Thor X Reader - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

5 years ago


@occasionalfics was sweet enough to help me find the name and who wrote it, but the story is currently under construction (tho it was amazing already!) but I completely understand and wanted to say THANK YOU to the tumblr community and to everyone who reblogged to help me!! You’re all amazing! Thank you so much!

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3 years ago

🎃Kinktober 2021🎃

 Kinktober 2021

I decided to do Kinktober this year! I have never done this before and I’m very excited to do this! I believe that I can do this and have fun with it. Especially because I have alof of ideas but nowhere to put them. So—here we are!

*Some of these characters or kinks might change*



 Kinktober 2021

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 Kinktober 2021

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

 Kinktober 2021

Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be tagged for the posts, please let me know! 🎃😻

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2 years ago

Marvel Characters react to y/n being over/super excited about a puppy and them thinking it’s really cute

Thank you for the request! and all this is just in my opinion ofc so please no hate and thank you for all the support!

Loki:I feel like he would think it was so freaking cute and would look at you with puppy dog eyes and if the puppy was not yours or you wasn’t planning on getting it forget that this man would get you that puppy no matter what 

Peter:I feel like this man would be excited over the puppy as well like tom holland peter actor loves puppys and dog’s so of course peter would also get excited and fall in love with the puppy and if the puppy was being given away that puppy would be going home with you  

Steve:He would think it was the most precious thing in the world and hun if you ask and beg him enough this man will cave in and let you get the dog and you know how when men say they don’t want a pet and then when you get that pet they just love them and like give them all the attention and spoil the living day lights out of them..... THAT WOULD BE THIS MAN 

Thor: I feel like this man would be just as excited as you if not more like this man himself is like a golden retriever (in my opinion) and it would take no convincing whatsoever for you to get the puppy he might even suggest the idea of getting the puppy. He would want to take the puppy everywhere with him except dangerous missions ofc

Tony:Alright this man would act like he didn’t care about the puppy whatsoever but actually thinks the puppy is cute and i feel like once he see’s you with the dog and see’s how happy you are he would get the dog for you to make you even happier because that’s all he wants is for you to be happy all the time! and he will do almost anything to make that happen 

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1 year ago

Loki: We need to get through this locked door. Thor, give me your credit card.

Thor: Here.

Loki, pocketing it: Thanks. Y/N, kick down the door.

Loki: We Need To Get Through This Locked Door. Thor, Give Me Your Credit Card.

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1 year ago

Loki: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.

Thor: Actually, Y/N is my favorite.

Loki: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.

Loki: Hello All, It Is I, Your Favorite Person.

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7 years ago
Amazingly Written Story!Simple, Short But Funny And Charming.You Have A Talent For This, Keep Writing!Thank

amazingly written story! Simple, short but funny and charming. You have a talent for this, keep writing! Thank you so much for your participation. ~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️

Amazingly Written Story!Simple, Short But Funny And Charming.You Have A Talent For This, Keep Writing!Thank

Don’t mess with God of Thunder // Reader x Tony Stark (including Thor)

A/N: @thepaperpanda this one’s for you

Summary: Reader can’t sleep because of a thunderstorm outside. She meets Tony in the kitchen, and he seems to have a remedium for her problem.

Words: 920

It was your first night in Avengers Tower, and you were scared and frustrated. All trainings that you were about to have next day, all meetings…

You were simply overwhelmed by many tasks.

And a thunderstorm.

The night rolled over bringing a threat of a storm. Light was covered by the rapidly falling night. The bright blue sky transformed into an ocean of blackness. Shimmering stars illuminated the moonless, jet black sky, as if to remind us that even in darkness there is still light. The air was still and heavy, thick clouds covered half sky. A cool breeze swept the alienated street. Even shadows were swallowed by the encroaching darkness.

You were terrified of the thunderstorms.

You decided to go onto low ground floor, to the kitchen, to get yourself a cup of tea.

While you were waiting for water to boils, someone has stepped into the kitchen, too.

“Problems with sleep, huh?”

You looked around over your shoulder, and smiled.

Tony Stark was leant against door frame causally, his eyes were directed at you.

Dont Mess With God Of Thunder // Reader X Tony Stark (including Thor)

You nodded with a little smile on your lips.

“Exactly. You know, I hate storms. All those noises.. They’re awful. I can’t sleep properly while storm’s raging outside the window.” You covered your shoulders with your fluffy nightgown. “I know it’s kinda late, but maybe you want a tea? I’m making myself one..”

Tony took a seat next to you, man shook his head.

“No. Thanks for asking. So. You’ll have your presentation tomorrow’s morning, am I right, Y/N?” Tony asked politely.

