Tw Fatphobia - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Rant time!

Warnings: weight, fat shaming (kinda), underweight, bullying ig?, oral retainers ig, thoughts of murder, violent thoughts, thinking of hurting others

looooove when my LITTLE sister decides it's a good idea to poke at literally every imperfection

Mimicking my lisp because I have metal retainers in as if her teeth don't look like shit (mine used to look worse but I have straight teeth now)

Getting on my case for having low grades when I have trouble remembering to pass things in due to a weird system

Badgering me for my messy room when I don't have the motivation nor energy to clean it because I'm tired after school

Shoving it in my face that I'm short when she knows I want to be taller than I am (she's taller)

Teasing me about looking fat all the time when in reality, I'm a perfectly healthy weight for my age, and my height (she looks like she doesn't eat and is very clearly underweight)

Telling me I look like shit and have poor taste in clothing when what I do is dress comfortably and put my hair up to keep it out of my face and off the back of my neck

Saying I'm stupid for not getting references and memes about things I haven't seen

Pestering me about not being able to see something when only her RED led lights are on when the walls are painted a DARK BLUE and the bunk bed frame is DARK BROWN (I couldn't find a cord she was trying to give me, the cord is black and it was in the shadows)

So anyways, I regret asking for her

Update from the next day, she's calling me slow again and making fun of my 'low intelligence'

I fucking hate her I'm having the stabby thoughts and I wish it was legal to kill her but it's not but I want to rip her fucking eyes out but jail and death row would suck

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3 years ago

i wake up to see that people are getting hate for writing chubby reader.

first of all, to those sending in hate, lemme give you a big FUCK YOU IN YOUR FUCKING FACE.


society does enough to bring them down because they have standards on what is the ideal body type. well, FUCK society because all bodies are fucking beautiful, especially curvy/chubby bodies.

Their bodies deserve to be loved, and goddammit i will love them. their bodies are temples that deserve to be worshipped, and goddammit i will worship them. their bodies deserve to be romanticized and goddammit ill make sure to romance the fuck out of every single fucking person because their body is crafted to perfection and who am i not to admire and love their body?

overwhelming you say? good, i want everyone on this app to worship them as they should. they have the curves in all of the right places, they got it allllll baby. and you just don’t want to see because your tired of it? BOI SIT THE FUCK DOWWWNNNN. you don’t have the balls to have the confidence and courage that these beautiful people have. oh, your insecurity is showing too.

fuck you and your fat phobia and block me if you’re fat phobic. because nothing is uglier than a piece of trash that brings other people down.

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3 years ago

Good night everyone just a reminder my blog is a safe space for everyone including all body types but if anyone doesn't support chubby Reader /like Chubby reader content/is fatphobic please get the fuck off my blog 😊💖

Good Night Everyone Just A Reminder My Blog Is A Safe Space For Everyone Including All Body Types But

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1 year ago

sorry for ranting on here especially about a topic that isn't all that relevant because i usually keep stuff like this reserved to my twitter but like. i love dundie but in retrospect i don't like how it became popular here because it was "absurd and funny" to joke about sadie getting with duncan. idk. nobody was laughing their asses off when people shipped duncan with other characters who weren't plus size who equally didn't have as much screen time or interactions with duncan than sadie did. like it's not even that funny. and it's like a trend i see with most fat characters in the fandom and how ships involving fat characters are often disregarded within the fandom or memed about like dundie was. (it's like become less of an issue with the new season, and like, thank god, but still) i like dundie because i'm a feminine presenting fat person myself and i just like this idea of this nice fat girl getting with some punk guy who likes her because she's nice to him and who she likes because he's cool and also probably secretly nice. a lot of you folks talked about it because haha, what if she got with duncan haha what if there was a season about it lol. wouldn't that be absurd.

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4 years ago

as a decently more thin girl, i constantly keep my even barely derogatory thoughts to myself. do i judge people? absolutely. but do i ever say anything to someone that they can’t fix easily like food in their teeth? or an eyelash on their glasses? no. i shut my mouth and keep it to myself because i used to hate my body. i used to think i was fat. i have a belly and it’s squishy but nowadays i wouldn’t want any other body. bc i am soft and i am good and i am pretty. i think the same thoughts about any plus-sized/fatter man/woman. *squish* lovely body to hold and squeeze and kiss. beautiful. all of you.

