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2 years ago

♡ like real people do

 Like Real People Do

synopsis: three times soobin followed you around the world and the one time you came back home to him.

wc: 5k

genre: fluff, angst (?), slow burn, vampire!au, best friends to lovers, what is it called when a fic takes place in the past but not too far lol

pairing: choi soobin x gn!reader

warnings: somewhat of an age difference at the end, i did little to no research and used all of my knowledge from the twilight franchise

a/n: here it is... my vampire!soobin fic that was inspired by a hozier song

 Like Real People Do


Soobin's never been a stranger to strange occurances. So when he spots you, his best friend of 3 years, standing near a corpse, he doesn't think much of it.

But it's when you turn around to face him, face and torso covered in blood, is when he begins to question things.

Soobin first heard of vampires at the ripe age of 12, when a string of murders happened in your small town of twelve thousand. Of course, him being him, Soobin dismissed the claims as baseless rumours.

Soobin never really believed in the supernatural, until he met you in his biochemistry lecture. Sure, your body was always cold and you hated the sunlight with a passion, but who didn't? It wasn't really until you glittered underneath the light of the sun one day that Soobin finally looked into vampires. He spent countless nights at the library, coasting through the science fiction section. Turns out fiction didn't really help him with his queries.

However, seeing you and a bloodless Choi Beomgyu has Soobin piecing together a puzzle that's been ingrained into his mind for years now.

"I promise it's not what it looks like," you begin, wiping the blood off your chin. It stains your cream cardigan, the fresh blood looking a lot like paint. "I- I don't know what else this looks like, actually."

Soobin chuckles, shrugging off his letterman jacket and draping it over your shoulders, "Doesn't really matter to me what it looks like, to be honest. Are you okay?"

"You should be asking Beomgyu that question, not me," you mutter. You put the jacket on correctly, sliding your arms through the sleeves and making sure to button it all the way up so the blood stains don't show. "Shouldn't you be scared?"

"Of you?" Soobin asks, holding his hand out for you to take. You nod and he shakes his head, "Never."

Taking his hand, you interlace your fingers so your palms touch. You're freezing cold, but Soobin doesn't really mind.

Soobin doesn't know what it's like to be a vampire, but he knows that he'd never be scared of you. He knows that you'd never attempt to feed off him, you're way too scared to — after all, he is your best friend. He knows you're way too terrified of losing him to do anything like that to him.

Soobin walks you home, to the very top of the hill where your family's mansion stands. He doesn't dare step inside. Instead, he gives your head a pat and smiles at you softly, "Have a good night, okay? Don't forget to shower and stay safe."

As you turn into your doorway, Soobin doesn't miss the glint in your eyes or the quick curve of your mouth. The look on your face is enough to keep him awake for hours, heart beating away to oblivion.

 Like Real People Do


You've never really felt like you've had a place to call home. Being a vampire is hard, especially being one as old as you. Having to move around constantly is boring and gets tiring way too quickly. Had you been somewhat of a more adventurous person, you might have lucked out. However, you hate the constant travels and the number of people you've met so far reaches the thousands. Your memory puts encyclopedias to shame.

But Paris is beautiful. Paris is so, so pretty. You wonder what it would be like to stay here forever. You understand why the city is so romanticized, why it's so idealized. It's beautiful, breathtaking. It's like a world you've never dreamt of before.

However, one thing Paris lacks is love. It is the city of love and romance, but you've never felt that here. You've never felt any warmth, any passion. Paris is a place where you've never felt lonelier.

So when Soobin sends you a letter that he'll be visiting you soon, your heart can't help but jump. It's been almost 5 years since you've seen Soobin in the flesh, you can't wait to see him again. Parting ways with your best friend after university was really hard, especially with Soobin choosing to stay in your hometown.

You couldn't risk being caught in one place for too long, so you chose the option of travelling. As lonesome and tiresome as it was, you couldn't help but leave. So you did what you could; pack your entire life away and fly to Paris. It's not your first time in Europe, but it is your first time in such a lovely place.

You wonder if Soobin will love Paris as much as you. If Soobin will want to take pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower to remember it. If he'll want to walk with you along the Seine river, watching as people row along in their boats. You wonder if he'll want to stay in Paris with you, counting down the days until you leave again.

Soobin arrives on the very first of May, a small luggage his only company as he stalks across the floors of the airport to meet you. When you hug, you're reminded of what seems like home, an almost far away place greeting you after a long journey. Soobin is everything you remember him to be — warm, lanky, and smelling like fresh laundry.

"There you are," Soobin smiles as he cups your face. "You haven't aged a day since we last saw each other."

"Haha, very funny," you deadpan, taking a hold of his hands. "What do you wanna do first?"

"Hmm, I wanna see your flat. Since vampires are filthy rich, I imagine it must be dazzling," Soobin replies, pulling his hands away and reaching for his luggage. "How's it been here so far?"

You want to say 'I missed you so much' but the words are lodged in your throat. There's a part of you that's scared of saying anything sentimental to Soobin, something about his mortality and your lack of making you nervous.

Instead, you say, "It's nice. Ish. Could be better."

Soobin's jaw drops as you two take long strides towards the exit of the airport. "No way. Could be better? Paris? Are you out of your mind?"

'It would be better with you' is on the tip of your tongue, but you bite back in fear.

"Yeah, it's just missing a few things," you mumble.


"Hopefully you'll grow to love it here. I'm only in the airport and I love it already," Soobin laughs. He's quick to take your hand in his as you walk, even if you're still icy to touch. Did he miss your presence as much as you missed his?

Soobin does want to take pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower. He urges you to stand in front of the camera with him, much to your dismay.

"Soobin, you know this stupid thing will never capture my presence, right?" you pout as he sets up the timer. "No matter how many pictures you take, I won't be there."

Soobin angles the camera a little higher to make up for his tall stature, laughing, "Then I guess I'll just draw you in on the film."

His laughter causes you to frown even more, crossing your arms across your chest, "Are you stupid? Don't you know that all this camera stuff is expensive?"

"I might be stupid, but I'll look even stupider taking photos by myself," Soobin sighs. He still ushers you to the front of the camera, hands clammy as he touches your bare arms. "Besides, it's the thought that counts. Don't you want any photos with me?"

His words are enough to get you to pose, he hits the capture button and races to his place beside you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and holds up a peace sign, dimples poking through with his smile.

When the flash goes off, he drops his pose, but keeps his arm around you, "Want to take another one?"

"Sure," you shrug. Soobin pulls away from you for just a bit, making his way toward the camera again.

It's nice, you think, having Soobin's arm around you. It makes you feel at peace, something you haven't felt in a while. Sighing, you pull your sweater tighter around your waist. Why don't these thoughts go away?

