Sakura Ogami - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Your Stronger Then You Look

“Your stronger then you look…”

“And don’t give up!”



I made this because people should feel a little stronger every day as they go though struggles…Everyone has to go though their own type of struggles and though that, They get stronger every second afterwards.

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8 months ago

My Danganronpa AU Facts!

((These are facts from my Danganronpa OC AU))

1 - Everyone who were revived got Therapy

(Note: Im not explaining How they got revived, You just have to speculate)

2 - Sora got a Human body (Sora is from Super Danganronpa another Sequel)

3 - Satuki and Haruhiko are dating

4 - Akane and Ayame are Somewhat friends but are trying to mend their trust with each other.

5 - Kokichi and his group Dice secretly give presents to homeless children in the dead of night at shelters.

6 - Utsuro is also given therapy even if he doesn't want it and is Really Bored.

7 - Kenshiro got better and he and Sakura ogami are still dating!

8 - Gunham can use magic but it only works on animals.

9 - The higher ups at hope peak are Creeps and one of them Sexually harrassed a girl and got away with it. (This later got revealed to the public thanks to Phil)


These were my DR AU Facts and I hope you enjoy them!

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7 months ago

Warriors of Hope Swap AU - My take on the concept.

So basically I thought of a great idea for a WOH AU, But instead of characters personality’s or backstories are swapped…It’s the characters ages in a sense.

Basically the basic concept is that the Warriors of Hope members from the canon Danganronpa series are teenagers and the High schoolers like Class 78 and Class 77 and other Teenagers are the age of the Warriors of hope during The games events.

Though in this cause the Children version of Class 78 and other classes would probably have more messed up backstories or something due to the lore of Danganronpa and the role the WOH did in the Original game.

Also, for my concept I can see some of the members Either being hesitant on doing their tasks or rebelling against them and stuff like that.

Like Sakura or Mondo for example…

Or Other characters that could appear from other Fangans for this AU concept.

I can see Junko staying the same age from the OG games due to the lore and stuff like that.

But yeah! This was made for fun so what the heck!!!

Also feel free to make your own take on this concept and stuff like that.

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7 months ago

Danganronpa Mermaid AU 🐚🌊☠️

This is my Take on the Danganronpa Mermaid AU.

I own my Fangan characters who are shown here.


Plot of concept:

This Danganronpa Mermaid AU takes place in a Modern setting with some classic tropes from mermaid stories that you have already seen.

Each story will explain a different part of the Mermaids trying to make contact with the Humans of this world.



“This story is similar to the little mermaid with Sakura as Ariel and Kenshiro as the son of an important leader and Junko is the Sea witch who can shapeshift into use magic.”


Character Lore: Story #1


Sakura is the granddaughter of the leader of her mermaid group who Trains some of the other Merfolk to be strong fighters against other mermaids and Humans (Who some fear the most.)

Sakura is one of those powerful fighters who wants to be respected by the other Merfolk but her grandfather forbids that she fights due to him being Traditional and all that.

Sakura also doesn't know what happens to her parents who went missing a couple of years ago.

AOI HINA aka Sakuras friend!

Hina is one of Sakuras few friends and she is supportive of Sakura and she wants her to prove her Grandfather wrong and show that a woman can be as strong as a man!

Hina is also supportive of her when Sakura falls in love with Kenshiro and Hina wants Sakura to be happy.

Hina also has a Younger brother name Yuta who wants to be as fast as his older sister!

KENSHIRO aka The Child of an important leader.

Kenshiro is a sickly teen who is usually stuck in his room due to his parents worried for him and don't want him to hurt himself. He is tired of being stuck in one place and wants to get better so he can take over for his parents in the future.

Kenshiro also falls in love with Mermaid Sakura who he first sees when he is sitting on the beach and saw her looking at him behind a large rock.

JUNKO ENOSHIMA aka The Sea Witch!

Junko is the Sea witch who is known for her powerful magic! And can help anyone…For a Price…

Junko is also known for her ability to Shapeshift and her relationship with the Mermaid Fighter Murkuro aka the leader of the Royal guard and Royal army!


