Tw Mature - Tumblr Posts
Disclaimer: The following post contains explicit images. If you're under 18 then please scroll further.
I didn't want to make this post. I really didn't. And I know that I'm not the only person who's pointing this out. But the dickheads on the Internet left me with no other option.
Can somebody please explain to me why the first thing that I see on my fyp once I open the Tumbr. is this shit?!

The worst part is that if you're searching "sexy nun" you'll get a LOT of results, most of them being straight up pornography. This shit is meseed up on WAY too many levels, but I'll point out the two main problems:
1) It's offensive to religious people.
I do not care how legitimately religiously traumatised you are. Sexualizing a religious group of people just because you're not religious yourself is purely disturbing. Now, many people would come to me pointing out things like: "Oh, but most religious people are hypocrites anyway." And?! I grew up in a religious enviroment. I've seen the hypocrisy myself. I've seen a lot of the so called "faithful people" drinking, smoking, swearing and sleeping around the moment they left the church. And I'm pretty much convinced that the main cause of people's complaints and dissapointments when it comes to religion has to do with these hypocrites, not with the religion itself. But that doesn’t mean that there aren't people who are genuinely respecting all the rules from the Bible and who seek to form a deep connection with God. And denigrating individuals who are dedicating their lives worshipping any form of deity due to their personal beliefs just because you were a victim of the hypocrisy manifested by a superficial, non-representative category of people who claim to be religious is disgusting.
Now, I also received comments such as: "Priests are pedophiles and rapists! The church must be abolished!"
I'm really sorry for the comparison that I'm about to use in order to make you guys understand my point, but I do not have any other good example for the moment. Remember that period of time when conservatives used to claim that trans women are just predators who are wearing dresses in order to enter women's bathrooms and assault them? Remember how these cases (and the people who were responsible for them, respectively) were mediatized and labeled as the face of the trans community and used as an argument for why sex-reassignment surgeries should be illegal? If you're going to claim that "All priests are X!" or "All christians are Y!" purely based on a maleficence commited by a minority of that community, then you're absolutely no different than a transphobe who brings up into discussion one crime commited by one single trans person as proof that all trans people are evil.
2) It's misogyny.
This whole sexualization of the nuns has less to do with religion as it has to do with misogyny. The reason why I'm saying this is because out of all religious groups, people are specifically choosing to sexualize one represented by women. I've never seen priests or monks sexualized as much as nuns are. Which ultimately leads me to the conclusion that misogyny has to do with this issue above it all.
I've already seen (and experienced) a lot of misogyny both in real life and on the Internet. Society is constantly raporting to this virgin/whore dichotomy, and consider absolutely any choice that a woman makes for herself to be for men's desire, wheter that means having sex with one single man or with many of them. Even worse, the men who are complaing the most about women's bodycounts and categorize them into "private property" and "public property" aren’t virgins themselves. Nope, there are exactly those type of men that sleep with 300+ women per day who then have the audicity to sit on their ass and ask for their future wife to be a pure virgin.
In the nun's case, I think that the main reason why people choose to denigrate them the most is because they're supposed to remain virgins for the rest of their lives and they're clearly expressing their wish of never sleeping with any man, and by extension they're not benefiting them in any way. Which leads to all the jokes, insults, and ultimately the whole sexualization of them.
Now, many people are talking about how religion is partially linked in misogyny and consider that this is the main reason why misogyny was so prevalent throughout the centuries. And while I have to admit that this could be a great subject for a whole conversation on its own and I'm not denying the fact that there were sometimes brought good arguments in this regard, I would also argue saying that the Bible imposes a pure, faithful life both to men and women, and that the main problem is not the Bible or religion itself, but the patriarchal society that dogmatized it hundreds of years ago (to resume it all).
Overall, please stop sexualizing nuns. You have better things to do with your life. Like going outside and touching grass. Thank you all for listening to my TedTalk.
TW: Explicit Content
Let's make one thing clear: I don't read Greek Mythology Retellings. And by that I mean physical books. I read fanfictions, but I'm not willing to pay money for a book which you can instantly quess that it's mediocre only by looking at it. The common saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover." can be applied to anything but books.
So when I found out that there's a whole HxP book series that is trending on BookTok I decided that I will avoid it like the plague, especially after reading a Goodreads review which described it as "If the worst parts of Fifty Shades of Gray and LO had a baby."
Unfortunately, one of my classmates read it, and when I told her that I will never touch that book she sent me a link with one of the *ahem* scenes in order to convince me:

First of all, it seems like a 12yo kid wrote it. Seriously now, even my celibate ass could write better erotica than this. And second of all, what sequence is supposed to be romantic, exactly?
The worst part is that I'm also an up-and-coming med student, and one of the essential things that you're supposed to learn about the reproductive system is that you have to be "prepared" before getting penetrated. Lubrification begins only after the hormones send signals to the brain that you are sexually aroused and the vaginal glands start secreting fluids to help the process of penetration. Otherwise it feels painful and you risk to get injured. Not to mention the fact that if a someone gets inside you without at least giving you a sign then it could be considered rape.
So there's nothing passional or sensual in this scene, it’s straight up disturbing. Also, is it just me or does anyone else cringe when they read these sort of scenes even when they're alone? Honestly, I'm currently trying to comprehend the fact that there are people (especially girls) who would read this thing and be like 🥵🥵🥵 or something like that.
"Does it have smut? 🤭" but the smut is actually good
I'm tired of being labeled as a prude for pointing out that there's a difference between a plot where sex is relevant and sex that is replacing the entire plot. Also, a lot of the so called smut from many famous books is poorly written in my honest opinion. So here's a list of erotic novels which I consider that those who like to read erotica would enjoy, with the clarification that my assumption might not be true.
Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
Sexus by Henry Miller
Delta of Venus by Anaïs Nin
Henry and June by Anaïs Nin
Little Birds by Anaïs Nin
The Lover by Marquerite Duras (Note: The ecranisation was also really good)
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (Will never forget the "Putting the devil into Hell" joke)
120 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade (Though I would also like to emphasize the fact that this one is less erotic and more disturbing; Pasolini's movie was WAY better)

behold this masterpiece of a poem I wrote very contentedly stoned yesterday:
taking nudes to reclaim my body
taking nudes to reclaim my soul
may memories of pain become foggy
and may I finally find my way home
slowly learning that being taken care of can cum in many ways, just like me