11 months ago
I'm Gonna Skip Over All My Moonangel Bean Wip's I Haven't Even Posted Yet Real Quick To Urgently Bring

i'm gonna skip over all my moonangel bean wip's I haven't even posted yet real quick to urgently bring you the concept of tiny half elf baby ears going wiggle wiggle while nursing. kitten style

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1 year ago

Would you write something where the reader feels some kind of insecurity and by talking about it with Spencer she feels better? Only if you want!

Would You Write Something Where The Reader Feels Some Kind Of Insecurity And By Talking About It With

“Spencer,” you murmured from the front desk.

It was already night in the bullpen and there were only the two of you left, so your friend didn't even look up from the reports he was reviewing to respond to you.


“Do you think I'm weird?”


The response had been sudden and playful, probably without any intention of hurting you, but the pencil crashing into his long, golden hair forced him to look at you only for him to realize that you were expecting a different kind of response.

“I'm serious,” you insisted, a little sterner than the first time you spoke.

Spencer observed your lightly made-up face with a smile, not too much to make you look vulgar but enough to enhance your features, and stopped to connect with your eyes, obviously restless.

"Why do you ask me that?"

“Do you think I am?”

“There are many kinds of weirdness, sometimes they don't necessarily involve something bad.”

“Yeah, but I mean like awkward weirdness. You know, those people who are suddenly too loud or too annoying or too… I don't know, just like they don't fit in.”

The tone of genuine concern made him frown and he suddenly wondered why you were having those kinds of thoughts. Had the team done anything to make you feel this way? Spencer wasn't very good with social cues and that's why he constantly felt like a weirdo, but he never believed that someone like you would have those kinds of fears.

You were always so kind and pure, like you didn't care about anything. You had a lovely way of saying things and you brought joy wherever you were. You and Garcia were the best of friends because of that, thanks to the surprising optimism you both seemed to share even in the worst situations.

And then there was him, who loved you like he had never loved any girl even with the few years you had known him. You were passionate about completely random things and he listened attentively to all your talks about why seahorses carry their children or about the life of butterflies or about strange weather phenomena.

Spencer had always seen a little of him in you and that's why he felt great affection, as well as trust.

“I don't think you are. Not like that”

“It's just that the other day... with that officer in Washington I felt pretty stupid, you know?” you started to say. He thanked his eidetic memory because he knew exactly what incident you were talking about. “She was so pretty and professional and I felt like I was thirteen again with a mean girl. And on those occasions I see myself and, I don't know, I feel very weird”

“So what if you are?” He asked nonchalantly, “We all are, haven't you seen who you sit in front of every day?”

That comment finally brought out one of those smiles that he loved to see on your face and so he took it as a victory.

“You're right, it's nonsense.”

“I don't think it is,” he murmured gently. “It's a valid fear, but if you want a professional’s opinion I wouldn't describe you with that adjective. You're not weird, you're more like... unique”

Another smile flooded your face and then you looked away, slightly embarrassed to be having that conversation with your coworker.

"Thanks for being honest"

“Don't be ashamed of who you are. You are wonderful, we are lucky to have you here” he continued. He didn't even have to go out of his way to seek praise for you, his mouth spewed it out as if worshiping you was his full-time job.

“I love you, Reid, have I ever told you that?”

“Not as much as you should, but yes,” he responded and one of your laughs filled the air.

“How about we leave this for tomorrow? And I’ll take you home” you offered and he smiled.

Spencer's voice describing you as something unique would accompany you for the rest of the night and would repeat itself in your mind every time the situation warranted it, reminding you that, in the right eyes, we are all special.

Would You Write Something Where The Reader Feels Some Kind Of Insecurity And By Talking About It With

taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @instabull @rhiannonhippiegirl @r-3dlips @missabsey @olivia’s-25

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4 years ago
Baeks Silly Faces When Trying To Hit Lower Note Than Jongdae + Chanyeol Having Big Laugh 181212 EXO Will
Baeks Silly Faces When Trying To Hit Lower Note Than Jongdae + Chanyeol Having Big Laugh 181212 EXO Will
Baeks Silly Faces When Trying To Hit Lower Note Than Jongdae + Chanyeol Having Big Laugh 181212 EXO Will
Baeks Silly Faces When Trying To Hit Lower Note Than Jongdae + Chanyeol Having Big Laugh 181212 EXO Will
Baeks Silly Faces When Trying To Hit Lower Note Than Jongdae + Chanyeol Having Big Laugh 181212 EXO Will

Baek’s silly faces when trying to hit lower note than Jongdae + Chanyeol having big laugh ✧ 181212 ‘EXO Will Tell You’ V Live

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3 years ago
Fanart Dyo Crane Game

「Fanart」 Dyo Crane Game ♥

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May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?
May I Offer Some Soft Clone Comfort This Bad Batch Eve In The Form Of A Little Golden Book?

May I offer some soft clone comfort this Bad Batch Eve in the form of a Little Golden Book?