“Yep. That’s right.” You sighed. “To be honest, I’m stressed.”

Tony patted your back tenderly.

“Don’t worry, it’s gonna be alright. I assure you, Y/N.”

You smiled at him.

The kettle began to cheep, announcing that the water has boiled.

You rose from the chair, and you poured boiling water to the cup.

“Are you glad you’ve joined us, Y/N?” This sudden question made you confused a bit.

“Well. Taking I’m with you only since few hours… It’s really hard to tell. But yes, I’m glad. Why are you asking, Mr Stark?” You cocked your brow looking at him.

“Tony. Just call me Tony.” Stark smirked at you. “I was just wondering. Out of my curiosity.”

“I see…” You gave him a bright smile, but your smile quickly faded away as you heard a loud thunder. You shivered, wrapping your nightgown more around your figure. “Gosh.. I have to end writing my speech for tomorrow’s presentation… But I won’t be able to focus.. Those thunders, brrr!” You squeaked quietly. You were really terrified.

“Hush, Y/N. I think I know how to help you.” Tony also rose from his place grinning at you.

He went to the intercom, and pressed oblong button.

“Concierge! Bring me Thor here! Where?! To the kitchen. As soon as possible, I don’t have whole night!”

You blinked few times hearing the name of the most recognizable Avenger.

“Mr… Mr Odinson… Why do you need him? It’s a middle of the night..” You asked with eyes wide opened.

“You’ll see.” Tony responded simply.

Thor came to the kitchen after a quarter of an hour.

“What do you need, Stark? What was so important that you ordered that silly human being to wake me up?” Thor yawned, not covering his mouth at all.

Stark laughed shortly and pointed at you.

“This young lady needs a little help, and I think you’re the only one here who can do something to comfort her.”

You blushed throwing Stark the mean glare.

Thor frowned looking at you.

“What can I do for you, Miss?” He asked in deep voice of his.

“Well. I… I just…” You stuttered.

“Y/N is afraid of thunderstorms. And you’re the God of Thunder.” Tony shrugged. “The only person who can stop this mess outside the window, ya know?”

Dont Mess With God Of Thunder // Reader X Tony Stark (including Thor)

Thor smirked nodding.

Without any more words, he raised Mjolnir up in the air, and said something in Asgardian language. Within few seconds thunders faded away, only rain remained outside the window.

You were staying with a cup of tea in your shaking hands, your mouth half opened as you tried to express any word.

“I hope it helped, Y/N.” Thor yawned loudly, blonde man rubbed his bearded chin. “Now, excuse me, my dear, but I’m sleepy, so I’ll head back to my room, unless you, Stark,” he looked at other man, “needs something more from me.”

“No. That’s all. Thanks, the mightiest Avenger!” Tony bowed his head with a mischievous smirk on his lips.

Thor only rolled his eyes, then he left the room.

Being still in a shock, you swallowed looking at Tony.

“Thanks… I… I’ll go to my room, too… Still have a lot.. A lot of things to take care of..” You mumbled waving hand at Stark, and then you left.

You got quickly to your room, you closed the door, and lied in bed.

“Ah, Thor..” you mumbled with languid voice. “He’s so handsome..”


You heard someone was yelling on the corridor, immediately you recognized Tony’s voice, so you quickly got up and rushed to your door opening them wide. You stepped onto the corridor, and bursted into laugh.

In front of Tony’s door, just fee millimeters from them, Mjolnir has been set, amd taking Tony’s door were opening on the corridor, he was unable to enter his own room.

“This is what happens when you’re fooling around of God of Thunder!” Thor yelled loudly from his room.

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2 years ago


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8 years ago

DCWI - Dating Thor and being Tony’s sister

Requested by Anon: Dating Thor but being Tony's sister?xoxoxox

Him declaring you were beautiful as soon as he sees you

Not realising you’re Tony’s sister

“The Man of Iron is your brethren?”

Teaching him how be more ‘Midgardian’

Him having you on speed dial

Tony finding out from the rest of the team

Him confronting Thor about it

“I love her more than anyone else does”

“Fight me, Goldilocks”

“What are you two talking about?”


Forcing Thor and Tony to have a bonding evening

Tony needing reassurance that he’s still your favourite male

Braiding Thor’s hair

Him pulling you out of conversations to kiss you

Being completely enveloped when he hugs you

Spinning you around in a hug when he gets back from Asgard

Being able to lift Mjolnir

Him running around the tower shouting “SHE IS WORTHY”

Tony being SO SALTY when he finds out

Being his reason for staying on Earth

So many cuddles

Like seriously

At every opportunity

Cuddles 24/7

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