Ts4 Tutorial - Tumblr Posts

bois i’m finally done working on this monstrosity!!! I do have to mention that these steps are the way I do things, if you don’t do them the same as me, cool, don’t be aggressive about it. And also that I’m not an expert, I’ve linked several great tutorials by others that elaborate on what I am saying.
Basically I’ve wanted to make this since before I knew how to make CC. I always thought to myself, ‘If I ever learn how to make semi-decent cc, then I’m sure as hell gonna share what I know.” There are a lot of fantastic tutorials out there on all the separate parts, but nothing all in one place.
One last thing I have to say is that I know the pictures are small, I couldn’t do much about that, but I hope you can see them and work well with the provided instructions. If needed, I can upload all the pics separately somewhere else too.
P.S. If you see any spelling or grammar errors, or something that looks incomplete or left out, please let me know!!!

ok hi i’m Neiph and today i’m gonna show u few things in blender that come in handy when you make clothes!
1. Do you got a hole in your mesh somewhere? Or are you trying to FRANKENMESH?! Read on and I’ll show u how to fix those holes or join those different meshes! 2. what are those gross shadows on my clothes? HOW DO I GET RID OF THEM? calm down son, i’ll show u

See that thin line in my mesh? That’s because that part of this mesh isn’t connected! Now, in my case, this is because I was originally making a top with straps, and then decided to add some sleeves later on.

Here’s a better view of the mesh, before I un-hid the arms and torso.

Okay, this is real easy and will only take you a few minutes!
Okay now that big ass warning is out of the way (and u better have read it or you’ll fuck up, son) You’re going to go into edit mode Click on the little magnet. You’ll know it’s on because it’ll become coloured Move to the right and click on the box next to it Click ‘Vertex’ This is so we can connect vertex to vertex, but you can play around and see how you like connecting edge to edge/face to face!

Click on the vertex you want to connect to another vertex.

Press ‘G’ for the ‘grab’ tool, and drag and click your vertex to the one you want to join it to. It should snap in place.

Do that for the rest of the vertices that need to be connected. Look at that! No more gaps or holes or whatever!
But… still looks kinda funky right? You can still see the line where the two meshes meet. We can fix that real easy by removing doubles. Again, warning! If you haven’t finished placing your UV map yet, do not remove doubles!

Select your whole mesh in edit mode. Since mine is already joined to the body mesh (as it should be if you’ve finished with your UV!) I’ve gone in on the image editor and selected my shirt mesh in there, so I don’t get any of the body. Don’t remove doubles on the EA body!
After my mesh is selected, go to the right hand tool bar and select ‘Remove Doubles’. This will remove any verts that have ‘doubled up’, like sitting on top of eachother.

Now you can see the line is gone and the it no longer looks like 2 separate meshes!
Now, your mesh might be all beautiful and clean and ready to go, but if you have some weird shadows on it, keep reading!

So you can see here on the bottom of my mesh theres a dark shadow. This usually happens around any ‘openings’ in your mesh, like the bottom, the neckline and the armholes.
This is super easy to get rid of, all you need to do is switch to ‘edge select’ and select all the edges around that part of the mesh.
Press the space bar and type, ‘Edge Split’. Hit enter and the shadow should be gone! See? Easy as!

Woooooow, so clean and nice looking, ready to be textured!
If you have any questions about making CC or this tutorial, my DM’s are always open, or you can send an ask!
anyway, im neiph and thanks for listening to my ted talk

to the anon who asked about my portrait lighting, sorry this took so long! but here's my quick tutorial on portrait lighting, including links to the cc i use. ;)

in a room 8 x 14 (with no windows or doors), i set up my lighting and teleporter first as you see spaced here. lights 1 & 2 are each 1 square away diagonally from the teleporter and turned a quarter inward using the < or > keys. light 3 is 4 squares directly in front of the teleporter. i usually alternate one light red and another blue for contrast, but the front light is always neutral. you can do any other color combination for the side lights, but i recommend doing contrasting colors like red and blue or purple and cyan. doing orange and pink, for example, will probably just blend together.

then i pop in the backdrop i'll be using (or paint the walls and lay down flooring), and resize my lights so they're not in the way.
if you'd like to use the exact items i use, here they are:
base game "outdoor ground light"
tuds ema 30° ceiling lamp
kewai-duo umbrella light short
teleport any sim
andrew's pose player
helgatisha's backdrop