(Part 1)

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there’s love in long messages. in late night phone calls. love when laughs echo around us. when we dance. there’s love woven into your “i saw this and thought of you” or “i can give you the space you need” or “i am here”. there’s love in your eyes when you understand. and in your smile when you don’t but still try to. it’s in the food we share. flowing through the tips of our fingers when we touch. and intertwining when our thoughts flow together. there’s love captured in our photographs and even better, in our memories. days pass and there is love. always love, still.

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6 months ago
Commission I Did For @scrapimmortal !

commission I did for @scrapimmortal !

click here for info about commissioning me

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10 years ago
I Just Love That Kieren Is The One That Initiates The Kisses

i just love that kieren is the one that initiates the kisses

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4 years ago

The One Time Virgil Really Laughed

…and everyone was stunned by how adorable it was.

It started off as a normal day. Virgil was sitting on a chair at the table near Logan who was reading a book. Patton was cooking and Roman was drinking a soda nearby.

Then, in a stroke of Roman brand genius, Roman decided he was going to try and throw the now empty can into the trash can from across the room.

“This bitch empty, YEET!” Roman yelled as he threw it with all its might. however his aim was off and it instead clocked Logan right on the head.

Logan was ABOUT to ring Roman a new one but he stopped.

With the beauty of vine references and someone else’s pain, that moment seemed to really get to Virgil.

“Pffftahahahahaha!” Virgil snorted and laughed. Fully and openly. It was bouncy and squeaky and littered with the occasional snort. He put a hand over his mouth to try and stop the stream of leftover giggles at the end of his little laughter fit.

Just as he was about to stop, the scene replayed in his head and he started laughing again.

Logan, Patton, and Roman were all stunned with gaping mouths. They had never heard Virgil laugh before… and it was adorable! Virgil was doubling over with the force of his own laughter and his smile was so wide it looked like his face would split in half.

Roman was smiling at the sight, he glanced over at Patton who looked like he had just won the lottery and was holding in the worlds most adoring squeal.

Eventually Virgil was able to regain composure… unfortunately.

He looked around warily. Seeing Patton’s face of pure adoration he blushed a bit.

“Uh… guys?”

“THAT. WAS. ADORABLE!” Patton let out that ear piercing squeal and ran over to hug Virgil who was very confused.

Roman joined in, making it a group hug. He then pulled Logan in who was still stunned.

“W-What? What’s up with you guys?”

“I didn’t even think you could laugh, Doom and Gloom!”

“I-It’s just a stupid laugh…”

“It was so precious!” Patton yelled.

Virgil groaned and just resigned himself to the smothering group hug.

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4 years ago


May I Share These Older Doodles Of Baby Janus For A Fanfiction I Refuse To Admit I Sorta Abandoned?
May I Share These Older Doodles Of Baby Janus For A Fanfiction I Refuse To Admit I Sorta Abandoned?

may I share these older doodles of baby janus for a fanfiction I refuse to admit I sorta abandoned?

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4 years ago

rewatching sanders sides + thinkin ab after Fitting In (harry potter ep), roman sewing up a hogwarts house cloak for virge except instead of red, yellow, blue, or green; its purple and the emblem is the regular hogwarts colored logo but the "H" in the center is purple instead of black :) (a prompt or a hc? who knows, its whatever u desire it to be) -penberry

Okokok but imagine this

Harry Potter marathon

All the sides are excited, each of them with merch of their respective houses

But Virgil? He absolutely hates it

Not bc he has anything against HP. In fact, thinking of it as an alternate reality he'd like to visit is very soothing and the movies are actually good?

But since the Fitting In episode he still associates the potterverse with being an outcast, not having anywhere to belong

Damn, even Janus and Remus are there, sporting their Slytherin and Gryffindor merch respectively

But he can't help it. Not even when Patton makes him puppy eyes. Not when Logan offers him a seat next to him. Not when Remus offers him a bit of his popcorn. In none of these does Virgil truly feel like he should be there



"wait a second, Virgil doesn't have his cloak!"

Sigh. "I don't have one, genious. I thought we already established that."

"Nonsense. Here you have, now prepare yourself, the movie is about to start!"

And Roman throws a dark large cloth at Virgil that he barely catches in the air (not really a sports guy, right?)

And he's about to put it on, sending glares at Roman while doing so, when he sees the inside.

Pure purple

A smile stretches his lips, and as he excitedly puts it around his shoulders he notices the little sewn logo on the front

The Hogwarts logo, in its usual colours, with a purple H in the middle

He looks at the creative side and he's not looking back

But there's a small satisfied smirk in his face

And perhaps Virgil watches the movies with a bit more enjoyment this time

Bc maybe, he doesn't have to be a part of a certain group to belong

Because those who love him will always make a space for him

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4 years ago

Aww the two are adorable ❤️💜

How To Show Your Boyfriend(s) You Love Them, By: Virgil Sanders


How To Show Your Boyfriend(s) You Love Them, By: Virgil Sanders

I wanted to post this yesterday but something came up.

The next STEP would probably be Analogical or maybe Moxiety, I'm not sure yet.

Stay Safe! :'>))

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4 years ago

Oh gosh Yess!!! This is one of the best prinxiety fanfic ever! ❤️💜 I love Roman being head over heels and Virgil just not at all.

