands, bringing them to your chest, guiding him to squeeze at your tits. You let out a breathy moan as he started to squeeze and pinch your aching buds. You tilted your head back with a Shattered breath. "Such a little slut aren't you?" He growled slowly. A smirk grew on your face, "your little slut sir", you responded, peering open your eyes to look at him. See the hunger in his gaze. 

Within a blink of an eye he flipped you over onto the couch, pinning you down as he hovered above you. He brought his head down to yours, grazing his teeth on your neck right over your pulse, sinking his teeth down just a bit, you hissed at the small amount of pain. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, kid", he said before leaving a trail of wet kisses up your neck to the side of your mouth. 

2 years ago

Anon 4, here's your request!!! I hope you like this one because in my opinion the smut part actually turned out good :)

The Unusual
   A/N- In my opinion, this was the best smut I’ve ever written and I hope you like it too :) We are such a simp for Ellie Williams ya’ll :)

bro bartender!ellie au where reader is a regular and ellie thinks they’re attractive and eventually ends in smut? 😋

You guys have literally the best ideas ever and I'm loving every single of them 🤩 Thank you for your request!!!

Tags :
2 years ago

The Unusual

   A/N- In my opinion, this was the best smut I’ve ever written and I hope you like it too :) We are such a simp for Ellie Williams ya’ll :)  You also can send me requests, don’t be shy <3 I’m sorry If there are any grammar mistakes, I’ll try to come back and correct them.

   Warnings- SMUT, Modern!Ellie, drink of alcohol, fingering, dirty talking.

   Request from- Anonymous

   Summary- After their meeting at the bar, what is usual for Reader and Ellie gets boring after a while and they decide to do something a little unusual.


   A blinding light from the window shone into the room where you slept. The pain between your legs was enough to bother you more than ever, but you laid still and let the morning sun hit your face. You turned your head in that direction with the rustle coming from your side and you couldn't help your grin both because you saw the person you saw and because you remembered that wonderful moment you had last night.

         A WEEK AGO

   Again, when you went to the bar you always go to, this time there was a little movement in it. In this place where you went to clear your mind, you met a lot of people and learned more stories than you wanted to know. Sometimes you had to choose between many people, but you could not find the right one for you.   Could such a thing have happened that day?

  When you entered the bar, you laughed inwardly as the familiar smell hit your nose. Maybe it was a little silly, but everyone had different ways of distracting them. Yours wasn't a one night stand. You had never even tried this. You thought the important thing was to find someone you could feel safe with.

  You stood in the bar chair to get a drink, stood out from the crowd, and looked around as you couldn't quite decide what you wanted to get. Everyone was having their own fun. When you looked a little more carefully, you saw that no one came here alone. You would give anything to come with your friends, but they had more important things to do. At least that's what they told you.

 “Hey. Ready to order yet? “Y ou turned your head towards the sound and you were almost speechless by that perfect face you saw. Your hands tangled, and you accidentally knocked the finished glass which the man beside you had. You silently cursed yourself. The red-haired girl laughed at you. You looked at her and saw that she was busy cleaning the glass in her hand. You laughed embarrassingly and decided to have your usual drink so you wouldn't keep her waiting any longer.

 " What. Uhm the usual, please? “ There was a problem that this girl had just started a job here and she didn't know what drink you were talking about. She frowned, but didn't seem to mind at all, as she immediately grinned and leaned over the table. “What about I give you my usual?”  You nodded your head and watched in surprise as she took the drink . You have never seen a girl as attractive as this girl in all your life.

  She placed the drink in front of you and, winking at you, moved to the side to take her next customer's order. When you looked at the drink, it was clear that you were not going to spend the night alone anymore. The girl, who hadn't even told you her name yet, looked at you from time to time, checking how you got the drink out of the corner of her eye. When you caught her staring at you, she smiled shyly with her perfect dimple and went back to her work. Your night was going to be great. You were sure of that.


   You tried to go to the bar almost every day after meeting the red-haired girl, but all this college stuff was throwing you off. It was getting harder for you to do the assignment given to you without being sober, but luckily, you somehow finished them all, or rather you had them done, and the only thing left was that you owed a meal to the people you had them do. It wasn't much of a problem either, you weren't really interested in school anyway. If there' was one thing you were really into right then, it was that bartender whose name you finally learned. Ellie.

