Undertale Souls - Tumblr Posts
So I've been thinking about undertale and the fallen kids and suddenly felt the urge to tell everyone my headcanons about them
(also my apologies for all the mistakes bc English is hard when it's not your native language)
cw: referenced child death, suicide
OK let's go
Cyan soul was the youngest. Somewhere around 5-6 years old. You might be horrified right now because the kids climbed Mount Ebott due to unhappy reasons, right? I don't think it's the case with this kid!! I actually think she had a good life and caring parents and all that. So why did she end up Underground? Because her parents didn't believe in the stories about missing people and used to camp a lot there. Because fresh air and physical activities are good for you health, plus sometimes you need to take a break from lots of people around you, and is there a better place for that than the mountain everybody avoids? Long story short, they had taken their daughter with them, and she had wandered away at some point, and... well, those people didn't have a daughter anymore🤷♀️ Oops. Watch your kids more carefully.
OK, now let's talk about the child. She seemed like a shy kid around strangers but as soon as she gets comfortable around you, you are forced to answer every single one of her 1001 questions and talk about (or just listen to her talking about) every single topic that comes to her mind. Because she is very - and I mean VERY - talkative. And curious, and likes to learn new things
Aaand I'm talking about someone who's gone in a present tense, oops
And about being gone. I think she's the only one who didn't make it to Asgore. Other kids had to fight him but the Cyan soul? Nope, she just... froze to death in Snowdin. She was hiding from the Royal Guards, and her clothes weren't suitable for the weather, and at some point she'd fallen asleep and that was it. At least there wasn't much suffering.
And actually I'm kinda happy for Asgore because he didn't have to kill her... I mean, yeah, he had killed other children later but she was still 5y.o. and the first one who had fallen after Chara. Imagine the amount of angst if Asgore had met her.
Moving on to the Orange soul (yep, I wrote that in red). He was transmasc. I'm not sure if he was a boy or nb in the masculine part of the spectrum but yeah (I remembered the Manly Bandana the other day and was like "oh. What if the narrator calls it manly because of it's original owner's gender struggles?")
So this kid was around 12 years old when he fell, and he'd stayed in the Ruins for about two years (which is a bit angsty since I headcanon Chara to had fallen at the same age and had lived with the Dreemurrs for the same amount of time). Now, he was noble and caring, eager to protect those who need protection, but didn't like to fight unless absolutely necessary. This guy believed it is better to talk to your opponent, reach an agreement with them. Buuut he was a hot-headed kid and not very good with words so his reasoning didn't work often. But he tried very hard!! And he became better at it eventually!!
The next soul is the Blue soul (why does tumblr's blue look like violet?). She was straightforward and always spoke her mind (which sometimes sounded rude, and she knew it did), appeared as strict, and didn't like to talk about her feelings. But if you managed to gain her trust, half of that demeanor would fade, and you'll see a kind girl who just needs lots of love and support. And when that happens, she'll open up more about her feelings, and she'll choose her words more carefully so not to upset you. But she'll still be straightforward and honest.
Unlike the previous guy, she will fight whoever attacks her. Monsters tried to take her soul? Well, she fought back. She didn't want to kill anyone, ever though they wanted to kill her, but sometimes what we want and what we end up doing are different things. This is the reason the tutu was dusty. And this is the reason the narrator says the balet shoes make Frisk feel extremely dangerous.
I can elaborate, actually. You see, I consider the narra-Chara theory solid canon. And I headcanon Frisk is not the first with whom Chara sticked together. All the kids had fallen on their grave, so with all of them Chara was connected. They weren't really 'awake' at the time because there wasn't enough determination to bring them back, but they sensed the other kids' emotions and feeling. So when Frisk had found the balet shoes, it was Chara who'd felt dangerous since they half-remembered what they were used for. And they'd projected their feelings onto Frisk. It wouldn't be the last time they did that
Oh, and a bit about the blue soul's pronouns! When I first thought about it, I instantly was like "okay she's definitely cis" but then I occasionally referred to her with they/them pronouns in my head a few times but that original thought hadn't gone anywhere. So now this soul's pronouns are she/they even though she's cis. She/her is more preferable most of the time, but there is no problem with people using they/them, the kid even rarely refers with these pronouns to themself in their head
(yep, I just projected my experience onto a dead fictional kid in that last paragraph. not the first time it happens in this fandom but the kid I usually project onto at least has enough canon info about him and is basically my kinn)
(also I really hope the wording in that paragraph about pronouns (or in any other, really) wasn't disrespectful to trans and nb folks. that wasn't my intention. please tell me if there is any problem, I'll fix it)
Oh, and this soul was 15 when she fell.