Once Soobin hits the capture button again, he quickly rushes back to you, wrapping both arms around you. "Let's hug in this picture," he smiles down at you.

To any bystander watching, you might have looked like a couple in love, but in your mind, you can only imagine how stupid this must look. The flash goes off and you can only think about how Soobin will look like he's smiling down at nothing and how his arms are wrapped around the air.

You push at his chest lightly, pouting up at him, "You're going to look so stupid in this picture! Smiling at nothing, hugging nothing- like a complete weirdo!"

"Doesn't matter," he shrugs. You can feel his heartbeat quicken in his chest as he looks down at you. "Because I know whenever I see this picture, I'll know that it was you in my arms. No one else."

If you had a heartbeat, you know in real time it would stop at his words. Scoffing, you push your face into his chest, to try to get your mind to stop racing. You realize your efforts are in vain, when Soobin brings a hand up to pet at your head.

You wish this moment would last forever, no matter how stupid you think Soobin is.

Soobin lounging around your flat feels natural. It reminds you of him sitting on your university dorm couch upside down a few years ago. Almost 2 years later, he's doing the same thing, but in France.

"Doesn't your stupid TV have more than 3 channels?" he grunts, reaching for your hand. "You have all this money but not enough to buy you more channels?"

"If you weren't extremely lazy and got up to change the channel with the dials instead of whining, I'm sure you'd know I have like 8 channels," you retort, pulling your hand away.

A growl erupts from Soobin's stomach and he finally decides to flip his body right side up, so your shoulders touch. He looks at you with a pout, bottom lip jutting out, "Make me food?"

"You're lucky I stocked up on food before you came. I have no reason to keep my fridge full," you say in reply. You reach over and tap his nose, "I won't make anything too fancy though. I'm just as lazy as you are."

You take the short walk to your kitchen, grabbing a few things from your tiny fridge and a cutting board. Living a few hundred years caused you to gain skills you thought were useless, like cooking. You aren't exactly the best cook, but you know how to whip up something edible. Which is the only part that matters.

Soobin's lucky to have met you during this time period as if it were any earlier in your life, you're sure you would have poisoned him and left him for dead in your flat. You suppose that maybe it's fate that brought him into the point in your life where you can safely cook for humans. You shudder at the thought of poisoning a Kim Namjoon in a date almost seven decades ago.

There's a sudden weight pressed down on you, as you slice through the croissant with ease. A certain scent surrounds you and it doesn't take a genius to know that Soobin's just placed his chin on your shoulder, peering down at your actions.

"Whatcha makin'?" Soobin hums.

The vibrations tickle and you stifle a laugh, putting the knife down, "A sandwich?"

"Why is that a question?" Soobin answers back.

"I don't know- your sudden presence made me nervous!" you exclaim.

Soobin moves his body so that he faces you, with an eyebrow raised, "You're a vampire. Can't you like see the future or something?"

Tsking, you place the cheese down on the ham, "You know I don't have that ability. The only skills I have are whack."

Soobin then leans forward so your heads touch. "That's kinda sad," he mumbles.

You nod in agreement, finishing the sandwich. Soobin follows you like a lost puppy to your dining table, as you place the finished product on a placemat.

Before Soobin, you didn't understand why humans craved to eat with other people. Why couldn't they just eat alone?

But once Soobin appeared in your life, you fully understood why. It was comforting, watching him enjoy and savour his food. The way he would appreciate all the little flavours in every bite made you a little bit happy. Giddy almost.

To see that Soobin is enjoying your sandwich now makes you extremely happy, like your heart's being tickled.

"You know, you should really try this," Soobin suggests. He holds the sandwich out for you, gesturing for you to take a bite.

Indulging him, you take a small bite of the sandwich, chewing and swallowing quickly. It's kinda good, you think. So is sharing food. You realize that maybe this is what eating together is about. Sharing food and bonding together.

"I should have used more mustard," you comment, watching Soobin eat the last bite of the sandwich.

"You can always make more," Soobin grins, dusting off his hands. "I would appreciate if you would make more, as well."

Rolling your eyes, you scoff, pushing Soobin's shoulder a little bit, "Make your own damn sandwiches."

"But yours are so much better! You have hundreds of years worth of cooking skills! I've only been alive for almost 28 years!" Soobin retorts.

You huff, "I've only been cooking for 40 years. I'm not that good."

"Way better than me," Soobin replies. You can see the teasing glint in his eyes, one he holds only for you and you alone. He winks at you, and if you were able to produce body warmth, you know that you'd be on fire by now.

That night passes in a flash.

Soobin doesn't stay with you. He shows you his plane ticket back home and leaves bright and early the next morning, your only goodbyes a tight hug and a firm handshake before he boards his place. You think of crying the taxi ride home, but choose against it. Saying goodbye has never been harder.

 Like Real People Do


Soobin doesn't understand why you'd move to Australia of all places. There's nothing there, but the heat, the sun, and the spiders — all things you hate and despise. But he still lands in sunny Sydney, sweat already trailing down his neck.

You stand in the middle of the airport, arms crossed across your chest. You're in dressed in a black, long sleeved bolero, a black t-shirt and and some long black sweatpants. You look crazy in the middle of a 34 degree celsius day.

Soobin's lips don't curve into a smile until you raise your sunglasses to eye him with a scowl, "That airplane ride was 12 hours long, I feel like I've been waiting forever."

"Were you waiting here the entire plane ride?" Soobin jokes, watching as the corners of your lips twitch.

You smack his arm lightly, before taking his hand. It's nice that your hands are cold, it really relieves Soobin of the damp heat that surrounds him.

"No. But there's honestly nothing to do during the summer since I'm home all day. I even tried to sleep like a normal human," you pout as you lead Soobin out of the airport.

"And how did that go?" he chirps.

"It was kind of nice. I understand the hype," you explain. "I think I also had a dream, but I'm not sure."

"Oh?" Soobin asks, interest piqued. "What did you dream about?"

Soobin knows that out of your 750 years on earth, you've never really tried to sleep. Something about 'what if I die in my sleep?' or 'I'm scared I'll never wake up again' terrorizing you to the point where even during sleepovers, you'd just watch over Soobin as he slept soundly.

He reaches up to pet at your head, like he always does, and he watches as you relax underneath his hold, mouth curving into a small smile.

"Why do you wanna know?" you ask in return.

You two stop in the middle of the airport, just looking at one another. You, dressed like you're headed to a funeral, and Soobin, dressed like he's going to the pool.

"Well, it was your very first time sleeping! I'm curious!" Soobin exclaims. "Also, I'm your best friend! I have every right to know!"

The term best friend leaves a bitter taste on Soobin's tongue. You've been best friends for almost 10 years now, so it shouldn't bother him in the slightest. But why does it hurt now?

