Topp Dogg - Tumblr Posts
I watched the live earlier today with Hansol and although I don’t speak Korean I kind of picked up on what he was saying. It was so shocking and scary. I’m glad his friend got in contact with him and told us not to worry but I really hope he’s alright. If anyone doesn’t know about all this basically Hansol from Topp Dogg did a live on Instagram and was saying things like he wanted to commit suicide and that hes going to kill himself and was standing beside a road and after a while there were tears in his eyes. I think it would be good even if you aren’t a ToppKlass to leave some supportive messages on his instagram.
Cover for Imagines
Cinderella Girl pt.2
Hey Mama!
First Love
Lucky One
I Need You Right Now
Fly(JB and Jackson)
Skyway(JB and Jackson)
I Like You
Beautiful, I Want You
Dreamin’ pt.2
Fly(JB and Jackson)
Skyway(JB and Jackson)
Boy In Luv Like Oh(JB vs V)
See The Light(JB’s Ending)
Home Run
Hard Carry
Let Me pt.2
Paradise(Mark, Jinyoung, Yugyeom x Reader)
She’s Just Right
If You Do
Dimple (RapMon x Reader x BamBam)
My Home
Paradise(Mark, Jinyoung, Yugyeom x Reader)
You Are
Don’t Try to Disappear
Paradise(Mark, Jinyoung, Yugyeom x Reader)
Adore U
Pretty U
Fast Pace
The Girl
Very Nice[Joshua&V]
Crazy In Love(Joshua’s End)
Save Me, I Don’t Wanna Cry(Joshua, Mingyu, V x Reader)
20(Joshua’s Ending)
Can’t See the End
Smile Flower
Save Me, I Don’t Wanna Cry(Joshua, Mingyu, V x Reader)
If I(Mingyu’s Ending)
My I (The8 x Reader x Jun)
Swimming Fool
My I (The8 x Reader x Jun)
Block B:
A Few Years Later pt.2
Last Romeo
The Eye
Man In Love
Boys Republic:
Party Rock
You Are Special
The Real One
Still Again
U Beauty
Better Day
U R So Cute
Too Very So Much
The Boss[DGNA]:
Why Goodbye?
Becoming You pt.2
Hold Me Tight
Spring Day
Save Me
For You
Boy In Luv Like Oh(JB vs V)
All I Can Do Is Love You
Miss Right
Very Nice[Joshua&V]
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
It’s Definitely You(V’s End)
Save Me, I Don’t Wanna Cry(Joshua, Mingyu, V x Reader)
Hug Me(V’s Ending)
House of Cards
Rap Monster-
Dimple (RapMon x Reader x BamBam)
I Confess
Love Letter
Mystery Lover
I Don’t Want to be an Idol
Rainy Day
I Know
It’s Raining
Shall We Dance?
I Guess I Need You
Now pt.2
Feel So Good
Yeo One-
Critical Beauty
Drunk On You
I’m Fine
I’m Fine
So Beautiful
Easy Love
Without U
When We Were Young
Sun and Moon
Eyes, Nose, Lips
Without You
Go Go
Monsta X:
You are so Beautiful
White Girl
Chivalry is Dead
You’re So Fly
Catch Me
I Wait
Rainy Day(B-Joo-TOPP DOGG)

~Love is always like a monsoon that comes and goes, it stays for a while and leaves to someplace else. Sweet rain falls for a moment and stops~
You stared out the window, watching as the droplets of rain slid down the glass pane and fell onto the ground. Distantly you heard your phone ring but ignored it, not wanting to move from your spot and not wanting to talk to anyone. You continued to stare out the window and watch the rain fall, much like how yours tears were falling down your cheeks. Sighing, you wiped your cheeks dry yet again then groaned in frustration as more fell.
"I knew you wouldn't answer." You jumped and turned around to see your best friend, Shin Jiho standing in the doorway. Or, as he's also known as Xero. He smile fell when he saw your wet cheeks and puffy red eyes, kneeling in front of you and grabbing your hands.
You didn't pull away but you turned your head, not wanting him to see you crying and then tell the others. "What are you doing here?"
~The sun has gotten too long, I pray that rain falls on this dry city. The only way I can feel you is the rain that drenches me~
"Where else am I supposed to be when my best friend is crying?" He pulled me up then sat down where I was preciously, then he pulled me onto his lap and layed my head on his chest. "It's okay. I'm here now, you're not alone."
The tears started to fall faster as you let yourself feel the grief and pain, finally wanting to cry since you weren't alone. This is why you loved Jiho, ever since you guys had become close friends when you were kids he was always there for you no matter what.
After a little while, the tears finally seemed to stop and you felt like your chest was lighter. Like a burden was taken away from you, leaving you to feel more at peace. Of course, you didn't think you could ever truly feel better ever since you lost him. You didn't even want to think about that night, the night where everything that was so right went so wrong so quickly.
~Every day, every night, in my eyes rain still falls. I wish this rain was a light shower, but it feels like a long monsoon. Why is that?~
"The guys are worried about you," Xero muttered into your hair while rubbing your back. "You want to go see them?"
You kept looking down listening to his heartbeat that was steady, slowly calming down more and more until you were able to breathe regularly. "I don't think seeing them would be be-"
"You know they don't blame you, right? It wasn't your fault y/n, don't you see that?" He grabbed your chin and made you look up at him, his eyes showing honesty and hurt. "None of us blame you, it was an accident. And if he was here, he wouldn't blame you either so you shouldn't blame yourself."
