Beomgyu Oneshot - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
For Worse And For Better Cbg
For Worse And For Better Cbg
For Worse And For Better Cbg

for worse and for better — cbg

synopsis: you're not expecting any trick-or-treaters to knock on your door during a heavy storm, but choi beomgyu has never been good at following your expectations.

pairing: choi beomgyu x gn!reader (i tried to keep it gender neutral, but if i happened to let anything slip pls let me know!!)

genre: angsty fluff (?), exes to ??? something

content warnings: cursing, mentions of sex (? not really but kinda), mentions of a breakup, mentions of mental and emotional struggles. this is poorly proofread bc...... when do i ever proofread stuff properly tbh lol

word count: 2.4k

song rec: how you get the girl by taylor swift

a/n: i was listening to taylor swift and @tyungun's halloween one shot showed up on my dash. that's all i have to say. i know halloween is over in many timezones and this is kinda rushed but shhhhh it's fine let's just pretend it's good. also shout out to the anon who said they missed my oneshots this one's for u too!

permanent taglist: at the end of the post + the reblogs. click here if you wanna join!

For Worse And For Better Cbg

The storm raging outside is definitely ruining some poor children's Halloween, but deep down you're thankful that you don't have to deal with anyone ringing your doorbell and trying to get candy out of you for free. 

It's not that you hate today's date, it's just that it's the first time you're spending Halloween by yourself since… well, since you were a child, and you're not totally fond of that newfound loneliness. The fact that your ex-boyfriend was the biggest Halloween enthusiast you've known and you've spent the past five Halloweens with him also plays a part in why you're feeling more like a Fall version of the Grinch than anything else tonight.

On the bright side, at least now you can indulge in all the candy you originally bought for the kids in your neighborhood. What better way to keep yourself distracted than eating sugar to the point your stomach turns into nothing but pain?

With a terrible (and boring) slasher movie on your TV screen, you reach for another mini chocolate bar. You wish you could just fall asleep already, but you know you're just gonna end up reminiscing for hours if you go to bed right now, so you try to pull through the mess that you've decided to watch for some reason.

You roll your eyes and groan at a highly predictable scene — again, it's boring —, but your whole attitude crashes down when your doorbell suddenly rings, startling you to the point where you nearly fall off the couch.

Who the hell would be at your door right now? It's nearly 9 PM, the heavy rain should be keeping everyone locked inside. Is that some stubborn kid who cares more about candy than about their own health? Aren't the thunders and bolts of lightning enough to scare them off? Or is it the predictable murderer of that stupid movie coming for your ass? 

You ignore it at first, but it rings again, so you let out a deep sigh and drag your feet to the door. Obviously, you wouldn't be stupid to just open the door without knowing who the hell is outside, so you take a look through the peephole, and… Well, it's worse than a ghost or a psychotic masked killer, actually.

In a hurry, your hands unlock the door so you can open it and take a better look at the utter mess that's standing right in front of you.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" You hiss.

"Trick or treat?" Beomgyu asks with the stupidest grin plastered on his face, as if he doesn't look like a puppy who's been thrown into a river and struggled to swim out of it during the thunderstorm that's washing this city right now.

"Are you insane? What the hell are you doing here?" 

His face looks pale, his lips are gaining a blueish tone, the beanie on his head is completely drenched, his dark hair is dripping water, and his body shivers as the cold wind blows against his wet body. And yet, he somehow still finds it in him to chuckle and shrug as if everything's cool.

"Uh, you know, the rain's kinda merciless so I thought I should stop by and check if I didn't leave any of my clothes here so I can maybe change and not be soaked," his tone is not serious at all, which makes you narrow your eyes while his gaze scans your body. "But I see you're already wearing them, so…"

"Shut up," you retort, not wanting to admit you are, indeed, wearing an old t-shirt of his. And you wanna be tough because it's been a long time, but would it be fair to keep him outside in this weather? You don't want him to get sick. So with a sigh, you step aside and open the door a little more. "Come in. You're gonna freeze out there."

He smiles victoriously and does as he's told, not trying to press your buttons too much — at least not yet. His arms cross in an attempt to hold on to any warmth, but you know it's pointless in his state.

"You're so fucking dumb," you scold him as you drag him through your house, pulling him by the arm. "What the hell were you doing out there in the storm? Are you trying to catch a cold? Do you wanna freeze to death?"

He's silent for a moment, and when you reach the bathroom door, he stands and stares at you.

"I just wanted to see you," he admits, dropping the funny act. "It didn't feel right to spend Halloween without you."

It's your turn to stare without saying a word, still trying to decide whether you should be angry, sad, or both. Instead, you just shove him into the bathroom.

"I'll bring you some clothes and a towel."

"Y/N," he holds on to your wrist before you move away. His fingers are as cold as you would expect, and you freeze in place, looking at his pitiful face. "I just– I wanna talk to you. I really–"

"You can talk when you're not shaking like an earthquake," you cut him off harshly.

With his lips quivering, he nods his head and lets go of you.

For Worse And For Better Cbg

Not even ten minutes later, he finds you in the kitchen preparing some tea, because you're that much of a helpless idiot.

"I spent half a year looking for these pants, you know," he comments as he leans on a counter. He's now wearing some dry clothes — gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a black hoodie —, and is using the towel you gave him to try and dry his hair as much as possible.

"Well, yeah, I forgot to send them back to you." It's bullshit and you know he knows it. You kept a few of his clothes to yourself simply because you couldn't let go of him completely. "But you can take them back now, so yay, I guess."

"If you like them so much, I can send them back to you after I wash them."

You roll your eyes at his attempt to joke about it. It's not the best moment for that. 

"Made you some tea," you cut it off and get close to him just to offer him a mug — the navy blue one with a drawing of the moon that he used to love so much.

He looks at the tea and then at you, and then hangs the towel around his neck before grabbing the drink. "Thank you."

The silence that spreads across the kitchen is almost deadly, but you don't make any effort to break it. On the contrary, you get your own mug and go sit by the table to consume your warm drink in peace. Not that you can attain any real peace when there's that sense of uneasiness washing over your body, but you can at least try.

After a few minutes pass, he decides to go sit across from you, taking a good look at your face without saying anything. You have no idea what's going on in his mind, or why he would go to your place and purposefully get caught in the rain, but you've already asked him about it too many times, and you're not gonna repeat yourself again.

"It's been a long six months," he finally says. "I haven't stopped thinking about you."

"Great way of showing it," you mutter, watching the steam rising from your tea. He never even tried to contact you after dumping your ass for no reason, so it's ironic that he's trying to convince you that you haven't left his mind.

"I know, I– I wasn't in a good headspace. I shouldn't have left you like that, but I felt like staying would be worse."

"Worse than me spending months wondering what I could've possibly done to deserve that?"

"Baby, it wasn't–"

"No, don't you baby me right now," you snap. "One day we were talking about living together, two days later you told me you couldn't be with me anymore? I get that maybe that was a scary step, but if that was the problem, you could've just told me and we could've slowed down. We could've talked about it, we could've fixed things. You never even told me why you left, I just assumed you didn't even love me anymore, and now you come to my place in the middle of a storm just to say you miss me? What's up with that? If you're looking for a quick hook-up, I'm sure you can find one v–"

"Y/N, you're not a 'quick hook-up', what the fuck? I'm not here for sex or whatever it is that you think I want from you. I know you don't even wanna look at me right now." He furrows his eyebrows, seemingly offended by what you're implying. "You're not a thing I can just use and throw away."

"Ha, tell that to your past self."

"I never used you," his tone drops a little. "I know I fucked up and you have the right to be mad at me, but I would never 'use' you. Don't say that."

At a loss for words, you drink some of your tea and avoid his gaze. He's right, that's the one thing you can't say about him. When you were together, he always treated you either like royalty or like a best friend — and, in fact, that's what you were to him.

"I don't expect you to forgive me right away, but this has been eating me alive for months now. And then I found myself sitting alone, watching a dumb Halloween movie and eating your favorite candy by myself, and I just… I wanted to see you. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I really am." He pauses, grasping his mug to keep his hands busy. "I was scared. I had a lot going on in my head. College was pretty much devouring my soul, my dad kept bugging me about what I'm gonna do once I graduate, my mom kept asking me about when I was gonna propose to you, everyone just wanted me to grow up so fast, and I– I couldn't. I was overwhelmed, and I started to feel like shit, and I didn't wanna affect you with the way I was feeling. It wasn't your fault, I just wasn't ready."

Your eyes meet his face, and your brain tries to see things from his perspective. You know Beomgyu's mental health was never the best, so can you really blame him? You remember all the nights you spent holding him close, stroking his hair and just comforting him in silence as he delved into his own thoughts and emotions. He wasn't always the loud and bubbly adult child everyone knew, and you're sure this hasn't changed in a span of six months.

"I know you deserve better and I might be being selfish right now, but I can't stop missing you. We were good together, we've always been a good team." His hand reaches for you across the table, but he doesn't touch you. Instead, he just leaves it there as a silent invitation.

You sigh. "Beomgyu, you can't just come crashing into my life and expect things will go back to how they used to be." Your tone is no longer aggressive, but rather tired. Perhaps a little hopeless, too.

"I know this isn't something I can fix so quickly. But I also know I broke your heart, and I'd like to try to mend it." He holds your gaze, looking as honest as he could right now. "I don't expect you to take me back or jump back into a relationship with me, I just… I don't know, I just want a chance to be back in your life. We could start over, we can take our time, for better or worse. Even if we can't be a couple anymore, I'd like to at least have you as a friend. We were great friends when we were younger, remember? Ten years ago we were trick-or-treating together, arguing about who would get the last Kit Kat that Mr. Park had to offer."

You crack a fond smile at the memory, though you know this is his way of trying to win you over.

"I shouldn't have shared that Kit Kat with you," you mumble, rolling your eyes, and he laughs at your words.

"I think that's when I fell in love with you," he replies softly.

"You were eleven."

"And? Kids can love too," he retorts jokingly, making you chuckle.

He's not wrong, though. You remember your eleven-year-old self staring at him with stars in your eyes on that Halloween night, and the way your heart raced when he pouted because you won at rock-paper-scissors to decide who was gonna keep the chocolate. That's actually the reason why you ended up sharing it with him, after all.

What are you supposed to do in this situation? You miss him too, more than anything. Yes, you're terrified that he might leave again, but what if he doesn't? What if he means every word he said? What if he truly regrets leaving and wants to fix things now? You miss talking to him on the phone, watching movies together, cuddling on the couch, and sharing breakfast before your morning classes. You miss being there for him when he needs you and having him there for you as well when you're not feeling so bright. You miss his light and his shadows, and what he said is true: you were good together, be it as a couple or as friends. You've always been the best team, and your fluttering heart seems to agree.

"Okay," you finally give in and take his hand after a moment of silence, "let's start over and take it slow, then. But just because it's your favorite holiday and I don't have the heart to kick you out in this rain."

He smiles lovingly. "You're too soft-hearted."

"Shut the fuck up." You slap his hand now, before grabbing it once again and intertwining your fingers with his. "You're still on the free trial period. Don't make me regret it."

"Don't worry," he says with that teasing smirk you know too well, "I'll do my best to piss you off every day."

And you know it's gonna take some time until you feel completely safe around him again, but well, you feel like it might be worth the try.

For Worse And For Better Cbg

permanent taglist (part one): @mystiicturtle @etherealcherrie @rjsmochii @shiguresohmas @strawbrinkofdeath @yeonqt @bergandysam @startlinejjuni @junnmizz @b1u3hour @lvxbbh @txt-1997 @esmi2003 @haeloce @bibinnieposts @btxtreads @destroying-what-i-love @luvsoobs @vellitac @yeoncast @yoongiigolden @madomoazeru @robinsluva @starry-yui @lubtou @fanficpoet @yelyahryan @feline4txt @soobsluvr @erens-piss-cleaner @whoisalexa @kisshot-heartunderblade @gyusbbl @sleepinginthegarden7 @borahae-reads @eveyi @youre-on-your-ownkid @highkey-fangirling @milkycloudtyg @mrspetxrs @shuaeunie @choinsaw @hibuki-chan @iluvnrk-ksn @joti17 @kaislovergirl @ohwonwoo @soobin-chois @sunoik @wccycc

bold means i couldn't tag you!

