Nastya Rasputina - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

On this week’s episode of Things-I-Found-At-My-Work-That-Reminds-Me-Of-The-Mechanisms

On This Weeks Episode Of Things-I-Found-At-My-Work-That-Reminds-Me-Of-The-Mechanisms

I think Jonny would want me to have it, y’know??? — (correction, I think Jonny would want me to steal it, but still — )

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9 months ago

I saw a Johnny’s at a gas station while going to Meijer’s and thought of Jonny DVille as a cashier.

And that’s how this thing began.

I Saw A Johnnys At A Gas Station While Going To Meijers And Thought Of Jonny DVille As A Cashier.

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1 year ago

Just finished Death To The Mechanisms.

What is that ending?

How am I meant to cope?

What happened to Nastya?

Where is she?

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1 year ago

I have a question.

In the mechanisms Jonny’s heart is his mechanism and Tim’s eyes are his but what is everyone else’s mechanisms?

Please I need to know.

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6 months ago

Behold thy height chart fool

Behold Thy Height Chart Fool

I shall be reposting updates as I go

Also y’all… I tried to get them to stand still but they just would not cooperate. Jonny keeps trying to bite me because he insists he’s taller than Marius (this is made worse by Marius teasing him about it), Ivy insisted she had a book or she wouldn’t participate, Nastya wanted the Aurora in the picture but how am I supposed to fit a spaceship inside of my little building? Gunpowder Tim brought bombs into my room full of expensive camera equipment, and I had to rush over after taking the picture to put out the fuse on the dynamite he was trying to balance on Nastya’s head. Raphaella was very difficult to pry from her lab, I had to get Jonny to shoot her so we could drag her into the studio. Anyway at least Ashes, Brian, The Toy Soldier, and Lyfrassir didn’t get too under my skin. I do hope they remain cooperative in the future.

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1 year ago

Why is the song Rät by Penelope Scott so Nastya coded because like she came from a technology based place, and she wanted to follow what her parents and Tutor got betrayed because of it. She got used by the Tutor and her parents were not good parents to her. So, this song fits her so well.

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1 year ago

These lyrics from Cell Block Tango remind me of Nastya and Ashes because they both got betrayed by men and got revenge on them by burning/explosion the planet

They had it comin' (they had it comin')

They had it comin' (they had it comin')

They had it comin' all along (they had it comin' all along)

'Cause if they used us ('cause if they used us)

And they abused us (and they abused us)

How could you tell us that we were wrong?

He had it comin' (he had it comin')

He had it comin' (he had it comin')

He only had himself to blame (he only had himself to blame)

If you'd have been there (if you'd have been there)

If you'd have seen it (if you'd have seen it)

I betcha you would have done the same

Lyrics from Cell Block Tango by Catherine Zeta-Jones; Deidre Goodwin; Denise Faye; Ekaterina Chtchelkanova; Mya Harrison; Susan Misner; Taye Diggs

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1 year ago

Hello we are doing a little Nightmare x The Mechanism au here some info about it of characters we have figured out.

Here some Tw:death, talks of violence, murder, talks of how people get murder, needles,unethical surgery,

Nastya- was the adopted daughter of The Lady, former known as Loreli and The Doctor of former known as Carmilla. She is 15 years old and is dating Aurora. Also, she has a sibling relationship with Jonny.

Jonny- He is also 15 years old, and his backstory is that he lived with a single dad and every fine, his dad slowly gets corrupted by the tower, and Jonny kills him and runs away from his house. He and Nastya have a sibling relationship. He is good friends with Aurora.

Aurora-She also 15, she meet Nastya before everything happens, they meet because of Nastya's mom restaurant where Aurora family met Nastya's family and they became friends and then lovers. They got separated, and then Jonny reunited them. Aurora escaped after nearly dying by the hands of her family.

The Lady- Formerly known as Loreli is the wife of Carmilla and mother of Nastya. She works at a restaurant that know kills people and uses kids to keep her young. She kills people by picking them up with her magic and sucks the soul out of them.

The librarian-Also, known as the Ivy. She is a librarian ,and if you dare go into her library, you will never leave. She kills by Slaming people into books or hitting you with her books.

The Doctor-Also known as Dr.Carmilla, she is the wife of Loreli and the mother of Nastya. She was an amazing doctor until corrupted by the tower. She does unethical surgery on people who want to help. When she catches you, she uses needles to make fall asleep, and she will later have surgery on you.

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1 year ago

We have a lot of WIP so here

• Five Times Alyosha Helped Nastya and One Time He Couldn't an fic about Nastya and Alyosha relationship(The Mechanism)

• Being A God is Hard- a God au with The Mechanism.

• It's great to See You Again, a fic about Alyosha and Nastya meeting after death.

• Alyosha Joins the Mechanism, a fic about Alyosha joining and meeting the Mechanism.

• You think That Normal?!, a fic based on a Headcannon that Nastya has a lot of siblings and thought that was normal.

• I Will always Love You, Nastya backstory for my Little Nightmares × The Mechanism au

Tagging anybody who wants to do it

WIP Folder Tag Game

Thank you @insert-witty-user-name-here and @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for tagging me

Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents (or as many people as you want). Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!'


-Happily Ever Now


-To protect

-Advent Calender


-Lokius post fix-it - Part 8

-Cinnamon rolls getting together

Tagging whoever wants to do it

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1 year ago

The song World Burn from The Mean Girls musical with Nastya fits so well. Especially with the lyrics

Cady, time to watch your back

Cady, time to turn and cough

Because you took me down

But you didn't finish me off

My name is Regina George

And in case you're keeping score

Cady may have won the battle

But I will win the war, for

I wanna watch the world burn

Because of the fact she died and then came back to Cyberia to destroy it and get revenge for her death.

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1 year ago

Some Glados lines from portal fit Nastya personality as both of them are extremely sassy.

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Fandoms:The Mechanisms (Band)

General Audiences

Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death


Complete Work

27 Nov 2023


Graphic Depictions Of Violence Major Character Death Alyosha & Nastya Rasputina Alyosha (The Mechanisms)Nastya Rasputina Nastya Rasputina’s Father Nastya Rasputina’s Mother pre-cyberian demons Pre-Mechanization Bad Parenting Child Neglect First Meetings Taking care of a child Babies Young Nastya mentions of giving birth It's minor I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Misogyny Cyberia Fluff and Angstcyberian demons5+1 Things Homophobia Pre-Canon Canonical Character Death Character Death Dialogue Heavy Autistic Nastya Rasputina Reading Aloud


Alyosha helps Anastasia until he can not help her anymore.

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1 year ago

I feel like Mordred & Nastya would be best friends.

spoilers for Cyberia Demons & High Noon over camelot

My reasons being..

• They both realize how bad the world they grow up was

• They both killed they killed their dad(Nastya was by accident tho)

• They both would relate to the song Rät by Penelope Scott

Feel free to add to this list!

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