TheStarTome A Sims 4 Lightmaptex tutorial. ✨💖✨

Credits for tutorials that made this tutorial possible:
•orangemittens •@sp-creates •@alistu •sim_man123
This would not be possible without the help of
•@brainstrip •@aj-nebula •@itsonlythee-sims
I thank you all, I am ever grateful for your help!
Tips for Pose Makers for switching from Blender 2.7 to Blender 3.3 (or newer)
In October 2022 Sims 4 Studio added support for Blender 3.3. If you’re considering switching to the new Blender version from 2.7, you’ll find a few tips below to help you getting started/use the updated interface. Feel free to let me know if you have any other tips or suggestions. Update: Support for newer Blender versions was added at a later point (and might be expanded in the future). The guide applies for Blender 3.3 - 4.0 in the same way. See extra note regarding inserting keyframes for Blender 4.1(+).

Keep reading
Clutter Tutorial? Time
Well, here’s something new!
I discovered something today and let me tell you it’s a GAME CHANGER. I’m sure I’m not the first person to figure this out, but I made a little tutorial to share with my simblr friends 💚

Are you annoyed by EA’s lack of slots on literally everything 😡? Be annoyed no more 😄! The only actual slot on the top of this desk is where the Yuki mysims is. The rest of the items I placed with the method below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Grab a large shelf that has enough slots to hold most items. I’m using a shelf from @renorasims Revised BroHill Kitchen Set (found here) but any flat shelf will work. Plop your little clutter item down and hold on to your hats ya’ll.

Holding down the alt key, move the shelf up the wall to the height of the desk/table/toilet/whatever. Place the shelf just below the top of the surface before the is shelf covering it. Note: Use a shelf swatch that’s different from the surface swatch!

Take your lil clutter guy off the shelf and he will stay at the desired height. Very important: REMOVE THE CLUTTER FIRST then move the shelf. If you move the shelf first it won’t work! This method only works if all slots on the surface are taken by other items. If all the slots aren’t used your item will snap to an available slot. Make sure you check that all other slots are taken before moving your clutter! I use place-holder items in some slots and remove them once it looks how I want.

Move your lil clutter guy (or any item really) to your desired placement and there you have it, SHINY NEW CLUTTER SLOT! No more using 9 / 0 keys for clutter to end up floating in mid-air! As some of you know, I love clutter and decorating so figuring this out amazed me. I really hope this helps you too! Also, I hope this isn’t something everyone knows about already or I may die of embarrassment 😵🤣🤣🤣 DISCLAIMER: All doodles were hand-drawn by me and I hope you love them. Happy simming! 💜
Hi! I have a really weird question for you! How do you perfectly cut out the different game notifications and interactions etc? I recently tried to do this for one of my posts and it was so tedious and very difficult. Thank you so much!
hi! i get asked this a lot but the tutorial i link people to is kinda outdated so here's what i've been doing recently using photoshop 2017. hope it helps!
for anything rectangular use the box select tool and select your notif
go to select and mask
change the smoothness (for rounded corners) and contrast (for sharpness) to these values
press ok when you like it
copy and paste your selected notif onto your edited screenshot, resize if needed
(optional) add layer style

if its a non-rectangular thing you wanna bring over like an option from the socials menu, it's the exact same thing but instead of using the box select you use quick selection tool.
Specular Maps Tutorial

There is no so many information about these maps and most of this information is too difficult for my understanding, so I decided to make my own tutorial about them. This tutorial shows you how to make your own specular maps from scratch without using EA’s maps as a base. You can read it under the cut. Note: English isn’t my native language and I’m pretty bad in writing in it, so sorry for any mistakes. Still hope this tutorial will be understandable for you.
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A little tutorial how to fix these annoying lines on already existing shoes
I actually don’t know if there are any tutorials about this problem, but it always annoys me a lot. So I decided write this tutorial. Hope you find it helpful and my clumsy English will be understandable for you.
Click on the image for a better view.

1.Open your shoes in studio and export their mesh. Don’t forget to back up blend file, if something goes wrong.

2. Open blend file in Blender (2.70 or 2.76) and go to edit mode.

3. Now we should work a little with UV.

4. With “С” and “B” bottoms very carefully select legs part and don’t touch the shoes(!), to prevent ugly shadows appearing in game.

