Tw Disease - Tumblr Posts
i’ve realized how wrong it is for me to be silent about what’s happening in the Congo right now. i’m going to make some flyers for this too and hopefully start posting more about it as well.
this site is amazing! they have information as well as charities you can donate to, please donate or share!
here’s a couple other articles:

there’s also this article on how big tech companies are complicit:

we need to start also putting pressure on our representatives for this. our silence is complicity.
Mind if I ask a pt.2 of this?

⸢From Blooming Sanguine⸥

Other notes ➽ It only occurred to me now how long ago that thing was :headinhands:. Ah my dearest, how grave of a mistake you made by not specifying if thee wished for a good continuation or a bad one, but I digress!- the bad ending will follow in another post because I'm a woman who craves angst without comfort 🍵
Featured Characters ➽ Leona, Azul, Jade and Floyd
Trigger Warnings ➽ Mentions and implications of Blood, Death, Coughing and possible comatose.

Summary ➽ When you contract Hanahaki disease (Good Ending).

The first few weeks were simply horrendous on Ruggie's terms. Despite the unspoken concern Leona harbored— he refused to come near you due to the faint scent of blood that latched onto your body.
He didn't like it one bit, the scent cruely reminded him of his bed ridden father. That scene of helplessness and confinement was slowly being associated with your face instead. Just how many people does he need to see suffer; more so in a state he can't help.
That separation gave room for various thoughts, some knocking on the beating organ in his chest. But knowing his pride he doesn't do anything besides snap at those who ask him about you. It varies between dismissal to denial and even possessiveness if you squint hard enough.
The things you do to him just by not being there are unexpected, no one actually notices until the most later weeks where he carelessly steps on any stray flowers he comes across. Leona is usually not one to carelessly throw fits but blood and flowers start to hold a new meaning for him
If anything you're more of the last straw than the powder keg itself, being away from his own family for more than needed softened his perception of terminal illness but now there was someone who he used to interact with on the daily? You reopened buried realizations and even brought new ones. One of them being how he cared for you more than he'd like to admit.
It's funny, he thinks. Only in anguish does he grasp what he holds dear. Which is faster I wonder, his unspoken love or the flowers from your lungs?
"You, of all damned times you just had to sleep before I do... way to make me feel special Herbivore..."
On his birthday, he swallowed his pride and spent the night at your room inside the infirmary, pulling the visitor's chair close while he dumps a paperbag of meat dishes on the table side, most likely his breakfast for the next day. Leona sleeps next to you without even realizing the disappearing scent of blood.
In the middle of the night a final petal fell on his nose, irritated by the contact Leona almost didn't notice your figure sitting perfectly upright, breathing back to normal and had the moon been present he would've seen your dried tears.
"You've got some nerve leaving me just like that, stay with me from now on... is that really too much even for us.?
What happens in the morning will be left behind closed doors, where whispers of love finally exchanged as flower wilt with the pain.
Leona Kingscholar loves in a way he thinks is right. It's a process he's stubbornly clutching on but if it means making those flowers a distant nightmare, he'll grip your hand all the way.

