Your Welcome - Tumblr Posts
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you are always the first to like my posts and reblogs, I don't know how you do it.
thank you <3
Your wellcome, my dear friend:>

Hey thanks for always supporting me, I know I'm kind of annoying with my posts but thank you
YOUR WELCOME !!!!!❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖

late night and i was bored and used the incorrect quotes generator to make some pretty nightvale correct quotes

when you meet anyone you can find sink your teeth, you're in love for one night as you sleep in the day, you are mine i just want your love, so don't waste my time
celebratory hoffstrahm art for me finally going to watch saw 4 today. they fuckign made them PINK
I'm Indonesian

MINI SITTING THERE LIKE "dude SHOOT YOUR SHOT" i can't take this much longer
i approve

are there any cute girls out there who think my unorthodox plants vs zombies defense is cool 😢
Just found out some whale species sleep vertically in the water, figured it’d fit right in with your cursed biology tag lol
yes, but only sperm whales!

these fuckers take their snooze all together as a group, floating vertically in the water column around fifty feet down. we think that they're the only whales that do this, and they can only pull it off because they're the only whale that spends their entire lives in a group!

most whales are lonely creatures, speeding through the deep blue sea solo except at certain times of the year- and that means that these whales have to use the dolphin method if they want to catch some Z's, turning half their brain off at a time and leaving the other half to pilot their body slowly through the water and watch out for predators. and, uh, also to remember to breathe. that's important.

sounds extremely unrestful, actually. can we introduce these poor guys to the concept of memory foam?

somebody call tempur-pedic and ask if they make a size XXXXXXXL.
but anyway, if you're lucky enough to be born a sperm whale, you don't have to do that!
sperm whales are able to enter a much deeper rest state than any other known cetacean, much closer to the traditional mammal deep snooze. they float vertically in the water and keep just enough of their brains on to swim up when they need to breathe, but other than that it's light's out for these snoozeville boys.

and the reason for this is very simple, yet profound- who the FUCK is going to pick a fight with a sperm whale pod?

