The Outsiders Preferences - Tumblr Posts
Headcannons: Cuddling With Them.
-Darry always loves cuddling in his chair.
-Especially right after he gets home from work.
-You’ll just sit in his lap and play with his hair while he reads the paper.
-And you’ll kiss his cheek and neck softly.
-His favorite time to cuddle with you is in the morning.
-He loves when the sun is just rising and is keeping the room warm.
-He loves to face you and hold your hand while your legs are tangled together under the covers.
-Your faces will be close to each other.
-And you’ll exchange gentle sleepy kisses with each other.
-Ponyboy loves to cuddle with you on the couch.
-He likes when you sit with your legs over his lap.
-He likes to run his hands up and down your legs.
-You wrap your warms around his neck.
-And rest your head on his shoulder.
-Usually there’s a blanket covering you two.
-And you you two will have conversations in soft whispering tones to each other.
-Two-Bit is a huge cuddler.
-He doesn’t care where or when just as long as he’s holding onto you.
-He can be very clingy.
-He really likes when you lay on your stomach with your head turned to face him.
-And he’ll be propped up on one arm looking down at you.
-While he gently runs his fingers over your back.
-When it tickles you and you smile or laugh he grins and leans down to kiss you.
-Dally pretends like he hates cuddling.
-He’ll whine at you to get off of him for the first few minutes.
-But you just like to lay on top of him.
-He’s usually shirtless and you like how warm he is.
-You’ll play with his hair.
-And kiss him on his lips, cheeks, chest, and pretty much anywhere you can reach.
-He’ll eventually stop complaining.
-And he’ll wrap his arms around your waist.
-Sometimes he’ll have one hand running through your hair.
-Steve loves cuddling at the drive-in.
-You two will sit in the back of his truck.
-He’ll bring a blanket.
-He loves when you sit between his legs with your back against his chest.
-He’ll wrap his arms around your waist.
-And you’ll rest his hands on his.
-And he’ll kiss your neck.
-Johnny loves to cuddle with you late at night.
-His favorite thing is being the big spoon for you.
-It makes him feel strong and protective of you.
-He’ll kiss the back of your neck gently.
-And you’ll keep whispering ‘I love you’ to him.
Headcannons: Dally Secretly Dating a Girl.
a/n: This was a request! I’m still getting used to headcannons but I hope you all enjoy! :D
-Dally and you met at the drive-in -You refused to talk to him because of his reputation -But he wouldn’t leave you alone -Instead of arguing anymore you agreed to go on a date with him -You made him promise no one would know and it would be out of town -He took a couple towns over for milkshakes and a movie -You discovered that he was actually kind of sweet -You went on another date -And then another -All were somewhere just the two of you -He was arrested the night before your fourth date -You were surprised at how upset that made you -He was out a week later and you were there waiting for him -He took you to Buck’s to talk -He asked you to be steady with him -You made him promise no one would know -You didn’t want people judging you because of Dally’s reputation -He hid the fact that that hurt him and agreed -He wanted to be with you no matter what the conditions were -You both managed to keep it a secret for a couple of months -Until the next time he got arrested -The other guys had started to be suspicious that Dally had a girl -Ponyboy had seen you two at the movies one night -So when Dally was arrested they all came to ask you about it -You lied easily but they saw it in your face -They didn’t pressure you but they asked if you wanted to hang out with them that night -You found yourself accepting the offer -You started hanging out with them everyday -They talked highly of Dally despite his reputation -They really liked having you around -You started becoming friends with them -And their girlfriends started inviting you with them -Dally was out ninety days later -He was shocked when he found you with the gang -You gave him a big kiss in front of them -He was so surprised when you pulled away that he said the first thing that came to his mind -It was ‘I love you’ -You said it back and promised no more secrets
Period Cramps Preferences
Can you write something about reader is having menstrual cramps and soda tries help? Side note you’re amazing, I love you. Anyway(!) Thank you
So this was requested but I think I’ll just add all the boys, because I know after I post it, someone is gonna request the rest of the boys!!
Also, I’m sorry for not writing so much lately, I was having so much writers block, but I am back, for now, I don’t know how long this inspiration will last.
Darry: He actually had had a couple past girlfriends and was familiar with this sort of thing. He knew to keep track of your period, and never to fight with you, and to always make you know that he loves you and that you are beautiful. When you have cramps though, he goes out buys you a heating pad and lots of chocolate. If your cramps are really bad, he’ll take off work and lay in bed with you, rubbing your tummy.
