Tom Payne - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


Skipping the explanation: Watkins is the reason why Ainsley is a killer.

John Watkins was Ainsley's "imaginary friend" when she was little. We know Watkins was a killer at that point in his life.

The season 2 teaser also has (I'm assuming) Ainsley as a little girl. She appears to be having a tea party with stuffed animals. There's an empty seat, possibly for an imaginary friend. I think the empty seat is for John Watkins. Reminding us that he visited Ainsley when she was little.

My theory is that Watkins was trying to teach Ainsley about killing. He knew that Martin intended to kill Malcolm, and we know (when Malcolm's an adult) that Watkins wants to make Malcolm a killer.

What if he wanted to make Ainsley a killer because he knew that there wouldn't be a chance to make Malcolm one? Maybe he even brought her animals to practice on.

Since Ainsley was so young when Martin was arrested, (and the tunnel was closed, ending the visits) she wouldn't necessarily remember everything she was taught. But if Watkins did bring her animals to practice on, and if she liked it, some part of Ainsley's subconscious might have remembered what that felt like.

When she slit Endicott's throat, her face is calm. Then there was some time before she stabs him multiple times. When Endicott falls, dead, and she's just standing there, Ainsley isn't ashamed or shocked by what's she's done. She's just calm and is curious why that just happened.

That's not a normal reaction. While her technique doesn't seem professional, her reaction seems like it's not her first time killing.

I think that's because of John Watkins and not because she's Martin Whitley's daughter. Thanks for sitting through that!

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4 years ago
What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In
What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In
What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In
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What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In
What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In
What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In
What Am I Supposed To Tell Ksenia?I Dont Know, She Said Helplessly. If We Bring Her Into This, Shes In

“What am I supposed to tell Ksenia?” “I don’t know,” she said helplessly. “If we bring her into this, she’s in danger.” “And if we don’t…God, Fee, she is going to lose her mind.” (x)

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4 years ago
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... только в час Охоты, в пучине чар как найти мне сил не забыть свечу?

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4 years ago
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Но я буду рядом. Я стану злодеем, который тебя никогда не предаст.

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4 years ago
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Не для того я вывел тебя из смерти. Сам говорил, что я за тебя в ответе

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5 years ago

So I was watching TWD today and when I saw Tom Payne (he plays Jesus 😂) I realized how much Cyrus looks like him ⬇️⬇️

- I had a dilemma for a while but I wasn't quite sure why he looked familiar...

So I Was Watching TWD Today And When I Saw Tom Payne (he Plays Jesus ) I Realized How Much Cyrus Looks

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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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So I went through the arduous process of making gifs on my phone for the next few hours. It is now 1:30 am on the morning of my birthday... why do I do this to myself?

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