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1 year ago

murphy’s law!

Murphys Law!
Murphys Law!
Murphys Law!

masterlist | 1k celebration

pairing: choi beomgyu x gn!reader

genre: angst, fluff, high school au, troublemaker!beomgyu, stuco president!reader, kind of one sided enemies to lovers if you squint

word count: 3.2k (im so sorry)

warnings: none afaik? just burnt out reader

prompt(s): #5 — “why are you crying?”

requested: “hi! congratulations on 1k followers!!! for the event, can i have prompt 5 with beomgyu? what i had on mind was like highschool au and reader just had a bad day or smth and had to stay after school to clean, and started crying in the classroom alone and beomgyu was also in the school and heard reader crying and found that it was his long time crush? i hope this makes sense! sorry if this was too long too😓 thank you in advance!!♥️♥️” — @loveliii

authors note: omg the first drabble of the celebration... except apparently i can’t write drabbles so it’s more of a oneshot plz forgive me.

Murphys Law!

MURPHY’S LAW STATES: everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Now, you had no idea who Murphy was, but you used to always believe he was full of shit. There had been plenty of instances where things could have gone wrong, but they didn’t. 

In fact, when it came to your case, it seemed like things usually went right. You got good grades, and got along well with all of your teachers. You were the captain of your school’s volleyball team, and had even been elected your school’s student body president your last year of high school. Things always went well for you, which is why you had never really been a believer in what that Murphy guy had to say. 

At least, that’s what you thought before today. Because now, you were starting to think maybe you had taken your past ability to narrowly avoid disaster for granted. Because today, just like Murphy had once predicted, everything that could go wrong did just that: go wrong. 

It started with your stupid charger. The night before, you must have apparently unplugged it, because when you plugged it into your phone before going to bed, it never charged. Which meant your phone died, and that meant your alarm never went off. And that meant you woke up ten minutes before school started, and your bus was going to be there any second. 

So, in the quickest fashion you could muster, you brushed through your hair so you looked at least somewhat presentable then slipped into your uniform. You were incredibly impressed by how fast you’d managed to do that—just over 60 seconds! It must have been some kind of record. Less impressive, though, was the fact that even though you had been so speedy, you watched as the bus you were supposed to be on drove away in the direction of your school, leaving you behind. 

Thank goodness for all those years playing volleyball, you had built up enough stamina to (barely) get you from your house all the way to the school. You were twenty minutes late, sure, but hey, at least you were there, right? Your first period teacher was not so understanding, almost immediately assigning you to detention after school. 

Detention. You never got detention. In your four years at that school, working your ass off to be the best student you could be, a child your parents could be proud ofc, not once had you gotten assigned to detention. The realization that for the first time ever, you’d been punished by a teacher, was a foreign feeling as you sat at your desk and replayed everything that had happened. Detention, all because your stupid phone charger decided not to work the night before. 

“Damn, I thought you were immune to detention.” A voice behind you whispered, and you glanced over to see Choi Beomgyu grinning at you. Of course Beomgyu had seen that all. 

Choi Beomgyu was the exact opposite of you. He had fights with teachers basically on the daily, and you were pretty sure he was failing most of his classes. Not because he was stupid, by any means, he was actually really smart. He just didn’t try, he didn’t care about school the way you did. What he did care about, though, was teasing you as much as was humanly possible. 

And of course, he had just seen you, the student body president, run into class twenty minutes late and get detention. 

You had half a mind to bite back at him, because oh would that be satisfying, but you weren’t looking to talk in the middle of class and make your punishment worse than it already was. You instead gave him a side-eye glare, and he must have found it amusing since he started to giggle. 

Once class got out, you really shouldn’t have been surprised to glance over your shoulder to see Choi Beomgyu following you, hot on your tail like he was some sort of lost puppy. You groaned quietly to yourself, hoping that if you ignored him long enough, he would get bored and walk away. Unfortunately, Beomgyu was a very patient man. 

“I can’t believe you were late! What happened? Did your carriage lose a wheel on the way here, your highness?” He asked, using his long legs so he could get right up next to you.  

You stayed silent.

“Come on, you can tell me! I’m like, the king of being late. I won’t judge.” He nudged your arm with his elbow, with just enough pressure for you to fall out of your rhythm. Now, he finally had your attention as you turned to look at him, eyes narrowed.

“Look, I’m not in the mood today, okay?” You told him flatly, and you were expecting him to find your irritable mood amusing, and find a way to push your buttons further than he already had, but he didn’t. 

Instead, his face softened and he (surprisingly) went quiet. You didn’t bother sticking around to figure out what that was all about, not when you still needed to get to your class on the other end of the building, and you were not risking being late to a second class. So, you gave him a small nod, a thank you for leaving you alone, then walked away.

The rest of your day wasn’t any better. 

In your history class, you got your grades for a test you’d recently taken, and nearly fell out of your seat when you saw a big fat C staring back at you. And your horror increased tenfold when you saw it wasn’t just a C, but a C minus. Never in your high school career had you gotten a C minus. 

At that point of the day, you were starting to become convinced that someone had put some sort of curse on you. You didn’t really have any enemies who would have done that to you, though. Except maybe Choi Beomgyu, but you had a feeling putting a curse on someone was too much effort for him to be bothered with.

By the time the school day was over, you were completely exhausted. At lunch, your best friend, Sumin, accidentally spilled her drink on your uniform, and now you were wearing some extras from the lost and found that were much too big for you. You wanted nothing more than to go home, crawl into your bed and have a good cry, but you still had to do your detention. 

You weren’t really sure what to expect from detention, considering you’d never had to do it before. You knew you weren’t looking forward to it, though, and just hoped it wouldn’t be anything horrible--especially since it was your first offense.

Your first period teacher was waiting for you in her classroom after classes got out, and she greeted you with a sympathetic smile. “Y/N. You know you’re one of my favorite students, so it really broke my heart when I saw you come in late this morning.”

The urge to roll your eyes arose, but you managed to fight it. Here she was, acting like you had betrayed her or something, when really, it was her decision to punish you for something so small. 

“I understand.” You replied with a nod, avoiding her gaze. 

“Good. So, I figured out the perfect thing for you.” She stood up and began to walk out of the classroom, with you following closely behind. 

Apparently, the perfect thing for you was some storage room that clearly hadn’t been cleaned in a long time. There had been racks with boxes of textbooks that must have gotten knocked over, since the books were now all over the floor. And the room was covered in a thick layer of dust that made your nose itch the second you stepped inside. She left you with a singular rag, a bottle of cleaner, then left you alone.

You stood in the doorframe, assessing the room in front of you. Just from looking at it, you knew it was going to take you at least a few hours to clean the entire thing by yourself. Which meant it was going to be a few hours before you could go home, a few hours before you could go sleep this horrible, awful day away. Even worse, you were sure that something would go wrong during those next few hours that would prolong the time even longer. 

Throughout the whole day, ever since you first realized you’d missed the bus, you had felt tears pricking your waterline, but you had managed to hold them in. You were going to wait until you were in your own bedroom, in private, before you even thought of letting them out. But now, as you stood there, staring at the mess in front of you, you could no longer hold them in.

It was like the floodgates had opened up, and all of the emotions you’d been restraining all day were released. A sob racked through your body, and you were no longer able to keep yourself steady, your knees unbuckling beneath you and causing you to collapse onto the floor. It was wildly embarrassing, the way you became a mess on the floor of the dirtiest room you’d ever seen, where anyone could walk in and see you. 

And of course, because stupid Murphy just had to be right, that was exactly what happened. 

There was a soft knock at the door, and you hurriedly looked over your shoulder to see the absolute last person you wanted to see poking his head in. You were overcome with horror as you snapped your head around to look away, praying as hard as you could to whatever deity would listen that he hadn’t seen your tears. 

“Woah, are you crying?” He asked, and you shook your head.

“No. Why would I be crying?” You sniffled, picking up the rag and spray bottle you had dropped onto the floor and standing up. He caught a glimpse of your face again when you walked past, and he scoffed. 

“You’re totally crying. Why are you crying? What’s wrong?” He asked again, stepping further into the storage closet and shutting the door behind him. 

You shot him a glare as you attempted to stand one of the racks back up. “I’m not crying. Besides, even if I were, I’m not telling you. You’ll just make fun of me.” You mumbled the last part. Standing the rack up was proving to be futile. 

“No I wouldn’t!” He defended himself, watching as you struggled to push the rack up. “Here, let me help you with that--”

“No!” You snapped at him, and he backed up with his hands held up defensively. You tried one more time to stand it up, and let out a frustrated groan when it once again wouldn’t budge. You had no choice but to surrender, and move to the side so Beomgyu could help you. 

You were angry that you had to get his help to move the stupid thing. Now you were forced to be thankful he had showed up and barged in. “Thanks.” You muttered, brushing past him as you went to once again get your little rag and bottle.

“You’re welcome.” Beomgyu replied, and though you were facing away from him, you could hear his annoying, cocky smile in his voice. “So, are you going to tell me why you were crying?” 


“Oh, so you were crying!”

“I didn’t say that.” You looked up at him as you sprayed cleaner onto the dusty shelf. “I told you already, didn’t I? I don’t want to talk about it.” 

Unfortunately, he didn’t seem as willing to drop the subject as he had earlier in the day. “Come on, Y/N. I saw you crying, you’re clearly upset, just tell me about it!” 

“You’re going to laugh at me.”

“No I won’t!” He exclaimed, sounding exasperated. You raised an eye at his outburst, and he cleared his throat. “Seriously. I won’t.” He softened his tone, looking at you with pleading eyes. 

You stared back at him, trying to figure out if you could trust him. This was Choi Beomgyu you were talking about, the boy who had tormented you for years on end with his constant teasing. But, he did look very sincere. And you were sort of itching to rant to someone. 

“Fine. My phone didn’t charge last night, so my alarm never went off, so I woke up late, then I missed the bus and had to run to school, and then I got detention, and then I got a C on my stupid history test, and then Sumin spilled her stupid soda on me, so I had to wear this stupid uniform from the lost and found, and-and then I had to come here and clean this stupid closet, and I’m just so tired, and I-I--” The next thing you knew you were crying again, your breath hitching in the back of your throat as the tears spilled onto your cheeks once again. 

The second the sobs slipped from your lips again, Beomgyu rushed around the shelf, slipping his arms around your trembling body and pulling you close to his chest. You were so desperate for any kind of comfort, you didn’t bother trying to push him away. Instead, you leaned into his touch, reaching up to grip onto the edge of his uniform jacket. He began to rub your back as you buried your face into his shirt, letting yourself cry--like, really cry. You thought you were going to pass out at any second from how difficult it was for you to catch your breath between sobs. 

After enough of his fingers rubbing circles into your back and his soft shh’s whispered into your ear, you were slowly able to calm down to the point you could breathe again. It was truly unbelievable that you were here, in some dusty storage closet crying into Choi Beomgyu’s arms. It was not a position you had ever predicted yourself to be in. And yet…

You didn’t totally hate it.

“Can I tell you something?” Beomgyu asked softly, and with a small sniffle, you nodded against his shirt. “The reason I tease you so much… It’s so embarrassing…” He laughed softly, and you gently pulled your head away, looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

“What?” You asked, and as he gazed down at you, his cheeks reddened. 

“Um… When we were in first grade, I tried to copy off of your test, once…”

“Yeah, I knew that.”