Azul would never admit it to anyone, not even the twins— but he accidentally let the helplessness get to him, at least from what Jade observes. Those bags under his eyes were pathetically concealed with his glasses, his notes and research were starting to become unrelated to class.
I can safely say he's someone who's reason-dependant, a fragile sort that gets thrown off by the unforseen, your sudden illness was far from his line of deduction. He'll think of something right? He's the infamous Dorm Leader of octavinelle for great seven's sake—
Why can't he even grant his own wish? As a matter of fact, since when did you slip into his wishes? Did your health's risk made him rethink what he treasures?
He's only ever been caught off guard few times during his school life but that image of your bloody floral self takes the cake. He did his best to not let the intrusive thoughts affect his academics but he wasn't as engaged with his extra curricular as before; too preoccupied with finding the root of those wretched flowers in your lungs.
Perhaps he can seek out his grandmother’s advice? Maybe his step father's counsel? Surely someone with connections in the justice field know cases regarding these unexplainable blooms.
After racking his brain only then did he realize how cowardice of an approach he was doing, it was like back then wasn't it? Him making excuses with himself to not face his problem head on, then again maybe it was because he's afraid of you not wanting his help in the first place— the same way those blasted voices in his past taunted him in his moments of weakness.
It was a reflection of his lowest point in life huh, him unraveling in his frustration all because he feels helpless; what can he even do? He's learned his lesson before... perhaps seeing you face to face can provide new insight besides those intrusive thoughts. That's what he did the next day.
"You're awake? I'm relieved... I mean it, you've been unresponsive for weeks and... great seven, I think you owe me back my attention..."
He sits down beside you, the white sheets of your bed had very faint drops of red but the bin beside you lacked those full flowers he last remember pouring out your lips, they seemed to quiver as if wanting to say something but can't.
"You'll have to let me go first because great seven knows how much I've pent up over the weeks. It may not mean much, in hindsight- it's pretentious of me to claim I share your pain when all I'm dealing with is this ensnaring feeling... how did you do it.?"
The silver haired dorm leader never liked showing his vulnerability but it seems it's precisely what saved him a trip of heart ache, when your condition became significantly better he promised to himself that he'll charge this to experience until the day those flowers simply become a bouquet in sincerity to you.
Azul Ashengrotto loves by giving what he knows he can give, should a day come he runs out of things to offer, let him give himself to you the way your heart gave its blood in yearning for the silver haired Dorm Leader.

He knew he hurt you more than just what those flowers did, as calm and elusive Jade is, he's equally aware of his surroundings and the effect his every calculated action makes. The only difference this time around was that his lack of sincere display was a coping mechanism instead of the usual aloofness.
Unlike the two dorm leaders above, Jade chose to stick close to you even if it meant witnessing that forlorn expression in your eyes, the way you felt disappointed with his assistance even if he didn't understood 100% what he did besides discarding signs of sincerity.
If Jade could count the amount of words you've spoken in the first two weeks confined in the infirmary, he'd only need his two hands. Any question he threw was met with curt words, a far cry from how passionate your talks were before that incident at the hike.
Perhaps that unresponsiveness began taking a toll on him, come the third week he's starting to fill that silence with his own mundane chatter. The events outside the infirmary, the lounge's affairs, all to get a different reaction from you besides that conflicted look.
The fourth week wasn't any better, his topics became more personal, more private, is this his way of vying another reaction out of you? Did..did bleeding out flowers felt unsatisfactory to the calm sadistic eel?
What you failed to notice was his seeping desperation for a genuine answer, one out of interest or and not out of fear. You didn't know how he charmed into your affections but it took an infirmary trip for you to realize just how untouchable Jade Leech felt.
The later weeks he's tired, not as bad as you but there was a faint shiver in his palm when it rested on top of yours, he didn't look at you knowing how vulnerable you were when he's looking— maybe it was a blind shot in the dark but he felt unsure why he was going to such lengths in the first place.
"I miss your gaze, I won't demand it, I've taken it for granted too much... and yet, that selfish urge to ask for a piece of you even if..."
Jade was a smarter man who's pride never endangered him, he knew why but he couldn't admit it until he was cornered by his own amusement. Had you been some past time enjoyment then he should've moved on by now, right? Find another play thing to see how one acts.
"The things you do to me. I want you to see the artistry you did to my very being. See here... that pulse rate, you're responsible for more things than I'd like to admit."
The Vice dorm leader fell into his own trap of experimentation, these feelings so foreign yet so formidable gave you your leeway to see how Jade Leech wasn't as unreachable as he shows himself. It's your leeway to see how he's the one reaching out to you with no deceit attached.
Jade Leech loves in a way he didn't think he's able to, finally convinced in looking at himself after intertwining with your all. He was a private man and it took a broken string for him to tie that hollow feeling you instigated.