Note by creator!

Thanks for reading this! I wanted to get this down for a while and I think this AU is pretty interesting concept wise!

Also, There will be more posts for this AU in the future! so be ready when you can!

Also! Some of the Kenshiro X Sakura Ogami story was inspired by the little mermaid with some tweaks to my version.

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6 months ago

I agree! Our Queen!


Sakura Appreciation Post
Sakura Appreciation Post
Sakura Appreciation Post
Sakura Appreciation Post

sakura appreciation post <3333

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6 months ago

“If Canon ever met Fangan” - Sakura Ogami + Andy G.

(This is a series of stories where Canon DR Characters interact with my OCs)

(Plus this is the first time I ever did this so I'm just letting you people know!)

IF CANON EVER MET FANGAN - Thh and Theaders light.

Andy: “Hey! Your Sakura Ogami! Aka the Cherry Blossom Ogre!”

The giant buff female Stood there confused as the Teenage boy with karate attire expressed that weird title describing her.

Sakura: “I beg your pardon, But please don't call me that.”

Andy: “S-Sorry! I only called you that because of some of the teens at my School calling you that.”


Andy: “Sorry…I shouldn't have freaked out like that.”

Sakura: “I don't blame you.”

Andy: “H-Huh?”

Sakura: “Your still developing as a person, Lots of experiences yet for you to see and that includes interacting with Certain people with High respect from other people.”

Andy: “Yeah! Makes sense.”

Sakura: “Quick question.”

Andy: “Yeah? What's up?”

Sakura: “Your the Ultimate Karate pro aren’t you?”

Andy: “Uh Yeah. What about it?”

Sakura: “You probably have lots of spirit in you?”

Andys eyes lit up when she mentioned that word… “Spirit”

Andy: “Heck yeah i do!”

Sakura (Smirking): “Like to hear that, Wanna Train for a bit then talk afterwards?”

Andy: “Yeah! That would be great thanks!”

Sakura: “Mhm”

The two made their way towards the Training room where they started to streach before their training.

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6 months ago

Danganronpa Distrust AU - Protagonist Leon AU!!! ⚾️🏏


Leon is the protagonist instead of Makoto and Sayaka is his Support.

Kyoko is also the Mastermind in this AU instead of Junko. (Junko would be like herself in Canon and Murkuro isn’t in the main story)

The survivors in this AU are…

1 - Leon - Baseball star

2 - Sayaka - Pop idol

3 - Mondo - Motercycle gang leader

4 - Sakura - Marshal artist

5 - Celeste - Gambler

6 - Yashiro - Clairvoyant

7 - Togami - Affluent prodigy

8 - Kyoko - Detective - (Arrested + Mastermind)


Death order


V - Makoto - Lucky Student

K - Junko enoshima - Fashionista



V - Chihiro - Programmer

K - Toko - Author (Or whatever they are called in canon)



V - Kiyotaka

K - Hifumi


So yeah, These were some of my AU ideas for my Distrust Leon protagonist AU.

I hope you enjoyed them! And I hope your having a good day so far!

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4 years ago

Little things in the actor au

They👏 have 👏 sleepovers!  It started out with Junko and Taka working on the outfits turned sleepover, Then Toko and Byakuya joined, Then Sakura and Aoi, then Kirigiri and Makoto, Then everyone joined.

They have lots of party's and Jabberwock Island is real! The D1 cast goes there  a lot for summer break and the SD2 stays there year round! 

SD2 lived on the island before filming; and they decided to have the island be where Danganronpa 2 took place :)

They have a group chat and Nagito’s actor is bulled by EVERYONE.  They also run the Spike account. Junko runs it most of the time tho.

Junko and Leon wrote most of the lines high, so,,, it explains a lot. 

Someone insulted Taka, and no one had enough proof to say that Byakuya and Toko murdered the dude :)

The underwear thing DOES NOT EXIST in this Au. Everyone gets friendship bracelets :D

It took FOREVER to film Leon exuction; so most of the time spent was goofing off. One of the takes had Toko, Byakuya and Taka singing ‘The ballad of Sara berry’ With the rest as background singers.