“What?! No you didn’t, I was so subtle, you didn’t even notice.” He shook his head, and you rolled your eyes. “But anyways, that’s not the point. I was trying to copy off your test, but I remember, I made the mistake of looking at your face--”

“What’s wrong with my face?” You asked defensively, a frown befalling your features.

“Let me finish!” He snapped at you, and out of curiosity to hear the rest of the story, you conceded. “So, I made the mistake of looking at your face, and you were all focused, and had your tongue sticking out of the side of your mouth,” he paused to allow a giggle to escape his lips. 

“And I remember thinking you were so cute, and then I got so distracted watching you, by the time you got up to turn your test in, I had missed everything you had written down.”

You stared at him in confusion, trying to figure out what on Earth the point of this whole story was. “What…?”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, Y/N. You’re the top of all our classes, and you can’t figure it out?” 

You shook your head, and he let out a defeated sigh.

“I’m saying, Y/N, that I tease you because…” He paused, sucking in a shaky breath. “Because I like you, okay?” 



Beomgyu liked you? Since first grade? You were unable to process his words, playing them in your head on repeat like some kind of broken record. He liked you. He annoyed the hell out of you, just because he liked you. What kind of middle school boy behavior was that? 

“Oh? Is that all you have to say to my heartfelt confession?” He asked in fake offense, and you quickly shook your head. 

“No! I’m just--it’s just--you like me? As in like-like me?” He nodded in confirmation, and you squinted your eyes at him. As he watched you, your gaze drifted down to his jacket, which you had been clinging onto just moments earlier, and the tear soaked fabric. 

You felt like you should be absolutely appalled by his confession, and wracked with disgust, or something. You weren’t supposed to like Beomgyu! You weren’t supposed to be able to even stand him! But, his confession wasn’t the worst thing you had ever heard. In fact, as your fingers reached out to graze the edge of his jacket, you thought maybe you sort of liked hearing it.

“Y/N?” He asked you quietly, and you hummed in answer. “You don’t have to say anything, you know. In fact, if you really want me to, I can leave. Or you can leave, and I’ll finish cleaning for you--”

Maybe it was because you were in an emotionally crazed state, or you were desperate to prove Murphy wrong, hell, maybe it was just because you liked him back, but whatever it was, something overcame you, and the next thing you knew, you were tightening your fingers around his jacket to pull him close to you and press your lips against his. 

The first thing you thought when you kissed Choi Beomgyu, was why hadn’t you done this sooner? You had been so consumed by your dislike towards him, and too focused on other things like your academics, you had never stopped to think of Beomgyu in this way. But now, as he immediately kissed you back, and wrapped his arms around your waist, you wished you had thought of him this way. 

Because kissing Choi Beomgyu was absolutely not wrong. Rather, it was very, very right. It was like his lips were made to fit perfectly against your own, as they moved together in unison. You started to think all the bad things that had gone down that day weren’t so bad if it meant they would lead to this. 

After what felt like an eternity of heavy breathing and hot kisses, the two of you finally pulled away, resting your foreheads against one another as you attempted to catch your breath. You glanced up at Beomgyu, a small grin spreading across your face to mirror his own. 

“Hey, do you really want to clean all this shit?” He asked quietly, cocking an eyebrow at you. You shook your head. “Didn’t think so. Let’s get out of here, we’ll just tell them I kidnapped you, or something. You’re the Pres, they’ll believe us.”

Running away now was risking even further punishment, but Beomgyu was right. You were the president, you could basically do whatever you wanted. Besides, you’d spent all day trying to do the right thing, and still, everything had gone wrong. So, why not live a little, right? And why not do it with the cute boy who just confessed he’d liked you since the first grade?

You nodded. “Okay.”  

Murphys Law!

permanent tag list: @jakeshands @therealhyunjingf @exohclipse @ttyunz @naveries @mazeinthemoon @luvsoobs @n0-thisispatrick @arizzu @dewyboi @yeonboy

Tags :
3 years ago

Message in a Bottle

Message In A Bottle

-Pairing: Beomgyu x reader

-Words: 4.8k

-Rating/Warnings: SFW, non-idol AU, rock band AU, best friends to lovers, mentions of drinking, mild cursing, fluff, angst

-Author's Note: This Taylor Swift song has been begging me to write a fic, so here we are! Beomgyu just won't leave me alone these days, so here's a New Year's Eve fic centered around the one and only Mr. Choi. Enjoy!


“For the fancy lady with the new job.”

You roll your eyes as your best friend exits the ice cream shop in front of you, gloved hands clutching two soft serves as he smiles at you. Eye roll aside, you take the strawberry confection out of his hands. Though it makes next to no sense in the dead of winter, a hallmark of your friendship with Beomgyu is getting ice cream together, no matter how the weather protests.

“I’m not fancy,” you finally say around a mouthful of ice cream. Beomgyu simply shakes his head, rolling his eyes back at you.

“Okay, whatever you say. Just a new job then, in a nice building downtown, with a pay raise. Not fancy at all.” He grins goofily across his cone to you as you give in and laugh. “But seriously…how do you feel about starting a new job right before the new year?” Concern laces his features-he knows that you’ve been searching for a new job for a while, but he also knows how change makes your stomach churn, which is exactly what it starts doing when you reply.

“I’m nervous. Excited, but nervous. What if everyone thinks I’m incompetent? Or just doesn’t like me?” You scuff your boot against the sidewalk, back and forth.

“Well one, you’re not incompetent because you wouldn’t have gotten the job if you were, so there’s that off the table. And if they don’t like you? I’ll come kick their asses.”

You know he’s joking, but as you look up at Beomgyu, you can’t help but notice a hint of steel behind his usual mischievousness.

“You couldn’t kick anyone’s ass if you tried,” you retort, swatting your arm towards him. You’re surprised when he catches your wrist in a tight, strong grip, the veins in his forearm standing out a little when he takes a step closer to you.

“Don’t forget I’ve been working out lately…don’t try me, or I’ll kick your ass.”

You stick your tongue out in response, which leads him to pick you up and sling you over his shoulder. You squeak out a gasp, and immediately start pounding on his back, demanding he put you down. He cackles, and doesn’t comply until he’s dropping you off at your apartment doorstep a block down from the ice cream shop.

“I told you, don’t try me. Have a great first day of work at your new job tomorrow!”

He’s gone before you can even respond.


The first week and a half of your new job goes by in a blur. You’re learning new systems, new coworkers’ names, and just generally it feels like an overload of information. Even with everything happening with a learning curve, you don’t feel incompetent, and you feel well-liked to your pleasant surprise. However, what you didn’t expect was your boss to tell you about the company’s New Years’ Eve party…and how excited he was to see you and your plus one there in a few days’ time.

You don’t have a plus one.


“So how’s the new job going? Tell me all the juicy gossip, I want to know everything!” Beomgyu shouts into the phone over the noise of wherever he’s at.

“There’s nothing that juicy to tell, promise. I’m still learning everything, it’s been fun though. So far, so good!” You can’t help smiling as you talk, the giddy energy from your job change still coursing through you. There's silence before you continue.


“But what? Do I need to kick someone’s ass? I told you I would,” he laughs.

“No, no, nothing like that. It’s just…the company has this fancy New Years Eve party in a couple of days…”

“ Sounds like a good time.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But, my boss just told me about it yesterday. And he’s expecting me to bring a plus one, everyone is.”

“Okay, so ask that dude from your last job that you liked. Soobin, isn’t that his name?” Beomgyu sounds nonchalant, like nothing you’re saying should be of any concern.

“Okay, one, I would never do that. Two, Soobin isn’t even interested in me like that, he told me so when I asked him out for coffee once.”

Beomgyu sputters into something he’s drinking, you’re not sure what.

“Why am I just now hearing about this, exactly? Also, he’s completely stupid to not be interested in you, any guy would be lucky to date you,-”

“Thanks for the pep talk, Gyu, but that’s not why I called you.” You pick nervously at your nails, and though he can’t see you, he can tell that you feel uncomfortable.

“So why did you call? Are you okay? Did something else happen?” He’s soft in his response to you, and you know if he were here in person, he’d be drawing you into his side.

“I lied to my boss.” You swallow thickly, your gaze darting around your living room where you’re now pacing.

“Lied? What did you say?”

“...that I had a boyfriend?” you reply quietly.

“Okay…who? Who did you mean?”

“ I told him I was bringing my boyfriend, Beomgyu.”

There’s a long, long silence that hangs in the air as you wait for your friend to say something. Anything.

Suddenly, there’s a loud barking laugh from the other side of the phone.

“That’s all? Please…I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. Your boss will be impressed because I clean up well, your coworkers will be swooning, and you’ll be the life of the party. What a fun time!”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“No, never! At least not for something like this, anyway. I’m excited! I’ve never been to a fancy New Years Eve party, this’ll be great. We should go shopping for outfits tomorrow, yeah?”

“Sure. I’ll see you then, I guess,” you reply before ending the call.

What the heck had you gotten yourself into?


The next day passes in a rush of shops, suits, and sequins until the two of you settle on an outfit each for the party. You still feel guilty for lying to your boss and roping Beomgyu into pretending to be your boyfriend, but he repeatedly reminds you throughout the shopping spree that he is absolutely fine with the whole thing, citing ‘being able to practice acting’ and a love of fancy parties as reasons to not be worried about it.

However, you can’t help but worry as you slip into a bright sequined jumpsuit on New Year's Eve. It’s flashier than anything you would ever wear normally, and no matter which way you move, light dances off the silver sparkles covering your body. A small sigh escapes you as you resign yourself to the attention you’ll surely draw, and the sigh turns into exasperation as you attempt to pull the zipper of the jumpsuit fully up, only to get stuck at the middle of your back.

“...hello?” You hear Beomgyu’s voice echo down the hallway towards your room, causing you to glance over at the clock by your bedside. 6:35. Shit. You’d told him to pick you up at 6:30, and you hadn’t even heard him knock.

“You didn’t answer the door, so I just used the spare key…are you okay?” His voice sounds closer, and you hear the door to your bedroom open slowly.

“Can you…ugh…help me…with this stupid zipper?!” you exclaim, giving one last tug before letting your hands fall to your sides.

“I’ve got you.” You feel his hands sweep your hair over your shoulder so he has access to your back, and in one swift move, he’s got the zipper pulled to the top of the jumpsuit. You look up into your full length mirror to see Beomgyu gently readjusting your hair to cascade down your back again.

He then leans in over your shoulder, hands loosely covering your hips. “You look lovely,” he murmurs in your ear, the low baritone of his voice causing goosebumps to rise on your bare arms.

As he steps away from you, you can see he’s chosen to wear black dress pants with a white button down, black tie, and a black leather jacket.

He looks good. Really good. So good, you don’t realize you’ve been staring silently until he says, “Yeah, I really leaned into the whole ‘I play guitar in a band’ aesthetic. It’s not too much, is it?”

You attempt to respond only to be met with a dry throat. You cough, trying again. “No, Gyu. You look so good. Great.” A steady heat is making its way up your neck and face, which isn’t helped when Beomgyu seems like he’s suddenly getting shy, hand reaching to rub the back of his neck.

“We should head downtown, don’t want to be late!” you chirp cheerily, trying to make things less awkward. Beomgyu seems to snap out of whatever headspace he was in and his usual grin makes his way across his face.

“After you, m’lady.” You roll your eyes, and he just pokes your side as you both walk out of your apartment.


The ride downtown is comfortable, both of you having recovered from whatever had happened in your bedroom. Beomgyu parks his car in the garage of a towering skyscraper downtown, and you’re shocked to see that your company has rented out one of the most coveted views in the whole city. The two of you head inside, duck into an already crowded elevator, and head to the 15th floor.

As everyone piles out, your best friend reaches for your hand, which you jerk away from without thinking.

“Hey, I’m your boyfriend tonight, remember? We’ve got this.” Beomgyu reaches for your hand again, and this time you let his fingers intertwine with your own. Though the feeling is foreign, it’s comforting all at the same time. You glance over at him, clearly nervous, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. You steel yourself, and head into the party.