Ahem, okay, moving on to the Purple soul (yep, I wrote that in pink). They are Extremely Non-Binary, Extremely Androgynous and Extremely Mysterious. Well, they seem mysterious. Despite experiencing A LOT of emotions, they display them very rarely. It's not that they don't want to, it's just the way they are. It is much more likely for you to see them smirk a little rather than laughing, or looking a bit mumpish (I hope it is the correct word) instead of crying.
Unless they are in the company of close friends, they are mostly silent. But they are observant, they remember a lot of things about the world and people they've met. They are smart and good at understanding others (high cognitive empathy rules!!), could find common ground with almost everybody and really like children. In another timeline, I'd imagine them being an elementary school teacher. Maybe not for long though, since they are introverted and that would quickly tire them but still
Uhh, I think I didn't give the best description of them but I can't word it any better. What I meant to say is that they are calm, and understanding (both in a "you can tell me everything, I won't judge" way and in a "I fully understand your feelings" way), and you often can't tell what's on their mind. At least you can be certain there's nothing bad.
But this is the case when we are talking about this person in a company of people they don't know very well and/or those who they don't absolutely, completely trust. If we're talking about close friends, the Purple soul is more energetic and expressive, they are more willing to discuss different things. I'm bad with words again so I'll just say this side of them reminds me of Raine from toh a lot. Now I'm going to make it the soul's name.
And a bit more about close people. The Purple soul sometimes refers to themself by he/him pronouns but no one else is allowed to do that. Long ago, there were a couple of people who could but something happened - maybe a betrayal (maybe they'd climbed the mountain after that), or they just stopped talking to each other for some not so hurtful reason - and now this person isn't close enough with enyone who they trust to such extent to feel comfortable when they refer to them by those pronouns
(okay, THAT definitely was worded badly, wasn't it?)
Oh, and the purple soul is the oldest of all the fallen children. They aren't even a child, they are about 17-19 years old. Originally I thought they were 17 but now it feels like they might be a bit older. You know, I headcanon all the kids to be able to communicate with each other even when they are just souls in jars, and they see Raine as their older sibling now🥺
And oh my god, I'm writing about someone who's gone in a present tense again. I'll leave it like that, I'm too tired to correct anything
Two souls left, the next one is Green. He'd stayed in the Ruins the longest, for four or five years perhaps (which makes him ≈15y.o. at the time of death). This guy actually befriended almost everyone he'd met on his way, he was really similar to a pacifist-route Frisk. He could've freed everyone if he was the eighth fallen human and not the sixth
Okay so. I don't really have much to say about him, I didn't come up with a personality for this kid. But I'm absolutely positive he loved backing cinnamon buns and would've single-handedly keep Muffet's business funded if she was around at the time. Also I think this boy was very emotional and maybe even an empath? Yeah, definitely an empath, I love the thought!!
Finally!! We've reached the final soul!! The Yellow one!! Yep, I wrote that in orange!!
"Why are you so exited?" you might ask. And I'll tell you!! Because I was thinking about the personality of this person and they accidentally ended up being VERY SIMILAR to how I see Chara and I'm like AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I'm rereading everything I've written below, and that actually doesn't sound quite as similar to Chara as I intended it to be :/ Oh well, explaining is hard, I can't do any better
Okay I calmed down. So. This soul. She's the second one whom I came up with a name for. His name is Mason.
Yep, this person is genderfluid. Most of the time she's a girl but he doesn't care which pronouns you'll use when talking about them, everything is fine
(btw I also headcanon Frisk, Chara and Kris to be genderfluid. Frisk and Chara are 'in-between' most of the time (I wanted to say nb but genderfluid is already nb so), and Kris's gender might change several times a day. how am I supposed to headcanon Kris to be dr version of Frisk with this whole gender business? well, there are bound to be some differences)
Anyway, back to Mason. She has a heightened sense of justice. She wants those who'd treated her (and others) badly to pay for what they've done but doesn't believe that's gonna happen. She did what was in her powers, what she was able to do to make the world more fair. But it wasn't enough. The world still was full of injustice. The humanity was still disgusting. Not all of the humans but most of them.
Soooo then they ended up Underground. They were a bit harsh at the beginning because monsters attacked them not knowing a thing about their intentions which felt very unfair. But they soon learned about the war and accepted the fact that monsters were just scared of a human, and that was their fight-or-flight response
Overall they were a caring person, who - just like the orange soul - wanted to protect those who needed protection. But were more eager to fight than talk.
