This Gives Me Life - Tumblr Posts
Gummy has grown so much and yet, he still so neatly fits on the tip of my finger:

Also @crystalmagpie447 when slugs curl up in a circle like that, it means that they feel safe. It’s the position they take to sleep and in that position they are very vulnerable because birds can easily pick them up and eat them. So this means that Gummy associates me with safety so much that he’s willing to fall asleep on my finger all out in the open. And I feel so special 🥺😭

spent like 7 hours animating ojiro flipping out for some reason
I'm a simple creature. I see bearded Rick Moranis, I reblog.

Rick Moranis + messing with his beard (x)
Mr and Mrs Krelborn were just beginning their morning routine.
Audrey stood in front of the mirror and peeled the rollers out of her hair. Seymour couldn’t help but just stand and stare at her, his mouth agape.
“Wow.” Was all he could muster.
She placed the last roller down on the vanity and turned to face him. “Hm?”
He was snapped back into reality and smiled at her. Instead of playing it off like he did so many times when they were just co workers, he decided to tell her how he truly felt. It was so much easier now that he didn’t have to hide his feelings for her; not that he’d done a great job before anyway.
“Wow. I said wow.” He stepped towards her and snaked his arms around her waist. “You’re beautiful.”
“Seymour!” She turned a shade of bright red and started laughing. They’d only been married for 4 days so she was still adjusting to Seymour’s many compliments. “I haven’t even put my face on yet!”
“I mean it, Audrey. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, inside and out.” He was still gaining the confidence to initiate physical contact so when he leaned in and kissed her, she was slightly taken aback.
They broke apart and she gave one of her traditional wide grins. “That was really nice.” She beamed.
“The kiss or the compliment?” Seymour asked.
“Yes.” They started to laugh then continued to kiss, forgetting about everything else.
When I tell you I GASPED-
Happy Early Halloween!!!
When Kieren was alive, even though he was kind of a rebel in the village, he was very unsure of himself and of course Rick coming from the background that he did, it was very difficult for them. I kind of think, did they kiss or didn’t they kiss? I don’t think they got there. I think it was something that could have got there. […] In series two, Kieren was ready to take the reins and ready to kiss someone, especially when he’d seen what happened to Freddie, he was like ‘I’m just going to do it’.
Dominic Mitchell [x] confirming that this was, in fact, Kieren’s first kiss:

(via girlkingofhell)

when ya bf is a portable heating and cooling unit

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN DOE MALEVOLENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something was off again. Something different from last time, right after coming home and hearing Gaara say his first 'please' and 'thank you' in years.
Kankuro elbowed her gently, as if afraid to wake Shukaku if he got caught spying on him. His sister nodded and whispered:
"What is it now?"
"He's been to the garden. He plucked a flower." the younger replied.
Temari quirked an eyebrow and motioned him to ellaborate.
At first, Kankuro explained, he expected the boy to destroy the place or something like that. But the he only took one pink flower and wandered off for the rest of the afternoon.
Before Temari could ask anything else, said boy passed nearby, completely lost in his world.
She pointed at him and Kankuro nodded. Then they began to move together like an elderly couple, following their little brother with extreme caution. He seemed to alternate between study the flower and look into the horizon, curiously in Konoha's direction.
The siblings eyed each other, half puzzled, half worried.
"Do you think...?"
GaaSaku Fan Fest 2023
Day 3: Childhood Crush ♥
PS. Gaara doesn't know how to handle this new feeling :>
Jason, Bubba, Brahms and Michael’s reaction to their S/O tripping over their own feet
Okay so I thought I posted this, but here we go again.