Taka has sang ‘The party goes with you’ and Byakuya and Toko cried a little.

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4 years ago

So some friendships in the group! Everyone is friends so here is some highlights; send in requests for your favorite actors/characters!

Akane and Taka are the Ultimate pranksters and the Boss baby joke with Fuyu ;means that he had five hundred  boss baby stickers. If anyone spills food or drinks on their costume; the better run cause Junko and Taka are out for your blood.

They had a homophobe interview the once, so they all (Didn't matter if they were dating or not) Pretended to be couples (Boys with the boys and girls with the girls) It was also the time Sayaka found out that Kirigiri and Celestia were very pretty.(Gay awakening lol)

Byakuya and Taka have been friends sincee Highschool while the rest usually met in Collage.

Taka and Mondo did date, but unlike their characters, they didn't work out but they broke up on good terms and are still friends!

Aoi and Sakura are dating!

Tenko would kill for Taka and Akane. No I do not make the rules

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4 years ago

Actor au!!!!!

Kirumi: What do we say when we want to d8e? Taka and Junko: Yeet. Kirumi: NO.

Toko: Making my way downtown~ Walking fast~  Toko: ....? Toko: Making my downtown~ Walking slower cause Taka is short~

Mondo: Why is Aoi on the floor crying? Sakura: I told her I has a girlfriend.  Mondo: But??? She is your girlfriend???? Sakura: I know.

Kaede: Lets have the girl afraid of heights have a exuction where I am high up for 99% of it! This will end up GREAT. /s

Mono: I need you guys to be straight with me. The siblings™: ..Gay silence..

Mondo: I put poison in one of these dishes but i forgot which one lmao Taka: By the way this dinner is going I kinda hope its mine.

Aoi: Im a lesbian. Hajime: ??? I thought you were Japanese???

Kokichi: I could probably kill god if I didn't have social anxiety and had enough energy to do anything tbh

Taka: I love knitting needles! I can make gloves, scarfs, I can stab your eyes out with them, and Hats!!! Yasuhiro: what???? What was that middle part???? Taka: I can make a scarf :DDDD!!!!!

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4 years ago

Actor au actor au actor auuuuuuuu

Hifumi: Can you recommend me any books that made you cry? Aoi: general mathematics 6th edition.

Aoi: Im kinda feeling bad about my weight its just,,,, :( Sakura: The thicker your body; the more cats can use you as a pillow/bed. Aoi: :,) 

Rando: are you straight? Byakuya: Straight from hell.

Mondo: Love is cheap,,, but this booze is cheaper.,,,,, Celestia: that is vinegar you dramatic gay.

Kirumi: ..starts up the coffee machine.. Kokichi rushing down the stairs: BEAN JUCIE WHERE. Kirumi: It will be made shortly, please sit down first. The rest of the V3 cast: ... what the fuck

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4 years ago

actor au bitches <3

Junko: Hey Sho, so I was wondering what you wanted to be in the show? Like maybe- Sho: Murder. Junko: ??? Ah but shouldn't we set a good example for DID and make sure people know- Sho: Yes but MURDER.

Toko: My pronouns are: Fuck around/kiss girls.

Aoi: Im a lebion Aoi: a lesbi8n Aoi: A lesdoin Mondo: Take your time. Aoi: girls,,,,,

Mondo: So how is Florida doing today? Celestia: IM IN IDAHO YOU DUMBASS. DO YOU LISTEN?!!?!? Mondo: I do not :)

Kirumi: So you think that microwaving a remote will give it superpowers that will allow you to go back in time? Kaito: Yep! Kirumi: no- Angie: LETS SEE IT.


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4 years ago

Its 3 am and i kinda want to scream.

Taka nudges Byakuya awake: Do you like me? Byakuya: I am dating you. Taka: Yeah but is it like in a friend way or romantic way????

(before he and Taka broke up) Mondo very drunk: THATS MY BEST FRIEND FUCKERS Aoi: Thats your boyfriend lol Mondo: EVEM BETTER!!!!

