ThIS IS SO GOOD OP??? - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

they’re backkkk

Theyre Backkkk
Theyre Backkkk

felt like drawing them bcz October’s coming up lol

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9 months ago
4 full-body drawings of Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi labeled from 1-4. The first, is standing with her arm out to the side. Her pupils are contracted and one fang is visible. Fur patches all over her body are more prominent than the others. The second has a relaxed look, and is leaning to one side with her tail flicking. The third is tense, with puffed up hair and a puffed up tail. Her ribs are showing and her pupils are wide. The fourth is standing with her hands on her hips. She is looking straight ahead petulantly.

what if we saw shapeshifter versions of izutsumi?

Digital comic. Izutsumi silently fumes at her shapeshifters in the first two panels, but shouts out "I do not look like this!" at the third, where both Izutsumis are puffed up and angry. The fourth panel has her return to silence, with the other members of Laios' party watching. Marcille approaches Izutsumi and asks "Ah, Izutsumi... don't you think you've been a little uncharitable to the rest of us, too?". They both look forward, and Izutsumi says, "Huh?... What do you mean?" The last four panels are of Laios, Marcille, Chilchuck, and Senshi shapeshifters in order, each having a nerd face. The Laios shapeshifter says "Actually, monsters re good for you!". The Marcille shapeshifter says "Izutsumi, you can't just walk out on your own!". The Chilchuck shapeshifter says "I'm an adult man, not a heat pillow!". Senshi's shapeshifter says "You need to eat your vegetables!"

Explanations under the cut

Closeup on Izutsumi #1's face.

#1 is Laios' Izutsumi:

extra detail on her cat parts

more monster-y traits present

outfit mistake

Closeup on Izutsumi #2's face.

#2 is Marcille's Izutsumi:

influenced by their time in the Golden Country

a little more chill than the others

softer hair

Closeup on Izutsumi #3's face.

#3 is Senshi's Izutsumi:

details of puffed up fur

this izutsumi is skinnier than the others (ribs showing)

^^ senshi must take care of the child

Closeup on Izutsumi #4's face.

#4 is Chilchuck's Izutsumi:

rounded ears like marcille's

eyes kinda look like his kids puckpatti and flertom


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1 year ago

Hello! I was wondering if you could write something for Swerve w/ a human fem s/o who helps him around in his bar? Like she has a bit of trouble since, well, she’s small™️ but she has a lot of energy and never takes no for an answer haha. Hope this made sense, love ur writing and have a nice day/night!!!

I sort of went a bit off script for this 'cause I like comedy and I like men/mechs that cannot handle romantic attention. Thank you for the kind words, I hope you have a nice day/night too <3 Thanks for the request :)

Warnings: SFW, GN Human reader

You push as hard as you can, digging your heels into the bar top. Your legs shake from effort, the surface your back strains against barely budging against your strength.

“Do you require assistance?” Ultra Magnus’ voice, a little confused, and a little concerned, comes from the other side of the glass of engex you have been attempting to move.

“Nope! This is for you by the way,” you mock salute with a grin, satisfied at the distance you had crossed.

Ultra Magnus raises a servo to the drink, politely declining. You have half the mind to be upset after putting in all that work to get it over here, but you let it go as it’s not typical for the mech to be in Swerve’s at all. 

Looking behind you before leaning in, Ultra Magnus speaks in hushed tones, “I understand this establishment is typically understaffed. However, organics working without consent and pay is illegal, as stated on-”

“Woah, wait a minute. You know I’m doing this for fun, right?” You cut Ultra Magnus off, the smile gone from your face. 

“Uh… Right! Yes, I was aware of that.” He looks anywhere but at you, “Just… an attempt at humor.” 

“Right…” Well, this situation is officially awkward. 

Luckily, Swerve drops in, just in time to save you the mortification of continuing the conversation.

“Ahah! How’s my favorite law-abiding bot doin’?” Swerve addresses the blue bot as he scoops you up in his servo, settling you on one broad shoulder, “Can I getcha anything?”