Howdy there, could I politely have Jake, Quentin, Steve, and Leon react to a s/o that likes to fuck with the killer? Like, “YO FRANK YOUR PULL OUT GAME IS WEAK.”
Honest to god, me when I finally shift into my DBD DR. Like, my whole goal with be to cause so much chaos in the Entity's realm. No one will be safe from my harassment, no killer or survivor.
Please don't like my posts, if you like and want to support me as a writer do not like. Instead reblog, comment, or just leave a nice message in my inbox. Likes are discouraging writers from writing; there is more info for people who are interested here.
Tags: Cursing, the reader being a little shit, general fluff and goofiness
Starting off Steve is going to be your best friend in the Fog, the second he sees someone fully on board with being a dumb little shit Steve jumps to join in .
It started like this, you were in a trial with the nurse and doing a pretty good job of looping.
however, you got cornered in a dead zone, you started to panic and the nurse blade arched for you.
Without thinking you yell at her while spinning around trying to avoid the hit, "Move, I'm gay!". Why that was the first thing to come to your mind, you have no idea but it seemed to work.
The blade whizzed past your shoulder and you ran away giggling like an idiot, you turn to look over and saw that the nurse was standing there trying to registered what you just yelled at her.
Unbeknownst to the both of you David and Steve were on gen nearby and saw/heard everything, the both of them had to bite their lips not to bust out laughing and notifying the nurse.
They now quote that whenever you are in earshot, you can't help but laugh at the same time, a matter of fact it only encouraged you to fuck around more.
In another trial with Deathslinger you saw him walking towards you and your gen and just stood up staring at him, he raised his gun but when you didn't move but matter of fact stood wide stance he stopped in confusion.
He put his gun down and stared at you for a moment, that's when you raise your finger like a gun and say "bang"
There was a painfully long pause before Deathslinger quick scoped a shot into your chest, it was worth a shot hehehhehe
He did find it amusing and will occasionally chuckle when he remembers it.
The worst/best moment within a trial with Legion, specifically Frank. Dwight was downed and being carried to a hook, you ran forward and Dwight's face lit up thinking you were going to help him.
That's when you stopped and yelled at Frank "Yo, Frank your pullout game is WEAK!!!", everyone stopped, even Frank and Dwight. He didn't turn to you but instead shrugged Dwight off of his shoulder and slowly turned to you, your own heart sinking to the pit of your stomach.
You got tunnelled and camped out of the game, It worth it though.
Another time you were getting face camped by the Pig for other unrelated shit, you were zoning out waiting for the Entity to stab you when you noticed how close she was to you, just staring up at you.
That's when the bright idea of bopping her snoot came to your head, so naturally, that's what you did.
She paused to think about what happened and gently laughed before hitting you on the hook, the other survivors picked up on that though and now everyone tried to boop her snoot
Your personal favourite is with Ghostface, for the most part, you hate him but the two of you had playful banter dynamic.
In the Grim Pantry, you were hiding in the tall reeds as Ghosty walked past, you stuck your leg out and he fell face first.
You watched as time passed in slow motion, Danny fell face first and didn't even get his hands up, slid down in the mud for a solid 30 cm and his legs plopped down behind him.
When Ghost got up to look at you, you wore the smuggest and little shit smile you could have worn.
Now, whenever you get the chance you'll take a handful of dirty and show Danny, "Look, I got you a snack mud man".
He does not appreciate the nickname.
No matter how many times I read this, IT'S SO FRIGGING BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE I CRY??!!!
Look at my babies, being adorable 100% of the time QwQ❤️❤️ (and Duckworth being Duckworth XD. You write him perfectly)
Types of company. m’ma cabrera/bentina beakley. ducktales’17
Cabrera’s clothes smelled like lavender. With care, she let Beakley rest against her chest on the bed.
n/a: pure fluff and duckworth being his usual ‘im-gonna-annoy-bentina’ self,sick fic,old women in love,suggestive flirting, this fic is in ao3 too
Cabrera’s clothes smelled like lavender.
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The idol everyone craves! ⭐
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Awhhh T T
This is beautiful, I have no words, ¡BRAVO!, THIS IS PERFECT!!!!
Counsel to the Young Prince of Ithaka
“You see, Odysseus,” my grandfather shifted his weight on the unsteady branches of an old olive tree. We were far outside of the palace, away from the view of the royal guard and my father. He loved these places, trails that wouldn’t necessarily lead you anywhere in particular, and there were many in Ithaka, though it was a small island. He plucked a small bunch of olives from the branches, cupping them neatly in his hand as he came back down towards me. He passed me one — purple, soft and overripe. I grimaced as it fell on my hands, mother always said they were bad for you. “You wouldn’t eat one of those would you? They’re much too old now”, he dropped the rest of the purple olives on the grass.