Toko: When I die, bury me with a milkbone so that i can give Cerberus a treat when I show up in the underworld. Sakura: Psst! Three milkbones.

Toko: Love is dead and never existed, all he did was betray me while i laid sick. He is the definition of dread. Sakura: ..... are you ok????? Toko: Byakuya ate my fucking garlic bread. 

Kokichi: Hey mom?  Kirumi: yes Kokichi? Kokichi: .....How long can someone breath in a washing machine? Kirumi: why would you need to know that? Kokichi: ... Kirumi:????? Kirumi: WHERE IS KAITO AND MAKI-

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4 years ago

i now have a actual schedule!!! Yay!!!

Taka: Killing everyone on the among us game they were streaming. Celestia: 


Fuyuhiko: I swing both ways ;) Fuyuhiko: With a bat. violently. 

Kaito: My jacket has been disappearing lately :( Kokichi half asleep on his jacket: Spooky.

Sayaka: The floor is lava! Sakura: [Helps Aoi onto the counter] Peko: [Kicks Fuyuhiko off the sofa] Sayaka: As you can see, there are two types of lovers

Leon: Fuck you; ..unvirgins your olive oil.. Leon: WAIT NO. Chihiro: DID YOU JUST FUCK  MY OLIVE OIL????!?!?!?!?

Mondo: Why is my underwear in the freezer? Chihiro: You were drunk and said “this is gonna confuse me so much tomorrow” Mondo: That explains so much.

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4 years ago

I play Danganronpa hunger games sim. (game 1)

(Hifumi kills kyoko and Aoi) OMG The hamsters deadly???? tf

(Kiibo kills Sakura with a knife to the chest) Press x to doubt Sakura could crush him just by looking at this bitch.

(Hagakure kills Taka with a hatchet) HIRO YOU WHROEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

(leon and Shuichi hold hands) Awwww thats actually kinda cute!

(Makoto defeats Mukuro in a fight, but spares her life.) Murkuro went easy.

(Byakuya unknowingly eats toxic berries.) You dumbass. 

( K1-B0 catches Toko off guard and kills her.) Holy shit Kiibos racking in the kills????

(Kokichi tends to Makoto's wounds.) awwwwww.

( Junko questions her sanity.) Yeah that sounds about right.

( K1-B0 cries himself to sleep.) That also sounds true to the game.

( Makoto receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.) DO NOT GIVE THE EGG AN EXPLOSIVE.

Kokichis being reallt cute this game, all hes done is bandage people up and look at the stars; 10/10 cutie.

( Hiro kills Shuichi as he tries to run.) WTF weed man?????

(Junko receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.) DO NOT.

( Makoto picks flowers.) awww baby egg <3

( Makoto sets Kokichi on fire with a molotov.) WHAT THE FUCK MAKOTO HE WAS JUST PICKING FLOWERS TF

(Hiro unknowingly eats toxic berries.) Yeah that sounds right.

( Junko severely injures K1-B0 and leaves him to die.) Awww he and Ko were being friends :( But now their dead :(

( Junko falls into a frozen lake and drowns.) THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING KIIBO!!!!!!!!!!

( Akane kills Makoto while he is resting.) !!!!!!!!!!!! AKANE WINS!!!!!!!!!

The Survivor is Akane from District 10!  

Good job sweetie :)

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4 years ago

So I made my weeb friend play Danganronpa for the first Time (CHAPTER 1 SPOILERS)

She loves to theorise btw

Here are the things she said:

- Ishimaru and Leon are cinnamon rolls

- Celeste is going to be the first killer (she switched between this and

- Toko is going to kill Byakuya

- Byakuya reminded her of Prince Average (from Red Shoes and the seven dwarfs)

- Chihiro probably acts the whole moe kawaii thing and she's going to end up cackling over everyone's corpses

- Junko's going to be the main character cause she's the most reasonable and down to earth

- Kirigiri is dead all along and probably a ghost (this Will became hilarious later)

- Hiro probably smokes weed

- Aoi is harmless and cute

- when it comes to Mondo she went between He is going to kill somebody later on to he only has a big mouth and is harmless altogether

- Hifumi dies

Me: How come?