Now, when he decides that no matter where you go, he'll follow you to every corner of the world? Now, when he realizes that his heart is full of you? You, who lack mortality; you, who doesn't realize his love for you?

You go quiet for a moment, eyes trained on the ground as you croak out a measly reply. "You. I dreamt of you."

Soobin's heart fully stops at your response, heat leaving his ears like a cartoon character. Was it good that he asked? He doesn't know.

He lets you tug him out of the airport, hand in hand, as you rattle on and on about how nice your afternoon is going to be. The words enter Soobin's left ear and leave through his right. The only thing he can focus on is your hand in his and the heartbeat in his ears.

"Did you hear me? Since you're dressed for the pool, I said we're going to the YMCA," you explain, opening the passenger door to the taxi.

"Neither of us can swim," Soobin points out, placing his luggage in the trunk.

"Yeah, but," you say, hands on your hips, "it's a hot day today. We might as well enjoy it in the pool."

"I guess," Soobin shrugs. You enter the back seat of the taxi, with him right behind you.

Soobin keeps his hands to himself, much too nervous to hold your hand. Would you be able to feel his heartbeat through his palm? Why does it matter to him now... you've felt his heartbeat before, haven't you?

After a long day at the pool, Soobin collapses in your bed, body slick with sweat as the silk bed sheets surround him.

He pats the spot beside him, inviting you to lay down with him. You guys haven't cuddled in years, and in your opinion, it's much too hot for cuddles.

Speaking to Soobin through his thoughts, you frown at him and he pouts back at you, "But your body is literally cold as ice! Why does it matter that it's 34 degrees outside?"

You sigh, cursing at him internally. You take a huge leap and land in Soobin's arms, which immediately wrap around your body. Cold, just how he likes it.

Soobin wraps his legs around you too, like he's a koala and you're a branch. It's nice, Soobin thinks. He hasn't felt this comfortable in forever, often feeling out of place without you.

His breathing begins to even out, like he's falling asleep. Soobin was nervous before about you feeling his heart race, but now, he doesn't really mind. Not when you're in his hold, your eyes watching him with all the love in the world.

Soobin can feel you counting the number of eyelashes that scatter across his eyes. He can even hear you counting in his mind. It helps him calm down even faster, succumbing to slumber in no time.

Soobin wakes up to the sound of your humming, your fingers carding through his hair lightly as he sleepily blinks up at you. In his sleep, you managed to break free from his hold and sit yourself up, leaving Soobin to rest on your lap.

"What time is it?" Soobin asks, natural pout on his face.

"Around quarter to nine," you answer. Your hands never stop combing through his hair, causing Soobin to nuzzle further into your lap. "Do you want to eat?"

"No, I want to sleep more," Soobin groans. He shuts his eyes tight, heart racing at the question he's about to ask you. "Can you..."

"Can I what?" you giggle, body vibrating with laughter.

"Can you sleep with me?"

"You want me to sleep with you?" you ask, in hopes that he'll confirm.

Soobin's body heats up at your question, as he nods, "Yeah. Sleep with me."

"Okay," you reply softly. There's movement on the bed as you position yourself in Soobin's arms again, looking up at his groggy face. "Good night, Soobin."

"Good night Y/N. Sweet dreams," Soobin whispers, leaving a quick peck on the crown of your head. He's not sure if he meant to do it, or if he only did it because he's half asleep. Either way, it feels right.

Soobin's heart feels like it's shattering when he wakes up in the morning and the spot next to him is empty. Your side of the bed is already warm, meaning you must have left a while ago. However, the sweet scent of pancakes fills the air as Soobin gets up in his entranced state.

Trudging towards the kitchen, he rubs his eyes as he looks for your figure standing at the stove.

"Pancakes?" you ask, not bothering to turn around.

"Yes, please," Soobin mutters, slumping over the island counter. "You know, in my 30 years of living, I have never slept so well."

"Really?" your eyes widen in surprise. You turn around with a plate of pancakes stacked high. Soobin doesn't know how he's going to finish all that, but he doesn't let the thought bother him. "I don't think I've ever slept that well before either. I- well. You understand."

He follows you to the table, where there are two place settings and some maple syrup already set. He looks at you with an eyebrow raised, and you shrug in return, "I thought it would be nice to eat together."

"Since when did you eat?" Soobin asks. In your 10 year friendship, Soobin has never once seen you eat human food. You always claimed it was either too boring to chew for so long, or the smell would turn you off.

"Since... I, uh... I actually only started eating human food a few days ago as practice because I want to eat with you," you mumble hesistantly. Soobin thinks the way you refuse to meet his eyes is adorable. You are adorable.

"And why is that?" Soobin teases, already reaching for some pancakes. He tops them with maple syrup, watching as your eyes follow his hands.

"I- I thought it would be nice to eat together," you admit. Soobin can already see the embarrassment painted amongst your features, your hands brought up to your face to cover it. "After the sandwich incident last time."

A squeal leaves Soobin's mouth as he reaches over to pat your head, amused smile gracing his face. "You're so cute, Y/N!"

"Leave me alone," you whine, prodding at your breakfast. Finally taking a bite, Soobin watches as delight takes over your face. Your cooking really is that good.

Soobin devours his breakfast in record time, choosing to watch your take small bites of your food. You chew slowly and really take the time to savour the flavours melting on your tongue, Soobin notices. He thinks that his second favourite thing to do with you is eat, now. Only second because first is sleeping.

Leaving you this time is harder for him, because Soobin knows he's going to miss your body cradled gently in his arms. He's going to spend most nights awake, thinking about the pout on your face when you're unconscious. Your light breathing tickling his neck as he watches you sleep. There's a small aching in his stomach as he thinks of you blinking away, registering his face in your vision.

 Like Real People Do


New York isn't as bad as you initially thought. Sure, there are tons and tons of people, but you're still lonely as hell. It isn't like you to go out and mingle anymore, finding small talk tedious and downright boring. No one really catches your eye, anyway.

Soobin arrives in the winter, a crisp and cool minus 20 degrees in the afternoon. He laughs when you speak because it looks like there's smoke coming out of your mouth. It's really that cold.

"Do you at least like it here?" he asks, pulling the door to a pizza chain open. He follows straight behind you, luggage trailing behind him. "I'd imagine it's way better than Australia."

You squint up at the menu, wondering what the difference between sausage and Italian sausage is. Shrugging, you pout, "It's somewhat better, but I really miss the random kangaroos."

Soobin bursts out laughing at your kangaroo comment, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his chest. "You can always go back if you really miss them that much."

"No, I don't think the heat is worth it," you reply. Settling on a pizza order, you walk forward in line, as the person in front of you moves away from the cashier. "I don't know how long I'll be staying here, but I do know that I'm not going back to Australia any time soon."

