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Since up until now we've been shown the Coven Heads as the opposite of what they represent, the Healing Coven Head can be someone who only wields their medical abilities to make money and charge unreasonably high fees for a checkup or that their is someone who is negligent with their patients and who downplays their conditions

but this thought came to my mind:
Does anyone remember this woman?

and/or this woman?

I couldn't think of the Healing Coven Head can be someone like Yachiru/Retsu or Shinobu. Calm down, here I explain:
Yachiru Unohana: The First Kenpachi

Retsu during the beginning of the Gotei 13 was a very dangerous criminal called Yachiru who knew the art of the sword until Genryusai recruited her and became the first captain of the 11th squad (a squad known to be the most violent of all and where love for battle prevails), being the first shinigami to hold the title of Kenpachi (this title was given to the soul reapers who have killed more enemies and enjoy the battle).

Due to the dire effects of her bankai, in addition to her desire to prolong her fights, Yachiru learned healing kido and became quite good at it to the point that after her fight with Kenpachi Zaraki she became captain of the 4th squad (known for specializing in medicine and healing) and while he joined this squad he became a much calmer person.

Shinobu Kocho: The Poisonous Butterfly

Shinobu is a Demon Slayer who specializes in the use of medicine and is in charge of caring for and healing demon slayers injured in combat,

as well as always having a friendly attitude and always smiling.

However she fights using poison, killing the demons in the slowest and most painful way possible while pretending to be kind to them,

this is because she has big anger towards the demons for the death of her parents, her sister and her tsugukos. This affects her to the point that she mimics her sister's kind demeanor

just to hide her anger and uses her fake kindness while sadistically torturing the demons she kills.

What I mean is that the Healing Coven Head can be someone like Yachiru/Retsu (a battle-loving warrior who learned their healing techniques just so they could keep fighting and over time their personality became calmer) or Shinobu (someone who has a kind and calm demeanor that ends up being fake and who also uses their knowledge in medicine to heal allies but also uses said knowledge to torture their enemies in the worst possible way and kill them slowly while they suffer).
Since up until now we've been shown the Coven Heads as the opposite of what they represent, the Healing Coven Head can be someone who only wields their medical abilities to make money and charge unreasonably high fees for a checkup or that their is someone who is negligent with their patients and who downplays their conditions

but this thought came to my mind:
Does anyone remember this woman?

and/or this woman?

I couldn't think of the Healing Coven Head can be someone like Yachiru/Retsu or Shinobu. Calm down, here I explain:
Yachiru Unohana: The First Kenpachi

Retsu during the beginning of the Gotei 13 was a very dangerous criminal called Yachiru who knew the art of the sword until Genryusai recruited her and became the first captain of the 11th squad (a squad known to be the most violent of all and where love for battle prevails), being the first shinigami to hold the title of Kenpachi (this title was given to the soul reapers who have killed more enemies and enjoy the battle).

Due to the dire effects of her bankai, in addition to her desire to prolong her fights, Yachiru learned healing kido and became quite good at it to the point that after her fight with Kenpachi Zaraki she became captain of the 4th squad (known for specializing in medicine and healing) and while he joined this squad he became a much calmer person.

Shinobu Kocho: The Poisonous Butterfly

Shinobu is a Demon Slayer who specializes in the use of medicine and is in charge of caring for and healing demon slayers injured in combat,

as well as always having a friendly attitude and always smiling.

However she fights using poison, killing the demons in the slowest and most painful way possible while pretending to be kind to them,

this is because she has big anger towards the demons for the death of her parents, her sister and her tsugukos. This affects her to the point that she mimics her sister's kind demeanor

just to hide her anger and uses her fake kindness while sadistically torturing the demons she kills.