She was sarcastic, witty, smirked a lot, never showed negative emotions except for rage. Because she had A LOT of it. Part of it grew from the world's injustice, and part from bottling up emotions. But she got mad mostly when witnessing said injustice, most of the time she was calm (or seemed calm)
And after he'd left the Ruins (I imagine Mason was one of the few who'd fought Toriel, most of the kids had managed to sneak out unnoticed), he had been thinking... a lot. So there was this Barrier thing which required human souls to break. Why not wait for humans to die of natural causes, why the killing? On one hand, Mason wanted the monsters to be free (honestly, from his experience, humanity sucks) so he could have surrendered and given up his soul for the greater good. On the other hand, it pained and angered him the [almost] entire kingdom thought of him as some villain and wanted him dead at all costs. You know, if he'd known the humans before him were children and teenagers as well, he wouldn't have thought for much longer and tried to kill the Guards and Asgore
But they didn’t know that. What they did learn, however, is the story of Asriel and Chara. After hearing what had happened to those kids, Mason decided to give their soul to monsters
And than a very interesting thing happened. You see, just like Frisk, Mason heard the story in New Home, and there weren't any Guards around to kill her. So she faced Asgore. She thought the king would be this big bad guy Toriel described, but he instead was a man who clearly didn't want to kill anyone
You know what happens in a neutral run when you refuse to kill Asgore and Flowey doesn't show up to do that instead? Asgor kills himself to give Frisk his soul so they can cross the Barrier. With Mason it happened the other way around. She saw Asgore, she understood it would be too much for him to kill yet another human. So she killed herself
(Poor King Fluffybunns had to witness yet another very determined 14-year-old committing suicide for monsters' sake. Yep, I headcanon Mason had had about the same amount of determination as Chara and Frisk. Yep, I am convinced Asgore eventually figured out Chara poisoned themself and not just got ill because of any other reason)
That was it? I hope someone would read all this stuff because I spent like 5+ hours writing it
Edit: PLEASE check the reblogs, there's a drawing of the kids there. THEY ARE SO COOL I LOVE THEMMMM
Journal of Scientific Inquiries by W.D. Gaster (and sanse)
Chapter 2: Souls, soul trait magic, etc.
(Author's note here. Throughout the journal, Gaster left some specific notes in Wingdings, a language special to skeleton monsters and m-hs that they can easily learn. I have translated them for you. The translations will be enclosed in [insert text here].)
Their are 8 known souls known in existence. First there's the monster soul, an upside down white heart made out of pure magic. Then there are human souls, right side up hearts that can be 1 of 7 colors: Red (Determination), Orange (Bravery), yellow (Justice), Green (Kindness), Cyan (Patience), Blue (Integrity), and Purple (Perseverance). All souls are wrapped with a thin black line, the combination of all soul traits, at the edges.
All souls have at least a little of every attribute of the human soul trait, even monsters. However, depending on the the color of the soul itself, depends on the magic a monster/m-h can use.
M-Hs have a monster soul that is tucked inside a human soul. For a m-h, they can have multiple different colors in their human soul. 2 colors are typical, 3 colors are extremely rare. The only m-h I know of that has 3 soul colors is Asgore.
Soul mages' souls are indistinguishable from human souls. A soul mage's eyes portray the color of their soul trait.
Soul mages, monsters, and m-hs are more magically connected to their souls that humans are. For monsters, their bodies are made up of the same magic as their souls. M-Hs are the happy medium between monster magic while also having a more physical body. However, for m-hs to use their magical abilities, they must let their body configure to a pure magical source, their monster forms. Soul Mages don't have this problem, as they are born through the help of m-hs. A soul mage's body and soul are strong enough to harbor magic that can almost rival a monster's magic. This information alone is probably a good reason why they only make up 1% of the world's population.
On the topic of population percentages. Monsters make up the majority of the world's population, at 51.9%, their long life span and the monstercation of m-hs makes it easy to see why. This is almost double the percentage of m-hs, with 29.8% of the population. Lastly, there are humans, at only 17.3% of the worlds population, I'm surprised humans as a whole haven't faded out by now.