Soobin purses his lips at you, just as the two of you place your orders. He leans down, whispering into your ear, "Would you ever come back home to me?"

Suddenly, there's an agonizing ache in your bones at his question. A question you've been dreading to hear. No one makes you feel more at home than Soobin, but does he feel the same way? Does he feel like a normal person with you? Do you make even the mundane fun to him?

You pretend not to hear him as you smile and pay the cashier, pulling Soobin away from the counter with you.

You feel bad for not answering him, but in the pit of your stomach, you know that you can't answer that question just yet. Maybe in a few nights you will, but not now.

Taking your pizzas from the employee, you two exit the pizza chain and get into a taxi. The taxi ride is quiet, but not awkward. You just don't know what to say. You've been corresponding with Soobin via letter since you've left him, and you're pretty sure you've run out of things to talk about.

"Do you know what the different between sausage and Italian sausage is?" you ask, looking down at your pizza box.

"One's Italian," Soobin replies, matter-of-factly. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at him as he smiles down at you, satisfied with his answer.


"I was kidding. One's seasoned differently," he states, bringing a hand to rest at the top of your head. He then leans his own head down to rest on your shoulder. "Did you miss me?"

"More than anything," you whisper. Your heart's been longing for Soobin for so long, it might burst right now, in the taxi on the way to your apartment. Taxi driver be damned. "Did you miss me?"

"What do you think?" Soobin mutters, pressing his body into yours. You two meld together like a puzzle, fitting together perfectly. He brings his hand down and wraps an arm around you again.

You're all I could think about, Soobin thinks. I couldn't get here any faster.

Your breath hitches as you read his thoughts, head dizzy.

Soobin's deep in dreamland as you watch him with fond eyes, brushing his bangs out of his face. Your eyes follow the eyelashes that line his eyes, down to his cheekbones, then his heart shaped lips.

"I would come home to you in a heart beat," you smile at him.

He can't hear you, you know this, but his arms twitches like he had heard you, and you press a kiss to his cheek. You then tuck yourself into bed beside him, eyes glued to his face as you try to drift off into dreamland yourself.

You wake up hours later, Soobin's neck craned so his chin lays on top of your head gently, his hands pressed to your waist, as if you'd leave if he were to ever let go.

A thought dawns upon you then and there. A part of you hurts a little at your little plan, but most of you feels like it'll be worth it.

You smile at your sleeping Soobin, before getting up to pack your things quietly. Mostly little things that remind you of Soobin; like a snowglobe of two people making a snowman, or a magnet from Sydney. Something on your shelf catches your eye and you reach up to grab it. A picture frame of Soobin and what's supposed to be you, in front of the Eiffel Tower eight years ago.

A smile graces your lips as you run your fingers across the glass, thinking of when he pulled you flush into his body.

"What are you doing?" comes Soobin's sleepy voice as you look up at him from your sitting position on the floor.

"I'm looking at this picture," you say. You turn it around to show him, fully knowing he's too far away to even see the picture. "It's us in Paris."

Soobin fully sits up now, running a hand through his bedhead, "We should go back there and retake that picture."

You turn the picture back towards you, taking one last good look at it before you put it down, "We should."

"Let me know when and I'll get there as fast as I can," Soobin replies. "I can't stand being without you these days."

There it is. There's your answer.

You walk Soobin to his gate this time. Tears line your eyes as he smiles at you, hands cupping your face.

"I'll always come back to you, you know?" he laughs. You hiccup in return, pouting up at him as the first tear finally falls. "Or you know, you could come home to me."

"I'll think about it," you mutter, trying to smile through the tears that travel down the valley of your cheeks. "You'll wait for me, right?"

"No matter how long it takes," Soobin says. You hold out a pinky and he locks his with yours, your two thumbs coming together. His quiet promise takes the entirety of your heart, your lips finally curving into a genuine smile. His eyes linger down to your lips, and he leans down to whisper in your ear, "Can I kiss you?"

Knowing that your voice would betray you, you nod, allowing Soobin to dip his head down and press his lips to yours. It's brief, but it feels like everything's finally been put into motion. Everything that's happened, everything you've ever done, has been leading up to this.

Soobin pulls away and presses another kiss to your cheek as his flight has already begin boarding. "Let me know when you're ready to come back. I'll welcome you with open arms," he smiles one last time at you, before he begins to walk away.

As he boards the plane, you realize you should have answered him then and there.

 Like Real People Do


Soobin's never been a stranger to strange occurances. So when he's finally turned into a vampire, he realizes all of the trials and tribulations you've probably gone through in your life.

He can no longer go down to the beach near your town. It's painful to even walk down the street in the sun, dressed in the longest clothing he can find.

It's kind of sucky, he thinks. But he'd rather be a vampire and spend the rest of his life with you than have you watch him die as a human.

It's a rainy Tuesday morning when he hears three knocks on his front door. When he opens the door, you stand there, small smile on your face and four large luggages surrounding you.

"Please invite me in. I can't do this anymore," you plead, not fully realizing Soobin's a vampire yet.

"Okay. Y/N, please come into my home, I warmly welcome you inside," Soobin jokes.

You don't fully realize until Soobin flashes you a giant grin, fangs fully visible. It takes a second, but then suddenly Soobin's tackled to the floor, your hands reaching for his mouth.

Understanding what you're doing, Soobin bears his teeth, allowing you to observe the inside of his mouth.

"When did you do this?" you shriek, taken aback. "Who did this to you? You couldn't even ask me to do it?"

Soobin laughs at you, sitting up, as he pulls your wrists into his hands. "I wanted to surprise you."

"But why? Why did you do this?" you groan, hands reaching up to his face again.

He lets you take his face into your hands, pushing his cheeks together as he mumbles, "I didn't want to ever leave you. I want to be with you forever. I want to spend eternity with you."

"But why?" comes another groan from you. You remove your hands from his face, this time wrapping them around his neck and pressing your face into his chest.

"Because I know I make you feel like real people do," Soobin simply answers. "I told you I'd follow you around the world, and now I can do it for the rest of my life."

Soobin can feel your tears wetting his shirt, your fists pulling at the fabric on his back.

"I love you, Y/N. I always have. Now I can be with you for eternity," Soobin says, one of his hands running up and down your back slowly. "I'm your home. And you're my home."

"Soobin," you cry. "You're so stupid."

He laughs, shrugging, "It's the truth."

You pull away from him, fully pouting. He leans down to kiss your lips that jut out, one hand still on your back and the other on your cheek.

You've never been more happy to come back home.