Growing up fat, you get made fun of for everything you do, even basic shit like eating and laughing and breathing are funny when you do it because youre fat! And its so hard to not carry that with you as you get older, like I’m still embarassed to eat or dance in front of people or smile in pictures and its ridiculous and I hate it and I wish I was treated with more humanity

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10 months ago

(TW: disordered eating, fatphobia, body image stuff)

Putting it under the cut because it's a long one.

It's a fucking miracle I've made it this far without a severe eating disorder. It's insane to think back on how fucking disgustingly fatphobic my dad was growing up (and still is sometimes, tbh). Like, some of my clearest memories of things he's said to me involve him shitting on other people for being "fat."

Like, the most vivid one is when we were stopped at a Wendy's on a family road trip, and there was a girl close to my age, probably a few years younger, wearing those Soffee gym shorts. The waistband was cutting into her sides a little so it looked like she had a "muffin top" (she was absolutely not overweight, probably skinnier than me at the time tbh) and he said something like "I can't believe how fat kids are these days - she's probably one of the fittest girls in her class and she looks like that." Literally if you have enough skin for it to be dented by your clothes, you're fat and unattractive.

He would always comment on how much too skinny or too fat women on TV were, or the clothes other people wore in public, or the food other people were eating (ESPECIALLY if they were bigger, but also if they were very thin). He also loved to say any disabled person who was at all visibly overweight "isn't disabled, they're just fat," or otherwise blame their disability on their fatness.

I also remember him shitting on my mom's weight when I was even younger, when I was weighing myself (I think, or maybe using the scale to weigh something I was holding). He said something like "yeah your mom's 175lbs 😬😬😬" as if that was so fucking fat. For a very long time I had in my head that anything over 200lbs was like, an actual whale. I'm currently about 180-185lbs at 5'8", and it's fucking crazy to me that he was calling my mom fat TO HER CHILD at a similar BMI to where I am now, after she BORE HIM THAT CHILD!!!!!

I think maybe what saved me is that it crossed the event horizon in my mind, like he was *too* ridiculous about it so that even my very malleable, insecure brain was like "that seems like an insane thing to say, actually." He also never said much directly *about my body* to my face that I can remember, which definitely helped, but he did (and still does) *constantly* harp on how I need to exercise, get in shape, go outside, whatever - even when I was working a job that literally required heavy lifting, walking long distances, and other assorted manual labor outdoors for literally 8 hours a day!!!! (Which, guess what!!! My highest weight was while I was at that job, because I was fucking miserable!!!)

And like, I definitely don't have a particularly great and healthy relationship with food, nor with my own body/appearance, but oh my god I got so lucky because it honestly should've been so much worse.

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5 years ago

Under no circumstances is it okay to call your kid stupid

Under no circumstances is it okay to call your kid lazy

Under no circumstances is it okay to call your kid ugly

Under no circumstances is it okay to call your kid worthless

Under no circumstances is it okay to call your kid idiot

Under no circumstances is it okay to call your kid fat

Under no circumstances is it okay to make fun of your kids gender

Under no circumstances is it okay to make fun of your kids sexuality

Under no circumstances is it okay to make fun of your kids grades

Under no circumstances is it okay to make fun of your kids hobbies

Under no circumstances is it okay to make fun of your kids mental illness

Under no circumstances is it okay to make fun of your kid or call them names

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1 year ago

i hate it when you ask people to treat fat people with just some semblance of decency and you get hit with "stop promoting obesity" -_-................. just because you said that im promoting obesity now.

I Hate It When You Ask People To Treat Fat People With Just Some Semblance Of Decency And You Get Hit

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10 months ago

tw fatshaming , fatphobia

being fatshamed by my family for being slightly overweight hurts so bad..and its worse hearing them (especially my mother) talk about fat people in such a demonising way 😕 my mom goes to the gym and sees fat girls trying to lose weight and she comes home and just laughs at them?? makes fun of them with my brother?? laughs at how even the fat girls themselves are ashamed of themselves?? its so mean like other ppls bodies have nothing to do with u and the girls at the gym are already working hard so whats the point in belittling them..

the fact that NO ONE in my class or tuition center say such mean things abt anyones weight ever even thought its kinda the place where bullying and stuff can happen

idk i shouldnt have expected better from my family but it hurts

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8 months ago

okay but I want to talk about something... I can't really write proper pieces since my English sucks and I'm pretty cringe but I like. really need to discuss it.