Her: I want him to. Can we kill in this game?

- Sayaka probably manipulates Makoto

- (when the keys come up): Oh Mayonaise going to steal or switch the keys and murder us in our sleep

- (when Sayaka gets upset and knocks on Makoto's door): It's gonna be Sayaka and she will be like: "Oh no, I'm just so sad and scared Can I sleep with you? ÓwÒ🌸" and then murder him in his sleep

- She basically figured out 80% of the first murder beforehand

- at some point my two brothers joined us

Brother 1 (our friend's boyfrined): *askes us who each character that pops up is*

*Leon comes up*: Is that the dude that's going to die?

Me, trying to give her a spoiler free experience and startled cause my edgy gamer brother hates anime: Why do you think he's going to die?

Bro: 'Cause you were crying about him yesterday and screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOO" *Hifumi voice*

Me: 😳

👉👈 (I love the rebel rebel baseboii, okay?)

- Is Sakura a girl or?...

- (when Sayaka dies): Oh noooooo not heeeer : ( *the most sarcastic way possible)

- we spent most of the day playing Dragon papa so she've got pretty tired and unresponsive by the end

After Leon's execution: He didn't deserve to die! *Sad face*But Sayaka did 🙄

- she figured out 11037 a little later than I expected

- She didn't understood the class trial gameplay at first and tried to shoot the characters lol

- She didn't respond to the class trial much

- strategised who she should talk to to gain valuable information (she went to Kirigiri, Byakuya, Toko, Celeste first and she was about to talk to Junko when she died)

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4 years ago

DR1 Cast as Things My Roommates and I Have Said: 2nd Year Addition

Makoto: Literally no one here is okay. This includes me. I’m not fine. I am very full of anxiety. Please help me. 

Kyoko: You don’t have to be a detective to know that you’re a piece of shit. 

Togami: Oh, we are WELL past the point of discovering I’m an asshole. You don’t get to be surprised.

Aoi: I really wanted dessert, but I didn’t have anything in the house… so I just went downstairs and ate an entire jar of sprinkles. Do you think I’ll die??

Mondo: *in the background, chanted without emotion* What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuc-

Chihiro: I am very frightened and would like to go home, and also a pinata. I have been good and I deserve one. That is all. Thank you for your time.

Ishimaru: Hey, y’all! I know it’s not cool to follow rules in this wasteland God has abandoned, but I must inform you that the laws of physics do still remain in place the next time you decide to attempt to throw an entire loaf of bread onto the balcony. 

Sakura: I am not usually an angry person… but you, sir, fill me with an absolutely ungodly amount of rage.

Hifumi: Told a girl on Bumble that she looked like this one cat girl in an anime… no response so far, but I’ll keep you posted.

Celeste: I’m neither smart or hard-working enough to be getting an A in this class, but I am an incredibly good liar. 

Sayaka: Can whoever is singing Taylor Swift’s “Haunted” in the basement this loudly at 2 A.M. learn to hit the notes? I don’t care about the noise, but girl, you ain’t doing this song justice. 

Leon: Oh, come on! Do I look like the kind of person who people are going to care about if they died during this?

Hagakure: The stars said we’re either going to get to stay for another six weeks or we’ll be going home tomorrow… so… I’m honestly more confused than when I started.

Toko: I’m just going to stay in the library with my book and hope I die there!

Junko: *while clapping* Say it with me! Pretty! Girls! Can! Commit! Arson!!

Mukuro: *holding a knife* If you don’t stop being stupid, this is going to stop being called “the kitchen” and start being called “the place they found that dude’s body one time”.

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3 years ago

Hey guys, can someone help find the post about Danganronpa girls in saving the world chart? Like one of them said "I'll protect you from the world" and "even if the world is against me" ( I think kirigiri said that). And "I'll stand by with you * the world" it has the female cast, even Junko, said somthing like this.

I've been searching this for about an hour and it's already almost 3 a.m😭.

I would appreciate and thank you if any of you guys find it

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