What I mean is that the Healing Coven Head can be someone like Yachiru/Retsu (a battle-loving warrior who learned their healing techniques just so they could keep fighting and over time their personality became calmer) or Shinobu (someone who has a kind and calm demeanor that ends up being fake and who also uses their knowledge in medicine to heal allies but also uses said knowledge to torture their enemies in the worst possible way and kill them slowly while they suffer).
When Luz meets the Titan this conversation happens.
Luz: I can't believe this. You're Kings dad!
Titan: I think King said it best once: I am both King and Queen. Best of both things. But "Dad" works fine.
I think this means that while the Titan is masculine they aren't necessarily a man. Also the whole both King and Queen thing could either imply that titans are gender neutral or potentially that they reproduce asexually. Or possibly both of those.
I think that the Titan is perceived as male and doesn't really care to correct anyone that they aren't. Also titans as a species could potentially be genderless and asexual.
Interesting theory, however I believe it goes on a bit more than that.
I think when you copy something artificially, it turns out to look just like the original product.
I think that the chipped ear was maybe just inherited by Emperor Belos.
*clears throat*
what if belos chipped hunter's ear, to match with his own chipped ear, as a test to see if hunter, the experiment, can feel pain
*runs away*
Okay, okay.
I don't think Belos is Philip. I just don't think the twist may be THAT obvious; Dana is a very in-depth writer. Perhaps I'll be wrong in the end, and if I am I will be lightly disappointed, but here we go!
I believe Belos is Philip's son if anything. Or perhaps even his nephew to draw a parallel between Belos and Hunter. Philip is a hateful, spiteful man towards witches (and everyone in general) and we don't see much of that in Belos, in all honesty. He's much more...calculating and meticulous of a person/villain. He hates so-called "wild magic" and tells Hunter his family was wiped out 16 years ago because of it. Him telling Hunter this so nonchalantly honestly made me think it was just a straight deceptive lie at first, like most things Belos says/does are, but at the same time Belos' voice actor describes him as, "misunderstood rather than evil." A very strong, specific set of words! I now believe there may be a bit of truth in that statement that Belos told Hunter. I believe, if anything, Philip started a fight with witches over his hatred and ended up losing to them and being killed. Perhaps Philip could have indeed killed his brother but pinned it on wild magic. And perhaps Belos was the one being lied to. Perhaps in Belos being lied to about his family being killed by "wild magic," he's now passing the lie onto Hunter (and thus carrying out even more damage). He's hellbent on destroying wild magic and witches that wield it because he truly may believe it's dangerous due to his father/uncle's lies. Philip wouldn't be above manipulating others to believe the witches are out to get him for "no reason," after all. He literally manipulated Luz and Lilith immediately upon meeting them. This could also tie into Belos apparently having visited the human realm at one point. And Philip being related to Belos could explain why Lilith felt a sense of Deja Vu from the way Philip complimented/talked to her and Luz.
Perhaps it could also stand as a parallel between Belos and Hunter to Belos and Philip. Lies and deception in a cycle. And yes, that would still mean Belos is a human! Or at least...partially. Perhaps Belos still has to use artificial magic because he is not completely a witch. Plus, he's only been Emperor for 50 years, right? Then that timeline would make perfect sense if Philip's curse somehow involved immortality (remember: immortal does not equal invincible), but perhaps Belos' doesn't for some reason? Also I just don't believe someone who's been alive for, what, 500 years or so would ONLY be Emperor for 50 years! That just seem like a long time to be building up such a rank.
I also believe Belos is afflicted with the same curse his father/uncle, Philip, was inflicted with from unknown means. Likely by "wild magic" like they say Belos' was caused by. Or at least that's what Belos was told. They both need to consume Palismans to keep it at bay. Though it is also noted it has became worse in the past few years with Palisman wood becoming scarce. The Collector may be related to this affliction carrying on to Belos, perhaps, as well. The Collector is obviously involved in Eda's curse, so why not Philip's, and also by extension Belos'? Obviously a lot is still left to debate like with Hunter being a Grimwalker, the sacrifices, and Philip's dead brother, but as of now I'd like to safely set my cards down that Belos isn't Philip, rather, afflicted with the damage Philip caused and is thus spreading it further and carrying out his father/uncle's goals and views in a way. Perhaps he got the Grimwalker stuff from Philip since we see blueprints that look like a more simplified version of the current Grimwalker blueprints that Belos owns.
If anything, I believe this little creature below is Belos. If the mask alone isn't a dead give away, then surely the hair is. The bangs droop downwards rather than point up like Philip's. And, honestly, Philip's hair doesn't look like Belos' at all. Their eyes aren't the same colors (or shapes), and their noses aren't the same shapes even after Lilith punches him and after he absorbs a Palisman. I just think the twist of Belos being Philip is TOO obvious for Dana's liking. I can DEFINITELY see them being related, however!