"I was driving the car Jiho, I could have prevented that wreck! I should have died instead of Byungjoo!"
~It feels like you'll come from somewhere. Will you fall like a rain shower? That's just my hopes, it's too late~
Tears welled up in your eyes again and you stood up, angered. Jiho stood up right behind you and grabbed onto your shoulders, making you look into his eyes. "It wasn't your fault, y/n! Stop blaming yourself. Byungjoo wouldn't want you to be like this! If he saw you like this, wanting to be dead, how do you think he'd feel? Huh?"
"It doesn't matter does it?" You said as you stared at him blankly. "He isn't here anymore."
You knocked Jiho's arms off your shoulders and ran into your bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind you. You heard Jiho pounding on the door, trying to reason with you and get you out so you wouldn't be alone. Blocking everything out you slid down the wall and onto the floor, pulling your knees to your chest and silently crying. The banging had stopped and so had the shouting, making you pick up your head and place your chin on your arms.
It doesn't matter does it? He isn't here anymore, "And it's all my fault." You whispered to yourself as you closed your eyes.
~When rain falls on my lips it feels like I can touch you, feels like I can catch you. The rain resembles you~
"Yah, jagi! Come here, quickly!"
You rushed downstairs, worried that something had happened. "What is it Byungjoo?"
You saw him standing in the doorway with the door wide open as he pointed out to the sky. "It's raining!!"
Staring blankly at him you tried to understand what it was that he was so excited about. "Uh huh, shut the door and come in or you'll catch a cold."
You turned and started to walk back upstairs to finish your work when you felt a hand on your arm, stopping you and turning you around to face a smiling Byunjoo. "Come on." He said simply making you look at him with confusion.
"Come on!" He said, starting to pull you out of the house and out into the rain.
~The sunlight has gotten wet, I hate the rain so much. I try to forget you but you keep falling, stop it~
"B-Joo! What are you doing?! We're getting soaked, and I'm not even wearing shoes."
"So?!" You could barely hear him over the sound of the rain falling hard onto the ground.
"We're going to get sick!"
"So? That's why we have each other right? To be there for one another? Come on baby, live a little! Have some fun," he told you as he jumped into a puddle and made sure to splash you.
You shrieked and jumped back then stared at him, "What the hell B-Joo?!"
He laughed and grabbed your hand, twirling you around and then pulling you towards him and starting to dance. You tried to hold your laughter in, not wanting him to win, but eventually you couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh as he spun you around. He pulled you to a stop, you pressed against his chest and looking up into his eyes.
"I love you, jagi." He said before he leaned down and kissed you, making this a night you would never forget.
~It's like this every day after you left. All day, rainy day. It's because it's raining~
"Are you serious? I've been busting my butt working to help pay the frikin bills, and I'm tired. I told you I didn't want to go to that thing tonight!!" Byungjoo shouted at you as he stood in the middle of the room.
"You don't think I'm tired? I've been working too, Byungjoo! It's not just you trying to pay bills, and we promised my parents that we'd go tonight over three months ago! You're going to break your promise just because you're tired one night? Is that how little my family and I mean to you?!"
He shook his head and looked away from me, "I don't know why I ever married you." Your eyes widened and he turned, stomping into the bathroom to change.
You hurriedly wiped your eyes and headed downstairs to get your keys and bag in order. You glanced upstairs , listening as you heard him turn the shower on and then started to silently let the tears fall. Lately, your marriage hadn't been going so well due to the fact that you both always had insane work hours and when you finally were together you both were either too tired or didn't feel like doing anything. But to hear him say that, it really hurt you.
~Coming from a long way it was so hard for us to meet, but breaking up was so easy. Each of us had different ways of hurting, it was just the difference of weight. We're strangers now, it's over now~
The silence in the car was becoming unbearable as you drove to your parents house, Byungjoo sitting beside and glaring out the window at the rain. You sighed quietly as you focused your attention back on the road, not realizing that there were tears falling down your cheeks. Neither of you said anything, you too scared to break the tension more so than not wanting to speak. It had started to rain harder and between your eyes being blurry from your tears and the rain hitting the windshield, it was getting harder to see the road.
You felt the car hit a puddle and swerve slightly, making you shriek and grab tightly onto the wheel. "God, can't you even drive?!" Byungjoo stopped short when he saw how you looked. Your eyes were red now from the tears, your cheeks had tear streaks, and you were shaking. He felt his heart break, realizing it was his fault you were like this and wanting to take everything he said back.
He hadn't meant any of it, he loved you more than anything in the world but he was just too tired. He noticed that you had bags under your eyes from sleep deprivation, and felt even worse knowing that you had in fact been having a rough time as well. He reached over and tried to grab your hand, failing when you hit his hand away and grabbed the steering wheel tighter.
~Every day every night, it's useless. The weather said it'd be different today but it was wrong. Look at my head, drenched with your thoughts. Are you with someone else, somewhere?~
"Jagi," he said softly to try to calm you down. "Hey, jagi I'm sorry. Here, pull over and I'll drive okay?"