It's undoubtedly messy with Floyd's case. He made it everyone's problem whether intentionally or not. He didn't know how to handle that ick of a feeling he gets whenever he hears a single cough in the halls. Scarlet liquid, varying flowers, a sickly symptom— they remind him too much of you.
That's the curse of a one tracked mind locking onto what it wanted, no matter how hard he tried to redirect his focus he can't even go one minute without getting that sinking feeling in his chest.
He doesn't do his work as efficiently as he did before, neither Azul nor his twin could get a hold of his mood especially when someone mentions you in the room. Floyd was snappier than usual and he was aimlessly going back and fourth between different sources from books to the internet to people.
That wretched disease you contracted was a thorn to his side. He can't register the possibility of loosing you to some pesky flowers growing in your lungs. The more those thoughts resonated with him the more he's starting to feel as breathless as you whenever a coughing fit ensued.
He wasn't so fixated on anything like this in a long time, he's seen and witnessed losses in the coral sea right? What made you any different to the fallen merfolk?
You had a hold on his heart, that was a fact he wholeheartedly accepted a little late, he couldn't pin point what he felt towards you nor could he explain why his chest ached as if he was sharing your ongoing pain. The only thing he's sure of is the fact that he really wanted to ease that pain.
"Koebi-chan it's me, missed me right? Well I missed you lots so I brought you some stuff! Must be boring being alone here everyday. Guess I'll just have to help ya out on that huh."
It was like watching a child scurrying to the TV for his favorite show, Floyd without fail visited you every day bringing trinkets and stories so that you can momentarily forget any lonesome pain festering in your body.
One day when your coughing was worse than usual he gripped your shoulders for dear life as if you'd dissappear if he dared to let go, he didn't give a single care when the flowers stained his shirt red because what presided on his mind was to hold you close.
"Don't- Koebi-chan don't even think about leaving me ya hear?!- H-hey hey hang in there I'll get the staff just hold on for me hold on for yourself- please just-"
He loved you it sank in the last minute and he loved you too much to even leave you when the infirmary staff arrived, not once did he leave your side even staying the night after changing out of the bloody shirt. The next day was just filled with him hiding you close and when you got a little better his smile became more genuine than hedonistic.
Floyd Leech loved in a way he knew he wanted to. Chasing those days where you're in his arms; without the ominous fear of your disappearance. He may wear his heart on his sleeve but Floyd never minded it one bit if it meant you realizing he loved you even if you never grew those flowers.

Taglist :: @citirusu @sherbet-shark @luvielle @anevilbunnyinthehat (tag for bunny-senpai because Leona👉👈)
Interesting article! The disease I was thinking of is porphyria. But it's also very intriguing to see garlic linked to rabies.
I wonder, though, if the burning properties of raw garlic that they talk about in the article might be part of the puzzle. The article dissuades the reader from eating raw garlic because it can cause second degree burns (which, as an aside, yikes, and I had no idea). Traditionally fire was used to purify. That's why heretics and eventually witches were executed by burning. The Church believed it was necessary to burn the heretic/witch to cleanse the world of their corruption and evil. So... maybe stuffing garlic in the decapitated head of a vampire is less about garlic as a cure for vampirism as a disease and more a method of burning purification.
Though why not take the next logical step and burn the body?
I know it's kinda late in the game for this question, but why garlic?
I'm aware of the idea that vampire stories were inspired by a real disease... I cannot for the life of me recall its name. And people suffering from it are sensitive to light and strong flavors and smells.
But is there anything more to it? The disease idea works to explain why garlic repels vampires, but why stuff it in the mouth of a decapitated vampire head?
And I saw that some have argued that Stoker was inspired by the Potato Famine, which he lived through, I gather. People would weaken and die, and some were buried alive. How does garlic fit with that?
Did Stoker find out about garlic from a specific source, and if so, what does the source say about it?
Did some creative art, not going to lie, it's terrible. But it's based off of the book "Hell Followed with us" and dark magic from "The dragon prince" with my Mary sue oc ironically named Seraph (tw: disease, emetophobia, rot, death)