Turns out you needn’t have worried about most of the night. As predicted, your jumpsuit does garner a lot of attention, but with that attention come a lot of sincere compliments. Beomgyu is a hit with everyone-your boss is impressed with his day job, and your coworkers are fascinated with the fact that he’s in a band and he writes a lot of the music they play. You even notice a few of the women you work with giving him side glances when they think you’re not looking, which makes you laugh.

All the while, Beomgyu plays the part of the doting, attentive boyfriend. When your boss chats with him about his work, he makes sure you’re a part of the conversation. While coworkers are asking about his band, he pulls you close and keeps an arm around your waist while he’s talking, telling them all about his latest song which happens to be about you. You thought he hadn’t noticed the stares from other women, but it seems every time you catch one, he’s whispering in your ear, kissing the top of your head, or asking you to dance with him.

All of the attention feels so natural, it throws you for a loop. There’s a flush coloring your cheeks every time Beomgyu dances with you, both from the effort you’re exerting and his warm gaze that seems to travel up and down your body watching your every move. You’re enjoying what might be your tenth or twelfth trip to the dancefloor, when suddenly Beomgyu’s hands wrap around your waist, pulling you so close that you’re chest to chest.

“Hi,” he murmurs into your ear, just loud enough to hear over the music that’s shifted into a slow song.

“...hi,” you squeak out, looking up to find his deep brown eyes gazing down at you.

“Have I told you how pretty you look tonight?” he hums, a smile tugging at one corner of his mouth.

“You told me earlier before we left my apartment. And then again earlier tonight while we were talking to my coworker.” You raise an eyebrow questioningly.

“Funny, I can’t remember either of those…guess I’ll just tell you again. Silly me.” He takes your confusion as an opportunity to spin you out and back again into his arms.

“Beomgyu…what’s gotten into you? I know you’re pretending to be my boyfriend, but no one can hear us over the music right now.”

“I know. There’s just a guy over by the drinks who keeps looking over here at you, hoping I don’t notice. Except I have…and I don’t appreciate it.” You follow his glare over to one of your new coworkers, who sure enough is looking your way, though he tries to poorly cover it up once you both are staring at him.

“Are you…jealous?” You can’t believe the words that are coming out of your mouth, but you don’t know what else to call Beomgyu’s behavior other than jealousy.

“I, in fact, am not jealous, thank you for asking. I just don’t appreciate that he thinks it’s okay to openly stare at someone that for all intents and purposes has a boyfriend tonight, that’s all. C’mon, let’s go up to the roof and get away from creeper over there.”

Beomgyu laces his fingers with yours and creates a path through the partygoers, through a small door and up a staircase to the roof. You gasp as you walk up to the edge of the building, the skyline in front of you taking your breath away.

“It’s beautiful.” You can’t think of a better word to describe the scene in front of you, and you look to the man beside you to see if he agrees, only to find him staring at you instead.

“It really is.” His gaze never wavers, and he steps closer to you. “Check the time,” he whispers softly.


“Happy New Years, lovely.” His breath fans out over your face, and you find yourself drawing closer as if by some unseen force until your lips are meeting his.

It’s not what you expected, to be kissing your best friend on New Year’s Eve. Or ever. But you can’t say you’re too upset about it. Beomgyu’s lips are soft and full, gentle with you as if you might crumble beneath him if he’s too harsh. His tongue softly prodding against your lips is what brings you back to reality, pulling away with a dazed and panicked look on your face.

You just kissed your best friend. Beomgyu just kissed you.

You clear your throat and take a step to distance yourself from him. Even though you see him try to school his features into neutrality, you know him too well-there’s a ghost of hurt flickering behind his eyes and your heart sinks into the pit of your stomach.

Before you can even say anything, he beats you to it.

“Here, you’re shivering. I’ll take you home.” He wraps his leather jacket around your shoulders and heads back down the staircase to the party, making sure you’re following him every so often.

The ride home is just as silent as the one downtown, but this time it’s not comfortable. You keep wanting to say something, but keep your mouth shut in fear of making the whole situation worse. You didn’t know how you felt, and you didn’t want to mess things up further by saying something completely stupid. Side glances at Beomgyu tell you nothing, as he’s managed to shove whatever he’s feeling so far down inside, all you can see is the neutrality he’d been attempting earlier.

Once you get to your apartment, you hand back his jacket wordlessly. As he turns to leave, you reach out and grab his arm. He looks back at you, a small flicker of hope igniting in his gaze.

“See you tomorrow?” It comes out in a small, weak voice.

Beomgyu shakes his head, trying to smile but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I’m leaving for our new year gigs tomorrow. I won’t be back for a week and a half, and I’ll be hard to get ahold of. I’ll see you when I get back, okay?”

You nod meekly.



“Are we okay?”

You see him shift his weight from foot to foot as he suddenly can’t seem to look you in the eyes.

“We will be. Take care of yourself, okay? Since I won’t be here to do it for you.” A small laugh escapes him as he turns and walks away. You stare after him long after he’s out of sight, wondering if you’ve just ruined the closest relationship you’ve ever had.


The following week drags on forever without Beomgyu. At work, it feels like you’re on autopilot, not quite paying attention to things you’re being asked. Your mind keeps wandering back to New Years Eve, and the fact that you had kissed your best friend. Obviously he must have gotten swept away in the moment, pretending to be your boyfriend? Or maybe he did have feelings for you. But where did that leave you? Did you have feelings too?

It doesn’t help that communication between the two of you is sporadic, as his signal goes in and out as he’s traveling, and when he’s in a city, he’s practicing, playing a gig, or hanging out with his bandmates. The best you can manage is texts sent that he responds to hours later, if not days. As if he knows you’re thinking about him (but when have you not been this week?), your phone pings with an incoming text message.

You (10:05 PM): Hey, hope you and the band got to your hotel safely!

Gyu (11:37 AM): Hey! Sorry it took so long to respond, but yeah we did. The gig last night was sick! :D

You don’t bother texting back since you know it’ll be another day before he responds. You sigh heavily instead and gather your belongings to head home since you only work half days on Friday. At least it’s the weekend, and Beomgyu will be home in a few days…hopefully things can go back to normal soon.


Turns out the weekend can’t even save you. As you go through the motions, you realize just how closely intertwined your life is with his. Ice cream trips. Movie nights with takeout. Walks in the park catching up on your week. Doing all of it by yourself feels wrong, like you’re cheating on your best friend by not including him. But that’s absurd. Right? You’re staring at your ceiling in bed on Sunday night, thinking about the last time you had a sleepover with Beomgyu. You had both been a little drunk, giggling over the smallest things, and even though he had been further gone than you, he helped you get ready for bed. Used a makeup wipe to gently remove your mascara, made you brush your teeth while he watched. He’d then patted you on the head once you’d crawled into your sheets, saluting you as he clumsily made his way to the couch to fall asleep himself.

You turn to face the empty side of your bed, wishing he was here beside you.



You roll back immediately to stare at your ceiling again. You wished he was here beside you? He never stayed in your bed with you, even on your drunkest of nights…he was always on the couch. So why did your brain suddenly think that? Flashes of New Years Eve come crashing back into your head, Beomgyu’s lips insistently pressed against yours, tongue seeking entrance to your mouth before you had stepped away. The memories make you feel warm and tingly all over, wishing again that he was laying beside you. And you remember how you haven’t been able to get him out of your head all week, even though he’s gone to do shows before. All of it together suddenly makes sense, and you want to hide from yourself at how stupid you’ve been.

You just might be in love with your best friend.


Your realization haunts you through the next day. You want to wait to talk to Beomgyu until he’s home, but something keeps tugging at you the whole day to reach out before then. A text seems entirely too casual, plus what would you say? ‘Hey I think I love you?’ Absolutely not. You’ll call him.

Except when you finally sit down to do so after dinner that night, it goes to voicemail. Of course it does, he has a show tonight. Nevertheless, you brace yourself to record after the beep-you’ve thought way too hard about what you need to say to chicken out now.


“Hey, Beomgyu, I hope your show is going really well tonight…um, I just wanted to call because-nothing’s wrong, so don’t worry about that! Anyway, I just thought it was too important to send via text so here I am, leaving a voicemail…”

You take a deep breath, realizing that you’ve started to ramble and aren’t making a ton of sense.

“-like I said, this is important. One, I am so sorry I stepped away from you on New Years Eve, I think I just freaked out? There was absolutely nothing wrong with you kissing me, at all. It was nice, actually. Two, I miss you a stupid amount. This weekend every time I did anything, I wanted you with me…which leads me to three. I realized because of how much I missed you that I want to spend time with you all the time. I found myself wishing you were sleeping next to me last night? So that was new. Anyway, all that to say-I miss you. I miss hanging out with you. I figured out I miss your lips and that kiss from New Years as well, so what I’m trying to spit out is…I think I love you, and-”

You’re suddenly cut off by the beep of his voicemail box, telling you you’ve reached the message time limit.

“Dammit!” you curse, hurling your phone against your couch. You let out a shaky breath, and pick it back up.

There’s nothing to do now but wait.


You fall asleep waiting, and wake up to a singular text from Beomgyu.

Gyu (9:59 AM): Are you coming to our homecoming show tonight?

Okay, so maybe he didn’t listen to your voicemail. That’s okay, right? You’ll just see him in person. And tell him your feelings. In person.

You (10:02 AM): Front row, wouldn’t miss it! :)

Your response seems nonchalant, but your stomach is churning and you feel like you might throw up. You decide that working from home might be the best plan for the day, and so you turn to spreadsheets, emails, and reading articles to distract you from what might be the end of your world as you know it.

Soon enough, 6:00 rolls around and you shut off your laptop as you finish off a quick dinner you had made for yourself as you finished up the day’s tasks. You decide to treat tonight as just a normal show you’re going to, throwing on a distressed band tee (Beomgyu’s band MOA, artfully bleached and torn by yours truly) with black jeans and stomper boots, accented with a red lip.

You grab your purse off the counter and quickly dash out the door to walk the few blocks to the dive bar MOA is playing, making sure to get there early so you can be front row like you promised.

Sure enough, you’re one of the first people there and it’s easy for you to choose a spot right in front of where you know Beomgyu will be playing for most of the show. Ten minutes after you arrive, he and the rest of the band walk out to tune their instruments. You give a quick wave to Yeonjun, the band’s lead vocalist, and he nudges Beomgyu, turning his attention to you. He quickly jogs across the stage, leans down and throws his legs over the edge and pulls you into a tight hug.

“Hey stranger, feels like ten years since I’ve seen you. I missed you,” he mumbles into your hair.

You pull back, attempting to fix your hair. Noticing his shaggy black hair’s gotten mussed as well, you push it off his face. Before you can draw your hand away, Beomgyu’s covered it with his own, squeezing it softly.

“You look good in my shirt.” His eyes sparkle mischievously as he motions to your band tee with his other hand, and you roll your eyes even as you can feel your cheeks color.

“Yeah, yeah…don’t you have to get ready for the show, rockstar?”

“I do,” he pouts, “but I’ll come find you later, okay?” You nod, and he stands back up and wanders over to his guitar, picking it up and making sure it’s in tune.

More and more people start to crowd around and behind you, and before you know it, the show has started. You’re scream singing the lyrics just as loudly as anyone else, cheering your heart out at the end of every song. Every so often, you catch smiles that Beomgyu is sending you, and it makes your heart feel like it’s leapt up into your throat. Even though it makes you nervous, you can’t help the smiles you send back in return.

Towards the end of the show, Beomgyu steps up to his mic, addressing the crowd.

“Hey everyone, thanks so much for coming out tonight! Our last song we’re going to play for you is an exclusive-we just workshopped this today, mostly because I just wrote it today. Let us know whether you like it!”