You ignored him and continued to keep your attention on the road, frustratingly wiping your tears as you tried to see better. Byungjoo grabbed your hand successfully this time and pulled it up to his face, kissing the back of your hand and gently squeezing it.
"I'm sorry, jagi."
"How could you say that?" You said through new tears, not looking at him.
He closed his eyes, his heart breaking even more when he heard your hoarse voice. "I didn't mean it baby. I was tired and aggravated. Not once have I wished that we weren't married, and not once have I regretted marrying you! That was the best decision I have ever made, and I'm so sorry that I've hurt you."
~It feels like you'll come from somewhere. Will you fall like a rain shower? That's just my hopes, it's too late~
You stayed quiet, wanting to forgive him but not really sure if he was telling the truth. You loved him, of course you did, but his words had really hurt you and you weren't sure if he was telling the truth or just saying this cause he felt guilty.
"Baby, please pull over so we can talk. I don't want you driving when you're upset."
You sighed and turned on your turning signal, checking you mirrors and over you shoulder more than once before pulling onto the shoulder. After the car was off Byungjoo unbuckled his seat belt and grabbed your face, pulling you into a kiss that showed you how sorry he was. He pulled back slightly, pushing a strand of hair back as he smiled at you and studied your face.
"God, you're so beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen anyone as beautiful as you." You blushed and hid your smile as you playfully pushed him away.
"Shut up, sweet words won't get you forgiven this time."
~When rain falls on my lips it feels like I can touch you, feels like I can catch you. The rain resembles you.The sunlight has gotten wet, I hate the rain so much. I try to forget you but you keep falling, stop it. It's like this every day after you left. All day, rainy day. It's because it's raining~
"No? Hmm," he smiled widely and layed his chin in his palm. "What if we go out in the rain and dance like we did three years ago."
Your eyes widened and you quickly looked over to him. "You still remember that?"
"Of course I remember that, we were sick for a week after that." He laughed loudly, making you chuckle and play with your hands. "That's not why I remember it though." You looked over at him confused and saw him staring at you, serious and smiling softly. "I remember that you looked so beautiful with that rain falling down around you. I remember how alive you looked as you twirled around, your hair hitting your face but you didn't care. You just kept smiling and laughing, you looked so beautiful that night, and it made me realize just how lucky I was to have you in my life."
He wiped the tears away that had fallen while you listened to him, falling in love with him all over again. "Okay," you mumbled, "Maybe sweet words will get you forgiven."
He chuckled and leaned over, kissing you once again as you smiled and forgave him. "Okay, okay." You chuckled as you pulled back, motioning for him to put his seat belt on. Once he did, you turned your turning signal on once again and made a quick u-turn once the road was clear.
~After the rain stops maybe you're sorry, maybe. It feels like you're going to come back. Always at that place, on this street we met for the first time, just come back to me~
He looked over to you confused when you did and asked, "Wait a second. Where are we going? I thought we had to get to your parents?"
You smirked over at him. "I'll just tell them you caught the flu."
His eyes widened as he watched you with shock, "You'd lie to your parents?"
You laughed and patted his hand, "Oh please. It's not like you wanted to go anyways."
"I would've gone for you, I'd go anywhere for you."
You looked over to him out of the corner of your eyes, not understanding how someone so amazing could exist. God, you loved him so much and you smiled and he grabbed your hand. The one second you looked over to him, you saw his eyes widen and he started to shout. "Y/n, watch out!"
You quickly turned your head back to the road and saw a truck in your lane, heading towards you. Turning the wheel you tried to get out of the way, not making it sadly as the truck slammed into the side of your car and made it flip. Byungjo reached out and grabbed your hand, squeezing tight as he screamed for you to hold on.
~When rain falls on my lips it feels like I can touch you, feels like I can catch you. The rain resembles you~
flashback ended
You wiped your eyes as you recalled the last time you saw him, panic on his face as he pointed out the truck that had been the cause of Byungjoo's death. You knew it wasn't your fault, it was an accident but you couldn't help but blame yourself. It had been almost half a year since that dreaded accident, but the scar was still fresh and every time someone brought it up it just got deeper and deeper.
You felt a blanket being wrapped around your frame, making you look up and see Jiho sitting on the floor beside you with his arm now around your shoulders pulling you towards him. He didn't say anything, just kept his arm around you as you two sat in the silence and thought about Byunjoo. All the good times you all have had played through your mind, making you faintly smile and lay your head on Jiho's shoulder.
"I'm sorry," you whispered into the air quietly to Byungjoo. Jiho said nothing, just tightened his grip on your shoulder. You both turned your heads towards the bathroom window when you heard everything go silent. Standing, you walked to the window and saw that the rain and clouds had disappeared letting the sunlight shine through the window and warm your figure.
"Lookie there," Jiho said over your shoulder as he too looked outside. "I told you he doesn't blame you."
You smiled and layed your palm flat on the now warming glass, closing your eyes and letting out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. I love you, always.
~The sunlight has gotten wet, I hate the rain so much. I try to forget you but you keep falling, stop it. It's like this every day after you left. All day, rainy day. It's because it's raining~
I Know(Hansol- TOPP DOGG)

Requested by: DinoChebz
~Tomorrow is Saturday, the weekend I've been waiting for. In the photo on my desk, you're smiling girl. I wonder where you are, what you're doing, who you're meeting (you're still a bad girl) Are you like this too? Probably not. Yeah Yeah (of course) I keep imagining things by myself. I hold it in, hold it in, hold it in but I keep looking for you~
"Hansol, wake up~"
He groaned and turned over his back now facing the voice that was trying to wake him up. After a couple minutes of silence he smiled and sunk into his pillow glad that he was allowed to go back to sleep, though that didn't last long since a pillow was soon smacking against his face.