Dallas: Dallas is very aware of menstrual cycles for girls, but isn’t very concerned with them. He never really cared much about your period until one day found you curled in a fetal position on your shared bed, your face distorted in pain. He had took off his jacket and kicked off his shoes and rubbed your stomach while cuddling you, and whispering sweet nothings into your hair. He only did this when it was clear you were in pain, and would never admit to doing it if it was brought up in front of anyone.
Pony: Pony hasn’t had much experience with women and his sex ed class only touched on the subject briefly, so when he found you laying on the couch, moaning about cramps, he panicked a little, not sure how to help you. He hated to see you in such a miserable state, and did everything he could and everything you asked to make your cramps a little more bearable. He had to have Soda school him about it a bit more after you had fallen asleep.
Two-Bit: Having a sister, he knew fairly well what comes with a menstrual cycle. He didn’t avoid you but he also didn’t try to be around you so much that you lost your patience. He kept a single calendar to know exactly when you were on your period and would wake up really early the morning of, and walk over to your house with balloons, candy, movies, comic books, and a couple of his big shirts for you to wear as well as an abundant supply of pads, tampons, and heating pads. He would sneak into your house and make your favorite breakfast and wait for you to wake up, where you would stay in bed all day. On the sudden moments where you would have really bad cramps he would rub your back and play with your hair, kissing your temple and telling you loves you.
Johnny: At first he was bumbling and stumbling over himself, not sure how to help you. You couldn’t help but laugh at his nervousness and just gestured for him to home lay with you. He spooned you and you just told him to rub your stomach, he did so but wanted to distract you so he told you some funny stories that had happened in the past with him and the gang. You eventually fell asleep in his arms and when you awoke, he was sitting in front of you with flowers, chocolate, and your favorite movie, which you in reaction started crying. He had never been more confused by a woman in his life.
Soda: Soda had all the experience he needed to know how to handle you on your period. He had lots of female friends and knew just the thing to say, and just the things to do to assure your hormones. However he never had to console his female friends’ period cramps, and had no clue on what to do. When you two were laying in bed watching a movie and you suddenly lurched forward, grabbing your stomach and whimpering, he had no clue on what was going on. He was so terrified that he was scared to ask what was going on, in fear that you would scream at him or worse…cry. He snapped out of his frozen state and wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your stomach while whispering how much he loved you. You eventually fell asleep and when you woke up, he had bought heat pads and a gallon of your favorite ice cream.
Steve: Steve did not need you or anyone to tell him what to do during your period week. He didn’t keep track but had a fairly accurate idea of when it came, he just always had the supplies he needed on hand in his car, so if he ever came over and found that you were on your period he would run out to the car and bring back what he needed which was just the standard candy, movies, comic books, liquor, and heating pads/ice packs. He felt bad for thinking so, but he loved when you were on your period because you were so touchy-feely and just wanted to have lazy days with you.
Cherry: Cherry knew exactly what you were going though and was always there at your beck and call. However the only downfall was that your period cycles where synced, so when she was on hers, so where you. You two spent the week cuddling and whispering how much you loved each other. You two typically tried not to talk a lot during your time of the month, because your hormones were out of control and someone would get offended at the smallest things and a couple times, it was for that exact reason that you two broke up.
Tim: Tim had enough common sense to know never to start a fight with you while you were on your period, he just knew he would not win. He made that mistake once…never again. If he found you curled up, holding your stomach, he would kiss you and pick you up, and place you in his lap where he would pet your hair and just kiss the top of your head. Occasionally he would buy chocolates or flowers, but he knew you wanted him in your arms more than you wanted any materialistic thing.
-Admin Mikayla
Master List
After long request here it is. Last Updated: 6/4/15
The Outsiders Preference: How They Found Out They Were In Love With You
Requested by anonymous