   You had a more than good relationship with Ellie. After the bar closed, you or she were always so busy telling each other things that you didn't even know how the time passed. Sometimes one of you said something embarrassing and you blushed up your ass, but you got used to it. Ellie was a really nice person. Although what he's been through isn't very good. You loved her. You actually thought there was something more than something. Maybe love?

  You drank as you spoke , even drank to the hilt, and didn't hesitate to do silly things. It's like you were made for each other. The way Ellie looked at you in those eyes was so deep, longing and eager that you couldn't help yourself. She had no intention of keeping it to her either.

 That evening, you happily entered the bar again, with the comfort of finishing your homework. Before you walk right in, you take a look at yourself in the mirror and rejoice at how sexy you look. Impressing Ellie was easier than you thought.   It had already been so easy for her to influence you, which was an indisputable issue. Since the moment you saw the girl, or rather every time you saw her, your palms were sweating madly and you were trying hard not to jump on her.

  Sensual and insane.

  You quickened your steps towards where she was, but it wasn't that easy from the people dancing around you. You wanted to go to her right away and explain why you didn't come yesterday. You sat down on the chair in disappointment when you looked to the side where she always stood and saw that she wasn't even there, that there was no one in her place. However, you wanted this evening to be different from other evenings. You looked around with hope.

  "Lookin' for me, babe? “ Your eyes widened at her voice and you almost jumped on her, but that was not possible because of the table in front of you. If you had done something like that, you would probably have gone to the ground with embarrassment. “ Where were you? “ He shrugged his shoulders and waved her hand as saying never mind.

   “ Usual? “ “ Yeah, but your usual. I- I want yours. “ She nodded and quickly prepared the drink and placed it in front of you. This attraction between you was driving you crazy, you wanted it more and more each time. You wanted to explain yourself. “ I had some work to do yesterday, so- “ “ It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me.” 

  You took a sip of your drink and nodded at her understanding. You didn't even know exactly what was going on between you guys, and what was this willingness to explain yourself? You may have been nothing more than a friend to her, but at the same time, it didn't feel that way at all. Maybe you were having such thoughts in your head. You couldn't even taste the drink you were drinking properly anymore because of the tingling in your stomach. With a grimace, you pushed the drink away from you. “Hey. What- what about doing something different tonight? I mean If you want to. “ She smiled and nodded as her beautiful dimples came out.

  “Yeah, of course babe. “ You were used to her calling you babe, it didn't seem like anything different anymore. She started saying this word the day after you met, but each time it aroused different feelings in you. It's like the pain you feel in your lower side. Every time you tried to ignore it,  was difficult as Ellie talked or touched somewhere on you. You didn't want this night to be the usual. You wanted tonight to be different.

  “ Well, let's not drink the usual one then If we're doing the different things.”

 In a sexy stride that makes you feel like it's slow motion ,she leaned in front of the table, leaned close to your ear, and in a sexy voice, she said "Let our bodies talk If we're doing the unusual, baby. " . She bit your earlobe without pulling back. You shuddered and your eyes opened wide at what he said. That's when you realized that your feelings were not reciprocated. You were happy about this and with the excitement and some joy inside you started to wait for the closing of the bar with excitement.

  After a few hours of waiting, it was finally the closing time of the bar and almost everyone had left. Ellie had taken you and herself to her apartment above the bar to change, and you were watching her take off her clothes on the edge of her bed. She was moving slowly again, but you couldn't really stand it anymore.   The pain under you was growing more and more, it was making you squirm badly.

 Just as she was taking off her pants, you jumped on her and quickly pushed her onto the bed. You pulled off the trousers that she had taken off in half and took them off her feet and immediately started to take off your own top. She put her hands on top of your, tooking off your shirt, tossed it aside to be not found in the morning. Her eyes lit up when she saw your breasts overflowing from the edge of your bra. She lifted her head from the bed and  sucked on there, turning you into a whirlwind with little kisses. “ Fuck baby you're so fuckin' beautiful and you're mine, right? “ You nooded your head and kissed her as you leaned down on her and moaned to her lips. Your kiss was soft but sensual. It was almost unbearable, and you both knew it.

 “ I want to fuck you, Ellie. “ “You and me both , babygirl. “ You groaned against her word. You split both of Ellie's legs, kissing both of them separately before coming to her clit. It was like she was writhing on you. You are satisfied. You quickly peeled off her panties from her leg and buried your mouth there in no time. “Fuck, baby your mouth. Fuck it's so good. “ She ran her fingers through your hair and made you press yourself against her. You pulled your mouth out of there and spit on your fingers and stuck two fingers in her hole without practice.    Although she cried out in pain, she got used to it later and this time she started to moan with pleasure.