Ultra Magnus nods a greeting, “No thank you, I was just leaving.” Not leaving room for any other conversation, he gets up and leaves while you and Swerve watch.

Once the big mech has disappeared from sight, you take the time to throw your arms as best you can around Swerve’s helm. It’s probably been less than an hour since you last saw him, but you blame the clearly lacking entertainment for the time dragging on. 

One of Swerve’s servos is still cradled around where you sit on his shoulder, pressing you into his helm as you embrace what you can. 

“Did I interrupt something? Sorry if I did.” He sighs apologetically, grabbing the glass Ultra Magnus left behind to dump out or give to a patron who is more than willing to drink someone else’s unfinished energon.

“Only Ultra Magnus throwing away all my hard work.” You pout, kissing the side of Swerve’s face.

His jaw goes slack at the action, the white under his visor turning a few shades closer to energon. You pull back and admire your work, knowing underneath that blue visor, he’s avoiding eye contact at all costs for the sake of not going unresponsive.

Regaining some of his composure he walks with you towards the sink, presumably to wash the glass after draining its contents. Wordlessly, he pours the engex down the drain, careful not to move too much and potentially drop you.

“I-I’m really happy you help around, even if you can’t do much. Not that you don’t help! You do! Just- Thank you for helping.” Poor Swerve’s blush only worsens as he stumbles through his words, his servos fidgeting around the glass as he washes it. 

“I’m happy to do what little I can,” you start, and Swerve offers a warm smile before you continue, “Though sometimes it is hard, the view ain’t half bad.” Punctuating your terrible attempt at flirting with a wink, you hop down from Swerve’s shoulder and onto the sink’s rim.

You push the faucet off with fairly minimal effort compared to many of the other tedious tasks you’ve completed in this bar and turn back to Swerve. 

If his face was tinted before by blush, now it’s full blown covered. His mouth is wide open, and he drops the glass. It promptly shatters, and Swerve goes down with it with a resounding crash.

Peering over the edge of the counter, you see your poor Swerve, knocked straight out.

From somewhere across the bar, you hear a certain helicopter shout, “Stop flirting with the bartender, fleshy! You know he can’t handle it!”

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3 years ago
Keep It Together
Keep It Together

Keep it together…

edit: this comic is based on this hc I made on twitter

Keep It Together

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3 years ago

Congrats on reaching 500 followers!!! I always like reading your works and they always make my day :DD

If I can still req, I'll just submit prompts and you can choose anyone you likee :> Like go wild with it :D

SFW: "We had a fight. It didn't mean I stopped caring." with a shy, gn s/o

NSFW: "Can my sweet baby eat Mommy's pussy, please?"


I Still Care

Thoma x Shy!GN!Reader (Modern AU)

Summary: You and Thoma had an argument, it was hard to imagine, such a shy blob like you and a perfect guy like him, maybe it was about how he thinks you're too clingy because he was the only one who had actually befriended you, heck, he even started dating you. Either way, when you passed out and was brought to the hospital, you didn't even bother to call for him, did you think... that he stopped caring about you?

Prompt: "We had a fight. It didn't mean I stop caring."


It was 2:11 am...

Ayaka, your only other friend, had walked into your hospital room, running to you immediately and wrapping her arms around you. "Oh, Y/N! Are you okay? I came as soon as I got your message." She had a worried voice as she hugs you, rubbing your back soothingly.

"I'm okay..." Your voice was a bit hoarse from staying up all night. "Just got a bit dizzy and fell over at the grocery store, but ok feeling better." The blue-haired girl pulled away from you, sitting beside your bed and looking at you in worry.

"I swear... I'm fine, in fact, Thoma doesn't even need to be here. I can be discharged and go home by--"

"Actually," Ayaka had cut your words off. "...I already called him. I couldn't just not tell him, I think he deserves to know that you're hospitalized." She gently grabbed your hand before playing with it.

"It wouldn't be fair for him to not know..." The girl beside you bit her lip, her gaze was apologetic.

You laughed a little to ease the tension. "You make it sound worse than it actually is."