Ponyboy Curtis: Ponyboy would know that he loves you after the two of you talk about books. No one in his neighbourhood were really into reading so the only person Pony could talk about novels With was you. He truly realized that he loved you when he seen the twinkle in your eyes when you spoke about your favourite story. That’s what really did it for him.

Sodapop Curtis: Soda would finally realize that he’s in love with you because of the simpliest actions. He’s very much a lover so it’s not hard for him to accept that he loves you. The two of you had gone on a drive one morning. Watching you sing along to the radio with a huge smile on your face and your hair blue in the wind as he zoomed down the road, caused Soda to come to terms that he’d do anything for you.

Darry Curtis: Darry realized he was in love with you after seeing you interact with Pony. Watching you be like a parental figure to his youngest brother made Darry smile harder than he ever has before. Darry always believed that Pony needed someone who could be like a mother to him and in that moment Darry truly thought that that could be you. What really took the cake for him was Pony telling him how much he approved of you.

Dallas Winston: Dally would realize that he was in love with you when you stay loyal to him. Most of the other people he’s dated cheated on him the first chance they got but not you. Even after he went to jail you waited for him, not letting any other man tempt you. Not only that but you visited him in the can every week. It was when you were speaking to him on the other side of the glass while he was locked up when Dally realized, he cared about you more than anyone else.

Steve Randle: Steve would realize that he’s in love with you after you managed to fix a car all on your own. Neither him or Soda could figure out what was wrong with the vehicle but somehow, after working on it for only a couple minutes by yourself, you were able to get it back up and running. Steve didn’t know anyone who was better with cars than himself and seeing that you were so mechanically talented made him fall head over heels.

Two-Bit Matthews: Two-bit would put things together after hearing you laugh. He’s heard you giggle tons of times before but for some reason, that day after one of his jokes made you bust a gut, his heart started pounding faster. For some reason your laugh, a sound he now cherished, that particular day made him come to terms with the fact that you owned his heart.