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2 years ago
For Worse And For Better Cbg
For Worse And For Better Cbg
For Worse And For Better Cbg

for worse and for better — cbg

synopsis: you're not expecting any trick-or-treaters to knock on your door during a heavy storm, but choi beomgyu has never been good at following your expectations.

pairing: choi beomgyu x gn!reader (i tried to keep it gender neutral, but if i happened to let anything slip pls let me know!!)

genre: angsty fluff (?), exes to ??? something

content warnings: cursing, mentions of sex (? not really but kinda), mentions of a breakup, mentions of mental and emotional struggles. this is poorly proofread bc...... when do i ever proofread stuff properly tbh lol

word count: 2.4k

song rec: how you get the girl by taylor swift

a/n: i was listening to taylor swift and @tyungun's halloween one shot showed up on my dash. that's all i have to say. i know halloween is over in many timezones and this is kinda rushed but shhhhh it's fine let's just pretend it's good. also shout out to the anon who said they missed my oneshots this one's for u too!

permanent taglist: at the end of the post + the reblogs. click here if you wanna join!

For Worse And For Better Cbg

The storm raging outside is definitely ruining some poor children's Halloween, but deep down you're thankful that you don't have to deal with anyone ringing your doorbell and trying to get candy out of you for free. 

It's not that you hate today's date, it's just that it's the first time you're spending Halloween by yourself since… well, since you were a child, and you're not totally fond of that newfound loneliness. The fact that your ex-boyfriend was the biggest Halloween enthusiast you've known and you've spent the past five Halloweens with him also plays a part in why you're feeling more like a Fall version of the Grinch than anything else tonight.

On the bright side, at least now you can indulge in all the candy you originally bought for the kids in your neighborhood. What better way to keep yourself distracted than eating sugar to the point your stomach turns into nothing but pain?

With a terrible (and boring) slasher movie on your TV screen, you reach for another mini chocolate bar. You wish you could just fall asleep already, but you know you're just gonna end up reminiscing for hours if you go to bed right now, so you try to pull through the mess that you've decided to watch for some reason.

You roll your eyes and groan at a highly predictable scene — again, it's boring —, but your whole attitude crashes down when your doorbell suddenly rings, startling you to the point where you nearly fall off the couch.

Who the hell would be at your door right now? It's nearly 9 PM, the heavy rain should be keeping everyone locked inside. Is that some stubborn kid who cares more about candy than about their own health? Aren't the thunders and bolts of lightning enough to scare them off? Or is it the predictable murderer of that stupid movie coming for your ass? 

You ignore it at first, but it rings again, so you let out a deep sigh and drag your feet to the door. Obviously, you wouldn't be stupid to just open the door without knowing who the hell is outside, so you take a look through the peephole, and… Well, it's worse than a ghost or a psychotic masked killer, actually.

In a hurry, your hands unlock the door so you can open it and take a better look at the utter mess that's standing right in front of you.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" You hiss.

"Trick or treat?" Beomgyu asks with the stupidest grin plastered on his face, as if he doesn't look like a puppy who's been thrown into a river and struggled to swim out of it during the thunderstorm that's washing this city right now.

"Are you insane? What the hell are you doing here?" 

His face looks pale, his lips are gaining a blueish tone, the beanie on his head is completely drenched, his dark hair is dripping water, and his body shivers as the cold wind blows against his wet body. And yet, he somehow still finds it in him to chuckle and shrug as if everything's cool.

"Uh, you know, the rain's kinda merciless so I thought I should stop by and check if I didn't leave any of my clothes here so I can maybe change and not be soaked," his tone is not serious at all, which makes you narrow your eyes while his gaze scans your body. "But I see you're already wearing them, so…"

"Shut up," you retort, not wanting to admit you are, indeed, wearing an old t-shirt of his. And you wanna be tough because it's been a long time, but would it be fair to keep him outside in this weather? You don't want him to get sick. So with a sigh, you step aside and open the door a little more. "Come in. You're gonna freeze out there."

He smiles victoriously and does as he's told, not trying to press your buttons too much — at least not yet. His arms cross in an attempt to hold on to any warmth, but you know it's pointless in his state.

"You're so fucking dumb," you scold him as you drag him through your house, pulling him by the arm. "What the hell were you doing out there in the storm? Are you trying to catch a cold? Do you wanna freeze to death?"

He's silent for a moment, and when you reach the bathroom door, he stands and stares at you.

"I just wanted to see you," he admits, dropping the funny act. "It didn't feel right to spend Halloween without you."

It's your turn to stare without saying a word, still trying to decide whether you should be angry, sad, or both. Instead, you just shove him into the bathroom.

"I'll bring you some clothes and a towel."

"Y/N," he holds on to your wrist before you move away. His fingers are as cold as you would expect, and you freeze in place, looking at his pitiful face. "I just– I wanna talk to you. I really–"

"You can talk when you're not shaking like an earthquake," you cut him off harshly.

With his lips quivering, he nods his head and lets go of you.

For Worse And For Better Cbg

Not even ten minutes later, he finds you in the kitchen preparing some tea, because you're that much of a helpless idiot.

"I spent half a year looking for these pants, you know," he comments as he leans on a counter. He's now wearing some dry clothes — gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a black hoodie —, and is using the towel you gave him to try and dry his hair as much as possible.

"Well, yeah, I forgot to send them back to you." It's bullshit and you know he knows it. You kept a few of his clothes to yourself simply because you couldn't let go of him completely. "But you can take them back now, so yay, I guess."

"If you like them so much, I can send them back to you after I wash them."

You roll your eyes at his attempt to joke about it. It's not the best moment for that. 

"Made you some tea," you cut it off and get close to him just to offer him a mug — the navy blue one with a drawing of the moon that he used to love so much.

He looks at the tea and then at you, and then hangs the towel around his neck before grabbing the drink. "Thank you."

The silence that spreads across the kitchen is almost deadly, but you don't make any effort to break it. On the contrary, you get your own mug and go sit by the table to consume your warm drink in peace. Not that you can attain any real peace when there's that sense of uneasiness washing over your body, but you can at least try.

After a few minutes pass, he decides to go sit across from you, taking a good look at your face without saying anything. You have no idea what's going on in his mind, or why he would go to your place and purposefully get caught in the rain, but you've already asked him about it too many times, and you're not gonna repeat yourself again.

"It's been a long six months," he finally says. "I haven't stopped thinking about you."

"Great way of showing it," you mutter, watching the steam rising from your tea. He never even tried to contact you after dumping your ass for no reason, so it's ironic that he's trying to convince you that you haven't left his mind.

"I know, I– I wasn't in a good headspace. I shouldn't have left you like that, but I felt like staying would be worse."

"Worse than me spending months wondering what I could've possibly done to deserve that?"

