The Siblings.... - Tumblr Posts

Here's a scene from the stage version of “Farewell, My Turnabout”. I love that Franziska denounces Phoenix until that moment when she faints, and Miles can only look at her.
Actor Au Panels that no one asked for.
Okay so everyone gets panels, I want to eventually draw them but i dont have my drawing tablet so :///
The Monokuma Panel! Basically everyone who voiced a Monokuma is here! So: Mono: Monokuma, Monosuke, and Motherkuma! Taka :Monotaro Byakuya: Monodam Sonia: Monophaine Nekomaru: Monokid
The siblings™ Panel
Ship Panels (Where you can ask and talk about your fav ship, so long that the actor is comfy with it :D )
and The Children. Basically Mono complaining about the dumb shit his kid do. (basically the whole cast)
Things I changed for this au and some headcanons :)
(This is for the Actor au btw)
Taka is really good at improv, so when Mondo was going to die, Junko basically said, ‘Taka do what ever the fuck you want, just make it believable.’ and thats what he did.
Taka and Mondo were dating for a long time and do ship their characters even today.
Ishida is a alter in real life, but in the ‘show’ he is seen as a coping mechanism.
Tenko is a lesbian and dating Himiko and Angie ir. :)
YES i do ship Ishimondo. YES I do ship Taka and Byakuya. NO you cant stop me >:D
The siblings™ dad is really bad. In this house we do NOT stan Takaaki.
Peko and Kyouko are basically the mom of the siblings, and in turn, everyone in their respective cast.
Hifumi way more like Twogami than Hifumi. (He played both because the real Twogami didn't want to and that okay)
‘Twogami’ Is a sibling with Byakuya, but their relationship is,,, strained to stay the least.
Ibuki Strems most of the filming process, Two is normally there as well, just to hang out.
Tenko is best fucking friends with Taka and Akane, would kill for them zero hesitation
Again, Taka is ripped, Mondo is not.
Mono is amazing and adopted everyone. Every single one.
Kokichi is a absolute sweetheart in real life, hes really shy so everyone finds it hilarious whenever he plays villian.
Byakuya adopted Ko. Taka adopted the WOH along with Komeda (I fucking hate the name Nagito so I will NEVER use it.)
Miu is JUST like her character, except a lot more caring of everyone and tones down the insults.
Actor au!!!!!
Kirumi: What do we say when we want to d8e? Taka and Junko: Yeet. Kirumi: NO.
Toko: Making my way downtown~ Walking fast~ Toko: ....? Toko: Making my downtown~ Walking slower cause Taka is short~
Mondo: Why is Aoi on the floor crying? Sakura: I told her I has a girlfriend. Mondo: But??? She is your girlfriend???? Sakura: I know.
Kaede: Lets have the girl afraid of heights have a exuction where I am high up for 99% of it! This will end up GREAT. /s
Mono: I need you guys to be straight with me. The siblings™: ..Gay silence..
Mondo: I put poison in one of these dishes but i forgot which one lmao Taka: By the way this dinner is going I kinda hope its mine.
Aoi: Im a lesbian. Hajime: ??? I thought you were Japanese???
Kokichi: I could probably kill god if I didn't have social anxiety and had enough energy to do anything tbh
Taka: I love knitting needles! I can make gloves, scarfs, I can stab your eyes out with them, and Hats!!! Yasuhiro: what???? What was that middle part???? Taka: I can make a scarf :DDDD!!!!!
Could I request Percy and Janice friendship headcanons? :0
Keep in mind this is just them in my version of CC not in canon or the common fanon.
When Janice first came to Candle Cove, Percy was actually the first person she met. She'd just woken up on an island and Percy who was out scouting just stumbled across her and panicked because "Oh my god there is a kid here why is there a kid here what do I do with it do I take it home oh god oh jeez oh damn-"
In the beginning, Percy actually wasn't very fond of her as he didn't think a child her age should be on a pirate ship and found her sort of annoying. In the beginning of the series before his character development Percy was quite a bit more selfish in his cowardice so even though she wanted him to like her he wasn't Janice's favorite either (that honor was given to Poppy almost immediately).
It wasn't until Janice and Nathan ended up going with Percy to help scout out an island the crew landed at and got caught up in a small adventure that lead them to meeting Banana King that Percy and Janice really started making a connection and Percy began falling into that protective big brother role.
Janice is naive, extremely curious, and despite being unsure of herself is always hungry for fun and adventure, so she's bound to get herself into trouble, and Percy is often the one having to force his fear to the side so he can help her out of it. Janice has her fair share of encouraging Percy to push through tough problems despite his fears too. They balance each other out.