Johnny Cade: Johnny would know that he loves you after you stood up for him. You were walking by as a few socs were jumping Johnny and you yelled at them to back off. Eventually you managed to get them to leave him alone. He truly realized that he loved you as you were patching him up. Not many people in Johnny’s life with gentle with him, that is except you. He wouldn’t be able to stay sane without you and he knew it.
What are the all boys pet peeves?
warning: none!!
ponyboy: he hates when people talk to him while he’s reading (unless he’s reading to them). to him it’s the equivalent of someone talking to you when you have headphones in
sodapop: when people make jokes about his name. as if he hasn’t heard it all already. “sodapop? what about it? you thirsty or something? ha ha!” he will literally throw you into oncoming traffic
darry: slow talkers. slow eaters. sloppy workers. loud ceiling fans. nail biters. literally everything sets him over the edge because he’s always so stressed. he’s probably grounded steve for chewing with his mouth open
two-bit: hates when people take things that aren’t serious seriously. he can’t stand people reading into his jokes or digging deep into a funny story, or when he tells a fucking AMAZING joke and those same fuckers don’t laugh. he can’t stand people without a sense of humor
steve: everything. literally everything makes him tick. but people who ruin music are ESPECIALLY on his shit list. talking over classic rock or fucking with the stereo in his car or mumbling the words to a song you don’t know the lyrics to. the only people he can put up with doing that are soda and evie
dallas: when people don’t make eye contact. he’s always pulling johnny really close to him so that he has to look at him because he likes knowing he’s being heard
johnny: people underestimating him. when people think he can’t hold his own just because he’s small or people doubting his ability to be an asshole just beavsue he’s quiet. he doesn’t like being told he can’t do things just because of how he looks. he’s stronger than people think and he wants people to know that
tags: @kittymacaroons @curvydolleros @cherryvintagecoke @radioactivespiderdork @theoutsidies @ponyboyvhs @greaserbloom1324 @reddieformileven
Headcannons: Cuddling With Them.
-Darry always loves cuddling in his chair.
-Especially right after he gets home from work.
-You’ll just sit in his lap and play with his hair while he reads the paper.
-And you’ll kiss his cheek and neck softly.
-His favorite time to cuddle with you is in the morning.
-He loves when the sun is just rising and is keeping the room warm.
-He loves to face you and hold your hand while your legs are tangled together under the covers.
-Your faces will be close to each other.
-And you’ll exchange gentle sleepy kisses with each other.
-Ponyboy loves to cuddle with you on the couch.
-He likes when you sit with your legs over his lap.
-He likes to run his hands up and down your legs.
-You wrap your warms around his neck.
-And rest your head on his shoulder.
-Usually there’s a blanket covering you two.
-And you you two will have conversations in soft whispering tones to each other.
-Two-Bit is a huge cuddler.
-He doesn’t care where or when just as long as he’s holding onto you.
-He can be very clingy.
-He really likes when you lay on your stomach with your head turned to face him.
-And he’ll be propped up on one arm looking down at you.
-While he gently runs his fingers over your back.
-When it tickles you and you smile or laugh he grins and leans down to kiss you.
-Dally pretends like he hates cuddling.
-He’ll whine at you to get off of him for the first few minutes.
-But you just like to lay on top of him.
-He’s usually shirtless and you like how warm he is.
-You’ll play with his hair.
-And kiss him on his lips, cheeks, chest, and pretty much anywhere you can reach.
-He’ll eventually stop complaining.
-And he’ll wrap his arms around your waist.
-Sometimes he’ll have one hand running through your hair.
-Steve loves cuddling at the drive-in.
-You two will sit in the back of his truck.
-He’ll bring a blanket.
-He loves when you sit between his legs with your back against his chest.
-He’ll wrap his arms around your waist.
-And you’ll rest his hands on his.
-And he’ll kiss your neck.
-Johnny loves to cuddle with you late at night.
-His favorite thing is being the big spoon for you.
-It makes him feel strong and protective of you.
-He’ll kiss the back of your neck gently.
-And you’ll keep whispering ‘I love you’ to him.
Headcannons: Dally Secretly Dating a Girl.
a/n: This was a request! I’m still getting used to headcannons but I hope you all enjoy! :D
-Dally and you met at the drive-in -You refused to talk to him because of his reputation -But he wouldn’t leave you alone -Instead of arguing anymore you agreed to go on a date with him -You made him promise no one would know and it would be out of town -He took a couple towns over for milkshakes and a movie -You discovered that he was actually kind of sweet -You went on another date -And then another -All were somewhere just the two of you -He was arrested the night before your fourth date -You were surprised at how upset that made you -He was out a week later and you were there waiting for him -He took you to Buck’s to talk -He asked you to be steady with him -You made him promise no one would know -You didn’t want people judging you because of Dally’s reputation -He hid the fact that that hurt him and agreed -He wanted to be with you no matter what the conditions were -You both managed to keep it a secret for a couple of months -Until the next time he got arrested -The other guys had started to be suspicious that Dally had a girl -Ponyboy had seen you two at the movies one night -So when Dally was arrested they all came to ask you about it -You lied easily but they saw it in your face -They didn’t pressure you but they asked if you wanted to hang out with them that night -You found yourself accepting the offer -You started hanging out with them everyday -They talked highly of Dally despite his reputation -They really liked having you around -You started becoming friends with them -And their girlfriends started inviting you with them -Dally was out ninety days later -He was shocked when he found you with the gang -You gave him a big kiss in front of them -He was so surprised when you pulled away that he said the first thing that came to his mind -It was ‘I love you’ -You said it back and promised no more secrets