Cheers immediately erupt through the crowd, and simmer down once he starts strumming his guitar and steps up to the mic.

“I know that you like me

And it’s kinda frightenin’

Standing here, waitin’, waitin’

And I became hypnotized

By freckles and bright eyes

Tongue tied”

Beomgyu looks over at you and sends a cheeky wink your way. Wait a second, is he singing…about you?

“Cause you could be the one that I love

I could be the one that you dream of

Message in a bottle is all I can do

Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you

You could be the one that I keep, and I

Can be the reason you can't sleep at night

Message in a bottle is all I can do

Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you”

You feel rooted to the spot, staring at the boy in front of you as he sings, staring straight at you, no trace of embarrassment or shame on his face. You barely notice when Yeonjun takes over singing the next verse, your eyes following Beomgyu instead as he pulls his guitar strap over his head, placing the instrument onto its stand.

He walks in front of your spot in front of the stage, and sits down with his legs dangling over the edge, just as he had before the show. He reaches out toward you slowly, but with purpose, gently cupping the sides of your face. You barely register the screaming and whistling that’s happening around you as the other audience members witness the private moment between the two of you.

Beomgyu slowly slides his thumb across your cheek, his eyes glimmering with mischief and something you can’t quite place as he leans towards you.

“Is this okay?” he whispers, barely audible over the song.

You wrap your arms around his neck in response, pulling him to his feet off the stage, crashing your lips onto his. His lips are full and soft just like you remember, and that warm and tingly feeling from before is even stronger, prompting you to be the one who gently asks for entrance to his mouth with your tongue, which he eagerly grants. You’re not sure how long the two of you stand there, too wrapped up in each other to care what’s happening around you. Beomgyu finally pulls back for air, a huge smile on his face that he can’t get rid of. He leans his forehead against yours as he breathes heavily, and begins laughing. It feels contagious, and you’re so giddy you can’t help but join in.

“You are the one I dream of,” you breathe out between giggles.

“I’m glad…because you’re the one that I love. I love you too,” Beomgyu states simply, landing another kiss on your lips.

“I take it you got my voicemail?”

“Of course I did, and I saved it. Just figured I’d respond in person. With a song that I wrote for you…among the others I’ve written about you, this one just happens to be the only one that’s seen the light of day. And it’s a hit!” He gestures around you, where Yeonjun is finishing out the song and the crowd has erupted into raucous cheers.

“There’s…others?” Your eyes widen in surprise.

“Many others…I’ll play them for you if you’re lucky. I’m just glad you got my message in a bottle.”


Taglist: @hyungieyoongi @alpacaparkaseok @derinxfam

Check out my other work here!

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2 years ago

One of my personal faves I’ve ever written just hit 200 notes-I appreciate every person that’s taken time to read this! 🥰

Message in a Bottle

Message In A Bottle

-Pairing: Beomgyu x reader

-Words: 4.8k

-Rating/Warnings: SFW, non-idol AU, rock band AU, best friends to lovers, mentions of drinking, mild cursing, fluff, angst

-Author's Note: This Taylor Swift song has been begging me to write a fic, so here we are! Beomgyu just won't leave me alone these days, so here's a New Year's Eve fic centered around the one and only Mr. Choi. Enjoy!


“For the fancy lady with the new job.”

You roll your eyes as your best friend exits the ice cream shop in front of you, gloved hands clutching two soft serves as he smiles at you. Eye roll aside, you take the strawberry confection out of his hands. Though it makes next to no sense in the dead of winter, a hallmark of your friendship with Beomgyu is getting ice cream together, no matter how the weather protests.

“I’m not fancy,” you finally say around a mouthful of ice cream. Beomgyu simply shakes his head, rolling his eyes back at you.

“Okay, whatever you say. Just a new job then, in a nice building downtown, with a pay raise. Not fancy at all.” He grins goofily across his cone to you as you give in and laugh. “But seriously…how do you feel about starting a new job right before the new year?” Concern laces his features-he knows that you’ve been searching for a new job for a while, but he also knows how change makes your stomach churn, which is exactly what it starts doing when you reply.

“I’m nervous. Excited, but nervous. What if everyone thinks I’m incompetent? Or just doesn’t like me?” You scuff your boot against the sidewalk, back and forth.

“Well one, you’re not incompetent because you wouldn’t have gotten the job if you were, so there’s that off the table. And if they don’t like you? I’ll come kick their asses.”

You know he’s joking, but as you look up at Beomgyu, you can’t help but notice a hint of steel behind his usual mischievousness.

“You couldn’t kick anyone’s ass if you tried,” you retort, swatting your arm towards him. You’re surprised when he catches your wrist in a tight, strong grip, the veins in his forearm standing out a little when he takes a step closer to you.

“Don’t forget I’ve been working out lately…don’t try me, or I’ll kick your ass.”

You stick your tongue out in response, which leads him to pick you up and sling you over his shoulder. You squeak out a gasp, and immediately start pounding on his back, demanding he put you down. He cackles, and doesn’t comply until he’s dropping you off at your apartment doorstep a block down from the ice cream shop.

“I told you, don’t try me. Have a great first day of work at your new job tomorrow!”

He’s gone before you can even respond.


The first week and a half of your new job goes by in a blur. You’re learning new systems, new coworkers’ names, and just generally it feels like an overload of information. Even with everything happening with a learning curve, you don’t feel incompetent, and you feel well-liked to your pleasant surprise. However, what you didn’t expect was your boss to tell you about the company’s New Years’ Eve party…and how excited he was to see you and your plus one there in a few days’ time.

You don’t have a plus one.


“So how’s the new job going? Tell me all the juicy gossip, I want to know everything!” Beomgyu shouts into the phone over the noise of wherever he’s at.

“There’s nothing that juicy to tell, promise. I’m still learning everything, it’s been fun though. So far, so good!” You can’t help smiling as you talk, the giddy energy from your job change still coursing through you. There's silence before you continue.


“But what? Do I need to kick someone’s ass? I told you I would,” he laughs.

“No, no, nothing like that. It’s just…the company has this fancy New Years Eve party in a couple of days…”

“ Sounds like a good time.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But, my boss just told me about it yesterday. And he’s expecting me to bring a plus one, everyone is.”

“Okay, so ask that dude from your last job that you liked. Soobin, isn’t that his name?” Beomgyu sounds nonchalant, like nothing you’re saying should be of any concern.

“Okay, one, I would never do that. Two, Soobin isn’t even interested in me like that, he told me so when I asked him out for coffee once.”

Beomgyu sputters into something he’s drinking, you’re not sure what.

“Why am I just now hearing about this, exactly? Also, he’s completely stupid to not be interested in you, any guy would be lucky to date you,-”

“Thanks for the pep talk, Gyu, but that’s not why I called you.” You pick nervously at your nails, and though he can’t see you, he can tell that you feel uncomfortable.

“So why did you call? Are you okay? Did something else happen?” He’s soft in his response to you, and you know if he were here in person, he’d be drawing you into his side.

“I lied to my boss.” You swallow thickly, your gaze darting around your living room where you’re now pacing.

“Lied? What did you say?”

“...that I had a boyfriend?” you reply quietly.

“Okay…who? Who did you mean?”

“ I told him I was bringing my boyfriend, Beomgyu.”

There’s a long, long silence that hangs in the air as you wait for your friend to say something. Anything.

Suddenly, there’s a loud barking laugh from the other side of the phone.

“That’s all? Please…I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. Your boss will be impressed because I clean up well, your coworkers will be swooning, and you’ll be the life of the party. What a fun time!”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“No, never! At least not for something like this, anyway. I’m excited! I’ve never been to a fancy New Years Eve party, this’ll be great. We should go shopping for outfits tomorrow, yeah?”

“Sure. I’ll see you then, I guess,” you reply before ending the call.

What the heck had you gotten yourself into?


The next day passes in a rush of shops, suits, and sequins until the two of you settle on an outfit each for the party. You still feel guilty for lying to your boss and roping Beomgyu into pretending to be your boyfriend, but he repeatedly reminds you throughout the shopping spree that he is absolutely fine with the whole thing, citing ‘being able to practice acting’ and a love of fancy parties as reasons to not be worried about it.

However, you can’t help but worry as you slip into a bright sequined jumpsuit on New Year's Eve. It’s flashier than anything you would ever wear normally, and no matter which way you move, light dances off the silver sparkles covering your body. A small sigh escapes you as you resign yourself to the attention you’ll surely draw, and the sigh turns into exasperation as you attempt to pull the zipper of the jumpsuit fully up, only to get stuck at the middle of your back.

“...hello?” You hear Beomgyu’s voice echo down the hallway towards your room, causing you to glance over at the clock by your bedside. 6:35. Shit. You’d told him to pick you up at 6:30, and you hadn’t even heard him knock.

“You didn’t answer the door, so I just used the spare key…are you okay?” His voice sounds closer, and you hear the door to your bedroom open slowly.

“Can you…ugh…help me…with this stupid zipper?!” you exclaim, giving one last tug before letting your hands fall to your sides.

“I’ve got you.” You feel his hands sweep your hair over your shoulder so he has access to your back, and in one swift move, he’s got the zipper pulled to the top of the jumpsuit. You look up into your full length mirror to see Beomgyu gently readjusting your hair to cascade down your back again.

He then leans in over your shoulder, hands loosely covering your hips. “You look lovely,” he murmurs in your ear, the low baritone of his voice causing goosebumps to rise on your bare arms.

As he steps away from you, you can see he’s chosen to wear black dress pants with a white button down, black tie, and a black leather jacket.

He looks good. Really good. So good, you don’t realize you’ve been staring silently until he says, “Yeah, I really leaned into the whole ‘I play guitar in a band’ aesthetic. It’s not too much, is it?”

You attempt to respond only to be met with a dry throat. You cough, trying again. “No, Gyu. You look so good. Great.” A steady heat is making its way up your neck and face, which isn’t helped when Beomgyu seems like he’s suddenly getting shy, hand reaching to rub the back of his neck.

“We should head downtown, don’t want to be late!” you chirp cheerily, trying to make things less awkward. Beomgyu seems to snap out of whatever headspace he was in and his usual grin makes his way across his face.

“After you, m’lady.” You roll your eyes, and he just pokes your side as you both walk out of your apartment.


The ride downtown is comfortable, both of you having recovered from whatever had happened in your bedroom. Beomgyu parks his car in the garage of a towering skyscraper downtown, and you’re shocked to see that your company has rented out one of the most coveted views in the whole city. The two of you head inside, duck into an already crowded elevator, and head to the 15th floor.

As everyone piles out, your best friend reaches for your hand, which you jerk away from without thinking.

“Hey, I’m your boyfriend tonight, remember? We’ve got this.” Beomgyu reaches for your hand again, and this time you let his fingers intertwine with your own. Though the feeling is foreign, it’s comforting all at the same time. You glance over at him, clearly nervous, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. You steel yourself, and head into the party.

Turns out you needn’t have worried about most of the night. As predicted, your jumpsuit does garner a lot of attention, but with that attention come a lot of sincere compliments. Beomgyu is a hit with everyone-your boss is impressed with his day job, and your coworkers are fascinated with the fact that he’s in a band and he writes a lot of the music they play. You even notice a few of the women you work with giving him side glances when they think you’re not looking, which makes you laugh.

All the while, Beomgyu plays the part of the doting, attentive boyfriend. When your boss chats with him about his work, he makes sure you’re a part of the conversation. While coworkers are asking about his band, he pulls you close and keeps an arm around your waist while he’s talking, telling them all about his latest song which happens to be about you. You thought he hadn’t noticed the stares from other women, but it seems every time you catch one, he’s whispering in your ear, kissing the top of your head, or asking you to dance with him.

All of the attention feels so natural, it throws you for a loop. There’s a flush coloring your cheeks every time Beomgyu dances with you, both from the effort you’re exerting and his warm gaze that seems to travel up and down your body watching your every move. You’re enjoying what might be your tenth or twelfth trip to the dancefloor, when suddenly Beomgyu’s hands wrap around your waist, pulling you so close that you’re chest to chest.