"Baby, it wasn't–"

"No, don't you baby me right now," you snap. "One day we were talking about living together, two days later you told me you couldn't be with me anymore? I get that maybe that was a scary step, but if that was the problem, you could've just told me and we could've slowed down. We could've talked about it, we could've fixed things. You never even told me why you left, I just assumed you didn't even love me anymore, and now you come to my place in the middle of a storm just to say you miss me? What's up with that? If you're looking for a quick hook-up, I'm sure you can find one v–"

"Y/N, you're not a 'quick hook-up', what the fuck? I'm not here for sex or whatever it is that you think I want from you. I know you don't even wanna look at me right now." He furrows his eyebrows, seemingly offended by what you're implying. "You're not a thing I can just use and throw away."

"Ha, tell that to your past self."

"I never used you," his tone drops a little. "I know I fucked up and you have the right to be mad at me, but I would never 'use' you. Don't say that."

At a loss for words, you drink some of your tea and avoid his gaze. He's right, that's the one thing you can't say about him. When you were together, he always treated you either like royalty or like a best friend — and, in fact, that's what you were to him.

"I don't expect you to forgive me right away, but this has been eating me alive for months now. And then I found myself sitting alone, watching a dumb Halloween movie and eating your favorite candy by myself, and I just… I wanted to see you. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I really am." He pauses, grasping his mug to keep his hands busy. "I was scared. I had a lot going on in my head. College was pretty much devouring my soul, my dad kept bugging me about what I'm gonna do once I graduate, my mom kept asking me about when I was gonna propose to you, everyone just wanted me to grow up so fast, and I– I couldn't. I was overwhelmed, and I started to feel like shit, and I didn't wanna affect you with the way I was feeling. It wasn't your fault, I just wasn't ready."

Your eyes meet his face, and your brain tries to see things from his perspective. You know Beomgyu's mental health was never the best, so can you really blame him? You remember all the nights you spent holding him close, stroking his hair and just comforting him in silence as he delved into his own thoughts and emotions. He wasn't always the loud and bubbly adult child everyone knew, and you're sure this hasn't changed in a span of six months.

"I know you deserve better and I might be being selfish right now, but I can't stop missing you. We were good together, we've always been a good team." His hand reaches for you across the table, but he doesn't touch you. Instead, he just leaves it there as a silent invitation.

You sigh. "Beomgyu, you can't just come crashing into my life and expect things will go back to how they used to be." Your tone is no longer aggressive, but rather tired. Perhaps a little hopeless, too.

"I know this isn't something I can fix so quickly. But I also know I broke your heart, and I'd like to try to mend it." He holds your gaze, looking as honest as he could right now. "I don't expect you to take me back or jump back into a relationship with me, I just… I don't know, I just want a chance to be back in your life. We could start over, we can take our time, for better or worse. Even if we can't be a couple anymore, I'd like to at least have you as a friend. We were great friends when we were younger, remember? Ten years ago we were trick-or-treating together, arguing about who would get the last Kit Kat that Mr. Park had to offer."

You crack a fond smile at the memory, though you know this is his way of trying to win you over.

"I shouldn't have shared that Kit Kat with you," you mumble, rolling your eyes, and he laughs at your words.

"I think that's when I fell in love with you," he replies softly.

"You were eleven."

"And? Kids can love too," he retorts jokingly, making you chuckle.

He's not wrong, though. You remember your eleven-year-old self staring at him with stars in your eyes on that Halloween night, and the way your heart raced when he pouted because you won at rock-paper-scissors to decide who was gonna keep the chocolate. That's actually the reason why you ended up sharing it with him, after all.

What are you supposed to do in this situation? You miss him too, more than anything. Yes, you're terrified that he might leave again, but what if he doesn't? What if he means every word he said? What if he truly regrets leaving and wants to fix things now? You miss talking to him on the phone, watching movies together, cuddling on the couch, and sharing breakfast before your morning classes. You miss being there for him when he needs you and having him there for you as well when you're not feeling so bright. You miss his light and his shadows, and what he said is true: you were good together, be it as a couple or as friends. You've always been the best team, and your fluttering heart seems to agree.

"Okay," you finally give in and take his hand after a moment of silence, "let's start over and take it slow, then. But just because it's your favorite holiday and I don't have the heart to kick you out in this rain."

He smiles lovingly. "You're too soft-hearted."

"Shut the fuck up." You slap his hand now, before grabbing it once again and intertwining your fingers with his. "You're still on the free trial period. Don't make me regret it."

"Don't worry," he says with that teasing smirk you know too well, "I'll do my best to piss you off every day."

And you know it's gonna take some time until you feel completely safe around him again, but well, you feel like it might be worth the try.

For Worse And For Better Cbg

permanent taglist (part one): @mystiicturtle @etherealcherrie @rjsmochii @shiguresohmas @strawbrinkofdeath @yeonqt @bergandysam @startlinejjuni @junnmizz @b1u3hour @lvxbbh @txt-1997 @esmi2003 @haeloce @bibinnieposts @btxtreads @destroying-what-i-love @luvsoobs @vellitac @yeoncast @yoongiigolden @madomoazeru @robinsluva @starry-yui @lubtou @fanficpoet @yelyahryan @feline4txt @soobsluvr @erens-piss-cleaner @whoisalexa @kisshot-heartunderblade @gyusbbl @sleepinginthegarden7 @borahae-reads @eveyi @youre-on-your-ownkid @highkey-fangirling @milkycloudtyg @mrspetxrs @shuaeunie @choinsaw @hibuki-chan @iluvnrk-ksn @joti17 @kaislovergirl @ohwonwoo @soobin-chois @sunoik @wccycc

bold means i couldn't tag you!

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3 years ago

It is I, MOA enthusiast extraordinaire! And I am here to say…

I LOVE THIS. E, you totally nailed the boys’ personalities and I loved every stinking second of this!! The world needs more TXT Hogwarts content, and you delivered.

(And really, was I ever not going to love a fic with Puff representation, AND you included Violet and Beomgyu? No.)

Love you bestie! 💙


Pairing: Ravenclaw!Taehyun x Hufflepuff!Reader

Genre: Harry Potter!AU + Fluff + Friends to Lovers

Word Count: 2.4K

A/N: Thank you to anon for requesting this—I am sorry it took me three months to get it to you, but I hope you love it!! If you are looking for more HP x TXT stories in this universe, check out my story Sore Loser and Loser = Lover by my bestie & MOA enthusiast extraordinaire @delacyrose224​ - E ✨


“Don’t you dare run away from me!” You heard Huening Kai giggle as he sprinted between the long tables in the Great Hall, dodging first years in his path. Taehyun was tight on his heels, his Ravenclaw blue-accented robes trailing behind him as he ran after the younger boy.

