This Isnt Okay??? - Tumblr Posts
I'm neutral on the situation,but really,I agree with this person. This shit is not okay
"OMG u support Alex!! U support a pedo/groomer/whatever along the lines!"
THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY. this rant is going to be so ugly but people FUCKING DOXXXING HIM?? The document has so many shitty gaps in it. And a lot of people are pointing out it's flaws. Alex is a 20 year old mentally unstable young adult, if mentally even that. Someone who had a whole career. Only to be pushed over by someone making some allegations that might as well not be true,considering the latest edits and news.
People are fucking heartless. All this Internet drama and people believe everything they see. I'll be honest I'm petrified. I'm petrified for his health. Do people not realize how dumb it is to just immediately go "listen to victims"!!! When the victims could be lying. Just with no other side of a story, and a 27 page long document with huge gaps in it, people just love to hate. It's true that Alex was mentally ill and is. And then Ven decides to do fucking this? ADMITTING THAT THEY WANTED TO END HIS CAREER? And then mention in the document that they want no threats to him. Fuck them. And as mentioned before, Alex had a suicide scare apparently some time not a while back. And with this. What the fuck.
People love to see the downfall. Fuck those people. Actually fucking fuck those people. What the fuck is wrong with them and their logic.
This shit is horrifying. Doxxing is so so so fucking terrifying. No one knows Alexs part of the story. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY? SPEAKING FROM A STABLE MIND.
who allowed Aaravos to look A N D sound like that
this isn't fair
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to send an ask like this? What in the fuck did this person do to warrant this kind of reaction? I know I don’t know the person who got this ask personally, but I love their art and I saw this and I needed to say something, even if just for my own sake.
Because this kind of shit genuinely makes me feel sick. Even if someone were to do something horrible, wishing death upon someone, calling them a “dumb whore”, amongst all the other shit this utterly despicable piece of gutter trash person decided to spout, is never, ever okay. Never. I am so unbelievably mad right now. The fact that someone had the gall to say something like this to 1.) another human, 2.) a fucking teenager, 3.) someone who was just posting art and shit is actually despicable.
I don’t care what the situation is. If you’re telling someone to kill themself and that they’re worthless and are better off dead or whatever bullshit you decide to come up with in your mulch pile of a brain, you’re in the wrong, period, end of story.
Even this anon. Yes, they’re being a horrible fucking person and I despise the actions they decided to take for absolutely no reason, but I don’t wish death upon them. I wish them guilt for what they did and therefore reflection so they can get their shit together and stop doing this. Even if it’s just a stupid troll, you still need to do some fucking self reflection. If you take pleasure in being such a monumental dick as this anon, kindly seek professional help.
And, finally, kudos to Don. The grace with which he handled this is fucking awe inspiring, genuinely. The things he expressed about wanting to become someone better for the people who he loves and who love him were so genuinely beautiful. I believe that those statements alone make him more than worthy, and I’m sure the people he referred to agree with me.
Don is a person. A multi dimensional human being who has thoughts and feelings and issues. This anon clearly has issues too, because who in their right mind would possibly send hate like this to someone? I hope this person is able to reflect on what they said to this (and apparently other people too, holy fucking shit,) person and become a better version of themselves, because this prototype clearly isn’t fucking working out.
Much (platonic) love to Don, and much, much disdain for this anon. I would tell them to fuck themself, but I’m a relatively nice person who tries to hold some respect for all other people, unlike a certain hateful and cowardly user.
You should kill yourself.
You are horrible and disgusting, naïve and stupid and childish. Everyone is going to hate you once they find out how much of a dumb whore you are. You don't deserve anyone and you'd be better off dead.
Okay. Wow. I woke up early today (It’s 6 am SOBS) to finish my essay before I go to school and like. This is what I find in my inbox?
I’d. Usually choose violence and make a snarky asf comment but. Something about this particular ask…
“You don't deserve anyone”
You know what? You’re right anon. I don’t. I don’t deserve the people around, let alone Phantom or Tomi or Eden. They’re amazing people who should have the best in life, but instead they got stuck with some random mentally ill teen who’s probably way too blunt and way too childish (like you said! Wonderful observation, by the way) for them.
BUT. For some reason, they decided they stick around. They decided to love me, either as my bro or my partner. They chose to stick around. So, even if I don’t deserve them, I want to - no - NEED to strive to be someone who does.
I want to be someone who they can rely on. I want to be someone who knows they are loved and valued and cared for. I want to be someone who they look forward to talking to, someone who helps them through hard times and encourages them to keep going. I want to be someone who makes sure they never feel alone in their life.
Yeah. Maybe I DON’T deserve them. Maybe I don’t deserve anyone in my life.
But I want to try to be someone who does.

Not to be that person but it rlly looks like he’s saying “bend over” and now I can’t unsee it and I don’t know what to do with myself