You slumped on down onto the headrest, sighing heavily. "Maybe you can call him and tell him to not worry about coming here?" You almost sounded like you were begging.

"My world doesn't revolve around you! I can't always be there for all the insignificant things you do!" Thoma was yelling at you, you just suggested that maybe he should take a break from working all the time to hang out with you just a bit more.

"... I was just hoping that we could at least spend this day together?" You had tears in your eyes, but you held them in, it was just a bad day for him, he doesn't actually mean that he doesn't like spending time with you, that's what you tell yourself.

"Y/N, I'm home every night! But that's not enough for you, huh?" He forcefully shut his laptop, the sound it makes made you shudder.

Standing up from your shared bed, "You know what, I am so so tired. And an argument won't help me in anyway at all." Thoma was too blinded by frustration to see your glossy eyes and your hurt expression. He just walks passed you, "I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." He walked out of your room, leaving you there standing, desperately holding yourself together.

"Did you two... fought?" Ayaka was worried that it wasn't her place to ask, but she hates seeing her two best friends not seeing eye-to-eye.

You just wanted to get the argument, which was more so him yelling rather than an actual argument really, out of your head. But it was all you could ever think about.

"We're fine... It was just a petty fight."

Thoma walked through the door, walking up to you immediately. "What happened?!" He seemed more mad than he was worried, somehow, that pricks your heart a little.

Ayaka stepped back, giving room for Thoma to reach you.

"It's fine, I think it was just because I'm dehydrated." You told him, looking down on your hands as you feel his disapproving gaze on you.

"Your foot is in a cast. That's not because of dehydration." You looked at your bandaged foot, wiggling your toes.

"It's just a binding, not a cast."

"The nurse said that your foot might be sprained." Thoma sat down on where Ayaka previously was. The blond man looked at the girl behind him, and she immediately caught on.

"Maybe I'll just get some coffee, it's been a long night for you both."

A few minutes after Ayaka left, he spoke again. "You didn't call me." He stated coldly, but his voice seem pained. "So many things have happened, you got hurt, sent to the E.R, stayed here for five hours and nobody ever called me." His eyes were fixed on nothing but you, looking at you questioningly.

"Like I'm not your fucking boyfriend." You winced when Thoma cursed, he didn't do that a lot, now you know he's really mad. "We had a fight, Y/N. We ignored each other for days." You finally suck up the courage to look at him, but it was a mistake, the moment you looked at his watery eyes, you felt like you were about to break down. "But those few days, our argument... It didn't mean I stopped caring."

He sat up, gently putting his hands on your shoulder. "I really hope you know that. I hope you know that even if we have misunderstandings, I won't ever stop caring about you." It sounded like his voice was about to break.

"It's insignificant..."

"What?" Thoma's expression turned confused.

"Y-You said that you can't always be there for all the insignificant stuff. This is---" He slammed his hand onto the the bedside table, making you jump.

"Your safety isn't insignificant, Y/N. I... You know I didn't mean it like that!" You didn't like it when he yelled, you were always too shy, too quiet to ever pipe back. His hands fell on his face once an uncontrollable sob escapes your mouth.

You just melted back onto the bed, ready for his lecturing again. Seeing your figure job just look so tired and lonesome made Thoma bite back what he was about to say.

Ayaka walks back in, a tray of coffee cups in her hands. "I found a coffee shop! I've been walking around the cafeteria for twenty minutes, I just couldn't find it at first." She immediately shuts her mouth when she walked in, obviously sensing the awkward tension in the room. "I'll give you a few more minutes to talk." She closed the door immediately after that.


After getting you on a wheelchair, drinking some coffee, and say goodbye to Ayaka after reassuring her five million times that you'll be okay, you were now in Thoma's car, ready to head home.

As he drove, the car was dead silent, your head resting on the wall beside you, whilst looking outside.

"Thoma! I never meant that you should only think about me. I just want us to be together more often." You reasoned with him, yet his face remained cold.