That's just my two cents, though. I can't add many images on mobile of comparisons of stuff and perhaps I forgot a few things, but oh well! It has also been a hot moment since I've watched the show so I may be forgetting things shown in there. It just seems...boring if a deceptive, megalomaniac Emperor against "wild magic" due to it killing his family be a weird...rude, crybaby of a 1600's British human and his dead brother. That just doesn't feel right in a fantastical setting </3.
okay so like we all know that philip is definitely belos, but i just noticed something i don't think anyone else has

did this mf take his shovel and turn it into a staff??? it even does the weird bouncy effect thing when it pops out

here's a little bit of subtle suspicion thrown on Philip as early as Yesterday's Lie — the brother associated with the cardinal is taking the witch's hand, accepting a warm welcome, while the brother we can now confidently say is Philip appears much more defensive, and is carrying a torch. classic 1600s, "burn the witch" maneuver.
now, I don't think this other Wittebane was necessarily a great person (Puritan upbringing and all that), but I think he'll at least be more sympathetic than Philip. more willing to accept the Isles, and maybe even integrate into witch society, if the theory about Dell Clawthorne being a Wittebane descendant is true. maybe even more appreciative of wild magic — unlike Philip, who seemingly uses it as a means to an end? especially if this unnamed Wittebane parallels Hunter, who is clearly his "offspring" in one way or another.
(not saying Wittebro would have to be nd-coded with an interest in wild magic just because Hunter is such — but in a show like this that loves narrative parallels, it would make sense from a writing perspective.)
Wild Theory Time
Philip and Belos: Two brothers
So… If Eda can share her curse with Lilith, Then the same could maybe apply to Belos as well.
Two Sisters/Two Brothers
What if Belos and Philip are actually two different people in one body. We heard two voices. Philip’s voice and Belos. What if Belos is his brother?
I mean if the collector is involved… The two faces, made into one.

Does that mean Hunter is the replacement body to finally set them free from each other!! He’s Just a vessel for the brother to inhabit!
This may also explain why Current belos looks different! More like his brother rather than himself. Just like shades of the moon. This would also explain the contradictions between Philip and Belos./
Who knows, I don’t
Anyone else think the collectors gonna be doing some Luz cosplay so they can play the owl house, or is it just me.
I have a theory that Amity's new crescent moon necklace is a call back to the night where she and Luz danced while fighting Grom under a crescent moon.

This one is ours
“Get back to your world, this one is ours”

That words of Lilith and how she says them were stuck in my mind since last saturday. They show how she looks Luz like she is a animal or even lower, we even see her calling her Eda’s human pet.

She thinks that Luz doesn’t deserve to be in the Boiling Isles for not being a natural witch.
But when she refers to our world, not explicit, it left me with the question of what defines to Lilith and the Emperor Belos our world.
Maybe I’m overthinking this but we don’t know if the emperor Belos is from the Boiling Isles but if he is not that means he considers a world like his own when he conquers it.

And what happen if he was waiting to the capture of Eda because he needs powerful witches to not only keep his power but to conquers earth.
And then the question of why would he like to conquer earth? Well I think is to make sure he is forever the most powerful witch. We had seen that the Boiling Isles and the human world have naturally some type of conection and that are more ways to move between them besides the door of Eda.
If not why Amity and Luz have books of the Good Witch Azura and even the movie that Luz mention in Wing Like Witches; or how Luz can get messages from her mom without the need of had the door open(remember that videos are heavier than mesages and some images).