  “Y/N, I don't wanna come yet. Please let me fuck you too. “ Without raising your mouth too much, you said ” Me first, Ellie. I want to devour you. You're so tasty. “

 “ I want to know how you taste too, baby. Please. “ You groaned and let her lay you on your back.

  You can't remember when you got so undressed and came close to having an orgasm, but the best orgasm of your life was about to await you.

   She sat with her legs spread out and took you in her lap. You brought your hands to her beautiful little face and deepened your kiss. You took your place by her leg and started rubbing yourself on her. “Yes babygirl, keep goin'. Good girl. “   Saying these things only made you go faster. Her leg was terribly wet, but she didn’t even care.

  When she least expected it, you stuck your fingers in her hole as you continued to kiss her. She groaned and thrust her hips against your fingers, which also made your leg wobble, making it even easier for you to rub. You were so close. Your moans and pleasure screams filled the room.

   “Fuck baby. Yess. Come on. Cum for me. “

   “Ellie!” you shouted, mixed with a moan. “I can't no more. “

   “I know baby. Cu-Cum for me. “

  After that, you both came convulsively. Your legs were sore and cramped from too much rubbing. Ellie had already thrown herself  into bed and she was out of breath. You laughed and got on top of her. After placing one last small kiss on her lips, you wrapped your arms around each other and surrendered yourself to sleep.

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2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

if you write for him, could i get a Lucas Baker x gn reader? Maybe reader saves him from getting shot in the cave with the promise that they can keep an eye on him and sorta domestic fluffy shenanigans ensue? ignore if you want, have a good day :]

Hey! So sorry for responding late. The thing is I write for Re7 and Re8 but I don't exactly remember the Re7 plot so I should replay/rewatch it and add this one to my drafts 💜 I won't ignore this, I promise 💫 Thank u so much for your request 🤗

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2 years ago

i keep seeing your answers to your asks and the butterflies you give me are unbearable😭 i have the biggest crush on you

OMG THANK U SO MUCH !! THIS ONE MADE ME SO HAPPY 😍🥺💜 I don't know who you are but we should def chat !!!

2 years ago
I Just Didn 't Let Them Do It , Didn 't Let Them Take Her Life

I just didn 't let them do it , didn 't let them take her life

(с) Joel Miller

2 years ago

Can you do a ellie x fem (please) about there relationship kinda being toxic and they fight but make up with a quick fuck. I'm a lil to horny rn 😭

Babyy not just youu. I'm so fckn horny for Ellie 🥺😍 Thank you for your request 💫💜 I got it into my drafts!

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2 years ago

hellooo i love your fics sm :(<3 so I wanted to ask you a fic were ellie is really sexually frustrated and desperate, but she's not a bottom, she's like a switch (?? and there's like a lot of dirty talking idk I hope you understand lmao 💗💗

I'm so sorry for responding late. I had some visitors lmao. Your request has got into my drafts baby, don't worry 😍 Thank u for it btw 💜💫

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2 years ago

Leon babbyyy 🥺

Y/N: How can you be so stupid?!!

Leon: What? I'm 24/7 stupid, and you should know that by now. You still get surprise?

Y/N: I can't... *Facepalm*

2 years ago

Anon 3 here's your request!! I hope you like this one 🤤💫 Also I made Ellie very aggressive here instead a bit lmao but hope it's okay for you 😅

    A/N- Hey ya’ll ! I don’t know If you like my smut fics so please send a feedback. You also can send me requests, don’t be shy <3      Wa

College! Au with ellie? Smut, and ellie is a bit aggressive? Thank you!

UUUU! We like modern Ellie :) Thank you so much for your request !!