More Artwork, this time by @underdog-arts! I have their permission to post this so please don’t steal. Also I have posted it to my main blog before, but I’m moving over all the artwork from there.

Anyway, it’s the scene of the first time that Roman met Virgil. Enjoy!

More Artwork, This Time By @underdog-arts! I Have Their Permission To Post This So Please Dont Steal.
More Artwork, This Time By @underdog-arts! I Have Their Permission To Post This So Please Dont Steal.
More Artwork, This Time By @underdog-arts! I Have Their Permission To Post This So Please Dont Steal.
More Artwork, This Time By @underdog-arts! I Have Their Permission To Post This So Please Dont Steal.
More Artwork, This Time By @underdog-arts! I Have Their Permission To Post This So Please Dont Steal.
More Artwork, This Time By @underdog-arts! I Have Their Permission To Post This So Please Dont Steal.

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4 years ago

Aww two little kittens 💜

If you can Virgil snuggling a cat or stuffed animal

If You Can Virgil Snuggling A Cat Or Stuffed Animal

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3 years ago
Sweater Twins Collaboration!

Sweater Twins collaboration! 

There’s a couple of stories leading up to this.

Last week, I saw this post:


Well, that looked like a Mabel sweater to me!    And the idea of her making it for Ford charmed me.  As did the idea of him trying to make his hand approximate the four spikes of a thagomizer, thanks to the suggestion of @randomitemdrop​ above (i.e. the spikes on the end of a stegosaurus’s tail.  That’s… that’s what he’s trying to do, I swear. He’s concentrating on holding his fingers in four distinct spikes.  I tried it myself; taking a pic of my own hand is what I used for a photo ref, though obvs I had to insert another finger in the middle.)

Mabel’s sweater, meanwhile… I had saved this pic of an Issey Miyake sweater  (beneath the cut) about four years ago, intending to do a pic of her wearing it, because I thought it looked neat. Having decided to give Ford the stegosaurus sweater, I pulled out this other design at long last for Mabel.  (And yes, her pose was inspired by the Will Smith gesturing meme.)

Keep reading

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7 months ago

1959 chevy impala that i made in spore, inspired by @making-you-in-spore

1959 Chevy Impala That I Made In Spore, Inspired By @making-you-in-spore
1959 Chevy Impala That I Made In Spore, Inspired By @making-you-in-spore

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2 years ago

Khione!!!! This is so cute and domestic!! These two are my favorite, and I love this cute update on their story!! I love the way you described how they both felt when watching the other one interact with Sera. My heart nearly burst from the cuteness of this, and I caught myself giggling and smiling the whole time. Thank you for writing this and tagging me in this!! I'm sorry I was so busy and it took me this long to read it! ❤️

my way to you / jeon wonwoo | together

My Way To You / Jeon Wonwoo | Together

➝ Wonwoo x Reader

➝ just pure, disgusting fluff // chaebol!au // est relationship // v domestic

➝ notes: literally nothing but fluff. talks about kids??? heheh lots of soft kissing towards the end. my byun baekhyun agenda 🤍 not thoroughly proofread hehehhe

➝ word count: 5.7k~

➝ summary: Wonwoo has always imagined a future with you but is in no rush to talk about it. But, well, the universe decides otherwise and who's he to say no?

➝A/N: hi!!!!!!!!! i've missed this couple and by brain went brrrrrr hope you enjoy🤍 also, today is my last day of working in my office and my feelings all over the place so hopefully posting this would help me relax a bit 😭

series masterlist

My Way To You / Jeon Wonwoo | Together

“Princess, you ready?” Wonwoo peeks through the door of your closet, looking at you who’s still staring into the mirror as you try to figure out what to wear. The distressed face that greets him is enough answer already; clearly you’re not ready yet. He huffs in amusement as he steps into the closet, his arm circling around your collarbones as he catches your eyes through the mirror. “What are you so nervous for? We're just meeting my cousin."

You look at him unimpressed, making Wonwoo laugh as he presses himself closer to you, his arm pulling you against his front.

"Alright, I know you're a fan of Byun Baekhyun but I promise he's just another hyung."

"Another hyung to you. He's THE Byun Baekhyun for me. How could you never tell me your cousin is dating him?!"

"Mmm, did I tell you they have a kid together already?" He says much too nonchalantly, his laughter echoing through your closet at the way you're gaping in disbelief.

"Jeon Wonwoo!" You turn around and hit him hard, though, really, with how buff he's getting, you're sure it's barely even a hit to him. "How did you forget to mention this kind of thing! You know how much I love that guy!"

He bites his lip to hold back a teasing grin, opting instead to squish your cheeks together and gives you a quick peck on the lips before you complain even further.

"Princess, to be fair, it is his personal life. And Yura is, like, my second cousin so I don't talk to her that much unless we have a big family gathering." He grins sheepishly; he knows you've always liked the singer, but it really goes past his head until recently because: 1. It's been quite some time since you gushed over him. And 2. He’s actually not that amused with you squealing over some man even if it’s a celebrity.

Now, he’s not jealous, but perhaps it doesn’t help that he actually knows Baekhyun so it annoys him more than if it had been some other celebrity. Plus, Baekhyun is your biggest celebrity crush; as much as you would’ve grinned and squealed a little over the other celebrities that you like (like Jung Haein, for example), it doesn’t really bother Wonwoo because that’s about it.