"Wake up!" Y/n shouted out as she laughed and tried to untangle her legs from the covers so she could run away.
Hansol gasped and sat up on the bed quickly, looking around and frowning when he saw his room was empty and sunlight was just starting to shine through his bedroom window. He turned his head towards his clock and rubbed his eyes when he saw the time, 6: 15 am, blaring in red letters.
"Ugh, stupid imagination."
He got out of bed and made his way slowly into the bathroom before looking through tired eyes at his reflection in the mirror. Shaking his head he splashed water on his face and went about getting ready for the day, remembering he was going out with the guys today.
After he was done he looked over his reflection once more in the mirror and looked to the side at the photo frame that was face down on the surface of the counter. He sighed and picked it up, turning it over. With a sad smile on his face he looked down at the couple that used to be so happy that he thought it was unreal. Sadly though he remembered that it was unreal and so fragile that he lost it, forever.
Brushing his finger over the smiling face of the girl that Hansol had his arms wrapped around. "I miss you," he whispered before setting the picture back down this time propped up.
Then grabbing his wallet and keys he headed out of the house and started down the street towards his hyung's house where everyone would be meeting. Glancing up at the sky he noticed that it was slightly cloudy and getting darker, which made Hansol get an odd feeling.
~I try to forget you and stay up all night drinking. I try to erase you and meet other girls but you are so beautiful, girl you incredible. Do you Know? Do you Know? I know, I know, I press and erase your number several times. Do you even think of me? I hate you. Do you know how I'm feeling? Do you know my love?~
Your POV:
"Y/n, are you ready?"
"Hmm?" You glanced at your door with wide eyes, the picture frame you had been looking at you slowly lowered it so Jihye wouldn't be able to see it. "Ah, mm. I'll be down in a second."
[A/n: listening to Fool by WINNER really sets the mood for this x'D I wasn't a huge fan of winner before, I loved Empty, but Fool just really makes me love them now. Really Really was good as well but I liked Fool more. Gaaahhh their voices!]
"Alright," she said before starting back down the hall, "We'll be in the car!"
You sighed and glanced back in the picture that was still in the frame, the happy couple mocking you as they smiled happily at the camera. You set the frame down and opened up your jewelry case and picked up the ring that you had hidden underneath all the others. A sad smile crossed your face as you stared at it and thought about when it was first given to you.
"I miss you," you whispered before setting the ring back in the drawer and getting up from the vanity.
You headed outside and got in the car that had your best friends in it, ready to go out for the day just the four of you. "Where are we going?" You asked since they had decided to keep it a secret from you, which made you very suspicious of it all.
"Oh, Eunha didn't tell you?" Jihye asked as she glanced at the girl in the review mirror.
"No, just said that we were going to spend the day together."
"Hmm~" Jihye said as she glanced once again at the girl sitting on the backseat with a pleading look on her face. "I guess it'll be a surprise."
You laughed and turned to stare out the window, not questioning her anymore and not noticing the nervous look Eunha had on her face as she glanced towards me every couple minutes. Maybe if you had seen that look, maybe if you noticed how nervous she was, you could've dragged it out of her and turned around but you didn't.
~I sing my love song for you hundreds of times. How can my stopped heart erase you? Do you know how I'm feeling? Do you know my love? Even if we run into each other for a little bit, my heart stops. In order to walk next to you some day, I'll prepare an umbrella on rainy days. I can't live without you Yeah Yeah (of course) I keep imagining things by myself. I hold it in, hold it in, hold it in but I keep looking for you~
Jihye parked the car outside the front of a very nice house that you didn't recognize, but that didn't stop you from getting out of the car and following the girls up the front walk to the door.
"Where are we?"
"Shh, you'll see."
You grumbled and looked off to the side as the door opened and a familiar voice greeted you, making your eyes widen. Frozen you didn't look to the door already knowing that if you did it would just confirm your current fear.
Eunha turned and sighed when she saw you refusing to look at Sehyuk who had said hello to you. "Y/n, it's alright. I can take you home if you want. You don't have to stay here."
"Why did you not tell me?"
She looked down and then slowly back up at me, letting me see the regret in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I honestly thought they had told you and you were okay with it."
You turned your eyes to Sehyuk who was awkwardly smiling at you and asked him the question you already knew the answer to. "Is he here?"
He turned his eyes toward the ground and slowly nodded before raising his eyes to meet mine again. You let out a painful breath and turned away, starting to walk towards the park you knew was close, as you tried to fight back the sudden tears that had hidden.
"Y/n, where are you going?" Eunha called out worriedly as she watched me slowly disappear from their sight. Turning towards Sehyuk, who was now beside her and watching you walk away, she nodded towards the house. "Let's just give her some time."
They started towards the house and had just walked onto the porch when the door was thrown open and a heavy-breathing Hansol looked to her with wide eyes. "Where is she?"
