This Is So Important To Their Characterisation - Tumblr Posts
The Reds and Blues are assholes, that much is known by anyone who gets the pleasure of getting to know them.
But there are moments when that mask of theirs falls, where the feelings they have for their teammates get pushed up for all to see. Because when you spend years with the same ten people, getting to know their quirks, their history, spending hour after hour, day after day, you kind of get attached.
So it makes sense that after all the time spent together, all the years they spent teasing and joking and sitting around with each other with no reprieve, that they'd get a little protective of each other from time to time.
There's been days where someone says something mean enough to make Caboose cry and suddenly they have Tucker and Grif roasting them into oblivion and threatening their entire family line. There's times when someone grabs Tucker a little too roughly and make him wince and suddenly Wash is at their shoulder yanking them away with a glare that could turn a man to stone. There's incidents where someone starts shoving Simmons around and Sarge cocks his shotgun and fires at their feet until they scatter away.
Yeah, they're assholes to each other. Yeah, they don't always get along. But when it counts, when it comes down to it, they're always gonna look out for each other.