Toh Gg - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Interesting theory, however I believe it goes on a bit more than that.

I think when you copy something artificially, it turns out to look just like the original product.

I think that the chipped ear was maybe just inherited by Emperor Belos.

*clears throat*

what if belos chipped hunter's ear, to match with his own chipped ear, as a test to see if hunter, the experiment, can feel pain

*runs away*

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3 years ago

Just watched the new TOH episode and WOW. Not as intense as last week’s episode but still

Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still

Now can we talk about these

Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still
Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still
Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still
Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still


Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still


Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still


Just Watched The New TOH Episode And WOW. Not As Intense As Last Weeks Episode But Still

Okay okay enough with the funny let’s get down to shit like usual. So I think Hunter and Luz are more similar than they were set to be in the episode.

Luz has guilt issues. She shifts the blame to herself and most likely has problems self esteem and self value. We’ve all said that it stems from the human realm and I believe that so we’re going with that. We see Luz panic while picking a pailsman because none of them connect to her. I think in that moment Luz panicked because she’s realized that not only does she not fit in out in the Boiling Isles but her reason for even being there is because she wanted to get away from the human realm as she wasn’t really accepted much over there. But by being in the Boiling Isles she’s caused problems to others, burdening her with guilt. She’s realized that by being there, she’s caused trouble again; human or demon realm she’s caused problems. I hope that these upcoming episodes show Luz developing and growing past her self esteem, self worth and/or guilt issues.

Now Hunter also known as GG/Golden Guard. I believe that he follows so closely to Belos’ orders as he wants to show his gratefulness and worth. Kinda like what Zuko was doing in ATLA. He chased Aang and tries through almost the entirety of the show trying to catch him to show his father that he is redeemable, he is honorable, he is lovable, and respectable. But in reality, regardless of whether or not he catches Aang he’s all of those things. Now Hunter, he tries to show he’s grateful as Belos basically acts like this is all Hunter’s fault and needs to repay him by going along with Belos’ orders, showing loyalty to the coven and overall ruling of Belos. By going through all these trials and missions, he’s letting his uncle know that he’s useful and now has a purpose of sorts. Though he seems to be having second thoughts about the whole ordeal as he told Luz before taking down that finger monster thingy. Having all of this be burdening Hunter, it’s best and easiest to assume that he has issues with himself. Whether that be as on point to Luz’s issues, or even assume that he has a better or worse of a situation compared to her.

If this doesn’t make half as much sense as I thought it did when I typed it, just know that it’s probably because I’m making this at 4AM. I kinda forgot about early access so I was confused why people were saying Luz is from Connecticut. Anyway, I didn’t watch it until 3 and took a while to actually understand what happened in the episode and another 30 min to type this out properly. REMEMBER TO SLEEP PEOPLE I NEED IT BUT IM DRAWING COOL CRAIG OF THE CREEK FAN ART (ITS TABITHA AND COURTNEY!!!!!!!!)

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3 years ago

So y’all know that one piece of art Dana did of Hunter and Kikimora? The one where he’s busy catching up on Big City Greens. Well my brother found this in the background of today’s episode

So Yall Know That One Piece Of Art Dana Did Of Hunter And Kikimora? The One Where Hes Busy Catching Up

I guess he’s canonically a fan and congrats on on him because it’s actually a pretty fun (more so light) show compared to the other currently trending Disney TVA shows (Amphibia and TOH)

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3 years ago

I don’t ship them, but that’s a really good point

How to Fix The Owl House “Love Triangle”

How To Fix The Owl House Love Triangle

Just be poly.

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3 years ago

After today’s episode I think this song represents how I feel about Hunter

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3 years ago

A traumatized sixteen year old your honor

i still think it's really weird that they let a sixteen year old lead an entire coven

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