~I try to forget you and stay up all night drinking. I try to erase you and meet other girls but you are so beautiful, girl you incredible. Do you Know? Do you Know? I know, I know, I press and erase your number several times. Do you even think of me? I hate you. Do you know how I'm feeling? Do you know my love?~
You blinked and looked up at the sky as you felt something wet hit your arm. "Oh, perfect mood setting...rain."
Sighing, you looked back down to your lap and got lost in your thoughts again. Your mind going back to the past memories you used to share with the most special person in your life.
"Ja~gi. Jagi," a voice whispered in your ear making you turn over. "Jagi, come on. You need to wake up."
You groaned and swung your hand blindly behind you, "Go away. Five more minutes."
The person laughed and you felt lips touch your cheek, "You said that ten minutes ago."
"I don't care."
"Jagi. Jagi~"
You felt the weight shift and the bed go lighter meaning the person had left, or at least that's what you thought. Next thing you knew a pillow was smacking into your face making you gasp and open your eyes. They landed on the laughing figure that was leaning over you and narrowed.
He laughed and leaned down, his hands laying on either side of your head and he kissed your forehead. "Mian, Mian. But we've got a busy day today and that was payback. Anyways, remember? We said we'd spend today together since I'm leaving tomorrow."
You watched his lips turn down into a pout and you let a smile slip onto your face. Sighing you wrapped your arms around his neck and said, "Fine fine. I'm up. What did you have planned?"
He smiled and jumped from the bed, raising his arms above his head and cheering. "Yes! Okay, we're going to a lot today! Get dressed and ready!"
You smiled sadly and brought a hand up, wiping the water that was running down your face. Whether it was the rain or your tears you honestly couldn't tell and all you knew was that you wanted to stay here. Because if you left, if you went there, you'd fall into his arms and you couldn't do that. You couldn't burden him anymore. You sighed and tipped your head back as you closed your eyes.
Your eyes opened and you slowly turned your head, blinking against the rain falling into your eyesight. "Ha-Hansol?"
~I sing my love song for you hundreds of times. How can my stopped heart erase you? Do you know how I'm feeling? Do you know my love? Again today, I stand in front of your house pacing back and forth all day. Only waiting for you to come back, hello. Do you Know? Do you Know?~
His POV:
He walked towards her, his hair sticking to his forehead and his chest heaving from running. Slowly the woman who he still loved, who still owned his entire heart, came into his sight and he almost cried at how much pain was etched onto her face. Don't, he thought, don't look at me that way! I should be the only one in pain so why do you make me worry so much?
She saw me looking at her and quickly turned her face away, wiping her eyes. How can she still look so beautiful? He finally snapped out of his thoughts only to realize that he had subconsciously moved closer to her and was now only and arm's length away. She's shaking, he thought. And even though he didn't know whether it was from the cold or her nervousness he quickly took off his jacket and slowly placed it over her shoulders.
He stilled when he had to bend in front of her face and took his time to rack his eyes over her features that were still no less than perfect to him. Slowly he brought a hand up and set it on her cheek, freaking out when he noticed just how cold her skin was.
"Crap! You're freezing, y/n!"
He brought an arm underneath your legs and another behind your back and he picked you up, quickly heading back to the house. He knew one thing at the moment, she was in more pain than she ever let on and he needed to know why. Seeing her in pain always hurt him more than he realized and it always surprised him.
"O-Oppa," she said quietly as she shivered in his arms. "M-I"
"Shh, it's okay. We can talk later, right now let's just focus on getting you warm."
She said nothing and instead chose to snuggle her head into the crook of his neck, making him melt even more and hold her even closer to himself. He finally reached the house and quickly brought her inside and up the stairs to where the guest room was. Skipping the bed he went for the bathroom instead and set her down on the toilet so he could fill the tub with warm water so she could warm up.
He turned back towards her and quickly took his jacket and her over sweater off of her when he noticed she was shaking harder than before. "Geez, I don't how you're able to make me worry about you so much."
"Mi-Mianhae, Han-Hans-Hansol." She said, barely able to get it out from her teeth chattering together.
"Crap," he quickly turned off the water and put the stopper in. Then turning he picked y/n up and slowly set her down in the warm water hoping that he got to her in enough time so she wouldn't get sick. "There you go," he told her softly as he placed his hand on her forehead and pushed her hair back.
"Please don't get sick."
"Op-Oppa," she whispered with her eyes closed as her head kept turning.
"Shh," he said as he grabbed a hold of her hand. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere don't worry."
"Mi-Mianhae, oppa. I-I didn't wa-want to b-be a burden an-any-anymore. Pl-Please don't h-hate me."
"A burden?" He questioned as he looked to your passed out figure in the water with confusion. "Why the hell do you think you're a burden that's jus-"
Hansol stopped and looked closely at y/n as he studied over her words in his head. I didn't want to be a burden anymore...Is..Is that why you left me? He questioned himself as he watched her breathe slowly.
~I know, I know, I press and erase your number several times. Do you even think of me? I hate you. Do you know how I'm feeling? Do you know my love? Do you know? I sing my love song for you hundreds of times, how can my stopped heart erase you? Do you know how I'm feeling? Do you know my love? You know what? You know what?~
Your POV:
You slowly opened your eyes as the sunlight shined on your figure in the bed, waking you up from a dreamless sleep which was a first. You'd always have one very bad nightmare and you'd always wake up screaming in the middle of the night, but Hansol was always there and he always managed to comfort you. It started getting worse when you left though and you took it as a punishment for hurting him so you accepted it knowing you had done wrong.