Also it seems like Luz is the only one who can see glyphs in the Boiling Isles if we remember that King can’t see the light glyph in the video. So what if currently only humans can use magic the way of the first witches and with the conection with the human world it’s only matter of time before more humans come to the Boiling Isles and become a threat to the emperor system and power.

Maybe I am overthinking this but like we see in the last episode that the Emperor Belos can see everything in the Boiling Isles and maybe he nows about the conection between the earth and the Boiling Isles and the threat to his power that it means.
What do you think? It’s possible that something bigger is coming? Say your ideas.
This one is ours
“Get back to your world, this one is ours”

That words of Lilith and how she says them were stuck in my mind since last saturday. They show how she looks Luz like she is a animal or even lower, we even see her calling her Eda’s human pet.

She thinks that Luz doesn’t deserve to be in the Boiling Isles for not being a natural witch.
But when she refers to our world, not explicit, it left me with the question of what defines to Lilith and the Emperor Belos our world.
Maybe I’m overthinking this but we don’t know if the emperor Belos is from the Boiling Isles but if he is not that means he considers a world like his own when he conquers it.

And what happen if he was waiting to the capture of Eda because he needs powerful witches to not only keep his power but to conquers earth.
And then the question of why would he like to conquer earth? Well I think is to make sure he is forever the most powerful witch. We had seen that the Boiling Isles and the human world have naturally some type of conection and that are more ways to move between them besides the door of Eda.
If not why Amity and Luz have books of the Good Witch Azura and even the movie that Luz mention in Wing Like Witches; or how Luz can get messages from her mom without the need of had the door open(remember that videos are heavier than mesages and some images).

Also it seems like Luz is the only one who can see glyphs in the Boiling Isles if we remember that King can’t see the light glyph in the video. So what if currently only humans can use magic the way of the first witches and with the conection with the human world it’s only matter of time before more humans come to the Boiling Isles and become a threat to the emperor system and power.

Maybe I am overthinking this but like we see in the last episode that the Emperor Belos can see everything in the Boiling Isles and maybe he nows about the conection between the earth and the Boiling Isles and the threat to his power that it means.
What do you think? It’s possible that something bigger is coming? Say your ideas.
This one is ours
“Get back to your world, this one is ours”

That words of Lilith and how she says them were stuck in my mind since last saturday. They show how she looks Luz like she is a animal or even lower, we even see her calling her Eda’s human pet.

She thinks that Luz doesn’t deserve to be in the Boiling Isles for not being a natural witch.
But when she refers to our world, not explicit, It left me with the question of what defines to Lilith and the Emperor Belos our world.
Maybe I’m overthinking this but we don’t know if the emperor Belos is from the Boiling Isles but if he is not that means he considers a world like his own when he conquers it.

And what happen if he was waiting to the capture of Eda because he needs powerful witches to not only keep his power but to conquers earth.
And then the question of why would he like to conquer earth? Well I think is to make sure he is forever the most powerful witch. We had seen that the Boiling Isles and the human world have naturally some type of conection and that are more ways to move between them besides the door of Eda.
If not why Amity and Luz have books of the Good Witch Azura and even the movie that Luz mention in Wing Like Witches; or how Luz can get messages from her mom without the need of had the door open(remember that videos are heavier than mesages and some images).

Also it seems like Luz is the only one who can see glyphs in the Boiling Isles if we remember that King can’t see the light glyph in the video. So what if currently only humans can use magic the way of the first witches and with the conection with the human world it’s only matter of time before more humans come to the Boiling Isles and become a threat to the emperor system and power.

Maybe I am overthinking this but like we see in the last episode that the Emperor Belos can see everything in the Boiling Isles and maybe he nows about the conection between the earth and the Boiling Isles and the threat to his power that it means.

