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1 year ago
Here's A Sneak Peak At My Next Art Project!

Here's a sneak peak at my next art project!

Creating the cover art for @jeanniebug623's fic, Silent as Shadows, made me realize I need more practice drawing backgrounds! So my new goal is to practice drawing things like the trees and forest and rock formations!

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10 months ago

Don't tell me Spider will be kidnapped THREE TIMES. (Including the kidnapping in Avatar 2, the being held hostage by Ash Na'vi leak, and the newest one). Like come on, what do you have against this kid? Although what if Spider decides to make a sacrifice and somehow convince Quaritch to let Sully leave the captivity of the Ash Na'vi and he willingly returns with him to Brighead? Not very realistic but it sounds better than Spider being kidnapped three times by the same man 😭

Anon is referring to this post I made hypothesizing that Spider is going to get recaptured by Quaritch, taken to Bridgehead, and witness an ally be interrogated with the mind-reading torture machine based on BTS images:

If I'm correct in my hypothesis, then yes, that means Spider will get kidnapped three different times, twice by Quaritch, and once by the Ash Na'vi (who are possibly working with Quaritch?). He's really channeling Tuk:

Don't Tell Me Spider Will Be Kidnapped THREE TIMES. (Including The Kidnapping In Avatar 2, The Being

"I can't believe I'm tied up AGAIN!"

And I actually really like your idea anon! I think it sounds realistic, and it wouldn't be as repetitive as him getting snatched by Quaritch again. Spider will probably feel very guilty about any evil things Quaritch does in Avatar 3 since he's the reason Quaritch is alive to do them in the first place. He might feel guilty enough to willingly surrender to Quaritch on the condition that Quaritch does something good, like maybe he'll release another prisoner in exchange, or agree to leave the Sully family alone or something.

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9 months ago

I found the very first Avatar fanart I ever made

I Found The Very First Avatar Fanart I Ever Made

i made these doodles back when I was just a baby digital artist, I think I actually made this before the movie even came out. I'd watched the trailers a bunch of times and seen all the youtube videos explaining who the new characters were and I was already attached to them before I even saw the movie. You can tell I already knew Spider was gonna be my favorite ha ha, even before I watched way of water I LOVED the concept of a human raised by an alien species who tries to keep up with them despite being smaller and weaker.

Looking at my old art makes me cringe a little bit but it's also a reminder of how far I've come. Now, 1 & 1/2 years of hard work and practice later, I can create art that looks like this:

I Found The Very First Avatar Fanart I Ever Made

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9 months ago

Headcanons about how the Avatar characters sing

Neytiri: we all heard her singing her songcord in A2. Ninat may be the best singer, but if something happens to her, we all know who the new best singer will be. Her voice is beautiful on its own, but she loves to sing with her family and the rest of her clan.

Jake: I love him, but this man cannot sing. He tries his best, but it always sounds like a dying titanothere. Whenever the olo'eyktan and tsahik have to lead the clan in a traditional song, he lets Neytiri take the wheel.

Neteyam: he takes after his momma πŸ’™ he has a beautiful singing voice, but even though he's so talented he never tries to take the spotlight and prefers to sing in a group.

Kiri: she's a little insecure about her oddly mature-sounding voice. She has trouble staying in tune and staying on beat whenever she sings in a group, so she normally keeps her voice soft during clan songs, but sometimes, when she's all alone in the forest, she'll sing a song that's all her own. Spider is one of the few people who's ever caught her singing by herself and she made him promise not to tell anyone, though Spider thought it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever heard.

Lo'ak: he takes after his dad. He can't carry a tune to save his life, and he's so jealous of Neteyam's voice. He's convinced Neteyam sings extra loud when they're together just to rub it in his face. But even though he can't carry a tune, he has a fantastic sense of rhythm. If he would stop trying to copy Neteyam and focused on his own talent, he would be a great drummer for clan songs.

Spider: Once when he was a kid getting tutored in "boring human crap" by Norm and Max, he made up a song to remember the Pythagorean Theorem, (please click the link if you haven't heard the Jack Champion pythagorean theorem song, it's so goofy) and he drove all the adults crazy singing it. Ever since then, he's loved singing, and he has a nice voice too, but there's just one problem. White boy got no rhythm πŸ˜”. He couldn't stay on beat if his life depended on it, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm.

Tuk: she loves to sing just like Neytiri, and she'll make up songs when she's playing or learning new skills. She hasn't quite grown into her voice yet, but she'll probably sound just as beautiful as her momma when she grows up.

Tonowari and Ronal: the only time they sing is when they're together, leading the clan through ceremonial songs. Even though they don't sing very often, their voices compliment each other wonderfully.

Aonung: He's going through a phase where he's Too Cool (TM) to sing 😎... until Ronal smacks him upside the head for not participating in clan song rituals.

Tsireya: she has a very sweet voice, but it's so soft it can easily get drowned out when she's singing in a group. Her true passion is dancing, and she would much rather dance than sing during clan celebrations.

Rotxo: he's a little shy about singing, but he has a decent voice. He also prefers dancing.

Quaritch: you wouldn't know it, but he actually does enjoy singing and he's not half bad at it. He's got a deep, kinda raspy singing voice that's good for classic country songs. He only sings when he's really relaxed and happy though, so most people have never heard it. Spider thought he was hallucinating the first time Quaritch started singing Johnny Cash songs while they were flying alone on Cupcake. At one point when it was just the two of them, Quaritch sang "A Boy Named Sue" but changed it to "A Boy Named Miles" and Spider couldn't tell if he was making fun of him or not. Spider liked the part of the song where the boy beat up his deadbeat dad though.

Wainfleet: He screams Lynyrd Skynyrd whenever he flies on his ikran 🎢 FLYYYYYYY FREEEEEEEE BIRDDDD YEAHAHH *sick guitar solo*🎢

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2 years ago
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2 years ago

Y’all I’m in my exam week so I might not be able to update as frequently but I’ll try as much as I can on my series

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