But Baekhyun?

You actually, shamelessly, squeal and grip his arm so tight that it hurts a little everytime Baekhyun performs on TV. Ironically, you’ve never attended his concert because your schedule is always packed everytime he’s holding one; you’ve even considered going abroad when he’s on tour, but it seems that the universe simply isn’t letting you see the singer because something always comes up.

Which is why you’re in your current predicament–because apparently one of his cousins is getting married and they’re throwing a party exclusively for the youngsters in the family. And when you’ve asked Wonwoo about the dress code and if there’s going to be media around, he has let it slip that, as far as he knows, some of his relatives are dating celebrities so you might want to dress a little more because he knows you like dressing up.

“Oh, really?” you had asked mindlessly, not actually curious, though your stance on the thing quickly changed the moment Wonwoo offhandedly mentioned that Yura would probably come with Baekhyun. You even asked for confirmation a hundred times that, yes, it is that Baekhyun.

“What is even the purpose of stressing over it?” He frowns in mock annoyance, squishing your cheeks harder. “He has a girlfriend and you have me.”

You giggle at the possessive tone, and you reach to circle your arms around his neck. Wonwoo has to lean down a little to let you do this because of his height, but what’s a little discomfort if he gets to enjoy your warmth like this?

“Is that jealousy, Mr. Jeon?”

You know it’s not. Wonwoo isn’t that kind of boyfriend and it’s very attractive, to be quite honest, the way he’s very assured with his presence in your life and the relationship between the two of you. So you know this is just him messing around, indulging you in your little game because he knows you like it when he’s acting a little jealous.

You don’t have to know Wonwoo is actually a little jealous, not because he feels threatened but because of how absorbed you get when you watch the singer to the point of ignoring him most of the time. Perhaps annoyance is a little more fitting than jealousy.

“Just wear something and be done already.” He pretends to be annoyed, though he still drops another kiss to your lips before he reminds you that you need to leave in fifteen minutes. He doesn’t give you any room to complain, already walking out of the closet to see if there’s any important call he needs to make before he turns off his work phone for the day.

It’s something that you’ve both promised to each other: to turn off your work phones when you’re out for non business functions or out on a date with each other. Chan and Seungcheol would know to call your private numbers if there’s anything urgent you’d need to attend during those time.

The rule came to be after a fight between you two just last month, one that ended up with you refusing to talk to Wonwoo for a whole night because he kept on glancing at his phone when you were supposed to be having your date after so long. Apparently, he already promised one of his partners that he’d be on standby to discuss something, forgetting that he had promised to go on a date with you that night.

Usually, you wouldn’t have minded, but it had actually been months since you got to go on a proper date with Wonwoo with the two of you being busy. Your dates had been reduced to nights in his penthouse or quick lunches in the middle of the days. Which was why you had been quite giddy that night, because as much as you’re glad that at least you got to be with him all that time, you had missed going out and spending time with Wonwoo outside. Hence the fight and everything that followed after that.

Wonwoo’s about to stand up and remind you again when you finally step into the living room, wrapped beautifully in a summer dress that stops right above your knees. You’ve finally let down whatever that was on your head when he stepped into the closet earlier, and he just can’t help but marvel at how you look despite having seen you dolled up countless times. Your makeup isn’t as bold as it usually is during night parties, and he notices you’ve opted to go for a softer look except for the dark ruby painting your lips.

Gosh. Those lips.

“How do I loo–” you laugh a little when he smothers your mouth with his, amused at how he didn’t even waste a second to stand up and press his lips against yours; he’s always had a thing for this particular shade, and you may or may not put that on for that exact reason. You hum into the kiss, ravel on the soft way his palms are holding your face while yours stay on his shoulders because you really don’t want to mess up his gelled up hair.

“Does that answer you?” He whispers after pulling away, a little out of breath even though the kiss is nowhere near intense.

Pink colors your cheek at the way he’s looking at you, and you instead choose to tease him about the color your lips have transferred unto his. You move away to get some tissue, but he gives you another short kiss because he can’t help himself and he really doesn’t see why he should hold back.

“‘Kay, you dork. You said we need to leave in fifteen minutes.” You pull away to hide the warmth that has made its way to your entire face, though you really don’t know why you’d do that with Wonwoo of all people. He already knows the telltale of your everything.

“Right. Do you think it’s possible to change your lipstick? I don’t want Baekhyun to see you like this.”

He would never get tired of the sound of your laughter.

My Way To You / Jeon Wonwoo | Together

All things considered, Wonwoo is impressed the only thing you’ve done so far after spotting Byun Baekhyun is grip his arm harder.

He hasn’t even seen the hint of you hiding a grin, and he’s about to tease you about holding yourself back when Yura herself makes her way to you with her boyfriend in tow. At this, he almost winces when your fingers actually dig into his skin.

“Hi Jeon.” She grins at him before greeting you too, and you can’t help but notice how beautiful this relative of Wonwoo is. You’ve only met her twice probably, with this being the third time, but you have nothing but good impressions of the girl because she’s nothing like the snobby part of this family. “A bit late to say this, but, about time you two got together.”