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2 years ago


    A/N- Hey ya’ll ! I don’t know If you like my smut fics so please send a feedback. You also can send me requests, don’t be shy <3 

    Warnings-  College!Ellie , Aggressive!Ellie, Dom!Ellie,  Reader is so new to alcohol because of her strict  parents, SMUT, violence, dirty talking. ( Let me know If I missed one )

    Request from- Anonymous 

    Summary- Unable to keep her head up from the lectures, reader reluctantly goes to the bar with Ellie, and after a fight in the bar, something unnoticed begins between them.


      imagine her looking at you across. This girl will be the end of me I swear- 

     Loud music coming from your dormmate's headphones was syncing with the clock on the table and your pen. . Normally you wouldn't be mad at Ellie making such a fuss because you discussed your terms before you were in the same room with each other, even though Ellie didn't even listen to half of what you said. Sometimes you thought you couldn't find a better roommate than her, but you were wrong about that too. You still had respect for each other. But lately, it was as if the old Ellie was gone and replaced by an even more aggressive Ellie.   Every girl could have times like this, and maybe she was doing this because she got very angry with someone in the enemy circle.

  You had a lot of assignment to finish due next week, and you wanted to finish it right away and take some time for yourself and lie on your feet like Ellie. You've never been as comfortable as Ellie because unlike you she never did her own homework, either asking you for help or, to be honest, making you do it. Frankly, she was conquering your heart with a kiss on the cheek, but sometimes you didn't give up on her so quickly.

  Like Ellie, you were very stressed at that time because you thought you couldn't finish your projects, and you couldn't find anything to relieve your stress.   If you tried to say something that would make Ellie even more angry, it would have ended even worse and your friendship might have ended. Ellie wasn't that friendly after all. She would do what’s best, and would not even listen to those who didn’t even make sense to her. Sometimes you couldn't stop questioning yourself. You were saying to yourself, “How did I end up with this girl? ” You could easily find a friend for yourself, but there was a truth that when you saw types like Ellie on the first day of college, all those books you read came to your mind and you said, “Maybe, maybe I can be friends with one of them, like those in the bad girl books “ Ellie was just that kind of girl. Okay, let's not exaggerate, but she looked like she was right out of those books. She was almost a bad girl with tattoos covering almost her entire arm, piercings on her lip and eyebrow, and her aggressiveness made her even more attractive.

  You exhaled sharply, tossed the pen onto the table, leaned back, and tucked your already frozen neck to the sides, cracking it. You push the wheelchair back with your foot and spin yourself towards Ellie. She didn't even care about you. She kept frowning, continuing to listen to the last sound of music. Even though you tried to get her attention by coughing fake once, she still didn’t take his earphones off and didn't even come back to you once.

 You stood up angrily and took off her earphones. She immediately turned towards you and nodded as to  say ‘what are you doing’ . “ We had an agreement, remember? “ Even though she tried to take the headset from you, you didn't allow it and you held it up. Ellie stood up and easily snatched the headset from your hand but you stopped her just as she was about to sit back down and put the headset back on. “Ellie. Are you even listening to me? Because it's obvious that you're not. “ In response, she rolled her eyes. "I'll get out of your hair, don't worry."

  “ What's that supposed to mean? “ She got up and went to her own closet, opened the door of it and searched for a suitable outfit. “ I'm goin' out with Dina and some friends. “ You gasped and cursed at her . “ And you're telling this to me NOW? Look, I've been trying to do my assignments and plus yours, please don't forget that, and you're telling me you're going out after I stress over how I'm gonna make it to due date. You're so annoying sometimes. “

  “What? Are you jealous because I don't go out with you? “ It wasn't even that.   The point was that you did your homework and the lady's homework while she was there playing music loudly . You didn't even understand why you agreed to that in the first place. “It's not even it, Ellie. I- “ “ Then stop being a nerd and come with us, babe. “ she said, interrupting, and slowly coming up to you and taking your hands in hers, but you pulled back. “How? If I don't do these things then my parents will hold my funeral. Only you know how strict they can be Ellie.”  Your parents met Ellie before you settled down in the dormitory and they somehow thought at that moment that she would be a good roommate, but now that If  you told them how Ellie had changed, they would have to rethink the same thing. Yes, and Ellie knew very well how strict parents they were, because every day before college started, they would come to you and ask how you were doing, move the furniture in your room and warn you not to meet bad people before they left. It wouldn't be called a very strict situation, actually, but if you were at home, you were sure that they would be even more strict.

 “ Fuck the assignments. Just have some fun. “ It didn't sound so bad when you thought about it, but you had a family that kept you from thinking about it. Ellie was right. You wouldn't lose a day and you could continue tomorrow.

  “ Fine… Just promise me we'll come back till midnight. I don't wanna carry you here and you know I can't. “ Ellie grinned. It was obvious that she was amused. However, she did not show it and started to look for clothes for herself. She turned her head back towards her right shoulder and looked at you sideways. 