✨a study on the "plus size" characters in mdzs✨

I'm a girl of a heavier build so I couldn't help but associate myself with bigger characters and... well. Mdzs is not the greatest thing for this. Because like... who do we have here? (Only talking about the donghua because everyone is slim in the CQL except some older men)

Mo Ziyuan.

Okay But I Want To Talk About Something... I Can't Really Write Proper Pieces Since My English Sucks

Okay, I will tolerate this one, it kinda makes sence for him to be fat. He is described as looking "sickly" in the novel, so it may be interpreted as obese. Plus contrast with MXY being underweight.

Jin Zixun.

Okay But I Want To Talk About Something... I Can't Really Write Proper Pieces Since My English Sucks

I don't get the decision behind his design. Just... Why? The donghua decided that every bully (except Wen Chao) needs to be fat? And no, he isn't described like that in the novel, he's actually just more broad-shouldered and stocky and conventionally "handsome". I would totally change his design.

Also we have this guy.

Okay But I Want To Talk About Something... I Can't Really Write Proper Pieces Since My English Sucks

The unnamed Jiang disciple. And he is a positive character!! Oh, he was such a joy to me, so precious. Sadly he is just a background character who appears only in a few scenes so we don't really see him as a person, but he still makes the thing much much better

Overall, for me it's pretty frustrating that I look at myself and my subconscious is telling me that "should" associate myself with characters like Jin Zixun. And who wants to be him?... I don't want to. It really adds to the insecurity, unlike other fandoms which I've been in, I have a feeling that I shouldn't show my photos to my co-fandom ppl for example because of my bodytype. And the only positive plus size character is super backgrounds

So the thing is that I just really need more positive representation of weight in there. Some little but still heartwarming example is this scene in chibi donghua (MDZS Q) in ep 4 I guess where everyone has gained weight and it's treated not as a catastrophe but like a pretty normal thing? I have put on some weight in the past months and this scene saves me so much. It like tells that it's normal, even the cool characters like Jiang Cheng can gain weight and nothing is exceptionally wrong with me.

I have also seen a mention that wwx has gained some weight in postcanon (makes sence! mxy was malnourished I think) but only one person was saying this and I haven't seen it anywhere else

So... yeah. That's why I *might* seem too much on this theme but it's just me trying to deal with my insecurity and eating disorder. I just want to see some "cool" and admirable characters sharing my bodytype, because that makes me feel so much confidence. I headcanon Nie Huaisang as chubby for example, because that suits him (he doesn't really fight or do training like other cultivators do + it adds to the "cute and innocent" looks) and he is very cool!

Anyways that's all. I don't know how to name this post but like... does a tumblr post really have to be perfect?

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9 months ago

Does anybody else dislike Bubble Bass's characterization in the newer seasons?

As someone who actually kinda likes the newer seasons (from season 10 onwards), one of the things that I have grown to really dislike is Bubble Bass's characterization in the newer seasons. It feels like they saw the "fat nerd" character trope and memes mocking fat men who like nerdy things and copy pasted that onto him, and they are not subtle about basing him of that trope it at all, for one, he lives in his mom's basement and is obsessed with action figures and comics, and in the patrick show episode "bubble bass reviews" they just hammer this in even more with him wearing cat ears and liking an in universe version of my little pony, and the episode being so in your face with how much of much of a disgusting slob bubble bass is, from his room being a mess and the stuff he eats getting all over his face and clothes like it's not even funny and it feels like 80% of the episode is dedicated to him being a gross slob and being extremely whiny and childish, and this isn't only in the patrick show, he's like this in the main series too and it just feels genuinely fatphobic and even ableist with how he constantly whines and throws tantrums and engages in typically childish interests. I also feel like it can really have a negative affect on the target audience of these shows and could teach them to make fun of fat/plus sized people who engage in nerdy interests.

Also the whole concept of making fun of internet critics just feels so out of place for but shows and it honestly just gives of the vibe that anyone who’s criticized the show is just like bubble bass, like I know that there has been people who have been very extreme and harsh on how they critique SpongeBob, but the way it’s handled it in the episode feels like they used bubble bass as a glorified soyjack

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8 months ago
Hey Are You Guys This Weird And Invasive About Skinny People Quick Question You Have To Answer In 3 Seconds

hey are you guys this weird and invasive about skinny people quick question you have to answer in 3 seconds or i kill you

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