You scrunch your nose at this, a comment that you’d never get used to and have heard one too many times after Jeonghan’s parents’ party–which was already six months ago. And you’re still hearing this comment to this day like you’ve just announced your relationship with the Jeons’ youngest heir last week.

“This is Baekhyun, by the way, you might’ve heard of him,” Yura introduces her boyfriend like he’s not literally one of the best selling singers in the country. But you suppose being around rich businessmen has made Yura aware that a lot of people in this circle aren’t always aware of celebrities.

Wonwoo does the honor of introducing you, and you almost burst into a grin when Baekhyun says he’s seen you in business magazines from time to time, and he’s heard about the foundation you’re currently running; that he admires you for doing it and that he’d be happy if he can take part in it in anyway.

At his words, you finally release your lip from the confinement of your teeth and smile widely; being his fan is one thing, being a part of Daisy Foundation and listening to your idol taking genuine interest in the good cause you’re helping is another. After that, conversation flows easily, because you’re no longer standing there as his fangirl, you’re standing in front of him as one of the founders of Daisy Foundation and you inform him on your upcoming activities that he might be interested in.

Roughly, it’s only been about three months since the foundation was established because preparation takes time and you need to hand over your assignments to your successor in the company. Even so, you and Shua are already flooded with donations because of the announcement that spread through after the party. Plus, it helps that you both are used to this, so you’re really just doing your usual stuff on a bigger scale.

“Look at you, talking confidently with your idol.” Wonwoo whispers once Yura leaves, his breath tickling your ears. You smile abashedly at him, more giddy at the prospect that he’s interested in your foundation. He even leaves you his private number, promises to arrange another schedule to talk about it properly because he really wants to be a part of this good cause. 

“I’m just glad he turns out to be an actually kind person,” you say instead, your soft smile and the way you sigh in relief prompts him to smile too. He doesn’t say anything at that, simply kisses your head and steers you to your assigned table because the party is about to officially start.

It’s about an hour later that you spot Baekhyun and Yura again, this time with an adorable little kid that seems to be two or three years old. You send a questioning glance to Wonwoo, one that he answers with a nod because he knows you’re asking if the child in question is their child–one that he mentioned just a few hours ago.

You didn’t get to ask anything more though, because the family has made their way to where you’re both at and you can’t help the soft grin that made its way to your face at the sight of the small child. You’re not the biggest fan of children; you don’t hate them, but you’re really just indifferent. Yes, some of them are cute, but that’s about it.

“This is Sera, our child.” Yura introduces as she carries her daughter and she hides herself in her mom’s neck and, frankly speaking, this is the first time you ever feel like squealing at the sight of a child. “She’s a bit shy, sorry.”

“It’s okay. How old is she?” You smile, trying to get Sera’s attention by tickling her leg.

“Turning three this year. She’s fairly quiet for her age, though.” It’s Baekhyun who answers, and you can almost hear the pout in his voice–perhaps he wishes she was more talkative than she is now.

“Mmm. Lots of the kids that go to our art classes tend to be that way too. We only have three to four kids around her age though, so what do I know?” You shrug with a grin. “Do you like to color, Sera?”

Something that you said grabs her attention, and you hear Yura giggle when Sera whispers something softly as you melt at the interaction. Wonwoo observes the scene in amusement, having never seen you gush over a kid. He listens to the pair ask you about the course kids her age usually take in Shua’s studio, and you happily answer as you flail your hands here and there to explain the program to them.

Sera seems to warm up to you real quick due to this, and Wonwoo really should know better than to let his guard down because his heart almost bursts when he sees Sera extend her arms to you, asking for you to carry her in her silent way. He thought that was it, but something blooms in his chest and he really almost loses it when you grin and take her in your arms, making the girl giggle at the way you’re bouncing her up and down.

Her giggle eventually turns into laughter, her short arms wrapping around you and Wonwoo thinks he can’t take anymore of this when you turn to him with Sera in your arms, looking at him with eyes reflecting all the stars in the sky and grinning bigger than he’s ever seen.

“You like that, baby?” you say in a small voice, making Sera laugh harder at the way you’re tickling her belly.

Wonwoo decides he’s had enough, so he clears his throat and takes Sera from you, carrying her in his arms and lets her smooch his cheek because she’s always liked to do that. It would be much better for his heart to see you play with Sera in his arms than the whole thing he’s witnessed earlier. He’s loved you enough already, there’s really no reason to make his heart swell even more and fill his head with the image of you carrying your own child.

The thought of starting a family with you has always been something that Wonwoo tries not to dwell too much on. It’s much too dangerous. As much as he believes you’re both are it, your relationship is still pretty new and he doesn’t want to entertain those thoughts for now. Plus, he’s never really talked about it with you for the obvious reason of your relationship having only been going on for less than a year, but he knows you’re pretty much indifferent when it comes to them in general.

Huh. Do you want a child?


Back pedal, back pedal.

This is not the time to think about that.

“Maybe we should enroll Sera in your class.” He hears his cousin say, zoning back into the conversation at hand. “She seems to like you a lot. It’s not often that she gets comfortable with someone this fast. Do you teach also or…?”