Period Cramps Preferences
Can you write something about reader is having menstrual cramps and soda tries help? Side note you’re amazing, I love you. Anyway(!) Thank you
So this was requested but I think I’ll just add all the boys, because I know after I post it, someone is gonna request the rest of the boys!!
Also, I’m sorry for not writing so much lately, I was having so much writers block, but I am back, for now, I don’t know how long this inspiration will last.
Darry: He actually had had a couple past girlfriends and was familiar with this sort of thing. He knew to keep track of your period, and never to fight with you, and to always make you know that he loves you and that you are beautiful. When you have cramps though, he goes out buys you a heating pad and lots of chocolate. If your cramps are really bad, he’ll take off work and lay in bed with you, rubbing your tummy.
Dallas: Dallas is very aware of menstrual cycles for girls, but isn’t very concerned with them. He never really cared much about your period until one day found you curled in a fetal position on your shared bed, your face distorted in pain. He had took off his jacket and kicked off his shoes and rubbed your stomach while cuddling you, and whispering sweet nothings into your hair. He only did this when it was clear you were in pain, and would never admit to doing it if it was brought up in front of anyone.
Pony: Pony hasn’t had much experience with women and his sex ed class only touched on the subject briefly, so when he found you laying on the couch, moaning about cramps, he panicked a little, not sure how to help you. He hated to see you in such a miserable state, and did everything he could and everything you asked to make your cramps a little more bearable. He had to have Soda school him about it a bit more after you had fallen asleep.
Two-Bit: Having a sister, he knew fairly well what comes with a menstrual cycle. He didn’t avoid you but he also didn’t try to be around you so much that you lost your patience. He kept a single calendar to know exactly when you were on your period and would wake up really early the morning of, and walk over to your house with balloons, candy, movies, comic books, and a couple of his big shirts for you to wear as well as an abundant supply of pads, tampons, and heating pads. He would sneak into your house and make your favorite breakfast and wait for you to wake up, where you would stay in bed all day. On the sudden moments where you would have really bad cramps he would rub your back and play with your hair, kissing your temple and telling you loves you.
Johnny: At first he was bumbling and stumbling over himself, not sure how to help you. You couldn’t help but laugh at his nervousness and just gestured for him to home lay with you. He spooned you and you just told him to rub your stomach, he did so but wanted to distract you so he told you some funny stories that had happened in the past with him and the gang. You eventually fell asleep in his arms and when you awoke, he was sitting in front of you with flowers, chocolate, and your favorite movie, which you in reaction started crying. He had never been more confused by a woman in his life.
Soda: Soda had all the experience he needed to know how to handle you on your period. He had lots of female friends and knew just the thing to say, and just the things to do to assure your hormones. However he never had to console his female friends’ period cramps, and had no clue on what to do. When you two were laying in bed watching a movie and you suddenly lurched forward, grabbing your stomach and whimpering, he had no clue on what was going on. He was so terrified that he was scared to ask what was going on, in fear that you would scream at him or worse…cry. He snapped out of his frozen state and wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your stomach while whispering how much he loved you. You eventually fell asleep and when you woke up, he had bought heat pads and a gallon of your favorite ice cream.
Steve: Steve did not need you or anyone to tell him what to do during your period week. He didn’t keep track but had a fairly accurate idea of when it came, he just always had the supplies he needed on hand in his car, so if he ever came over and found that you were on your period he would run out to the car and bring back what he needed which was just the standard candy, movies, comic books, liquor, and heating pads/ice packs. He felt bad for thinking so, but he loved when you were on your period because you were so touchy-feely and just wanted to have lazy days with you.
Cherry: Cherry knew exactly what you were going though and was always there at your beck and call. However the only downfall was that your period cycles where synced, so when she was on hers, so where you. You two spent the week cuddling and whispering how much you loved each other. You two typically tried not to talk a lot during your time of the month, because your hormones were out of control and someone would get offended at the smallest things and a couple times, it was for that exact reason that you two broke up.
Tim: Tim had enough common sense to know never to start a fight with you while you were on your period, he just knew he would not win. He made that mistake once…never again. If he found you curled up, holding your stomach, he would kiss you and pick you up, and place you in his lap where he would pet your hair and just kiss the top of your head. Occasionally he would buy chocolates or flowers, but he knew you wanted him in your arms more than you wanted any materialistic thing.
-Admin Mikayla
Master List
After long request here it is. Last Updated: 6/4/15
The Outsiders Preference: How They Found Out They Were In Love With You
Requested by anonymous