    “ You know, you're so grumpy sometimes. Just like my old man. “

   You were very nervous when you left the dorm and when you looked at Ellie you saw that she was very relaxed unlike you. She was walking ahead of you with her hands in her front pockets. Of course she was comfortable because she was hanging around bars almost every night. You had a question mark in your mind. How could Ellie do all this so fearlessly? You made a mental note to ask this later.

  You arrived quickly as the bar wasn't that far from your dormitory and Dina was waiting right at the door. You didn't even realize it was almost evening until you walked there. It took you a long time to prepare. Dina immediately ran towards you and hugged you both with both of her arms. She had a big smile on her face.

  “Hey guys. Ellie, I thought you couldn't bring Y/N. She  will almost rot at her desk. “ You rolled your eyes at that and said playfully “ Yeah I will because you guys give every single assignment to me for me to do them. “

  Ellie laughed out loud and put her hand on your butt, squeezed it, and pulled it back. There was that mischievous expression on her face as you looked at her in surprise. “Well, she needed a change for a moment,” she said, laughing at Dina and pointing at the bar, “let's get inside, yeah? “

  When you walked in, that unfamiliar smell and sound would almost knock you out. You quickly caught up to Ellie and Dina and grabbed Ellie by her arm. She just grinned at you and went straight to get a drink. You just stood there looking at her feeling bad. Everyone passing by was bumping into you one by one.   When you looked around you felt as if everyone was laughing at you and thinking how dumb you were. Anxiety has never been this high. Suddenly, a strange arm grabbed your arm and pulled you aside to sit on a seat. When you looked at who it was, you saw that it was Jamie, your friend you studied in the same department.

 There was no lie. You had found Jamie very attractive and your hands and feet were almost tangled when you first met, but when you heard from those gossipy girls of the school that he changed lovers like changing socks, you started to feel a little cold towards him.

  As much as you didn't want to talk to her, you had no other choice as Ellie left you just at a time when you needed help the most. You sat down and started chatting but meanwhile you were looking everywhere but Jamie to see where Ellie was.

  At that moment, you realized too late how close he was to you when he was telling you something. He was leaning down to say something, but you weren't even listening to him. All you wanted was to take Ellie and get the fuck out of here.

   Thank God what silenced Jamie was that his friends came to him and sat next to you and him, but that didn't go well. You were stuck there and had no way out.   Even if you wanted to get up, you couldn't get up. His friends were trying to grope you from both sides, and their mouths stink. No matter how much Ellie drank, it wouldn't smell that bad. You hated yourself for comparing them to Ellie in that moment. Ellie was very different from them. Ellie was like no one else. She had always been like herself. You didn't know if it was because you needed her more at that moment or something else, but you realized that you missed Ellie.

  Then you saw Ellie right in front of you, coming towards with her drink in hand.  You tried to stand up again, but one of the dudes pulled you back. “Come on girl. Just sit and relax, will ya? “Ahh, he was sure to regret it later.

  Ellie suddenly threw her glass at one of the boys next to you, whose name you didn't even know. The broken glass on the boy's face had scratches all over his face and it was bleeding badly. You jumped forward to stop Ellie, but to no avail. She pushed you aside with all her might and swept straight towards Jamie with those deadly eyes. She swung his fist violently into his face.

  It was turmoil. While Dina wanted to break up the fight Ellie was showing, she turned to you and checked if you were okay. You didn't even say anything to her. You've been watching Ellie beat Jamie with your mouth open. It wasn't just you.

  Somehow, multiple people rescued Ellie from Jamie's collar and they took her outside with you. The guards were glaring behind you. You didn't care and ran to Ellie. When you took her hands in yours, you saw that her fists were covered in blood. “ Ellie.. You didn't have to do that. “ “ What are you talking about, Y/N?” said and pulled her hands away. “So instead of beating the shit out of him, should I just sit there and watch him hit on you? “ Ellie was extremely drunk. She couldn't even hold her head straight. You called a taxi that was passing by you and forced her into the taxi and you got in after her.

  Finding your keys in your bag was extremely difficult when you entered the dorm, but Ellie preceded you by pulling the bag out of your hand and spilling whatever was inside. “ What are you doing? “ “ What does it look like I'm doing? “ she hissed, “ I'm getting the fucking key. “ She bent down and picked up the key from the floor and entered your shared room without even picking up the stuff.

