Intoxication Kink - Tumblr Posts
Cant wait to get all fucked up tonight and find someone who'd encourage me to keep drinking nd smoking until I'm so drunk and high that I wouldn't even find my way back home. Fucking somewhere in some street nd stumbling around until I passed out.
im so fucked up ehehehdjtj i just wanna feel someones cock in me while i’m puffing off a blunt god i need to be perved on
“try this :)” he says as he hands me a lil blue pill. just like clock work you give me my nightly medication. i don’t ask questions, i don’t know the pills your feeding me are e. it’s been a long day, we’ve done our nightly routines and smoked, now it’s time for bed.
only i can’t sleep. i can’t stay still. wiggling and squirming under the covers, i don’t know what this feeling is but it’s so overwhelming, i need relief. i don’t have to worry about waking you, you’ve been waiting for this moment. for me to be restless and needy, warm and wet.
“awh, is my little bunny in heat again?” you’ll taunt. i’ll whine. i’ll rub and grind against you, needy beyond belief. i don’t know what’s gotten into me, i’ve never felt such intense urges before. i’ll beg you to “fix my problem” and it won’t be long before your hand is down my panties and gently rubbing my clit.
you’re such a sweet and gentle master. slowly conditioning and micro dosing me over time until it was ultimately perfect. now you know how easily you can use me to your advantage, with one little pill your dumb rabbit will be feral for you <3

A very specific demon is whispering in my ear about getting someone absolutely blind drunk
And pressing a bottle to their lips except theyre so conditioned to fucking when they get drunk that they naturally wrap their pretty lips around the bottle and look up at me with those big, glassy, no-thoughts-just-horny eyes before they realize, with a bunch of drunk giggles, that they aren't actually giving me head yet
And it's an actual and honest and infectious laugh that has us both gasping for air and is only broken up by them hitting their favorite vape cart and me pulling out my cock to give them what they want
Drinking rum thinking it’ll make me a drunk horny mess filled with slutty desire but instead it fills me with a desire to LOCATE THE LOST ISLA DE MUERTA, THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ‘CEPT BY MEN WHO KNOW WHERE IT BE! YO HO HO FIRE THE CANNONS YE BLOOMIN’ COCKROACHES! MAKE QUICK OR IT’S THE LOCKER FOR US ALL! GET TO IT YA CACK-HANDED DECK APES!
Imz rllyyy high and starting to get sleepy so imz gonna edge for a bit before i go to sleepp feel free to send asks or dms if you wanna talk to a high and needy bunnyyy >_<
Gonna get high and edge for a little bit before sleepy timee. Untill i fall asleep each note is a hit. Plz send me threats/fantasyz of how youd use me all needy and high >_<
Get em so strung out and hopped up they don't even notice you carving your name into their back when your done screwing em
You're saying no now, but I know a yes is hiding somewhere in these tequila shots baby so let's knock em out
I'll tie you up as a pretty display piece at my next show. All sexy and roped up, tied upside down with your legs spread open and a bottle of grey goose vodka shoved up your ass.
Hey kids, did you know you can absorb alcohol through the lining of your intestines better than if you drank it normally? Look it up, it's true!
It'll be minutes before you'd be too drunk to know what's happening, your pretty drunk pussy fully on display and ready to be abused by the crowd. You'll be tipsy and rosy cheeked while hands start grabbing and exploring, squeezing and smacking.
You'll be a toy. A sexy little interactive decoration while the room rumbles with the music. It won't be long before there's a line of hard cocks waiting to ram inside you. You'll be a pit stop for men on the way to the bar.
You'll be my party favor! A cum one, cum all attraction for sleazebags like me to rape for kicks
Party night, baby!
“Well, I better go. Everyone seems to be gone.” They announced to the only other person in the room.
“Thanks for coming it…*Hig* was good to see you. I didn’t know you weren’t *burp* drinking anymore, I wouldn’t have gotten so *urp* drunk. “
“No problem, It was good seeing ya. I had fun. Maybe I’ll stop by in a few weeks and we can hang and watch a movie?”
Next week
“Hey, how are ya?”
“Oh, hey *burp* I wasn’t expecting ya. I’m a little drunk, hope that’s like, ok?”
“No problem, It doesn’t bother me, I’ve been in control a while.”
*stumbles* “I’m gonna get another few beers, be right back”
*Puts two beers down on the coffee table*
*Slurring a bit* “Go ahead and have that other beer *gurp*. I’m full. One beer won’t knock you off the wagon”
Just the one.
