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One thing I truly love about Mabel is that she is completely genuine and sincere weird little girl representation. She has a morbid sense of humour. She grew up with a horrifying plush bear called Bear-O and literally everybody hated him. Her prized possession is a pig whom she won at a carnival, claiming to be a witch while doing so. Her initial design for a wax figure was a fairy princess horse fairy princess. She punched a unicorn. She draws portraits of her friends on cats and sells them for a profit. Her dream boyfriend is a Bill and Ted clone who has a masters in law. She's scared of stop motion. Her uncle didn't like colours so she hatched a plan with her friends to blind him. When her uncle offered her a free gift from his shop, she took a grappling hook without even considering any other option. One time she said the sentence "it's covered in my blood, sweat, tears, and other fluids." No one is doing it like her
the fact that Amelia Earhart CANONICALLY crash landed in Gravity Falls and was still never seen again
my PERSONAL HEADCANON is that Shermie is an older brother of Stan and Ford and that baby in A Tale of Two Stan’s is just a kid that their mom was babysitting for a friend or something
alex hirsch was hired by big english teacher to make people give a shit about the great gatsby

i decided to look up “Bill Cipher” in newspapers out of boredom and this article is from 1912 in KANSAS——

just realizing that logically Shermie HAS to be older than Stan and Ford because we only ever see the baby that is assumed to be Shermie when Stan gets kicked out which would be about 1972 so it’s basically impossible for Shermie to be born in 70 or 71 and then Dipper and Mabel’s dad to be born in the late 80s for them to exist….
even if we go “maybe they had REALLY young parents and grandparents” that would be REALLY young… like born 1971 has a kid at 14 in 1985 and that kid has a kid at 14 in 1999….. (not 100% IMPOSSIBLE but improbable)
so he HAS to be older than Stan and Ford which would mean there’s ANOTHER sibling?!?!
the possibility that this is just a plot hole is probably VERY high
ok but the fact that Shermie was supposed to be born sometime in the 1960s and dipper and mabel were born in 1999
even if we give the benefit of the doubt and say Shermie was born in 1960 you could say that their dad was born in 1980-2 BUT then that would mean that their dad was a teenager when Dipper and Mabel were born AND that their grandfather was younger than 40
…i found a VERY MINUIT plot hole….
also very very minor spoiler for the book of bill
ok so Ford gets sucked into the portal in 1982 (as seen on the calendar in one of the episodes)
in The Book of Bill he talks about the song “Sweet Dreams” by Eurythmics playing…..
that song didn’t come out till January of 1983
did anyone else have an odd vendetta against Gravity Falls (or just any show really) before watching it and then ending up absolutely loving it?
i remember when it was actively coming out on disney channel and i just don’t remember what it was about it that irked me SOO much… i feel like some of the rude people at my school may have watched it or something so i had a bad association? there was just something about it that made me SO MAD.
….and now i love the show after giving in and watching it over a decade later
that’s honestly a really good theory…
it’s probably just me looking into it wayy more than i should have (probably just slight planning flaw) but that theory works really well
ok but the fact that Shermie was supposed to be born sometime in the 1960s and dipper and mabel were born in 1999
even if we give the benefit of the doubt and say Shermie was born in 1960 you could say that their dad was born in 1980-2 BUT then that would mean that their dad was a teenager when Dipper and Mabel were born AND that their grandfather was younger than 40
ok but the fact that Shermie was supposed to be born sometime in the 1960s and dipper and mabel were born in 1999
even if we give the benefit of the doubt and say Shermie was born in 1960 you could say that their dad was born in 1980-2 BUT then that would mean that their dad was a teenager when Dipper and Mabel were born AND that their grandfather was younger than 40
geometry is gonna be a rollercoaster for them
“create a circle inscribed in a triangle” (5 points)
with everyone talking about gravity falls again, i just realized that it’s absolutely insane that all of that transpired within one summer. just two months of pure insanity. can you imagine fighting a malevolent triangle and then having to do algebra like nothing happened lol.

I’m just going to leave this here…
“young adult dystopian novels are so unrealistic lmao like they always have some random teenage girl rising up to inspire the world to make change.”

a hero emerges

i predicted it from the questions haha
I made another yj uquiz but this one has hyperspecific questions 🧍🏼♀️
Share your results!! 😶🌫️

This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years.
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life.
few characters in the star-wars universe have glasses.
i mean tech is literally one of the only ones (might be the only main character even to my knowledge) to have glasses
so i looked it up
apparently this was intentional on george lucas part as he “didn’t want eyeglasses present in his films”
but screw that
it got me thinking how realistically a lot of characters probably do need glasses but just have never gone to an eyedoctor because they just don’t have one near them, it’s expensive, and they just never considered it
i’m surprised i don’t see more in fics and such (as if i’ve read fanfiction in a while ha) where the clones accelerated aging is just kinda written out….
it’s honestly one of my least favorite things abt the clones is the fact that they all probably would be dead within 30-45 years of being “born” just from old age (but most probably just got killed before then)
like it would be easy to write out… like they were given stuff each year like a shot to keep their advanced aging until they were in their 20s or so (biologically)
it’s canon that souls go to the netherworld of the force after a person dies meaning that there is technically a possibility for every person to be a force ghost if circumstances call for it
there was probably a moment for each of the batch where they wished it was them instead of tech
but there would never be a moment where tech regretted his decision in the infinity of space and time if it meant even a moment of peace or hope for his siblings
there’s a small part of all of them that they left at kamino that day , and they all remain there, together
Whatever you do, don’t think about how the last time they all saw each other (alive) was when they watched Kamino get destroyed

She’ll be fine
ok so am i the only one who doesn’t really like animated characters appearing in live action? like nothing against the actors but to me their true “form” is as animated characters. like i just can’t 100% see them as the same person.