“Hi,” he murmurs into your ear, just loud enough to hear over the music that’s shifted into a slow song.

“...hi,” you squeak out, looking up to find his deep brown eyes gazing down at you.

“Have I told you how pretty you look tonight?” he hums, a smile tugging at one corner of his mouth.

“You told me earlier before we left my apartment. And then again earlier tonight while we were talking to my coworker.” You raise an eyebrow questioningly.

“Funny, I can’t remember either of those…guess I’ll just tell you again. Silly me.” He takes your confusion as an opportunity to spin you out and back again into his arms.

“Beomgyu…what’s gotten into you? I know you’re pretending to be my boyfriend, but no one can hear us over the music right now.”

“I know. There’s just a guy over by the drinks who keeps looking over here at you, hoping I don’t notice. Except I have…and I don’t appreciate it.” You follow his glare over to one of your new coworkers, who sure enough is looking your way, though he tries to poorly cover it up once you both are staring at him.

“Are you…jealous?” You can’t believe the words that are coming out of your mouth, but you don’t know what else to call Beomgyu’s behavior other than jealousy.

“I, in fact, am not jealous, thank you for asking. I just don’t appreciate that he thinks it’s okay to openly stare at someone that for all intents and purposes has a boyfriend tonight, that’s all. C’mon, let’s go up to the roof and get away from creeper over there.”

Beomgyu laces his fingers with yours and creates a path through the partygoers, through a small door and up a staircase to the roof. You gasp as you walk up to the edge of the building, the skyline in front of you taking your breath away.

“It’s beautiful.” You can’t think of a better word to describe the scene in front of you, and you look to the man beside you to see if he agrees, only to find him staring at you instead.

“It really is.” His gaze never wavers, and he steps closer to you. “Check the time,” he whispers softly.


“Happy New Years, lovely.” His breath fans out over your face, and you find yourself drawing closer as if by some unseen force until your lips are meeting his.

It’s not what you expected, to be kissing your best friend on New Year’s Eve. Or ever. But you can’t say you’re too upset about it. Beomgyu’s lips are soft and full, gentle with you as if you might crumble beneath him if he’s too harsh. His tongue softly prodding against your lips is what brings you back to reality, pulling away with a dazed and panicked look on your face.

You just kissed your best friend. Beomgyu just kissed you.

You clear your throat and take a step to distance yourself from him. Even though you see him try to school his features into neutrality, you know him too well-there’s a ghost of hurt flickering behind his eyes and your heart sinks into the pit of your stomach.

Before you can even say anything, he beats you to it.

“Here, you’re shivering. I’ll take you home.” He wraps his leather jacket around your shoulders and heads back down the staircase to the party, making sure you’re following him every so often.

The ride home is just as silent as the one downtown, but this time it’s not comfortable. You keep wanting to say something, but keep your mouth shut in fear of making the whole situation worse. You didn’t know how you felt, and you didn’t want to mess things up further by saying something completely stupid. Side glances at Beomgyu tell you nothing, as he’s managed to shove whatever he’s feeling so far down inside, all you can see is the neutrality he’d been attempting earlier.

Once you get to your apartment, you hand back his jacket wordlessly. As he turns to leave, you reach out and grab his arm. He looks back at you, a small flicker of hope igniting in his gaze.

“See you tomorrow?” It comes out in a small, weak voice.

Beomgyu shakes his head, trying to smile but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I’m leaving for our new year gigs tomorrow. I won’t be back for a week and a half, and I’ll be hard to get ahold of. I’ll see you when I get back, okay?”

You nod meekly.



“Are we okay?”

You see him shift his weight from foot to foot as he suddenly can’t seem to look you in the eyes.

“We will be. Take care of yourself, okay? Since I won’t be here to do it for you.” A small laugh escapes him as he turns and walks away. You stare after him long after he’s out of sight, wondering if you’ve just ruined the closest relationship you’ve ever had.


The following week drags on forever without Beomgyu. At work, it feels like you’re on autopilot, not quite paying attention to things you’re being asked. Your mind keeps wandering back to New Years Eve, and the fact that you had kissed your best friend. Obviously he must have gotten swept away in the moment, pretending to be your boyfriend? Or maybe he did have feelings for you. But where did that leave you? Did you have feelings too?

It doesn’t help that communication between the two of you is sporadic, as his signal goes in and out as he’s traveling, and when he’s in a city, he’s practicing, playing a gig, or hanging out with his bandmates. The best you can manage is texts sent that he responds to hours later, if not days. As if he knows you’re thinking about him (but when have you not been this week?), your phone pings with an incoming text message.

You (10:05 PM): Hey, hope you and the band got to your hotel safely!

Gyu (11:37 AM): Hey! Sorry it took so long to respond, but yeah we did. The gig last night was sick! :D

You don’t bother texting back since you know it’ll be another day before he responds. You sigh heavily instead and gather your belongings to head home since you only work half days on Friday. At least it’s the weekend, and Beomgyu will be home in a few days…hopefully things can go back to normal soon.


Turns out the weekend can’t even save you. As you go through the motions, you realize just how closely intertwined your life is with his. Ice cream trips. Movie nights with takeout. Walks in the park catching up on your week. Doing all of it by yourself feels wrong, like you’re cheating on your best friend by not including him. But that’s absurd. Right? You’re staring at your ceiling in bed on Sunday night, thinking about the last time you had a sleepover with Beomgyu. You had both been a little drunk, giggling over the smallest things, and even though he had been further gone than you, he helped you get ready for bed. Used a makeup wipe to gently remove your mascara, made you brush your teeth while he watched. He’d then patted you on the head once you’d crawled into your sheets, saluting you as he clumsily made his way to the couch to fall asleep himself.

You turn to face the empty side of your bed, wishing he was here beside you.



You roll back immediately to stare at your ceiling again. You wished he was here beside you? He never stayed in your bed with you, even on your drunkest of nights…he was always on the couch. So why did your brain suddenly think that? Flashes of New Years Eve come crashing back into your head, Beomgyu’s lips insistently pressed against yours, tongue seeking entrance to your mouth before you had stepped away. The memories make you feel warm and tingly all over, wishing again that he was laying beside you. And you remember how you haven’t been able to get him out of your head all week, even though he’s gone to do shows before. All of it together suddenly makes sense, and you want to hide from yourself at how stupid you’ve been.

You just might be in love with your best friend.


Your realization haunts you through the next day. You want to wait to talk to Beomgyu until he’s home, but something keeps tugging at you the whole day to reach out before then. A text seems entirely too casual, plus what would you say? ‘Hey I think I love you?’ Absolutely not. You’ll call him.

Except when you finally sit down to do so after dinner that night, it goes to voicemail. Of course it does, he has a show tonight. Nevertheless, you brace yourself to record after the beep-you’ve thought way too hard about what you need to say to chicken out now.


“Hey, Beomgyu, I hope your show is going really well tonight…um, I just wanted to call because-nothing’s wrong, so don’t worry about that! Anyway, I just thought it was too important to send via text so here I am, leaving a voicemail…”

You take a deep breath, realizing that you’ve started to ramble and aren’t making a ton of sense.

“-like I said, this is important. One, I am so sorry I stepped away from you on New Years Eve, I think I just freaked out? There was absolutely nothing wrong with you kissing me, at all. It was nice, actually. Two, I miss you a stupid amount. This weekend every time I did anything, I wanted you with me…which leads me to three. I realized because of how much I missed you that I want to spend time with you all the time. I found myself wishing you were sleeping next to me last night? So that was new. Anyway, all that to say-I miss you. I miss hanging out with you. I figured out I miss your lips and that kiss from New Years as well, so what I’m trying to spit out is…I think I love you, and-”

You’re suddenly cut off by the beep of his voicemail box, telling you you’ve reached the message time limit.

“Dammit!” you curse, hurling your phone against your couch. You let out a shaky breath, and pick it back up.

There’s nothing to do now but wait.


You fall asleep waiting, and wake up to a singular text from Beomgyu.

Gyu (9:59 AM): Are you coming to our homecoming show tonight?

Okay, so maybe he didn’t listen to your voicemail. That’s okay, right? You’ll just see him in person. And tell him your feelings. In person.

You (10:02 AM): Front row, wouldn’t miss it! :)

Your response seems nonchalant, but your stomach is churning and you feel like you might throw up. You decide that working from home might be the best plan for the day, and so you turn to spreadsheets, emails, and reading articles to distract you from what might be the end of your world as you know it.

Soon enough, 6:00 rolls around and you shut off your laptop as you finish off a quick dinner you had made for yourself as you finished up the day’s tasks. You decide to treat tonight as just a normal show you’re going to, throwing on a distressed band tee (Beomgyu’s band MOA, artfully bleached and torn by yours truly) with black jeans and stomper boots, accented with a red lip.

You grab your purse off the counter and quickly dash out the door to walk the few blocks to the dive bar MOA is playing, making sure to get there early so you can be front row like you promised.

Sure enough, you’re one of the first people there and it’s easy for you to choose a spot right in front of where you know Beomgyu will be playing for most of the show. Ten minutes after you arrive, he and the rest of the band walk out to tune their instruments. You give a quick wave to Yeonjun, the band’s lead vocalist, and he nudges Beomgyu, turning his attention to you. He quickly jogs across the stage, leans down and throws his legs over the edge and pulls you into a tight hug.

“Hey stranger, feels like ten years since I’ve seen you. I missed you,” he mumbles into your hair.

You pull back, attempting to fix your hair. Noticing his shaggy black hair’s gotten mussed as well, you push it off his face. Before you can draw your hand away, Beomgyu’s covered it with his own, squeezing it softly.

“You look good in my shirt.” His eyes sparkle mischievously as he motions to your band tee with his other hand, and you roll your eyes even as you can feel your cheeks color.

“Yeah, yeah…don’t you have to get ready for the show, rockstar?”

“I do,” he pouts, “but I’ll come find you later, okay?” You nod, and he stands back up and wanders over to his guitar, picking it up and making sure it’s in tune.

More and more people start to crowd around and behind you, and before you know it, the show has started. You’re scream singing the lyrics just as loudly as anyone else, cheering your heart out at the end of every song. Every so often, you catch smiles that Beomgyu is sending you, and it makes your heart feel like it’s leapt up into your throat. Even though it makes you nervous, you can’t help the smiles you send back in return.

Towards the end of the show, Beomgyu steps up to his mic, addressing the crowd.

“Hey everyone, thanks so much for coming out tonight! Our last song we’re going to play for you is an exclusive-we just workshopped this today, mostly because I just wrote it today. Let us know whether you like it!”

Cheers immediately erupt through the crowd, and simmer down once he starts strumming his guitar and steps up to the mic.

“I know that you like me

And it’s kinda frightenin’

Standing here, waitin’, waitin’

And I became hypnotized

By freckles and bright eyes

Tongue tied”

Beomgyu looks over at you and sends a cheeky wink your way. Wait a second, is he singing…about you?

“Cause you could be the one that I love

I could be the one that you dream of

Message in a bottle is all I can do

Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you

You could be the one that I keep, and I

Can be the reason you can't sleep at night

Message in a bottle is all I can do

Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you”

You feel rooted to the spot, staring at the boy in front of you as he sings, staring straight at you, no trace of embarrassment or shame on his face. You barely notice when Yeonjun takes over singing the next verse, your eyes following Beomgyu instead as he pulls his guitar strap over his head, placing the instrument onto its stand.

He walks in front of your spot in front of the stage, and sits down with his legs dangling over the edge, just as he had before the show. He reaches out toward you slowly, but with purpose, gently cupping the sides of your face. You barely register the screaming and whistling that’s happening around you as the other audience members witness the private moment between the two of you.