when you spend your entire life hanging with a couple dozen of your closest friends, all of whom are 60-80 feet in length and weigh more than three school buses stacked on top of each other, you get to learn what the term "safety in numbers" really means.
Things I changed for this au and some headcanons :)
(This is for the Actor au btw)
Taka is really good at improv, so when Mondo was going to die, Junko basically said, ‘Taka do what ever the fuck you want, just make it believable.’ and thats what he did.
Taka and Mondo were dating for a long time and do ship their characters even today.
Ishida is a alter in real life, but in the ‘show’ he is seen as a coping mechanism.
Tenko is a lesbian and dating Himiko and Angie ir. :)
YES i do ship Ishimondo. YES I do ship Taka and Byakuya. NO you cant stop me >:D
The siblings™ dad is really bad. In this house we do NOT stan Takaaki.
Peko and Kyouko are basically the mom of the siblings, and in turn, everyone in their respective cast.
Hifumi way more like Twogami than Hifumi. (He played both because the real Twogami didn't want to and that okay)
‘Twogami’ Is a sibling with Byakuya, but their relationship is,,, strained to stay the least.
Ibuki Strems most of the filming process, Two is normally there as well, just to hang out.
Tenko is best fucking friends with Taka and Akane, would kill for them zero hesitation
Again, Taka is ripped, Mondo is not.
Mono is amazing and adopted everyone. Every single one.
Kokichi is a absolute sweetheart in real life, hes really shy so everyone finds it hilarious whenever he plays villian.
Byakuya adopted Ko. Taka adopted the WOH along with Komeda (I fucking hate the name Nagito so I will NEVER use it.)
Miu is JUST like her character, except a lot more caring of everyone and tones down the insults.
Sitting, Just staring at the sunrise.
-He was always a workaholic, you told him to take a break once but he refused to do it. He took your offer in consideration and went to your earth, as he found you sitting on the edge of the tallest building in your city, he made his way to sit next to you as he found you with your mask on and your hair tucked in it.
-"Hey, Amor." He said softly as he rubbed your back and sat down with you. "Hi, guess your taking a break with me?" You asked him holding his hand as he sat down. "Yeah, I wanted to see you." He kissed your cheek and put a arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "I missed you too, Miggy."
-The two of you sat there for a while talking about life, the people passing the street below you, and anything else that was interesting. After a while you got hot under your mask, the wind blowing hard from where you guys were. "Here let me take my mask off real quick. " "Of course Amor." You got out of his grasp and took your mask off, the hair tie you had on also went off with the mask. Your silky/curly h/c hair went down to you back then soon was lifted up by the angry wind, flowing through the air.
-Miguel looked at you for a split second and looked back, his eyes wide underneath the hologram mask taking in your beauty. "Wow...your hair." You looked at him with small/medium/large strands of hair in your face, he pushed the out of your face softly and cupped your face. You leaned into his large hand and held in with yours.
-He leaned into your face asking for a kiss, (Cant blame him, your beautiful y/n!!) You closed the small gap between the both of you. The kiss was short but passionate. As the both of you parted you heard a sniffle behind the two of you, Hobie, Peter, Jessica, and Mayday just watched the entire thing and you felt a blush creep up on your cheeks. Miguel had a larger blush than you. "What the shock are you doing here?!" He asked the 4 spiders.
-Hobie who just came to drop off food for you stayed silent, Peter held Mayday as she played with the mask on her fathers face said, "Watching the most beautiful heartfelt thing I've ever seen..." He wiped a pretend tear from his eyes. Jessica leaving fast because 'the baby is making me pee' you were still surprised how she hasn't give birth yet.
-"Just came for a delivery, whats good y/n?" Hobie asked you setting the food next to your mask and patting your shoulder, leaving with Jessica. "Can you at least do that again?" Peter begged the two of you. "No, no. Just leave. " Miguel told him because he really wanted to do something. "Would you do it for Mayday?" He held the baby up to his face. "Peter please?" You politely asked him as he left pretending to be sad. Again it was just the two of you on the building top, the wind picking up its speed.
-"May I do something, hermosa chica?" He asked as a hand crept up your hip. "What is it, Miggy?" He ran his hand through your hair, it felt so nice to him. You leaned against his shoulder kissing his cheek. He leaned his head over yours.
-I guess this is your break with him.
Stars sobbing in a corner from shame T^T
My beejsona is named inkjuice but her nickname is Inky...
I stole your name mb dude now you have to get a new one
Dramatic gasp I see how it is now, the betrayal! Is there no such thing as loyalty anymore!? T-T /Huge joke
Love the name choice! Keep up the good work! /pos
I'm cute in a way you'd find a rat.
1.) Has no purpose
2.) Up to constant mischievous deeds
3.) Spreads many diseases and inconveniences
4.) Steals food
5.) Can be kept inside the house
6.) Can also be a pet but it'd be extremely unwise
7.) Looks ugly as hell but like in a cute way
I hope I have improved your day.
I found one! It's called 'Deception of the Elements' what's better its finished and there's a sequel ;)
Malec Merlin!au with Prince!Alec whose parents are against magic and have banned warlocks from the kingdom, and faithful Warlock/Servant!Magnus who’s actually really powerful ( but can’t reveal his magic) and is in love with his Prince
*whispers* and maybe it just so happens the prince returns those feelings
Lucifer’s old ass giving pep talks to Beel before every Fangol Game:

*edward cullen voice* doesn't he own a shirt?
That's correct
@ people who carry bags everywhere what do you put in them what is there to bring other than chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon why are you packing a suitcase to be outside for 5 hours
I've posted literally so many times today
I might need to take a break.
Anyway here are some photos I stole from Josh and Mully's Twitters. Got them so you don't have to spend an hour scrolling
The other boys' Twitter coming soon

was at a tattoo convention today and i saw a guy with a spider-man tattoo so i walked up and went ‘oh dude is that spider-man? badass! i love spider-man!’ and then looked down and realized i was wearing my shirt that says I LOVE SPIDER-MAN in big black letters. i’m a parody of myself
wtf, how did they make "your welcome" trend on tiktok??? It's literally a song that talks about rape, what.