Wait a minute, you thought to yourself when you were finally awake enough to notice that you weren't in your own room. Uhm, okay? What exactly happened??
There was a soft knock on the door and you swiveled your head towards it then opening your mouth to speak, only to realize that you couldn't speak because your throat was so sore. You brought a hand up to it and rubbed it while the door opened and Eunha stuck her head inside the doorway.
"Hey," she said softly, "How are you feeling?"
"Okay I guess, what happened?"
"You mean you don't remember?"
You shook your head as your answer and watched as her eyebrows slowly came together from confusion. Her eyes flicked to the bed behind you and you turned to see Hansol's head laying beside you on the bed, holding your hand as if it was his last life-line. Opening you mouth to scream Eunha quickly covered it and hushed you.
"He was up all night taking care of you. Don't wake him up."
Nodding you quietly got out of bed and, with clothes from Eunha, you headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. You ignored the fact that Hansol, the only man you've ever loved and yet hurt, was outside in the room laying on the bed asleep. The same bed you had slept in. And he was right beside you all night. You sighed and shook your head before splashing some water on your face to help wake you up.
After you were finished you walked out of the bathroom door and stopped when you saw Hansol sitting there with his head in his palms. He heard the door open and raised his head, looking at you with tired eyes. He still looks so handsome though, you said before chasing those thoughts away. You didn't even deserve to look at him like that anymore, even think of him.
"Uhm, go-good morning." You said before heading over to the bedroom door.
"Stop," he said lowly yet no anger was heard in his voice. You could feel his eyes burning into your back and you stayed standing where you were, your hand still raised towards the doorknob. "Come sit, we need to talk."
"I-uh, I don't have anything to talk about though. I'm just going t-"
"I do! I have a lot to say and I deserve for you to come and listen to me."
You knew he was right, you knew that he deserved to tell you how he felt but you also knew that if he asked you why that you couldn't explain. But you chose to listen to him anyways so you walked to the end of the bed and sat down.
"When you left me, with that stupid note and the ring on the counter, you tore my heart out. You didn't even tell me why you were left! You just told me goodbye. I'm sure you probably heard from the guys, but I went into a depression. I didn't come out of my room for over a week."
Your eyes widened and you stilled. He-He went into a depression? You heard him pause and felt his eyes on you.
"They didn't tell you?"
You knew why now, the boys must've hated you and you honestly couldn't blame them.
Hansol sighed and you felt the bed dip as he moved closer to you and took your hand. "Why did you feel like a burden?"
"That's why you left isn't it? Something happened and made you feel like you were a burden to me?"
Ho-How'd he know?
"You said it last night after I brought you here and tried to warm you up." What exactly happened last night? "Last night I was going to find you and show you how mad I was, but when I saw you sitting on that bench in the rain and you turned towards me...that pain you had on your face. I-It killed me. I figured out that I was still worrying about you and that I still-"
He stopped and placed his palms on your cheek, turning your head to face his. The look in his eyes made you loose your breath.
"I still love you." He said softly, making your eyes widen. "And I want to know what made you feel like a burden, because y/n you've never been a burden to me."
You felt tears rising in your eyes and you quickly closed them and lowered your head. Hansol's arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his chest.
"Don't cry baby. Please, It hurts me to see you cry." He brought his hands back to your face and wiped his finger under your eye. "I love you." He leaned forward and kissed your forehead.
"Why?" You managed to get out as you looked at him. "Why do you still love me after I hurt you?"
He smiled and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "Because you're the girl I gave my heart to and you can't give it back s easily. A part has always been with you and know that you're here in my arms it's back together again and it's still fully yours."
"I-I love you, too."
Sunshine(B-Joo- TOPP DOGG)

Requested by: kookiewarrior
Yay!! Byungjoo!! [Add: Also someone please tell/comfort me that Ten is going to be in the next NCT comeback D'x and Hansol! And all the others they have locked away! And they need to let Mark take a break!]
~Uh it's been a long time. Can't take my eyes off you. Topp Dogg (I want you, want you, want you) When I space out all night cause I'm thinking of you. When I say you're pretty without even realizing. I felt it, I changed, something feels weird. I think I'm lovesick with you. When you slightly smile at me you're so dazzling, you shine down on me (You make me hot) I can't escape from you~
"Yah! Sanggyun! Get back here! Now!" You screamed while chasing after the boy who stole your phone. "I'm going to kill you! Come here!"
"Ahh! Hyung, hyung! Help!"
Sehyuk looked at the younger boy and shook his head, "You shouldn't have stole her phone."
Sanggyun was left staring after Sehyuk with his mouth open from surprise, leaving you the chance to run over and snatch your phone back and then punch his arm. "Oww! What the hell noona!"
"Hey, you're the one who stole my phone."
You walked back over to the couch and sat down, snuggling up to your boyfriend who had watched the whole thing with a smile on his face. He shrugged at the younger boy who was now looking at you with shock and then to his hyung with hurt.
"Hyung! Your girlfriend is mean!"
"No she's not, you took the phone you've gotta pay the consequences."
"Hyung!" Sanggyun shook his head and walked away muttering under his breath all the way into his room.