“Well, not always. But I can tell you when I’d be teaching so Sera can take the class when I’m around,” you offer and tell them that you understand why they might be uncomfortable or more worried if she’s handled by the other teachers though you assure them they’re all good.

After talking some more, the little family decides to go around again to the dessert stall; as Sera has actually just arrived with her babysitter, hence why she wasn’t with them earlier. 

“You really went from not knowing Baekhyun has a child to getting cozy with said child in one day, huh?” Wonwoo nudges you, a little surprised when you simply hug his arm and bury yourself into his shoulder. It’s not often that you’re shy, at least not in front of him, but with the way you’re biting your smile and hiding in his shoulder, it’s clear that you have something in your mind that you don't intend to share with him just yet.

It’s later that night that he finds out by accident. He’s in the bedroom waiting for you, wondering if you forgot you need to wake up early tomorrow because it’s been an hour since you said you’d just call Chaeyoung real quick before you join him for bed. He meant to go down to remind you it’s almost midnight, but he finds himself hovering by the stairs, heart almost stopping at your giddy tone.

“She’s so cute, Chaeng. You know I’m always a little eh with kids, right? But she’s so cute and she hides her face in my neck and stuff? And she kisses Wonwoo too! Gosh, my heart almost goes out of my chest when he holds her–Mmm. What? Not really, no. I’ve… never talked about it yet with Wonwoo, to be honest?”

A pause, and then.

“Mmm. Yeah. Our children, huh?”

You don’t know how Wonwoo barely sleeps that night with you sleeping soundly in his arms, your words followed by your soft laugh replaying in his mind over and over again.

Our children, huh? Never really thought about it before, but it does have a nice ring to it.

My Way To You / Jeon Wonwoo | Together

Frankly speaking, Wonwoo has never thought he’d find himself in such a predicament.

You haven’t been replying to his texts all day, but he knows you’re packed today with classes and everything. Seungcheol isn’t replying either, but that assistant of yours might’ve simply run out of batteries because it wouldn’t be the first time.

But when he gets home early for once and hears you before he even sees you, he definitely didn’t expect you to be on the sofa with Sera happily snuggled to your chest. 

Nope. He’s definitely not strong enough for this.

“Hi.” You grin, waving Sera’s arm as the little girl babbles his name.

“Not that I’m complaining but… why is she here?” he asks after his heart starts beating again. It’s an exaggeration, but that’s really how it felt like for a second there.

“She’s in class earlier but something came up with her babysitter who usually waits around, and her parents aren’t able to pick her up til dinner so I offered to take care of her?” Your explanation sounds unsure, and Wonwoo presses his lips together at how adorable you look right now with Sera on your lap.

After what he accidentally overheard almost two weeks ago, this really isn’t helping him with his mission to get rid of the thought. He looks down at Sera, safely snuggled into your chest as her short fingers grip the neckline of your shirt. Your arms are wrapped around her, and he can’t help but think how domestic all of this seems to be.

Fuck. How would it feel to come home to you and his child cuddled together like this?

He shakes his head in hope it’ll shake away the thought, and when you ask if he’s okay, he sends you a tight smile and drops a kiss to your cheek, telling you he’s going to wash up and that you should order in for early dinner even if it's barely 6 in the evening. Sera would be famished otherwise and you did mention her parents would only be able to pick her up somewhere after eight, anyway.

He didn't expect you'd let it go that easily. But somehow, that’s enough to satisfy you, and Wonwoo turns to head upstairs, ears red when he hears your pitched up voice talking to Sera, asking if she wants chicken also.

God knows how much he needs fucking shower to cool down before he explodes.

But, apparently, God decides he’s only allowed to cool down for nothing but a short moment because you’re nuzzling into Sera’s cheek when Wonwoo returns to the living room. He’s starting to believe he’ll just die a happy man by the end of the day. He doesn’t even care if he’s exaggerating at this point; he’s seen you with kids before, but he’s never seen you so whipped with one that he doesn’t know how to react.

Is he even being obvious with his staring?

He doesn’t really care either.

“You ordered already?” He asks to get out of his trance, to announce his presence while he’s at it. He needs you to pull away from the child because he’s too young for a heart attack. 

“Yeah. But they say it might take longer because they’re busier than usual.” You stand up from your seat and take Sera into your arms, walking to where he’s at for reasons that he doesn’t understand.

Perhaps you want to see his soul leaving him up close with how domestic you’re looking right now. God, you’re not fair at all.

“She’s been calling for her Uncle Wonwoo.” You scrunch your nose and hand her to him. You melt at the gentle way he takes her from you, at the way Sera quickly wraps her arms around his neck and giggles when he asks if she’s been good.

If you’re to be completely honest, the thought of having kids never really occurred to you even though you’re completely enamored by the man beside you. You’ve imagined getting married to him (yes, you already have even though it’s only been months since you realized you’re romantically invested in your best friend), but it has never crossed your mind that you might want to have a child with him for the sole reason of you’ve never really been fixated at the idea of being a mother–a parent with how yours treated you.

Well, until that talk with Chaeyoung, that is.

