Tillow - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

ok so i love buffy and the owl house and so my brain (beacuse my ability to draw and therefore make fanart is nonexistent) likes to combine the two and imagine the hexsquad dressing up as the charcters for halloween.

willow and hunter could be buffy and spike. (i mean you can’t tell me hunter wouldn’t love getting to dress all punk even if it took a minute to get used to)

luz and amity would be tara and willow (luz as tara and amity as willow , i mean under your spell from once more with feeling is LITERALLY them)

then comes my dilemma

who would gus be

wesley?!? i mean he wouldn’t be angel unless it was just him being dramatic which i can honestly see
 i mean i feel like he would enjoy maybe being oz and then doing werewolf illusions..but i can also see him wanting to dress up in a full tweed suit and be giles (yet again for the dramatics.. plus sharing facts and knowledge is in character.)

and don’t worry i’m not forgetting about vee
 i mean technically with shapeshifting she could literally be anyone but idk.. maybe dawn or anya? dawn would fit her personality better probably but i feel like anya would be cool just cause of the whole vengeance demon and basilisk sort of outcast and having people make wrong assumptions about them “parallel” (honestly vee’s personality is quite similar to tara)

eeh well ANYWAY i have no idea if anyone else watched both btvs and toh but oh well here’s a portion of my thoughts wether than make sense or not

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1 year ago

does anyone else just kinda have their own “canon” to how things in tv shows and stuff went

like for example in btvs how xander will make some really..weird and just gross comments sometimes..that just doesn’t happen in the canon that i have in my head

also, things like that were a lot of the times whedon just being a weird and gross person and then it reflecting onto the show so there’s things like that that i just kinda consider out of character

or things that just don’t make sense

like oz attacking tara
like wtf was that

the whole dating/cheating thing with willow and xander
uhh yeah no

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1 year ago

SCREW CANON give me Tara and Oz becoming friends

ok so at first oz probably was mad at tara..cause i mean it’s his ex’s new girlfriend and kinda why he got broken up with

(lets pretend that oz’s weird werewolf fling didn’t happen and neither did he attack tara) (though willow is a lesbian so they probably would have broken up eventually but anyway)

tara (being tara) doesn’t want oz to hate her. she gets that he could be mad and needs some space but and she can’t help but feeling that it’s her fault and that she ruined everything but she really doesn’t want him to hate her for the rest of time.

willow is probably reassuring tara that it’s not her fault and that oz isn’t going to hate her for the rest of time..hopefully. but that he just needs some space.

tara and willow probably go back and forth reassuring each other that everything will be ok as willow just broke up with her boyfriend of like 2 years and tara feels like she’s the whole reason they they broke up and that everything is falling apart

(if you can’t tell i have no idea how to do these posts)

. idk what else to write but i feel like oz and tara would forge a bond and somehow end up having a shared interest in like The Rocky Horror Picture Show (i have no idea why but the thought appeared in my head once and it never left)

but like imagine tara running into oz and just rambling about how she doesn’t want him to hate her and she’s really sorry about things..etc.. and oz is just like i don’t hate you tara and stuff but ANYWAY they somehow get on the topic of the RHPS and Willow eventually calls tara (screw a timeline) like “uhhh where are u i got back to the room and you weren’t here but you haven’t showed up so i just wanted to check in” and tara is like “oh yeah sorry i’m fine i just got sidetracked talking to oz” and willow is just like 
uhhh whut

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‘Tis the season for gifs from the one Buffy Christmas episode :) I think I’ve already reblogged these like 5 times on blagueofchaos but I ought to put them on my proper blog. It’s always nice to have festive fandom gifsets :) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all! 

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

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1 year ago
Willow And Tara From Buffy The Vampire Slayer For Pride Day 15
Willow And Tara From Buffy The Vampire Slayer For Pride Day 15
Willow And Tara From Buffy The Vampire Slayer For Pride Day 15
Willow And Tara From Buffy The Vampire Slayer For Pride Day 15

willow and Tara from Buffy the vampire slayer 🩇 for pride day 15 đŸ’–đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ

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