*crack* *sip*
Hot take:
Stop making drunks get sober. Accommodate it just like any disability.
Any picture or video requests?
I like to drink eat and 420 for inspiration if you need any.
You wake up suddenly. Eyes blurry you squint at your phone. “Three AM, God, I’m dry”
* opens bottle brought to bed *
* drinks deeply *
That’s better!
Maybe one more good plug
Or two
“Maybe justdd one m…more”
*alarm goes off *
Gl…ug….oh *hic* shidt!
I godda get rehdy.
*staggers while finishing the bottle*
Trips to the restroom, hiccuping dangerously.
I think it’s time I become an alcoholic with just a job. No more career. Too stressful. Have a job, be able to do it kinda drunk. And drink away the night.
Make me a drunk alcoholic weed addled 750 lb cum dump
Being high drunk and silly.
the depravity in my brain reaches a new level when all i can think about is being owned my an older couple…
it starting off as an unconventional friendship with the wife. she just thought i looked so cute being the counter at the cafe. and the way my features would scrunch up, how i bit my lip and stepped back to hold my chest whenever i got flustered with the amount of orders. it was just all too sweet and innocent…
so of course she started to come by more often. tipping more then needed, and staying behind for chats. it would became so in-betted in my everyday routine that I’d start to crave it. my days just weren’t complete if I didn’t work a shift to see my favorite regular.
eventually all our chatting would lead to mindless flirting. I mean, how could I not when such a friendly smile was thrown my way by such a stunning older woman. older woman were already my weakness, and you’d notice. you’d catch how I’d pay more attention to the milf while she ordered for her family. Or how my eyes would linger a bit lower when an older woman left. really, I was just making it too easy. and you were just too perfect to ignore.
so, why would I ever turn you down when you invited me over for one of those family dinners you’d spoken about. more time with my favorite regular…no, somehow you’d claimed your spot as my favorite person without me even noticing it. even when I had found myself ignoring the second car in the driveway, only focusing on how I’d get to see you…even then I hadn’t really just how control you had over me.
I just followed blindly, wholeheartedly, submissively into your dining room. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but as conversation flowed, I found myself reaching for my flute that seems to never run low. it was hard to even distinguish how far I had gone, when you were so receptive and lively in the conversation. it is just…i can’t think about anything but you. should that have been my sign to leave? or should it have been when I felt hands massaging my back, and never questioned to look up because your eyes had me.
i didn’t think about how i didn’t even get a hello out, but this man—i’d be damn to ask if he’s your husband. i wouldn’t want to know that. so I just nodded along to introductions. I am only focused on you and how your legs revealed from the slit of your ‘casual dress’ as you got up from your chair. I only focused on the feels of your hands on my skin as you guided my unstable legs up your stairs and towards your bedroom. Nevermind the footsteps behind us…all I could see was you…
realistically, as a virgin ‘goldstar’ lesbian, I couldn't possibly be a size queen. but my mind does wonder…
something about the thought of my eyes wandering down to a print. let’s say the smoke session just happened to turn you on. too much light banter, soft touches, and mindless seduction from my fogged out brain. i wouldn’t notice how my top dips exposing my breast when i reach for the joint. or how my shorts rise enough for your eyes to trace my inner thighs. really i wouldn’t pay attention to much. but when i bend over to take the roach from you, it would be a concern if I didn’t notice that bulge.
i’ve seen bulges before. i mean, i’m known to be an “untouchable tease”, but i’ve never seen one quite as large as yours. so my soft “woah,” that was meant to not be said out loud, had reasoning. but it was a trigger to you, huh? i know it was, because it twitched. and your already low eyes glazed over.
maybe you’re thinking about how I let it slip that i’ve never been with a guy, before? or maybe, your mind is stuck on how my lips wrap around the spliff? maybe, just maybe, it’s thinking about just how long it would take for you to force that cock into my tight unexpecting pussy? yea, in your eyes I can see it brewing.
how you’d ruin me for anyone else, and just have me cock drunk and high for your disposal. hell, i wouldn’t even need to be so inebriated after a while. the feeling of being completely full would have me at your mercy.
i’ve never had someone out smoke me (once out smoked a hotbox of 3 dudes), so i think i need a tolerance break to live out like half of my fantasies.
but then how else will i touch myself at night to the thought of being molested again?