You felt a light kiss being placed on your head and looked up at Byungjoo who was smiling down at you. "Happy now?"
"Yeah," you smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. "Now, can we go somewhere?"
He let out a laugh and tightened his arm around your shoulder, "Where did you want to go?"
"Hmmmm, the park?"
"Alright, come on." He said as he stood up and held out a hand to you.
"Yay!" You grabbed his hand and dashed to the front door, pulling him along behind you.
~Let’s be together today, have fun. You make me elegant, Audrey Hepburn. I’m different from all those guys who just hit on you. You can treat me like a baby but we’re gonna move at a fast pace (so shine) How can you shine so much? You’re my perfect delight. My breath stops, beauty itself is you, sunshine. You’re my sunshine. You’re so dazzling, my sunshine. You’re the one, my Messiah~
You and Byungjoo were walking on the park trail hand in hand and just enjoying the nice breeze and beautiful scenery. You enjoyed being able to do little things like this with him since he was so busy you guys were usually never able to hang out, so whenever you got a chance to do something with him you always took it.
"I'm enjoying this," he said softly before turning and looking at you. "Being able to come out with you and just do something small like this."
You chuckled and squeezed his hand lightly, "Me too."
He stretched his arms above his head and then laid one gently one your shoulder, "I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"For being so busy all the time. I know it's not easy on you, it's definitely not easy for me."
"Don't worry about it," you told him as you pulled him closer, "I know you love what you do and for me that's the most important part. Besides it's not like I don't have a job myself."
"Ugh, that's right. It's not just my fault."
He laughed and dodged your hit before he started running towards the swings. You laughed and started to chase after him, still surprised yet unbelievably happy that your relationship could be like this.
~All of you is sunshine. Shine into my racing heart, come in, I wanna fill myself up with you. I want you more than yesterday. Sunshine sunshine like you like that. Like you like, like that (I want you, want you, want you) Like you like, like you like that, Like that (sunshine) Like you like, like that (I want you, want you, want you) Like you like, Like you like that (sunshine)~
You sat on the swing as Byungjoo stood behind you, lightly pushing you and then catching you and trying to kiss your cheek. You'd laugh and then push him away so you could swing forward again then repeat the process all over again. Overall you were having fun and to you that's all that mattered.
"Oppa! Oppa! Look!"
Byungjoo looked over in the direction you were pointing and you saw a smile grow on his face when he saw it as well. "Ice cream!"
He took off running, leaving you behind to jump from the swing and start racing after him. Sometimes you couldn't believe how child-like the both of you were but you also knew that neither of you would change a thing. Byungjoo had beat you to the ice cream truck but had patiently waited for you to catch up to him before grabbing your hand and ordering what you both wanted, then paying he handed you your ice cream and you both headed to a bench that sat facing a little pond.
"Remember not to eat your ice cream too fast or you'll get a-"
"Brainfreeze!" Byungjoo cried out as he held onto his head and squeezed his eyes shut.
You laughed at him then leaned over and rubbed his temple with one hand, instructing him to do the same, then letting go and finishing your ice cream. "I don't get how you still do that every time you get ice cream," you teased him as you laughed.
"I forget, it's too yummy to remember. I want to just finish it as soon as I taste it." He whined as he pouted and turned towards you.
"Awe, my poor Byungjoo-ah~"
You pat his cheek, smiling fondly, and waited until he finished his ice cream before standing and throwing the trash away. "Where do you want to go now? Back to the house?"
He shook his head fervently, "Nope I have somewhere to show you. Come on."
He took your hand and pulled you behind him as you stumbled to keep your feet underneath you. "Oppa? Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
~No matter how much I look at you, I don’t get sick of it. It’s so amazing, even your blank face looks so cute, I wanna see it again. I wanna poke your red cheeks, I wanna take a bite out of you, do you taste sweet? My heart flutters, my temperature is rising, rising. This weather goes well with you, babe nice weather. Your spectrum is broad, you look pretty with any style. Wait I wanna make a photograph for you, you’re hot. Sunshine let me take you to the restaurant (so shine)~
You looked at the building in front of you with a raised eyebrow and turned to Byungjoo, confused. "What are we doing here?"
"You said you wanted to see the new dance we're working on right?"
You gasped and grabbed ahold of his sleeve, "Really?! You're gonna show me?"
"Mhm, come on."
You cheered and quickly followed him into the studio, doing a little happy dance in your head and smiled happily when you stopped in front of the door to the practice room. Byungjoo smiled fondly at you and let out an amused laugh when you practically ran into the room.
"Come on! Hurry, I wanna see!"
"Why are you so excited?"
"Because besides you guys', I'll be the first person to see your performance. I've already listened to the song, which is amazing, and now I get to see the performance to go with it!"
He laughed and shook his head before heading over to the player[what the heck is it called?!] and told you to press play after he chose the song. He headed to the middle of the floor and after some stretching he nodded to you and you pressed play, watching as he got into position and started dancing. You always enjoyed watching him dance simply because he always made it look like it just flowed together. His dance skills just seemed to amaze you no matter how many times you watched him on the floor, and it never failed to make you proud that he was yours.
"How was that?" Byungjoo asked as he plopped down onto the floor beside you, laying back and turning his head to look at you.
"That was really good!"