Seeing Wonwoo like this makes your inside buzz with something that you’re not familiar with. It’s not unpleasant though, and you welcome it with every fiber of your being. It makes you a little flustered, but you don’t really mind because how can you if you get to see Wonwoo smile softly at Sera and poke his nose into her cheek to make the little girl laugh.

It’s almost two hours later that the both of you end up sprawled on the sofa, with Sera on your lap and your head leaning on Wonwoo’s shoulder. The three of you are pressed against each other, Sera is falling asleep with her head against your chest and the two of you whisper to each other as not to wake her–whatever’s playing on the TV long forgotten and its faint sound serving as nothing but background noise.

“I’ve never seen you like a kid this much,” he says as he presses a kiss on your temple. His eyes travel to the fingers gripping the material of your shirt, and then to your palm that’s rubbing her back up and down to lull her to sleep.

“Me neither.” You grin up at him before your palm moves from her back to her hair. “But she is so cute though. Do you think I might be biased because she’s Baekkhyun’s child?”

The look Wonwoo gives you would’ve made you snort loudly if not for the little angel on your lap, so you settle for a soft laugh before you caught your lip between your teeth to stop yourself from laughing louder.

“Kidding,” you add when you don’t feel like laughing anymore, and then presses your cheek to his shoulder to tell him how she’s probably the most peaceful child you’ve ever seen so that probably helps. “She’s so excited in class, Won! But she tries so much not to be too messy even though we said it’s okay?”

Wonwoo stays silent as you continue to talk about the kids in your classroom, another episode from today’s open class, and then Shua who is still overwhelmed about the sudden responsibility. He’s always liked it when you do this, just go on and on about your day and what’s memorable because you want to share it with him. It makes him feel like he’s a part of your day even though he’s not physically there to witness them all the time.

When the intercom finally beeps, it’s almost ninein the evening and Sera is soundly asleep against your chest, her arms limply stay on her sides. Wonwoo goes to the door as you stay there, not wanting to wake the girl up. Yura almost squeals when she sees the position you’re in, and you smile sheepishly at Yura as you tell her that the girl has been asleep for about 30 minutes.

“I’m so sorry it took me long,” she apologizes as she tries to take Sera from you. “Baek is actually outside the country and my dinner appointment was in Incheon. The traffic to get here… God. I’m never attending dinner meetings anymore if it’s not in Seoul.”

You shake your head and tell her it’s okay and you had fun; that you’re glad you’re able to help. Yura thanks you both once again, Sera now curled in her arms, and promises that she’d treat you both for dinner some time for this favor. She doesn’t forget to thank you also about the class, mentions that it’s obvious now Sera is comfortable with you like with no others.

After Yura leaves the penthouse, you finish what’s left over your dinner and clean up before you take turns to shower. You’re sitting against the headboard when Wonwoo steps out of the bathroom, scrolling something in your phone–an action that you immediately stop once you see him already fresh in his pajamas, then pats the space next to you like that’s not where Wonwoo is heading to already.

He immediately dives into your neck, startling you a little, his arms wrap around your waist as he maneuvers the both of you so his head is laying on your chest as he listens to your erratic heartbeat. Gosh, it’s embarrassing how things like this still get a reaction out of you.

“Long day?” you ask as your fingers start to comb his hair. It’s something that comforts him, you found out only recently, and you’ve been doing it since when you feel like he’s extra tired or he’s simply there on your lap. “Sorry I didn’t get to text you the whole day.”

“Not really. Just feel like holding you.”

It’s not funny the way your breath gets caught on your throat at the obvious tone he’s using; like it’s just a well known fact you should already be aware of. Something blooms across your chest, and you’re sure Wonwoo is just being kind by not addressing the way your heartbeat picks up at his words.

“When did you get so cheesy.” You pretend to grumble even if you know Wonwoo knew how much you like it when he says things like that out of nowhere.

He chuckles softly, and then lets go of you to sit properly and pulls you into his lap instead. You don’t complain at the sudden change of position–why would you?–and you settle into the crook of his neck, sighing in satisfaction at how comfortable this feels to you. How natural too, like you’re meant to be with him this way no matter what.

“Can I ask you something?” You think you know what he’s going to say and you’re not sure you’re ready for it yet, but you nod anyway and trace his kind with mindless patterns. “What do you think about kids?”

Despite knowing the answer already, you’re still unsure how to answer him directly, too shy to say anything. You don’t want to make him awkward though, so you hum as if pretending to think even though the words are already on the tip of your tongue.


Wonwoo blinks, amused at the way you’re baiting him. He’ll take anything though, and he’s just glad you’re not being weird about it.


He can hear you take a sharp breath at his answer, feel the way your fingers stop moving and the way you press your head deeper into his neck. He’s not in any place to judge though, because he can feel his ears getting hot too at the topic of this conversation. You haven’t even talked about marriage, but you’re already talking about kids though Wonwoo has no one he’d rather talk this with but you.

After all, he doesn’t think he wants to have any kids if it’s not with you.

“I don’t know,” you whisper honestly, and Wonwoo takes your finger in his because you’re fidgeting a little, perhaps nervous from the topic. “I… have never really thought about it until recently but… I’m not against it… I think?”