What do you think? It’s possible that something bigger is coming? Say your ideas.
Grom prediction
Willow and Gus will go to Grom together as friends. Luz will have no one else to go with so she’ll go with Amity as a friend. Amity is like oh okay yeah we’re friends but she secretly likes Luz and debates confessing to her the whole night, writing out her feelings on a letter. They’ll have a whole scene at the Owl House where they pick out outfits, Amity will have her own thing she wears, Eda will be their chauffeur. At Grom Luz will hang out with Willow and Gus and Amity will be torn between maintaining her facade of popularity and hanging out with them. She keeps flip-flopping when Luz gets chosen for the Grom tiara. The whole Grom tiara thing is a gladiator type thing that the whole school watches (based on how they had a set up arena with weapons). Luz gets freaked out, Amity helps her, we see Amity’s biggest fear. They beat it and then the scene in the hallway happens. They’re talking about how weird what just happened was. Amity is about to tell Luz something when Luz gets texted by her mom. She walks away for a second and Amity puts away/tears up her note out of embarrassment. Episode ends with her hanging out with Luz and the gang.
In light of recent events: damn I was way off but the actual episode was still really good
Grom prediction
Willow and Gus will go to Grom together as friends. Luz will have no one else to go with so she’ll go with Amity as a friend. Amity is like oh okay yeah we’re friends but she secretly likes Luz and debates confessing to her the whole night, writing out her feelings on a letter. They’ll have a whole scene at the Owl House where they pick out outfits, Amity will have her own thing she wears, Eda will be their chauffeur. At Grom Luz will hang out with Willow and Gus and Amity will be torn between maintaining her facade of popularity and hanging out with them. She keeps flip-flopping when Luz gets chosen for the Grom tiara. The whole Grom tiara thing is a gladiator type thing that the whole school watches (based on how they had a set up arena with weapons). Luz gets freaked out, Amity helps her, we see Amity’s biggest fear. They beat it and then the scene in the hallway happens. They’re talking about how weird what just happened was. Amity is about to tell Luz something when Luz gets texted by her mom. She walks away for a second and Amity puts away/tears up her note out of embarrassment. Episode ends with her hanging out with Luz and the gang.
Spoilers for the Owl House!!

I’m gonna try and analyze this note to see who I think wrote it. First off, let’s go over what this tells us about the person who wrote it
1. They know of Luz but they don’t know her personally enough to know her name
2. They know where her mom lives
3. They know that Luz was going to a summer camp to learn about real world stuff. They likely know where that camp is because the letters had to be addressed
4. They know what mortgages are or at least know of the concept of mortgages, which I’m guessing is a human thing
5. The way that they write is stiff which leads me to asssume that they don’t know what a normal mother/daughter relationship is
6. They have a motivation to keep Luz in the Boiling Isles or at least not make her mom suspicious
So let’s go over the possible suspects
Eda has been to the human world and has opened her portal right next to Luz’s house before. However she’s a con artist and she’s good at it; she wouldn’t let something as obvious as misspelling Luz’s name slip. Plus she knows Luz so it seems unlikely that she’d not know how to spell her name. Another thing is that Eda was okay with Luz going back to the human world in the first episode. Whoever’s writing these notes has presumably been doing this since Luz came to the boiling isles.
He doesn’t want Luz to leave, it’s plausible that he wouldn’t spell her name right, and he wouldn’t know how to write from the perspective of a human mother/daughter relationship. But we’ve seen him write before and his handwriting’s different. Also in Really Small Problems it’s seems he’s begrudgingly acknowledged that Luz will leave.
Her handwriting is similar to that in the note and she wouldn’t want Luz to leave. But she doesn’t seem to know much about the human world and probably hasn’t been there before (this goes for everyone at Hexside). Plus she’s a top student and an avid reader, her writing wouldn’t be this stiff
She doesn’t know Luz well and she’s not warm/emotional which would explain why the writing’s so emotionless. But she was surprised to see Luz and especially surprised to see a human, which leads me to think that she doesn’t have access to the human world.
The emperor
A mysterious figure we’ve only heard of in passing. If that beetle looking guy from the trailer actually is him, he doesn’t look like the type who would know how to write some emotional letter. He would probably have to power/means to go to the human world. The writing is in cursive which could be explained by his formality/status.
Now if Emperor Belos wrote the note what does that say about him
- he has been to the human world
- he’s familiar with Luz’s family and what they’re doing but not familiar enough to know Luz’s name first try.
- he has a reason to keep Luz in the Boiling Isles. This one is kinda weird because so far all Luz has done is disrupt the status quo by joining multiple tracks, breaking into the Conformitorium, using unconventional magic, etc... This could support the theory that he’s part/full human and Luz’s dad but idk
I also considered that Amity’s parent wrote it. It’d explain the similar handwriting (it feels deliberate tha we saw her handwriting in the same episode we saw the notes). Plus they have connections to the emperor so that could have some relation.
But if you have any theories leave them below