Beomgyu slowly slides his thumb across your cheek, his eyes glimmering with mischief and something you can’t quite place as he leans towards you.

“Is this okay?” he whispers, barely audible over the song.

You wrap your arms around his neck in response, pulling him to his feet off the stage, crashing your lips onto his. His lips are full and soft just like you remember, and that warm and tingly feeling from before is even stronger, prompting you to be the one who gently asks for entrance to his mouth with your tongue, which he eagerly grants. You’re not sure how long the two of you stand there, too wrapped up in each other to care what’s happening around you. Beomgyu finally pulls back for air, a huge smile on his face that he can’t get rid of. He leans his forehead against yours as he breathes heavily, and begins laughing. It feels contagious, and you’re so giddy you can’t help but join in.

“You are the one I dream of,” you breathe out between giggles.

“I’m glad…because you’re the one that I love. I love you too,” Beomgyu states simply, landing another kiss on your lips.

“I take it you got my voicemail?”

“Of course I did, and I saved it. Just figured I’d respond in person. With a song that I wrote for you…among the others I’ve written about you, this one just happens to be the only one that’s seen the light of day. And it’s a hit!” He gestures around you, where Yeonjun is finishing out the song and the crowd has erupted into raucous cheers.

“There’s…others?” Your eyes widen in surprise.

“Many others…I’ll play them for you if you’re lucky. I’m just glad you got my message in a bottle.”


Taglist: @hyungieyoongi @alpacaparkaseok @derinxfam

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3 years ago

❦ hold my hand | choi beomgyu

 Hold My Hand | Choi Beomgyu
 Hold My Hand | Choi Beomgyu
 Hold My Hand | Choi Beomgyu

pairing: beomgyu x f!reader (ft. soobin) genre: fluff! fake!dating au, f2l | one shot warning(s): beomgyu and reader likes each other but they don’t know that, reader is a little slow and oblivious, mentions of motion sickness, rollercoasters, soobin a supportive wingman, beomgyu is incredibly sweet, a single kiss ^^ wc: 2.3k note: Merry Christmas @choibyus, it's nice to meet you~ It's been a pleasure to be your secret moa and to talk to you and fangirl with you over the course of these past few weeks. I know that this is one for the summer and I apologise that it isn't much, but I hope you like it still ^^ every time I visited your blog to send an ask, I'd have roller coaster playing in my head, along with pre-debut soogyu hehe so I just had to write you something with them involved with my attempt at one of your favourite genres~ Happy holidays everyone! <33

 Hold My Hand | Choi Beomgyu

Ride after ride, you were surprised you were yet to go on a few more from the way Beomgyu had been dragging you by the hand majority of the day, that is, with Soobin third wheeling and trailing after you both. How did you end up in this situation, you ask? It started off as a joke between you and Beomgyu, talking about what you would like to do with a significant other if you had one.

Over phone calls you would debate what would be appropriate for first dates, and both of you had debated long and hard about the possibilities of going to an amusement park. Coincidentally, Soobin had two extra tickets and invited both of you to come along with him. As the best wingman Soobin is to Beomgyu, he was hoping this would push Beomgyu to make a move. In turn, you and Beomgyu had an idea to pretend to date for the experience, you've known each other long enough to be comfortable with the thought of it.

"Hey, smile guys!" Soobin called from behind, waving his hand around for you and Beomgyu to stop for a photo. The both of you stood beside each other with a small gap between you, smiling and throwing up the never-ending peace signs. "Aishhh, what was that. Stand closer!" You caught Soobin's wink towards Beomgyu, curious about what he may be insinuating, you looked up at the male beside you and observed the pink tinge on his cheeks whilst he swiftly pulled you closer by the waist. "Looking cute guys!"

Beomgyu's hand quickly left your waist and fumbled to hold your hand once again, stumbling in front of you while pulling you in the direction of the next ride. As soon as he stopped the both of you at a halt, you were met with the subtle mist of water from the fall of the roller coaster carriage flying past the rails. "This one. We'll go on this one next, okay?"

He realised you hadn't responded to his question, having his eyes trail over your features in awe; your eyes following the next carriage on its way to drop by the water. A smile crept up onto your lips, and he may have thought you were excited, but your hand slightly trembling in his palms said otherwise.

"Beomgyu, I know we've been on several rides today, but I feel like this'll push me over the edge." You turned to him and gave him an apologetic smile. There was only so much you could handle before your motion sickness would kick in and stop you from going on any more rides, but you knew how much this meant to him. How much this meant you.

"Hey, you'll be right beside me and everything will be okay, this can be the last one if you want? For the sake of this 'date'?" He finger quoted. "But if you really want to stop, we can."

You admire the way he looks after you, knowing he wouldn't push it if it meant it would hurt you, or put you in a position where you would be uncomfortable. That's the last thing he wanted.

You sigh, shaking your head and recollecting your thoughts. You knew the intentions of this date and this was going to be an experience you'd want to remember — whether this was real or not.

"No need. It's okay, I'm gonna be okay, Gyu. We're good to go!" The enthusiasm in your voice managed to pull another loving smile to his handsome face, and hearing his laugh was enough to comfort you.

 Hold My Hand | Choi Beomgyu

After waiting in the queue for what felt like almost an hour, it was your turn to sit in the carriage with Beomgyu to your left. Your eyes scanned through the groups of people outside the gates, searching for Soobin. With a height like his, he was hard to miss. He waved whilst one hand had the camcorder facing your direction, waving back with the reciprocated excitement. Your eyes glance to your left, as far as your peripheral vision could go, and you managed to catch Beomgyu stare at you in admiration.

You lean back until you felt your body hit the seat, unaware that you had leaned forward into your pretend boyfriend's personal space. Though the both of you were always up in each other's bubbles, this is the first you've felt conscious about how close you were.

"Ready?" Beomgyu's voice was soft, and you always loved the way he was always so reassuring. You nod hesitantly at his question, anticipating the move of the carriage. For someone who had been on a handful amount of roller coasters, you were somewhat nervous for this one.

This ride in particular was not as rapid and velocious as the previous ones. The start wasn't so bad. Your bodies jolted from the carriage making its way up the steep tracks and though it still was at a great height, this ride would stop just by the edge right before the heavy drop by the water.

Your eyes involuntarily shut out of nervousness, knuckles turning white from your fingers clenching on the handle bars, not knowing whether the drop would be in the next ten seconds, or in the next minute. You felt a soft nudge to the left of your arm, humming as a response as you wait for Beomgyu to say what he needed to say.

"Y/n, open your eyes." With your eyes still shut and brows in a knot, you shake your head, refusing to look below you. "Come on, hold my hand. I've got you." And that was enough for your stomach to perform front flips and somersaults.

You've lost count with the amount of times you felt slightly defeated, though not completely. All you had to do was put your mind to it and don't look down. Beomgyu placed his hand over yours, opening your eyes to be greeted with a gentle grin, eyes soft and hands warm. The grip from the bar was soon transferred to the grip on his hand, almost distracting you from the movement of the carriage.

Amongst the high pitched screams from other passengers, you were there laughing. The sensation of the cool wind caressing past your skin and combing through your hair almost made you feel like you were floating, it almost felt timeless.

The height of the adrenaline was unmatched as you felt tears beginning to prick your eyes and fly from the the outer corners along your skin to your temples. You heard Beomgyu's laugh, and that was all it took for you to ease up even in the slightest. As if that was your cue to prepare for the end of the fall with the carriage creating an impact against the water, splashing from both sides and slightly drenching your clothes.

As the ride slowed down, you pushed the wet strands of hair away from your face, turning your head to see Beomgyu wasn't that badly affected since he had his cap to keep his hair in place. "Well, how was that for you?"

"It was exhilarating!" You chimed, knowing that that was probably your peak serotonin from all the rides You were just thankful the water was enough to cool you down from the heat.

"So, does that mean we can go again?" Beomgyu wiggled his brows before you playfully pushed his shoulder, releasing a deep chuckle.

"Definitely not, that's the last one for me today. I'm drained." You pout in response.

Once you exited the gates, Beomgyu hadn't let go of your hand since the top of the ride. It was easy to forget how uneasy you felt at the beginning of the ride, but as you made your way to Soobin he already had a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Okay, so where to next?" Soobin's dimples popped from his lips pouting to one side as his eyes searched for the next possible ride.

"Soobin, I think we're gonna take a short break. Little miss princess over here needs some snacks to recover." Beomgyu giggled after watching you roll your eyes from the nickname, taking off his cap and putting atop of your head to hide your somewhat dishevelled hair.

Making your way to the unoccupied bench, Beomgyu had his palm flat against the small of your back to help you with your balance. You both watched Soobin leave the camcorder between you, letting you replay footage from when you were on the last ride. Your eyes didn't leave the screen as the lens was busy focusing on finding you and Beomgyu in the carriage full of other tourists. He shuffles closer to you and you turn the camera thinking he wasn't able to see properly, but what you didn't know is that he wasn't looking at the screen. He was looking at you.

You were slightly taken aback from the immediate contact of his hand sliding into yours, and you didn't think he would interlace his fingers with yours, but he did. Almost instantly, you felt your heart racing at his gesture because out of all skinships you've had with Beomgyu, this simple one in particular had your mind going haywire. Of course it would, he's one of your closest friends and a small part of you hoped there'd be a time you wouldn't need to date in pretend.

"You're zoning out again," his voice snapped you out of your short reverie. To say the least, you were hesitant to look at him, afraid you'll fall a little deeper than you've already realised, but it was significantly too late for that.

"I- yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking..."

"About?" He questioned. His thumb unconsciously rubbed your back in a circular manner, it was rather comforting.

"Just how much fun I've had today with you and Soobin," you looked at him briefly, giving him a genuine smile, "but with you, especially." You stumbled on your words as you trailed the last bit of your sentence, hoping he wouldn't notice but he did. You know he did.

"Then I'm glad you enjoyed today. I liked spending time with you too," he cleared his throat, sensing he had more to say. You would be lying if you said you weren't worried about the thought of him friend-zoning you, but even if it were to happen, you'd still cherish the time you've spent together. "Y/n, I don't really want this..."

His head hung low, his dark locks covering his eyes. Setting the camcorder aside, your hand is now sandwiched between his soft palms. Looking away, you watch the ride from metres away perform a double loop above your heads. Nothing but a pregnant silence was between you and Beomgyu while the passengers screamed on the ride. "I get it, Gyu. I don't want to overstep, and I'm sorry if—"

"I don't want to just pretend anymore." Your head shot up toward him.

Not being able to say a word just yet, he looked like he had more to say. "I don't want to do this pretend dating, though it was quite the experience," he lets out a nervous chuckle, "I want to make it real. I want us to be real. I've liked you for the longest time and I guess I just didn't want to ruin our friendship, yano? I know we joke around about the possibility of us being in a relationship, but I guess, on my part, it's just been my way of subtly expressing that perhaps I really do want to be in a real relationship with you. You've always been my rock, and supported me since I can remember and it's something I appreciate greatly. And I feel like I want to be like that for you too."

Not having said a word for the past minute, you were still processing what was going on. Thinking you had this one sided crush from the moment you realised, but it wasn't just you.

"Dare I say, I'm in love with you Y/n. I always have been. So if you would give me this chance to—"

You slipped your hand out of his hold, engulfing him in a hug with your face buried in the crook of his neck, "Beomgyu, I love you." His arms wrapped around your gentle figure, hands tightly squeezing your sides before loosening his hold to lean back and look at you. You let your arms relax, draping over his shoulders with your finger tips playing with the ends of his slightly damp hair.

"Let's give us a chance, officially. Be my girlfriend, Y/n, and I promise you, I want to make you the happiest girl on earth."

You chuckled at his proposition, a single tear of happiness threatening to fall but Beomgyu managed to wipe it with the pad of his thumb before it fell, cupping your cheek and leaning in to leave a chaste kiss on your lips. Within the quarter of a second of his lips laid on yours, you finally felt how soft and delicate they were, pulling away and immediately feeling the heat rise on your cheeks.