Wonwoo almost laughs at your unsure tone, finding you adorable for no reason at all. God, he’s even more whipped now that you’re together and it’s not even funny. On the other hand, he feels himself relaxing at your answer; he knows you, and he knows you would’ve said you don’t want kids if you really don’t. So this means that at least you’re considering it–considering having kids with him. It’s not going to happen anytime soon, Wonwoo thinks, but it still makes him happy to know this is how you feel.

“How about you?” you ask back, your voice tiny.

He hums, his fingers that aren’t holding yours find purchase in your hair as he combs through it.

“I don’t mind anything as long as it's with you.” He answers honestly, his tone so genuine that you don’t even have it in you to tease him once again about being cheesy. You even tear up a little, because what did you do to receive a love this big?

You pull away from him to meet his eyes, and he sends you a soft smile that gets you giddy inside that you can’t not return the smile. The two of you spend a few moments just like that, looking at each other with silly smiles on your faces without words. It’s you who break the silence, though your eyes have moved from his eyes, instead focusing on the way your fingers are intertwined together before you say your next words, almost making Wonwoo combust inside.

“I think I don’t mind kids too if it’s with you,” you say shyly, not able to look at Wonwoo in the eyes as you say this. His heart soars beyond limit, but it's not even a second later that it breaks into pieces when you continue your words. “Though… I… I won’t be like my parents, right?”

“Oh, princess,” he whispers sadly, his palm reaching for your cheek to caress your skin. You close your eyes at the feeling, and you lean into his touch because it’s always the source of your comfort. “You won’t, okay? I promise we won’t. You trust me, right, love?”

You open your eyes as you nod, heart melting at his new favorite nickname to call you.

“You know I will call you out if you do something you’re not supposed to and I know you’d do the same for me,” he reminds you, eyes never leaving yours the whole time. “And that’s why we’re good, okay?”

“Okay.” You return his smile, though after a few moments it turns into a giggle and Wonwoo asks what prompts your laughter. “Isn’t it funny? We’re already talking about this when we haven't even talked about marriage yet."

Wonwoo grins at this, no longer caring that his heart is beating to a very erratic rhythm because this talk is too good to be true. He didn’t expect to talk about kids and marriage this soon with you. It’s something that he keeps to himself because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s rushing you. He’s happy with keeping it to himself too, as he himself definitely isn't in any rush, he’s content having you by his side, happy that you’re both happy together. That’s already more than he could’ve asked.

“Yet?” he teases despite everything. “So you do think about getting married to me.”

You roll your eyes even though you can feel your face getting hot at his words, but you don’t deny anything and simply mumbles that he’s annoying. Thankfully, he doesn’t want to torture you any longer, and he chuckles a little more before pulling you back into his lap, sighs blissfully when you bury yourself into his neck and your lips graze the skin there.

It’s not long until you end up kissing each other; but just like your relationship, there’s no rush there–only your lips against his over and over again. The way he holds you is gentle, almost like he’s afraid you’ll break if he holds you a tad bit tighter, and your fingers don’t root themselves in his hair like they usually would–they’re simply planted on his shoulder and the back of his neck, playing with the tip of his hair.

No one fights for dominance, and you hum in pure delight when Wonwoo retorts to giving you short pecks over and over again, eventually making you laugh at the ticklish feeling against your lips. In the end, you pull him closer by wrapping your arms around his neck, and he returns the gesture by wrapping his around your waist, the content sound that leaves his lips as he’s kissing you sends shivers down your spine.

“I love you, alright?” he whispers tenderly, his lips touching yours everytime they move even the slightest way. “Always remember that.”

You nod, pressing your lips together to hold yourself back from crying. And even though you don’t say it back with your words, Wonwoo knows exactly what you mean when your lips find their way back to his.

My Way To You / Jeon Wonwoo | Together

©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.

A/N: aaaaaaaaaah, i've missed them so much!!! idk if you guys still dig them but anyway heh this is for you @justasoftstan and @sunshinein17 🤍 pls do tell me what you think about it! i actually scheduled the post since a few days ago, and the day after i immediately went into a :// state about writing which is very odd. but, frankly, after going into that mode which essentially roots to me doubting my ability to write, i started to even hesitate to post this work. like.. when is a good time? but as always, i hope you enjoy nevertheless

permanent taglist: @kyeomjjigae @stantrash171819 @sebongmochi @luveveryonewoo @thinkinboutwonu @kpopjackie @ursweetener @lavenderautumnx @itsveronicaxxx @shuahoshiscoups @sunshinein17 @leechanniee @twogyuu @hoe4wonwoo @h3h3tm0n @noraehey @seokshook @rubyhoons @02psh

mwty taglist: @dnylwoo @yslshua @najaemin138 @blueixnie @boowanie @pwettytae @aphrodyteeth @jeoonghann @sdoulc @ru-lin @listxn@yngreid @vynnz @lilactangerine @justasoftstan @amymoonl@02psh@lovelywoo@pusangmamon@yoontaedotin @soonchanshua @fanfic24 @nothingbutadeadesceane @nollixtrml @sweetheart-gs@rjsmochii@dowoonwoodealer

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