5. Make sure that shoes is untouched.

6. Now you need to remove doubles.

7. Finally save your blend file and import it back in studio. Now annoying lines should disappear in game.
This also works with other cc too. But be more careful with it, otherwise you risk spoil the mesh.
How To: Auto Height for Shoes

Haiii! As promised, here is the tutorial to make it so your custom shoes no longer require a shoe slider!
Thank you to the bestie who took the time to pick through Madlen's package file to figure out how it worked. And of course, thank you to Madlen who did the majority of the work figuring out how to make this possible in the first place!
♥ Tut below cut ♥
Set Up Your Blend File:
We're going to add a plane that will act as the mesh for the SlotRay which will allow for you to adjust the height of your shoes!
Open your blend file that contains the shoes your wish to adjust. In the 3D View, press Shift + S and in the menu, select “Cursor to Center” In the 3D View, press Shift + A and in the menu, hover over “Mesh” then add a plane.
Now size this plane down as small as you can get it. You don’t want this plane visible in game.
Double check to make sure the plane has not moved from the center!! Your sim won't be centered in game if it has! If you see that it's moved:
Press "Shift + S" and click "Cursor to Center".
Then Select your plane and press "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C", click "Origin to 3D Cursor".
Press "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C" again and click "Geometry to Origin".
Navigate to the “Object data” tab and under “UV Maps” add a new one then name it “uv_0”.
Next, navigate to the “Scene” tab and under “S4Studio CAS Tools” set the cut number.
Depending on how many cuts your shoes have, you’ll want to adjust this number. For example, if your shoe has 3 cuts (0000, 0001, 0002) then this plane would have a cut number of 0003. Since my boots only have one cut, I will put the number as 0001. Now select your shoes and enter Edit mode. Select a face/vertice/edge on the very bottom of your shoes. Look to the panel on the left side of the screen (if it’s not open, press “N”). Under “Transform”, note down the number next to “Z” After that, save your blend file under another name so you can distinguish which is which. I’ll name mine “Boots_3_Height Cut”
Add a New Cut to your Package File:
We're going to add an additional cut in your package file for the new plane!
Open Sims 4 Studio, make a new package file for your shoes and import them. Go to the Warehouse tab and select your LOD 0, it will be the geometry with the largest file size. Sometimes you have to close then reopen the package to see the geometry. Duplicate this geometry and in the box that pops up, change the last character of the “Group”. It can be any number or letter as long as it’s not the same as the duplicated geometry. On the duplicated geometry, note down the Group, Instance & Type values. Find the “Region Map” and next to “Entries” click “Edit Items”. Add a new entry and in the “Layer” box, type the number you used for your cut. Since I used the cut number 0001, I will type 1. Keep the “Region Type” as “Base” and move to “Models” then click “Edit Items”. Add a new Model entry and paste the Group, Instance & Type values you noted down before. Save and close each box. Find your “CAS Part”, this is your swatch.
If you have additional swatches, it is a good idea to remove them and add them back once you are finished with this process.
Scroll down until you find the “Lods”.
Click “Level: 0” and next to "LOD Models", click “Edit Items”. Add a new entry and paste the Group, Instance & Type values again. Save & close each window and return to the Warehouse.
Adjusting SlotRays:
We are now going to edit the SlotRays for the new cut which will adjust the height of the sim for your shoes!
Return to the new duplicated Geometry and in the “Data” tab, find the “SlotRay Intersections” and click “Edit Items”. Add a new entry and find the “OffsetFromIntersectionsOs” box.
You'll want to change ONLY the middle coordinate number. That will be the height of the sim.
You want to take the “Z” coordinate that you noted down from blender and replace middle coordinate number. If the number you wrote down is negative (i.e -0.01234) make it positive (i.e 0.01234).
In the “SlotHash” box, change the value from “00000000” to “FEAE6981”. This is the hash for the b__ROOT__ bone in the Sim's Rig.
Save and close the dialogs then return to the warehouse. Next, reimport your mesh and save your package file. You can now test your shoes in game!
Please keep in mind:
You have to do this for every LOD of your mesh
You can freely replace the mesh of your shoes and adjust the height since the cut with the plane has the SlotRay data
Animations may be off since EA hasn't made the game to support taller sims
CAS windows may move slightly if your sim is using poses/animations where they are leaning to the side. This won't affect gameplay
I recommend using Helgatisha's Stand Still in CAS mod to make sure your sim is absolutely centered
Hope this helped :)

hah if you mess with the “mesh edges” setting on the comic shader in reshade/gshade you can actually see the mesh topology in game … could potentially come in useful if your mesh is causing you problems and you can’t identify the offending vertices/edges etc. :)
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