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Hey, kids! Want an angsty Bruno x Zoey HC?
When Zoey asks Bruno to help take her prosthetic arm off, he originally thought while doing so was that her arm ended at the elbow. He really wasn’t prepared to see that her entire right arm was gone.
His next thought was maybe she was just born without a right arm; that was until he saw how horrifically scarred up the nub was, like she had been to a butcher and had not been treated properly.
When Bruno gently touches her nub out of morbid curiosity, Zoey stopped him after a few seconds before covering it up and holding back tears. She really wanted to tell him what happened to her but the memory was just too painful for her to recall.
He could see her reaction the whole time and realized it may have been a bad idea to have touch her scars. All he could do now was to apologize and hold her.
"I figure when you're ready, you'll tell me"
The words she needed to hear because of how much hell she has been through trying to survive through World War 2

Two different time periods
Same tastes in women
Julieta: Zoey, why is Bruno crying on the floor?
Zoey: He’s drunk
Julieta: And?
Pepa: He just found out Zoey’s taken
Julieta: But aren’t you two married?
Zoey: Aye
What other stuff would anyone be interested in if I put out more Bruno x OC content?
Like more headcanons?
Some lil fics?
Art w/ lil fics?
Zoey: does any of this

Bruno: realizing the woman of his dreams who can beat his ass is the hottest thing on the planet

Bruno x Zoey HC: When A Villager Gets a Bad Vision
A villager requests a vision from Bruno about the future of a particular event (up to your imagination), but when Bruno and Zoey do the vision in his tower, he sees just how bad the vision turns out
He practically begs Zoey to give the villager their vision with him because of the trauma from all the backlash he got in the past over bad visions. She agrees and goes with him by his side
He knew it would happen because when they explained the vision to the best of their ability, the villager began to yell at Bruno specifically, getting closer to his face the more they yelled at him before Zoey steps in between them
Bruno grips onto Zoey’s jacket the more anxious he gets from the yelling while moving with her whenever the villager tries to get near him
Zoey isn’t stupid as she can tell this was making Bruno even more emotional so she keeps standing strong before she intervenes
“Wha’ made ye think wha’ he saw was gonna be wha’ ye wanted?” She would ask in a soft, passive aggressive tone of voice, knowing more yelling would just only make her beloved even more upset and anxious over something he can’t control
Zoey remains calm the entire time until the villager starts going for her for defending Bruno, a bad omen of the village as they would claim
She 100% uses her height to her advantage when she gets defensive for Bruno even to the point of bending down to their face and giving them her death glare
“Try me. Ah dare ya.”
“Wha’ makes ye think ei’er you er him can control wha’ he can see in dae fut’re. A fut’re ye wanted. A vision… you. Asked for. Ei’er you accept dae fut’re ye asked for… or you can see wha’ kinda fut’re Ah can give ya.”
The villager knew they were gonna be fucked if they pressed any further so they left, tail between heir legs
You bet your ass Zoey immediately turns to Bruno after she watches them leave and asks if he was alright while cupping his wet face and wiping away the tears, noticing how stressed, anxious and upset he was
Hugs him tightly, rocks him slowly, rubs his back, tells him how much she loves him, and that he can’t control what he sees while letting him cry into her shirt to let the stress out from that
“I’m sorry, mi vida. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I got you involved...”
“No, dearie. Ye knew it woul’ happen again. Ah jes’ only did wha’ Ah knew best. I’m jes’ glad yer okay, mo chridhe.”
Bruno just knew he found the right person to help him get through all of this
Zo would totally teach Bruno how to box after seeing her fight so many times and be able to defend herself

I need to stop with the Bruno x Zoey angst with my bestie

I made it worse

I need to stop with the Bruno x Zoey angst with my bestie
When Bruno hears Zoey’s whimpering and crying from a nightmare, there’s a 100% guarantee he will spoon her and cuddle up with her so that she will know it’s just a nightmare
He’s not good with his words, so he makes up for it with his actions and love for her
He might not quite understand the pain she went through before they met, but he does understand what it’s like to experience something traumatic
18+“-ish” Context
Bruno after realizing Zoey’s absolutely shredded

Zoey: Lang may yer lum reek, and may a moose ne'er leave your girnal with a teardrop in his eye! Haste Ye Back, Me Lassie!
The Madrigals:
The Madrigals turning to Bruno:
Bruno eating an arepa:
Bruno: She basically just said, “Have a good long life, and hope you come back soon”
Give me questions about Zoey and Bruno, I am more than happy to answer some of them!
Bruno a little grumpy: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Pepa cloud over her head with a coffee: What’s up your ass this morning?
Zoey looking rather refreshed going up to Bruno and flirting with him: ‘Ello~
Bruno: *blushes and smiles at her after she kissed his cheek*
Pepa sipping her coffee smirking: Hmm. Nevermind~
Bruno: *spits his coffee out*
Me: *tries too have Zoey and Bruno’s height difference be as accurate as possible*
Also me: hehe lil Bruno tryna flirt with Zoey be like

wish I had the bond Dolores has with tio Bruno
Some Dolores doodles bc she 🥺 Also hc that Dolores and Bruno used to be besties before he disappeared so when she finally got to see him again she gave her favorite Tio a big warm hug :)

Have this too ig

Lowkey Bruno when he attempted to confront Abuela at the end of the film:

Dolores eventually befriending the rats in the walls. 🐀
Headcanon for Encanto
(Psst, lemme know if anyone else had the same one, this occurred to me yesterday and I haven’t seen any content similar or the same))
What if the reason that the Casita was breaking was because it sensed Abuela Alma was dying? It wanted her to fix her relationship with her family and reunite Bruno with the family before she passed so she’d rest peacefully. Mirabel would be the one to inherit the candle and take over as the Madrigal Family Matriarch, so in a sense, she was the one who had to fix it from as an outside source. It makes sense, the house responds to her better than anyone (but that could just be because most of the movie is entirely from her perspective) and she talks to it as if it actually speaks to her; she understands it.
This occurred to me when I was listening to Dos Oruguitas, which plays during the scene on which Alma and Pedro’s relationship is recounted to Mirabel, and his death, and then when Mirabel makes up with Alma. The entire song describes the basis of their relationship; how they met, fell in love, and then were torn apart. If you listened to the English version or read the translation, you would find the lyrics “don’t you hold on too tight, both of you know it’s your time to grow, to fall apart and reunite, wonders await you, just on the other side, trust they’ll be there and start to prepare for your tomorrow”. For most of the movie, you’d assume that Abuela was already a butterfly, she had to grow and become stronger for her family, but at the end of the song, once Mirabel and Abuela “reunite” the lyrics change from “oruguitas” to “mariposas”; from caterpillars to butterflies. Abuela emerging from her chrysalis and becoming a butterfly is a metaphor for her preparing to reunite with Pedro, and her “preparing for tomorrow” is accepting that her family is more than the miracle, that they don’t need powers to be safe, and making Mirabel her successor.
It’s really sad and really romantic and I wanted to share it to see if it was just something that was obvious from the context.
Also, if y’all want some Madrigal fanfic (no incest, and no smut for the minors- they can be aged up, but I will absolutely not write any sort of romantic relationships for Antonio bc he’s baby no matter what -bc gross) I’ve got some ideas and I’ll probably be posting my OCs sometime today