Is Lilith cursed too?
Luz has adhd and her being a human trying to be a witch is a metaphor for her being neurodivergent, here’s why
Note that this is just my take on the canon and it’s okay if ya disagree. And if I get anything wrong feel free to tell me because while I’ve researched, I’m not a professional. Also I typed this out three weeks ago but eh it’s all good
Anyway, first I’ll say why I think she has adhd. While the stereotype of someone with adhd is a kid who’s hyper and can’t sit still and is super impulsive (and while for some people that’s their experience), adhd in women often looks different because females are more likely to have inattentive adhd.
Some symptoms of adhd are (also I’m summarizing to keep this somewhat brief)
1. Lack of focus/tendency to daydream/being easily distracted
2. Impulsivity
3. Fidgeting in seat/inability to sit still
4. Talking excessively
5. Hyperfixation
1. In the episode Adventures in the elements, Eda tells Luz to sit still and focus on the boiling isles.

Despite her best efforts, she can’t focus and her mind starts wandering. She plays out fake conversations and then when she gets bored she leaves

2. Ties into my first example because when Luz gets bored, she immediately looks for something to distract herself and finds that instant gratification in stealing Amity’s wand. And she definitely wasn’t trying to be malicious because we see how quick she is to regret it when she sees how it affected Amity.

In a similar manner, she took Eda’s staff without thinking. She didn’t really think through the fact that she didn’t know if she could even fly it, how close Eda and Owlbert are, the idea that she might hurt him.

This example is a bit different from the first one considering how King lies and said she had permission, but it also displays the cycle of Luz doing something impulsive and then immediately regretting it. It’s a familiar cycle for many people with adhd
3. Again, ties into my example of adventures in the elements. She can’t sit still for the life of her. Also, she’s often jumping around and stuff instead of just walking
4. When Luz was looking at the Hexside pamphlet, she couldn’t stop talking about it. When she gave her book report in the first episode, she got super into it to the point where here principal/mom were left there confused. And she talks about the Azura books to anyone who will listen to her
5. To build off of 4, although Luz can seem “lazy” or “unmotivated” when it comes to activities most girls her age like (exemplified in the first episode)
When Luz is into something, she gets really into it. Whether it be her art, Azura books, Amity, or magic, her passion shows. If she cares about it, she’ll give 110%
What this means in the context of the series
Even if my theory that Luz specifically has adhd isn’t true, she’s at least neurodivergent or “weird” in the context of the show. And how she related to other humans has clear parallels to how Luz relates to other witches. In Covention, Luz says

“It [magic] doesn’t come naturally for me, like it does for you. So I’ve had to improvise”
Because Luz’s body doesn’t naturally have the capacity for magic like witches do, she has to find her way around that, her own way of doing things. And, with the adhd analogy, because her brain isn’t like those of most of her peers she has to find her own way of doing things. That doesn’t mean she’s worse as a witch or as a person. What the Owl house is saying is that that difference is awesome.
I feel like Luz will have a moment where she connects the dots and realizes that just like with her learning magic, her differences are just as valid
Wait I realized something

Here in Covention, Luz asks Eda if she’ll ever be a true witch
One of the secret code things is “A witch loses a true way”
Her name is Luz

So obviously Eda isn’t gonna die/remain the owl beast forever
You know who would be a good character to kill off for dramatic tension