TreeHugger - Tumblr Posts
Young Redwood forest in the Otways, Victoria, Australia 🍂💫✨
"The best time for planting a tree was 30 years ago" speaks to the importance of foresight and taking action in the present to secure a better future. While it's true that planting a tree 30 years ago would have resulted in a fully grown, mature tree today, the fact remains that planting a tree today is still better than planting none at all. Every tree planted today has the potential to provide shade, clean the air, and support wildlife for many years to come. So don't let regret over missed opportunities hold you back from making a positive impact today. Every moment is an opportunity to make a difference, and every tree counts.
We’re tree huggers and animal lovers to the core.
I've had this drawing for 4 months. I don't know when I'm going to erase it.
DK West and Treehugger
When I saw Treehugger I thought of DK West because of the color scheme and hair. 🤣 I thought it would be funny to share 🙂
*I don’t own any of these images*