Your eyes went wide, watching your fellow Hufflepuff’s best friend chase after him. Kai slid onto the bench next to you, about to beg for help when Taehyun came up behind him, his arm around Kai’s neck in a wrestling headlock.

“Hey, Y/N,” Taehyun said casually, acting like his muscular arm wasn’t locked around his friend’s neck as you gaped at him.

“I’m sorry—what in Merlin’s name is going on?” you asked incredulously, attempting to yank Taehyun’s arm away from Kai. He let go at your insistence, glaring at Kai.

“Care to explain?” Taehyun asked Kai, arms crossed in front of him. Kai gave you a sly grin, trying to hold in his laughter.

“I might have done a little something in charms class today.” You followed Kai’s gaze to where he was looking, spinning around to fully take in Taehyun’s appearance. His hair was dyed a vibrant purple instead of his normal dark locks, strands falling across his forehead as he narrowed his eyes at the Hufflepuff next to you.

“Oh, so that’s why you were asking me about those spells the other day,” you murmured, standing up and absentmindedly brushing a strand of Taehyun’s hair out of his eyes. You didn’t notice the way he held his breath at your action, swallowing the accusation he was about to yell at Kai. His cheeks flushed pink when you shook your head at their antics, dropping your hand back to your side and grabbing your book bag, unaware of the affect you had on him.

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2 years ago

eclipse rising


❝ if you keep going down this path, you’re going to die, soobin. ❞

PAIRING ▸ choi soobin x fem!reader

GENRES ▸ fantasy, fluff, angst, royal au, elemental prince au, friends to enemies to lovers

WARNINGS ▸ soobin’s the water prince but he’s scared of water, mentions of character death, mentions of war, soobin becomes a dick for a while, one makeout scene, ft. elf prince park sunghoon

SUMMARY ▸ chaos was a ladder and its rungs were slick with blood. if you couldn’t save soobin, he was bound to fall.

PLAYLIST ▸ can’t you see me by txt • where’s my love - alternate version by syml

WORD COUNT ▸ 11283 words

TAG LIST ▸ @shiningstar-byulxx​ @jjuniefiles​ @wintermer​​ @ladynightmareii​​ @yeonjxnnie @mcu-incorrect​​ @sooshibot​​ @hyukacity 

AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello !! i apologize for the wait but (finally) here’s my piece for @soobmint​​’s ‘the five princes’ collab! my storyline is going to be connected with @honeyju​​’s yeonjun piece! please check out the other author’s installments and i hope you enjoy !! ♡



The more time you spent understanding the infinite blue, the more you realized how unpredictable it truly was. One moment its waves could be a gentle wash over the shore, and the next it could be a strong current of water crashing against the rocks. Rough storms often angered the tides, the strong current sweeping away anything that would lay in its wake.

Yet, despite all that, the sea was the most beautiful sight to behold.

The Kingdom of Nymphe resided by the sea, so you had grown up observing its mysteries and wonders. Most children were born with a power based on their element. Yours was hydromancy, the ability to utilize water and see visions or insights of time. Thus, you weren’t expected to train like most elementalists. However, you longed to train alongside the other children at the shoreline, but the most you could do was observe their abilities. Water generation and aquatic breathing were relatively common amongst most kids, but you quickly learned that your ability was on another level.

Being born into nobility and having such a unique gift drew a lot of attention to your powers. Your parents were the Duke and Duchess of Nymphe, so you were expected to uphold expectations that exceeded far beyond what a normal elementalist was asked of. From a young age, your training was separate from the other children. Thus, you were distant from the other Nymphians (as the citizens of Nymphe were often called). Instead, you were individually trained by experts in divination and clairvoyance as no one had seen powers like yours before.

On top of that, it became your duty to befriend the crown prince, Choi Soobin.

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3 years ago

200 Kuties Milestone Event

Helllooooo kutie pies!

I have some exciting news! I’VE REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS!!

I am HECKA grateful. I didn’t know anyone would like my writing so much, let alone 200 people. I appreciate all the comments, the reads, and the support I’ve received over the past year and a half since I started this blog. You all are amazing, and I purple you so hard 💜


To show my thanks for being such uh-maze-ing kuties, I am opening requests for the rest of October! I know, I know, I still have a couple of unfulfilled requests, and trust me, I am working on them. Slowly, but surely.  I promise I will get to your requests as quickly as possible. My schedule has opened up drastically (meaning my little one takes long naps now lol) and I’ve got the itch to write!

Submit a request here! You may choose from my Prompt List if you wish. One-shots or Drabbles only, but I reserve the right to turn them into a series if I feel inspired! 😉 A reminder about my request rules: No abuse, no weapons, nothing with minors. Everything else is pretty much free game (gimme ALL the kinks)! If I find your request potentially controversial, I simply won’t do it or ask you to edit then resubmit it.


There’s more.

I am also opening up requests for Tomorrow x Together One-Shots and Drabbles. That’s right, MOA, time to shine!

I have followed Tomorrow x Together since their debut, and find all of the members absolutely adorable. The only thing I ask is that since they are a younger group, no smut requests, just fluff, romance, and/or angst please! I’ve added them to my Master List, and am so excited to write fics about them. They are such a fun, inspiring group. I can’t wait!

Thank you once more, and submit those requests!

Much love,


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3 years ago

PS5 (Taehyun Version, One-Shot, Angst)


Disclaimers: I don’t own the gif I used for my header (obviously) 😁 Creator is credited. Any and all lyrics from “PS5” belong to Salem Ilese, Alan Walker, and Tomorrow x Together.

A Note from Kutemouse: I loved writing the Yeonjun version, so I decided to make a Taehyun version seeing as how they both sang on the song “PS5.” For this one-shot, I tried to do like an opposite mirror of the Yeonjun version. For example, the characters in the Yeonjun version were very confrontational, in this version, Y/n and Taehyun avoid confrontation at all costs 😂 Anyway, hope you enjoy! 💜

(Basically Unedited)

Rating: PG

Genre: Angst

Warnings: Swears, hella passive aggressiveness, cold shouldering, Taehyun being a supreme jerk, relationship drama x 5000

Word Count: There are words

Master List

PS5 Yeonjun Version


PS5 (Taehyun Version, One-Shot, Angst)

You shuffled your feet, your bottom lip trapped between your teeth as you debated whether or not to interrupt your boyfriend. His silvery-blonde hair hung down into his eyes as he stared intently at the screen, the buttons of his controller clicking as he played. “Um,” you mumbled. “Taehyun?”

He didn’t respond. Then again, he hadn’t said more than five words to you for the past couple days. Last week, you had gotten in a huge fight with him. Your job required you to travel to Europe for a few months, and your boss hinted the project you were working on might take even longer. That night, you had come home tight-lipped and stressed, and all it took was Taehyun asking what was wrong for everything to explode. You and he argued into the late hours of the night, ending with Taehyun insisting you quit your job. His reasoning was that Korea was your home, both of your families were close by, and he couldn’t and didn’t want to leave.