  You knew tonight was going to end like this. Of course, you didn't think the Jamie thing would happen, but you knew that Ellie would get so drunk that she couldn't stand.. You closed the door of your room without making a sound and threw yourself directly on the bed.

  After Ellie came out of the bathroom, she swayed in front of your bed and began to undress right in front of your eyes. You looked at her with your eyes half-closed, not knowing what to do. Even though you tried to take something out of her behavior today, you still didn't understand. What was even wrong with Ellie these days?

   She undressed herself until only her bra and panties left.. You thought she did that as she was going to sleep, but you were wrong. She came to the edge of your bed and pulled you by the arms quickly and lifted you up. Your stunned body tensed even more as she pulled you towards her. “What-” Ellie immediately caught your lips. She was sucking hard, tugging and kissing passionately. When she pulled back, she didn't say anything. She quickly took off the crop you were wearing and threw it somewhere else in the room. You tried to cover your body with your arms, but Ellie's hands interfered with it.

  “Hey, it's me. “ Then she quickly took off your pants. You stood there not knowing what to do. Why would Ellie do such a thing? She glanced up and down at you and bit her lip. “ Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful babe. “ She grabbed your arms and folded them behind you, threw you face down on the bed and gave you a hard smack on the butt. “ I wanted to smash that man there. Maybe I even wanted to kill him but it was all for you, babygirl. “  She whispered. She took off your panties and rubbed her hand up and down your clit. You squirmed involuntarily and a small groan escaped your mouth. Ellie was pleased with that. She grabbed you by the arms and pulled you closer to her and placed a small but juicy kiss under your ear.

  She turned you on your back and spread your legs to the side. Looking into your eyes, she licked each of her fingers one by one and grabbed your neck with one hand and squeezed it tight. “Look at me in the eyes, babe. These eyes you see will be the last eyes you saw but you will remember them for the rest of your life. Focus on my fingers, because now you will feel the presence of them around you. “ she said, inserting two fingers into your tight hole. There was pain, but Ellie's moaning turned you on even more.

  “Ellie please. “ you said, squirming. She bent over  and lifted your bra up with her teeth. She bent over them without having to remove the bra, while trying to keep your writhing body still, she began to suck and tug on each of your nipples one by one,slowly, as if time had stopped and you were the only one there. It was painful but also very sexy. Seeing Ellie like that started to feel more than just a friendship that you never knew existed for her before.

  Your climax was about to come and you were so tired of moaning, shouting in a low voice, squirming. “There you go baby. almost there. “ Ellie's words were enough to bring you to the climax. She immediately placed her third finger inside, without pulling the other two, and leaned close to your lips and kissed you passionately.

  You blinked and looked at her. How beautiful she looked when she fucked you. How well she could get you. You wanted more. More. “ Ellie more please. Oh God I can't. Fuck I'm cumming Ellie. “ You said and jerked into Ellie's fingers.

  After sticking her fingers out of you, she placed one last kiss, laid down beside you and fell asleep. You turned your already tired but also relaxed body to her and wrapped your arm around her waist.

  You took one last look at her before going to sleep, kissed her shoulder without disturbing, and fell asleep with the comfort of showing a little of your hidden, unspoken love.

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2 years ago

Anon 2 here's your request!! I hope you enjoyed it because I can't write smut properly as my main language isn't English . Your feedbacks are important to me 💫

   A/N- Hey guys! I have a publishing schedule and I shared it with you yesterday. Of course there may be setbacks so I apologize in advance

hi there!! i heard u were taking reqs and i wanted to req for a fic where ellie blames reader for hiding the fact that she saved her from getting studied by the fireflies (like the argument she had w joel in tlou2) and they breakup but then ellie realises how much she fucked up when she sees reader at a party with another girl and can it be a happy ending with possible smut?

i realise i am asking for a LOT plsnandbdnsf 😔😔😔

Not a problem!!! Thank you so much for your request! 💜

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2 years ago

Anon 1 here's your request!! I was just confused about who sent what but here ya go!! I hope you enjoyed it btw 💫

“Shut up” “Make me”
    A/N- This one is my first Ellie x reader imagine so I hope you guys like it! Hella smutty btw. Oh also it’s like my second time writing

Ellie Williams x fem!reader who are best friends and they have to stay in from patrol because of a storm

A lot of teasing between the two, And some smut and fluff?

This one will be my first Ellie imagine so I'm gonna make sure I do my best! Thank you so much for your request 💜 It means a lot to me.

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