Ponyboy Curtis: Ponyboy would know that he loves you after the two of you talk about books. No one in his neighbourhood were really into reading so the only person Pony could talk about novels With was you. He truly realized that he loved you when he seen the twinkle in your eyes when you spoke about your favourite story. That’s what really did it for him.

Sodapop Curtis: Soda would finally realize that he’s in love with you because of the simpliest actions. He’s very much a lover so it’s not hard for him to accept that he loves you. The two of you had gone on a drive one morning. Watching you sing along to the radio with a huge smile on your face and your hair blue in the wind as he zoomed down the road, caused Soda to come to terms that he’d do anything for you.

Darry Curtis: Darry realized he was in love with you after seeing you interact with Pony. Watching you be like a parental figure to his youngest brother made Darry smile harder than he ever has before. Darry always believed that Pony needed someone who could be like a mother to him and in that moment Darry truly thought that that could be you. What really took the cake for him was Pony telling him how much he approved of you.

Dallas Winston: Dally would realize that he was in love with you when you stay loyal to him. Most of the other people he’s dated cheated on him the first chance they got but not you. Even after he went to jail you waited for him, not letting any other man tempt you. Not only that but you visited him in the can every week. It was when you were speaking to him on the other side of the glass while he was locked up when Dally realized, he cared about you more than anyone else.

Steve Randle: Steve would realize that he’s in love with you after you managed to fix a car all on your own. Neither him or Soda could figure out what was wrong with the vehicle but somehow, after working on it for only a couple minutes by yourself, you were able to get it back up and running. Steve didn’t know anyone who was better with cars than himself and seeing that you were so mechanically talented made him fall head over heels.

Two-Bit Matthews: Two-bit would put things together after hearing you laugh. He’s heard you giggle tons of times before but for some reason, that day after one of his jokes made you bust a gut, his heart started pounding faster. For some reason your laugh, a sound he now cherished, that particular day made him come to terms with the fact that you owned his heart.

Johnny Cade: Johnny would know that he loves you after you stood up for him. You were walking by as a few socs were jumping Johnny and you yelled at them to back off. Eventually you managed to get them to leave him alone. He truly realized that he loved you as you were patching him up. Not many people in Johnny’s life with gentle with him, that is except you. He wouldn’t be able to stay sane without you and he knew it.
What are the all boys pet peeves?
warning: none!!
ponyboy: he hates when people talk to him while he’s reading (unless he’s reading to them). to him it’s the equivalent of someone talking to you when you have headphones in
sodapop: when people make jokes about his name. as if he hasn’t heard it all already. “sodapop? what about it? you thirsty or something? ha ha!” he will literally throw you into oncoming traffic
darry: slow talkers. slow eaters. sloppy workers. loud ceiling fans. nail biters. literally everything sets him over the edge because he’s always so stressed. he’s probably grounded steve for chewing with his mouth open
two-bit: hates when people take things that aren’t serious seriously. he can’t stand people reading into his jokes or digging deep into a funny story, or when he tells a fucking AMAZING joke and those same fuckers don’t laugh. he can’t stand people without a sense of humor
steve: everything. literally everything makes him tick. but people who ruin music are ESPECIALLY on his shit list. talking over classic rock or fucking with the stereo in his car or mumbling the words to a song you don’t know the lyrics to. the only people he can put up with doing that are soda and evie
dallas: when people don’t make eye contact. he’s always pulling johnny really close to him so that he has to look at him because he likes knowing he’s being heard
johnny: people underestimating him. when people think he can’t hold his own just because he’s small or people doubting his ability to be an asshole just beavsue he’s quiet. he doesn’t like being told he can’t do things just because of how he looks. he’s stronger than people think and he wants people to know that
tags: @kittymacaroons @curvydolleros @cherryvintagecoke @radioactivespiderdork @theoutsidies @ponyboyvhs @greaserbloom1324 @reddieformileven