The problem was, you loved your job. You worked hard to get it, and you didn’t think you could find another anywhere else that would make you as happy. You tried to compromise, tried to come up with some sort of solution where you could keep your job and your relationship, but to no avail. Taehyun was stubborn, and after more arguing the next day, he went out to calm down and came home with a brand-new PS5 and an expensive-looking gaming headset. He’d barely said anything to you since.

Taking a deep breath, you tentatively reached out and tapped his shoulder. He didn’t even bother looking at you as he removed a headphone. “Taehyun? Dinner’s ready.”

He nodded once before slipping the headphone back over his ear. Your chest tightened painfully as you walked back into the kitchen and sat down to eat, alone. You guessed Taehyun would rather eat his dinner cold than eat with you.

You picked at your food, the pain in your chest traveling up your throat, making it hard to swallow. Finally, you pushed your plate away, sighing. You didn’t know how much longer you could deal with this silent treatment. Shouldn’t you be talking things out, trying to figure out a plan so the both of you could stay together?

You felt anxiety creep along your nerves, triggering your flight response. You weren’t the type for confrontation, and you dreaded even trying to talk to Taehyun, but what other choice did you have? Between his silence and his new gaming console, he barely noticed you were there as it was. You would either have to talk to him or allow him to continue shutting you out until you faded out of existence from his life.

Bracing yourself, you quietly crept up to Taehyun, gently tapping his shoulder. He sighed, muting himself before removing a headphone once more. “What?”

“Oh, um… uh…”

“What?” he asked again, irritation evident in his tone.

“I-I was wondering if w-we could talk,” you stammered. God, you hated conflict of any sort, especially with the guy who was still, despite everything, the love of your life.

Taehyun’s chocolate-brown eyes narrowed. “Can’t you see I’m live?” he said, gesturing at the screen.

“O-Oh, sorry. I’ll leave you to it, then.”

You shuffled to your bedroom, hanging your head. There was nothing you could do if he wouldn’t talk to you. Damn him! Tears blurred your vision as you yanked open your closet and pulled out a duffel bag. You barely noticed what you were throwing into it. Clothes, toothbrush, underwear. You just knew you needed to get away.

You made your way to the door, tears still streaming down your face, trying to keep your sobs contained. The sound of you opening the lock must have caught Taehyun’s attention because he suddenly whipped his head around, sliding his headphones down to hang around his neck. “Y/n?”

You paused, a tiny blossom of hope filling you along with embarrassment over your reddened, tear-stained face. “Y-Yes?”

“Wait,” he said, crossing the room towards you, distress in his eyes. “Where are you going?”

“To Wonyoung’s,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.

“Wait, why?”

You took a deep breath, allowing yourself a brief glance into his alarm-filled eyes. “I just think-” You broke off, choking back a sob. “I just think we need some time apart.”

You reached for the doorknob, but Taehyun put his palm against the door, not letting you open it. “Y/n, please. Wait. I know I… I know I’ve not been in a very talkative mood lately, but-”

“Not been in a talkative mood?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “Taehyun, you’ve barely spoken five words to me over the past couple days.”

“I’m ready to talk now!” Taehyun pleaded.

You finally looked him full in the eyes, your tears dry for the time being. “It’s too late,” you said firmly. “Now let me go.”

Taehyun’s hand fell to his side in defeat. “Fine.”


The next day, you woke up on an air mattress in Wonyoung’s room, depressed as hell. You could barely move let alone think. Your entire being just felt numb, your limbs heavy, and your willpower weak. Despite Wonyoung’s attempts, you weren’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon.

A furious knocking sound roused you from a deep sleep. You placed a hand to your aching head, groaning, before you heard Wonyoung’s voice. “What are you doing here?”

“I need to see her.”

Shit. Taehyun.

“Well, she’s sleeping. You can try calling her later or something.”

“I already did. She’s not responding.”

“Maybe there’s a reason for that.”

You sat up, shocked. Your usually sweet, soft-spoken best friend had never sounded more angry. “Wonyoung, wait,” you called out. “Let me talk to him.”

You did your best to get yourself off the mattress without stumbling, smoothing down the large t-shirt you sported and running a hand through your hair. You hoped you didn’t look as bad as you felt. “Y/n,” Taehyun breathed out when he saw you. He nervously glanced at Wonyoung. “Can we talk?”


You stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind you. “So talk,” you said, folding your arms over your chest, your voice devoid of emotion. You had expected this talk to come sooner or later, and you wanted to get it over with some dignity.

Taehyun mumbled something, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking everywhere but at you. “What?” you said.

He took a deep breath. “I just came to apologize.”

You scoffed, rolling your eyes.

“I mean it, Y/n. I have acted like a supreme jerk, and I didn’t realize how badly I messed up until you were leaving me.”

“I didn’t leave you,” you muttered. “I just wanted to give you the space you supposedly wanted.”

Taehyun stepped close to you, and you hated how your senses craved the touch of his soft hands, the smell of his cologne containing notes of lavender and orange blossom, the way his eyes used to roam over you from across a room, lifting his pale-pink lips in a smirk. You shoved your feelings down like you had been doing since you left. If you weren’t feeling attracted to him, maybe it won’t hurt so much when he inevitably breaks up with you.

“I thought I wanted space, but when I got too much of it, I couldn’t…” He broke off, not able to finish.

“Couldn’t what?”

Taehyun took your hands in his, squeezing tightly. “Couldn’t breathe!”

He sighed, leaning his forehead against yours. “I couldn’t fucking breathe. I can’t live without you, Y/n.”

Despite you spending the entire morning refusing to feel any sort of emotion, tears filled your eyes at his words. “Does that mean…?” You didn’t dare finish that sentence.

“It means, if you go to Europe, I’m going with you. I don’t care what it takes.”

A spark of joy began in your chest, igniting a wave that eventually covered your entire body in warmth. “You’re being serious?”

“I’m being serious,” Taehyun said, giving you a small smile. “I can’t lose you. If you still want to leave me, I completely understand, but if you don’t leave me, I promise I’ll find a way to win you over.”

You kissed him then, not able to stop yourself if you tried. He instantly brought a hand up to caress your face, lifting your chin to deepen the kiss. You separated from him for only a moment. “You already have,” you whispered before touching your lips to his once more.

You didn’t know how long the two of you stood in that hallway, kissing until your head spun, but you knew you’d continue kissing Taehyun for the rest of your life. You never wanted to go a single day without kissing him, whether in Europe or anywhere else in the world.

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