“Oh don’t make that face!”, he said as he reached into his old leather bag, “Here! You’ll prefer this”. His arm outstretched toward me, holding an apple, an ugly, rotten thing. It seemed to crumble every time he swung his arms around to speak — which he always did. “Appearances are very important, young man, aren’t they?”, he said confidently, Grandpa Autolycus always knew what he spoke of, he had lived a life full of experience. “You wouldn’t eat this, would you?” he held it nearer to me. “No! Eww”, I grimaced, it smelled even worse than it looked. “But what if I…” he held my attention as he passed the rotten apple behind his back, from his right hand to his left, and out came a shining, almost golden, apple. They said it was his gift, as the son of lord Hermes.
“How did you do that!” I was shocked, my eyes filled with wonder at the gleaming fruit in front of me. It seemed to glow as the sun struck it through the leaves of the olive trees that surrounded us. It almost looked godly, like something Lady Athena or the mighty Lord Zeus would dine on. I inched ever closer towards it, its beauty mesmerizing me. The smell of rot and disgust hit my nose the moment the apple was up to my young face, and I darted back as the horrible stench approached me. “Appearances can be deceiving, wouldn’t you say?” he laughed as I attempted to get rid of the smell that had now plagued my nose and would disappointingly remain with me for the remainder of the day.
“But one can change their appearance” I saw the apple transform with a snap of his fingers, crumbling back into the rotten mess it was before “Even the mightiest of men can look poor and wretched if given enough practice. Even you, Odysseus!” He said as he ruffled my hair, laughing as the strands began to cover my gray eyes. In between laughs I stammered, “Stop!”. He managed to pick out some better olives, green ones, which we ate as we watched birds fly over Ithaka. I laid by him as Helios traveled below the Earth and night came. Nights were quiet in the island, only the sound of the crashing waves and the leaves of olive trees being rustled by the wind could be heard, perhaps the sound of a boar if you were unlucky.
“I taught Herakles how to wrestle, you know?” he laughed as he lifted me above his shoulders, “You’re lying!” I shouted with doubt as I laughed along. He stopped for a second, an almost imperceptible second, “I lie to everyone else, young man”, his face turned serious, “but not you. You’re too clever for that”. It was the first time he’d spoken to me without the hint of a chuckle in his voice. “Do not forget this, Odysseus. You are more clever than you know”. I did not understand him then –most of his words fell on attentive, but deaf ears— he spoke to me as though I were an older man, after all. A man such as he, bearded and full of experience. But I was not an old man like him, I was young, spry, and endlessly energetic. Though his words stuck with me even more than the scar that marks my thigh, and I would understand his counsel.
As we reached the castle, and he ignited my imagination with tales of monsters and gods — how lord Hermes stole the cattle of great Apollo, or how Perseus slayed the terrifying Medusa — until I fell unconscious on his lap and Eurycleia lifted me to my bedchambers.
“He loves you more than anything else in Ithaka,” she said as she tucked me into bed, “You were named by him you know, not your father”. I had heard the story before, my father and Eurycleia had brought the young boy, the heir to the throne of Ithaka, to the lap of his grandfather. He looked at the boy with joy, his young, gray eyes reminding him of adventures of his past. Eurycleia recommended the name Polyaretos, “most wished”, she said with tears in her eyes, “we have prayed much for this young boy”. My father seemed pleased, though my grandfather disagreed. “Odysseus” he told him, “hated one, that shall be his name”. He did not laugh, Eurycleia maintains that she could see tears welling up in his eyes. My father was opposed to marking the next heir to the throne with such a bad omen, yet my grandfather persisted. “Give me this, young man” he said to King Laertes, “this boy will be far more than all of Ithaka, I will assure it”. He stood, holding the baby softly to his chest and walking towards the young king, “name him Odysseus”.
No one is quite sure why I was called Odysseus, some don’t even believe it is of our native tongue. But it was important for my grandfather, regardless of what it meant for my future. I was important to him, perhaps he saw me as a second chance for the actions he regretted. “He was a haunted man” some would say, but they did not know the beaming, grinning Autolycus I knew. The old man who would run through the rocky hills of Ithaka with an infant on his shoulders who could not contain his excitement, or would involve his grandson in his many mischievous plans, to the delight of the young boy. He was a man who would do anything for his family.
I am older now, 22 years of age, expecting a young boy, Telemachos. I will do all I can to see him grow, to advise him and show him the beauty of our kingdom. I will be there for his first steps, for his first words, for the first time his beard begins to grow. He will be my pride, my joy, my world. I understand now, perhaps, why that young, gray-eyed boy meant so much to the old man.
-Odysseus, father of Telemachos
Nothing makes me feel more accomplished than seeing this 7 times in one day.