"You always say that jagi~" He said as he pouted and nudged your leg.
"Well, I always mean it. I always love watching you dance oppa, you're so good!"
~You spill out light, my perfect delight. My breath stops, you’re so dazzling, sunshine. You’re my sunshine. You’re so dazzling, my sunshine. You’re the one, my Messiah. All of you is sunshine. Shine into my racing heart, come in, I wanna fill myself up with you. I want you more than yesterday. Sunshine sunshine like you like that~
"You mean it?"
"Of course I do," you said as you poked his cheek. "Stop doubting yourself, you've always been so talented. I'm proud of you."
He smiled and sat up, leaning over and laying his hand on your cheek he kissed you. "Thank you, jagi. That means a lot to me."
You laid your forehead against his own and smiled in bliss, "I'm glad that you're in my life Byungjoo-ah."
"Me too, remind me to thank Jiho for introducing you to me."
You laughed and nodded along with him, "Yeah hard to believe that we're together because of him. Remember how we didn't even like each other when we first met?"
"Haha yeah, now I can't stop myself from loving you." You stopped and stared at him with a raised eyebrow, making him laugh. "What?"
"Too cheesy."
"What?! I didn't think that was cheesy?"
"Seriously?" You cleared your throat and put a dramatic look on your face as you imitated him. "Now I can't stop myself from loving you."
He laughed and pushed you over, "Yah don't be mean."
"Mian Mian."
He shook his head and stood up, holding his hand out for you to take. "Come on, it's getting late. Let's head back to the house."
"Yeah, I'm sure the others miss me."
"Probably, that's actually probably true. They always miss you more than they miss me. I don't get it," he said as he threw his arm over your shoulder and you guys walked away from the studio.
"If it's any consolation I always miss you when you're gone."
"Ha, thanks. I always miss you too," he told you softly before leaning over and kissing your cheek. "We got cheesy again didn't we?"
You laughed and bumped your hip into his. "Yeah, but it's okay."
~Your sunshine fills my clear heart. When I color myself with you my world is done, yeah. I don’t want nobody. If it’s you, I won’t get sick of saying these things. Even though there’s a lot of pretty girls I can’t take my eyes off of you. When I said hi to you, I’ll be honest. Can I come inside? You’re my sunshine. You’re so dazzling, my sunshine. You’re the one my Messiah. All of you is sunshine. Shine into my racing heart so I won’t get lost on my way to you. Tomorrow, I’ll want you more than today. Sunshine like you like that Like you like, like that (I want you, want you, want you) Like you like, like you like that, Like that (sunshine) Like you like, like that (I want you, want you, want you) Like you like, Like you like that (sunshine)~
I am SO sorry that this was so bad D'x Honestly i cannot call myself a good author from writing this imagine. This just sucks! D'x I'm so sorry!
Have a good day/night though you guys! I love you! D;x ♥♥
Also, Yang Yoseob is stealing my heart! ♥♥♥ Like just look at this adorable handsome little fluff
he's so cute
puppy with a puppy
amazing selfies...
yet he does something like this....
He's soooo cute D'x aiya I can't help it D'x omo~~~ Someone halp me! He's stealing ma heart!! D'x
┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ all idols regardless of their role, gender, sexuality, age, companies, connections, and popularity because all idols are humans that deserve the same respect as others ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT WHEN YOUR BIAS LOOKS AMAZING.... wait... That's everyday. Every concept. Make up or not. And every member of every band. Love these precious babies. Even if they aren't your favorite. ❤️❤️❤️
Actual Confirmed LGBT Idols
*only includes idols that have explicitly stated that they are lgbt or are attracted to the opposite sex*
Minsung (formerly Hansol from ToppDogg)

Minsung trended back in 2017 when he came out as asexual, being the first idol to do so. He’s also talked about the struggles faced by the LGBT community in Korea on several occasions.
Mrshll (Soloist)

Born in America, Mrshll made headlines in 2017 as he became the first openly gay male singer in Korea. He’s since performed at Pride in Seoul
Maman (Soloist)

Maman debuted in 2015 and immediately came out as a lesbian afterwards, making Kpop history as she was the first idol to do so. Unfortunately, this caused her to be dropped from her company directly after.
Kangmin (Romeo)

While not as open as the others on this list, Kangmin brought attention to himself and his group when he stated that his ideal type is a man. He’s since given the same response when asked the question at later dates.
Ungjae (Imfact)

Much like Kangmin, he’s not as open as others on this list however during a Vlive he stated that he’s a bit confused about his sexual orientation and that his preference keeps going back and forth between girls and guys. He’s also referenced male actors as being his type.
Holland (Soloist)

Probably one of the first idols to come to mind when discussing LGBT idols, Holland became one of the most well known gay idols when he debuted in 2018. While not the first idol to come out, he received the most attention so far (perhaps second to Sunmi in lieu of recent news) and is often credited as being the first idol to be completely open about his sexuality.
Taking Reaction Requests
Hi I am restarting my blog so send in requests
I specialize in BIGBANG, Exo, Block B, Teen Top, Topp Dogg, Vixx, B.A.P, GOT7, SHINee, BTS, Seventeen, Infinite,And many more I also do Khiphop artists don’t be afraid to ask! , You can request any type from fluff to smut. Just tell me if you want Gifs or Texts.