I like to think Janice with her curiosity and circumstance actually starts reminding Percy a lot of Thade and their relationship which may be another part of his protectiveness over her.
I actually have an idea where Percy's character development is tied to his skill on the piano and is represented by it over the course of the series. In the early episode "Percy's Piano," he really wants to play like he used to be able to but just can't and is really bad, but as the story goes on every time he makes a milestone in his character arc (becoming more courageous and selfless in spite of his fear and traumas) he goes back to the piano and gets a little better at it, Janice encouraging all the way. The final scene in the final episode of the series, Percy though still not perfect at it, offers to teach Janice a song on it, which is actually a reflection of how he taught Thade to play a song back on the Tarantula Crew.
Percy loves Janice so so much man I don't know what to say that's just a big brother right there.
Janice is super small so keeping up with the rest of the crew leaves her pretty wiped out (tho she'd never admit it) and at the end of the day it wasn't uncommon for Percy to carry Janice on his shoulders when going back to the ship.
Percy has insomnia so he's usually up late, and later in the series Janice basically has a night terror every night (thanks Skin-taker) so because he's always up anyways Janice usually joins him in his hammock and he'll sometimes tell her stories until she falls back asleep.
He lets her wear his coat when it's cold. It too big for her and she loves it.
Percy is the first person ever Janice really told about her guilt over her mother's and friend's deaths and also the first to reassure her that it was never her fault.
Because he's the crew's main scout and navigator, Percy knows a lot about the stars and Janice loves going up with him to the crow's nest so they can gaze at them and Percy can teach her about different constellations and how to find her way around with them.
I like to think later when Janice gets older she and Percy have a matching braid in their hair (also she ends up being a little taller than him which he is NOT fond of).
Percy gladly lets her give him makeup and do his hair.
Throughout the series Janice's main weapon is a trusty little slingshot she shoots sharp rocks from and yeah, Percy gave her that. I'm debating whether to make it so it used to be his when he was young or not.
Hello user boopshoops!!!! I saw the emoji OC thing and I am here to send one!!!
I browsed ur OC masterlist and kinda got curious about Viddian Monroe, since she seems to be one of ur oldest OCs?? Her design reminded me of Catherine of Aragon from Six the musical, idk why, probs her spiky headband thing lol??
I do also want to ask about Yuu Shi and Jocia tho!! But pick and choose as you wish! 💭, 🎮, 🎻!
SKRIBLEE!!! HELLO!!!! sending you love for sticking around to support me for so long >:0
AAA VIDDIAN!!! She is- extremely ancient. I made her right around starting middle school! Her OG design was VERY different to how she looks now, but I picked her back up a few years later to rework her as an antagonist of mine!! She's just a teensy bit unhinged. Or mayhaps a lot. <3 ALSO WAIT SHE KIND OF DOES LOOK LIKE CATHERINE- damn i really need to fully watch that musical, i've only seen clips/animations of songs womp womp
💭what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
Viddian: ESFJ (Extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging) Viddian just LOVES people. To an unhealthy degree. She loves analyzing details about them, particularly regarding psychiatry, psychology, and morality. However, she only loves people in a purely entertaining sense. They're like toys she wants to play with, put in new scenarios to dance around in and see how they'll react. Once she learns enough, maybe they'll be thrown away. It's almost like she views herself as separate from them, though not necessarily above. Simply something different. To put it simply, she isn't as much 'gaslight gatekeep girlboss' as she is 'barratry, bludgeoning, babygirl'
Yuu: ESTP (Extrovert, sensing, thinking, perceiving) Ahh, now here's the gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss- constantly teetering on the edge of girlfailure-hood <3
Jocia: ESFP (Extrovert, sensing, feeling, perceiving) Live laugh love but like... combat, clinch, chokehold. (I'm keeping the twin's shorter since i already have their personalities summed up on their profiles :D)
🎮what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Viddian: Astronomy study, hunting, sparring
Yuu: Singing, playing guitar, dancing
Jocia: figure skating, working out, skateboarding!
🎻does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Viddian: Nope! Nada! She isn't very interested in music, but she is partial to ambient sound.
Yuu: YES! She plays guitar, violin, and piano! She is a virtuoso at guitar, as she has played it most of her life as well as MADE it her entire life. She is intermediate at violin given it is something she practices on and off mostly just to maintain her skills, and she is a beginner at piano!
Jocia: Ahhh Jocia... Lets just say there has been an attempt at guitar as a way to bond with her sister, but she is a beginner.