"Yeah, well thanks to you calling for me to go home, all my work is moved till next week. So I'll have to work my ass off for then." Your lover had laughed mockingly, clapping his hands at you. "So congratulations, Y/N! You got what you want, I'm home for the rest of the week and I'll be dying the next."

Your breathing starts to become heavy. "I-I didn't know! I'm sorry, okay. But can you please just listen to me."

"No! You listen to me. I am so sick and tired of your bullshit. Can you please just stop being so annoyingly clingy?!"

"I'm sorry." His ears perked up as he heard you words.

You feel your eyes beginning to water. "I'm sorry for being so clingy.... I'm s-sorry for making your work even harder." You start to stutter and your voice started to break. Your breathing was heavy once again.

"I just r-really love you, you're the first p-person to ever shower me with so much love." You were still looking outside the passenger window, your vision blurry from unshed tears. "I'm sorry you have to be with s-someone like me."

"I'm sorry that I make your life h-harder, that I always m-make a mess out of everything." Your throat desperately wanted to let out a few sobs, but you held on, you didn't want to look even more pathetic in front of him.

"I promise that... I'll never force you to h-hang out with me again. And I'll never be clingy, and I'll let you do w-whatever you want. And I won't ever c-complain again." Tears started to run down your face. You were scared, scared that how you acted before would drive him away, you were scared that the person you loved the most in this world would leave you.

Thoma parked the car in your garage, not having said anything throughout the whole ride. That scared you even more. Your body just felt so tired from the crying and frustration. He got out of the car, jogging to your side to carry you home.

As you were in his arms, you gently caressed his cheek. "I'm sorry, T-Thoma. I just really love you." That's what you said before you fell unconscious.


Thoma couldn't stop his tears from falling, he was sat beside your sleeping form, your foot properly elevated to prevent any pain. He had your hand in his, kissing it again and again.

"Y/N... I'm sorry too, I... I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispered into the air, knowing full well that you couldn't hear him, yet he continues anyway. "I love being with you, I love it when you're clingy, I love hanging out with you, I love being with you." Thoma planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "I love you too..."

"Please, Y/N... don't ever promise me to stop being who you are..."

The next morning, everything was completely different, you woke up to the smell of a delicious aroma, you sat up, being careful with your foot.

The next minute, Thoma had entered your shared room, a tray with a plate of syrup covered pancakes and a glass of milkshake in his hands.

"Oh, you're awake. I made you breakfast... well, for lunch" He walked closer to you, sitting down and placing the tray on your lap after taking the milkshake so it doesn't spill. You're surprised, he's still there, he usually goes to work very early, and looking at the clock, it was 12:16 pm.

"You're... still here?" You had asked him, confused. He just chuckled at your question.

"Who else would take care of you?"

Last night, you did think about him leaving you all alone in the house with a sprained foot. If that happened, you would have just called Ayaka for help, she did say last night that if you ever need her, she'll be there.

For the entire day, Thoma had been with you, catering to your every need, even things you don't need. You know what all of that was about, but confronting him would just make you so tired all over again.

It was bed time, you were both in bed with only the moonlight giving light to the room.

"Y/N...?" Thoma was on his side, looking at your face.

You just hummed as a response, looking back at him.

"I love you..." You smiled as he said that, not even sure that he can see the curve of your lips.

You slowly inched closer to him, giving his lips a quick kiss. "I love you too."

"I don't want you to keep those promises." He stated, his hand holding onto yours yet again. You knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Are you sure...? I just don't want us to fight again..." You say, unsure of yourself.

"Y/N, I don't want you to ever feel like our relationship is some sort of prison, you have just as much say in this as I do."

"Is it okay to be clingy now?"

Thoma laughed slightly, "Of course, love." His body inches closer to you, carefully pulling you to his chest.

"Good, 'cause I was really missing your hugs." Your head nuzzled his chest.

"I'm pretty sure you'll be sick of them in a few days."


So this is the prompt I chose and Thoma is the character I chose! I really hope you like it! And I'm really glad that my stories can make your day, you're so sweet.

As for the NSFW prompt you chose, I'll see what I can do, but I'll probably focus more on other requests too. Thank you!!!

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