"I'd like that a lot. I do have the cutest boyfriend after all."

You noticed the return of his childish grin, followed by a shy laugh as his thumb continued to caress your sides. He was speechless, to say the least, pulling you towards him yet again to have his frame almost cover yours to fulfil the hug you initiated a few moments ago. His signature peachy scent mixed with the slight smell of warmth and damp clothes was something you never knew you'd confide comfort in, but it's there. With your cheek against his chest, he laid his lips onto your forehead, leaving a soft kiss while you could feel him smiling against your skin.

Soobin walked up behind you, clearing his throat and with snacks in hand. "Finally. So, are you lovebirds ready to eat?" You both stare at the dimpled-cheek male in surprise, scurrying apart to help him place the food on top of the bench, "I guess my time playing cupid is done."

"You hardly did anything Soobin—"

"Beomgyu, don't be rude, just say thank you." Soobin shakes his head, smiling at the official couple in front of him.

 Hold My Hand | Choi Beomgyu

© boba-beom: please do not translate, repost or take as your own. thank you.

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5 months ago

── ❝ ꒰ 𝑂𝑃𝑃𝑂𝑆𝐼𝑇𝐸𝑆’ 𝒜𝑇𝑇𝑅𝐴𝐶𝑇 .ᐟㅤ ៸៸﹙ 최범규 ﹚ ᶻ𐰁


GENRE ៸៸ established relationship ៸ emo gyu ៸ oneshot ﹔ SYPNOSIS┆in which you and your boyfriend are complete opposites, and you start feeling insecure about your differences .ᐟㅤ ꒰ WORD COUNT﹕1484 ꒱── 𝓦ARNING(S) not proofread ៸ kissing ៸ pet names ៸ mean girls ៸ . ݁ ✦ ݁ . ⊱ LIBRARY . . . ﹕LUNA 💭 —play pierce the veil pls!! T-T ݁𖥔 ݁˖



tattoos covering majority of his arms, and some ink peeking out from under his shirt collar.

his piercings gleamed under the mornings sun, and he wore dark clothes that always matched his black hair perfectly.

he was almost always wearing something that showed off his tattoos—a tank top, a loose tee, or even an unbuttoned shirt.

but the most alluring part of him to you were his eyes—they were so warm whenever they landed on you, the intimidating persona fading in a heartbeat as he smiled that soft smile, one that was just for you.

beomgyu was your opposite in almost every way.

he loved rock music, his playlists filled with grunge bands and electrics guitars and drums, the kind of music you wouldn’t normally go near.

you were more of a bright pop kind of person—colourful tops, rhinestoned miniskirts, butterfly clips decorating your hair and gentle smiles. ─── 𝘔𝘖𝘙𝘌 𝘜𝘕𝘋𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘜𝘛 .ᐟㅤ

where he wore black leather, you wore soft knitted cardigans—but despite all of that, he was yours, and you were his.

and anyone who saw the two of you together could see that somehow, it just worked.

it was clear in the way beomgyu would put his arm around you protectively whenever you walked through crowds, his demeanor always softening as he listened to you talk about your day.

he was endlessly affectionate with you—always giving you his softest glances, his most genuine laughter, and his sweetest words.

one day, beomgyu had asked if you wanted to come to a party his friends were hosting.

you’d met a couple of his friends briefly before, but never the whole group—he reassured you that everyone was nice, and that they’d love you.

you trusted him, so after some hesitation, you had finally agreed.

the party was everything you imagined it would be—a dark, gloomy space filled with music that pounded heavily in your chest.

everyone there seemed to dress like beomgyu—black outfits, chains, piercings, heavy makeup.

you walked in with your pastel yellow miniskirt and bright coloured tank-top, and you instantly felt a little out of place.

but beomgyu didn’t let go of your hand for a second, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your skin to reassure you as if he heard your thoughts.

“see, it’s not so bad, right?” beomgyu said, his lips brushing against your ear so you could hear him over the music.

you nodded, giving him a small smile. “yeah, it’s not too bad.”

his eyes softened, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “i’m really happy you came,” he said, his voice full of warmth.

you could tell beomgyu was in his element here—he chatted easily with his friends, his demeanor relaxed.

you met some of his friends, and true to his word, they were all welcoming and kind.

they asked you questions, smiled at your answers, and made you feel included despite how different you looked from them.

beomgyu left your side for a moment to grab something from another room, and you decided to make your way over to the drinks table.

as you poured yourself a cup, you couldn’t help but feel the weight of your surroundings pressing down on you.

you felt like you stuck out too much, like everyone else belonged and you were just the odd one out.

and then you heard it.

“honestly, i think beomgyu’s just going through a phase. i mean, look at her. it’s so obvious they’re not gonna last,” a girl’s voice said, her words dripping with condescension. “he’ll get tired of her eventually.” the girl’s friend added.

your hand froze mid-pour, your heart dropping into your stomach.

you didn’t turn around, but you could hear them giggling quietly, the words cutting deeper than you wanted to admit.

you bit your lip, trying to ignore it, but it was impossible to shake the feeling that they might be right—maybe beomgyu would realize you weren’t really what he wanted, maybe this was just a phase for him.

you quickly finished pouring your drink and made your way back to beomgyu, painting on a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.

when he returned, he was excited, chatting happily about some funny thing one of his friends had said.

you nodded along, but you felt distant, the insecurity gnawing at your insides.

the car ride home was quiet, beomgyu occasionally glancing over at you, concern slowly growing in his eyes.

you were usually the one who filled the silence with stories or questions, but tonight, you were just staring out the window, lost in your web of thoughts.

beomgyu finally pulled up in front of your place, putting the car in park and turning to you.

“hey, what’s wrong?” he asked softly, his brows knitting together.

he reached out, his fingers brushing against yours. “you’ve been quiet since we left the party.”

you shook your head in denial, giving him a weak smile. “it’s nothing, really.”

but beomgyu wasn’t convinced—he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned his body toward you, his hand cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing over your skin.

“come on princess, you know you can tell me anything,” he said, his voice gentle, his eyes searching yours. “what’s going on?”

you hesitated for a moment before finally letting out a sigh. “it’s just… i overheard someone at the party,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.

“they said that… that you were probably just going through a phase. that you’d get tired of me eventually.”

beomgyu’s eyes widened in shock, his hand freezing on your cheek.

he blinked at you, and for a moment, he looked almost hurt—hurt that you would even think that.

“you really think that?” he asked, his voice soft, a whisper. “you really think i’d just… get tired of you?”

you looked down, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your skirt.

“i don’t know. i mean… look at me, gyu. i’m nothing like your friends. i don’t fit in with them. i don’t fit in with your world.”

beomgyu let out a small sigh, his other hand reaching out to take yours, his fingers intertwining with yours.

“y/n, look at me,” he said gently, you hesitated before finally lifting your eyes to meet his.

he gave you the softest smile, his eyes filled with so much love that it made your heart ache.

“you’re not just some phase to me,” he said, his voice steady, filled with sincerity.

“you’re it for me. i don’t care that you’re different from my friends. i don’t want you to be like them. i love you because you’re you. you make me happy in a way no one else ever could.”

you felt your eyes welling up with tears, and beomgyu immediately leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a soft, gentle kiss.

his thumb brushed away a stray tear that escaped down your cheek, and he pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against yours.

“please don’t doubt how much i love you,” he whispered, his voice cracking just a little.

“you’re everything to me. i don’t want anyone else. i only want you.”

you let out a shaky breath, your hands moving to rest on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.

“i’m sorry,” you whispered. “i just… i got scared.”

beomgyu shook his head, his eyes softening even more. “you never have to be scared, okay? i’m not going anywhere.”

he gave you a small, teasing smile, his nose brushing against yours. “you’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not.”

you let out a small laugh, and beomgyu’s smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

he leaned in again, kissing you softly, his hands cradling your face like you were the most precious thing in the world.

when he finally pulled away, he looked at you with so much love that it took your breath away.

“i love you, y/n. more than anything,” he said, his voice steady, his eyes never leaving yours.

you smiled, your heart swelling with warmth. “i love you too, gyu,” you whispered, your voice full of warmth.

he grinned, his eyes lighting up with that playful glint you loved so much.

“good. now, let’s get you inside, okay? and maybe tomorrow we can have a day just for us. no parties, no friends—just you and me.”

you nodded, your smile widening. “i’d like that.”

beomgyu leaned in, pressing one last kiss to your forehead before finally pulling away, his fingers lacing with yours as he helped you out of the car.

and as you walked toward your door, his hand holding yours tightly, you knew that no matter what anyone else said, no matter how different you were, beomgyu was yours—and that was all that mattered.


© won4kiss 2024

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3 years ago

What are you waiting for? — Beomgyu [ TXT ]

What Are You Waiting For? Beomgyu [ TXT ]

I keep repeating the same thing over and over in my mind. I like Her, that's all.

Voices and the sound of the television invade my room from the other side of the door.

Outside her laughter fills every corner of the house causing my heart to ache.

It hurt to see her laughing with the boys, it didn't make sense she had always been like that. And if I just liked her why did it bother me so much?

I stirred once again, unable to fall asleep. Her voice sounded loud and high quickening my heart.

I stood up tired of not being able to sleep, I didn't know what to do. Should I join them? What are they doing? I slowly opened the door to look further down the hall. I could see her profile, she was sitting right next to Yeonjun. She was laughing and joking with him as he held her lightly by the shoulders. I felt my soul leaving my body.

I couldn't go on like this, I had to do something.

I had to figure out my feelings.

I left the room ready to go to the kitchen, from there I would have a better view of where she was. I had to keep an eye on her, I couldn't let her be with him.

It's not like Yeonjun hyung was a bad person, but she didn't have to be in his arms. I stared at them as my mind traveled elsewhere. I didn't just like her, she was the person I wanted to be with the most. I wanted her to be mine, I wanted her to just spend time with me.

A hand waved in front of my eyes snapping me out of my trance.

— It's Something wrong Gyu?.— And there she was, as beautiful as ever, I blushed as I shook my head slightly.—Are you sure?

She tilted her head a little bit trying to look me in the eyes. I nodded running away from her gaze.

I stood up and tried to move away from her, but she was quicker and grabbed my hand.

—Why are you running away from me? Lately you don't spend time with me and you always run away from me. I don't understand what's going on... Did I do something to upset you?— Her voice was a whisper, one full of feelings that attacked my heart, I couldn't leave her there. I couldn't leave and run away from her again.

I turned and looked her straight in the eyes, I didn't know how to do it. Did I say it all at once? Did I just say it? Nerves were beginning to flood my being. I couldn't do it, I couldn't.

I tried to turn around again but her words left me frozen.

—Is it 'cause you've realized that I like you? Is that why you're running away from me? I know we are friends, but I couldn't control my feelings, I'm really sorry if that causes you problems—. Her voice was getting lower and lower as she spoke, it became a whisper. She was going to cry.

My movements were fast, I brought her to me in an embrace, I leaned my head against hers while I gave small caresses to her hair. I was an asshole, she liked me, she liked me. God how could I not have noticed.

—Did you really like me?—. A silly question, but I wanted to confirm it, I wanted to hear it one more time.

—Don't make me repeat it Beomgyu—. I pulled her a little away from me to see her face, she was red as a little tomato and she was trying to hide her eyes from me. I laughed, she was so cute.

—I like you too, I like you a lot, but I couldn't decipher my feelings, I was confused and I moved away from you. I had no idea that you felt the same way I did.—

—Then what are you waiting for?—. I looked at her without understanding, she laughed while her cheeks filled with a crimson pink, she had blushed. I was about to tell her how cute she was when she caught my lips in a kiss, it had to be hard for her, she was on her tiptoes, with her arms around my neck. But to me it was the most tender act in the world. She really was the person I wanted by my side.

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