When a monster dies, their body and soul turns to dust. When a human dies, their body lies as a shell and their souls is ejected out. If not preserved fast enough, the human soul will shatter. A soul mages soul, however, will last for an indefinite amount of time outside of the body after the soul mage themself has died. When an M-H dies, one of two things can happen. If they die in their human form, the m-h can go through monstercation, a process where their monster mask is place on them and their human soul shatters, permanently turning them into a monster. If an m-h dies in their monster form, they will simply turn to dust, as to reach the monster soul, they must breach the human soul.
Humans and m-hs can heal life threatening injuries of another human's/m-h's soul by extracting the primary attribute of the uninjured soul that matches the primary attribute of the injured soul. Think of it as kind of like a blood transfusion. Monsters can't receive a soul transfusion, due to how quickly they turn to dust the moment the soul hits that critical state. Theoretically, an m-h could receive a soul transfusion from a monster soul, as the m-h's human soul can keep their monster soul stable as it heals.
Because soul mages and m-hs are magically in tune with their soul trait(s), they each have different abilities that correlates to the soul trait. Because soul mages have the strongest connection to the magic within their human souls, only they can perform certain abilities.
Determination -> Remembers resets/alternate timelines; if a soul mage has interacted with a save star (which can only seen by them), then they can revive their body to the time they interacted with the star. If a soul mage is the most determined human, they alone have the ability to reset. It is not known if it is only through one determined soul mage alone in the entire world, or if it's like a bubble radius and there are multiple determined soul mages that can reset. Neither option is very good. I guess we are lucky that, even within the soul mage status, determined soul mages are highly extremely rare. And the leader of the PoS, a determination soul mage, didn't seem to have the ability to reset himself (I would know if he did), or he just never decided to use it. In any case, there are several questions I have about this soul trait and it's ability to reset.
Bravery -> Super strength; above average speed; if a soul mage decides to move first in combat before anyone else, all of their stats increase tenfold. Don't get into a fight with them. Monster-Humans can turn one section of the battleground orange, forcing their opponent to constantly move while in that area so as to not take damage.
Justice -> They are the only ones with a magic attack with soul bullets that can directly targets the soul; along that, a soul mage can lock onto one enemy and their bullets can auto aim to that enemy's soul; both soul mages and m-hs also have the KARMA ability, but it is only proportionate to the LV someone has; the only non-attacking ability they have is the ability to see a soul's LV and the type of a soul a person has.
Kindness -> Healing; can check for damages on the soul; can create shields either in a sphere or on one side of a person. They also have a KARMA ability, where if someone were to intentionally attack them to hurt them, the kindness soul can then attack and deal poison damage equivalent to the damage the other person could have done. This also works in reverse, so if they decide to hurt someone themselves, they will suffer the damage they dealt/tried to deal. Soul mages also have an ability to revive without a save star, but only if they died by unnatural means, namely murder.
Patience -> Can turn one side of the field cyan, forcing the opponent to stay completely still; can freeze time; soul mages can freeze people and objects in place. The time freeze ability is also something I would like to test at some point to determine how long the time freeze can last. Soul mages can also slow time down for everyone, except themself, inside a certain radius emanating from them.
Integrity -> Gravity manipulation; flight/super jump; teleportation. While simple, these abilities can prove to be powerful, especially their ability to manipulate gravity. However, the caveat is that monster-humans only have access to their ability if they are true to themselves. Soul mages don't have this problem since they are incredibly in tune with their soul trait, and thus their magic. Lastly, soul mages of this soul type are immune to magic that changes the soul.
Perseverance -> Telekinesis; remembers how many resets have occurred, but not the reset itself; heavily resistant to damage taken; Soul mages can use rewrite, an ability where they can alter a course of events that have happened within a 1 minute timespan; both soul mages and m-hs can summon a familiar, which can be about almost anything. My familiar is a giant deer skull that flies around.
Monster souls -> bullet attacks special to the specific monster type; can apply soul trait magic on the souls themselves/through their bullet attacks. Healing, but only for damages made to the soul.
[I wonder if there is a way to gain access to all soul abilities.]
Chapter 1 <-
Chapter 3 ->
Are you interested in checking out other soul takes? (Soul takes are fangames on the pervious fallen humans). I got a list I can share!
Here's the first part-
Cyan Soul
PK!Undertale Cyan - https://gamejolt.com/games/PKUndertalecyan/891042
Undertale: Wonders of Patience - https://gamejolt.com/games/WondersOfPatience/873353
Undertale Bold and Benevolent - https://gamejolt.com/games/UndertaleBnB/824599
Orange Soul
Undertale: Wildfire - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertalewildfire/868658
Undertale BRAVEHEART - https://x.com/UTBraveheart
Undertale: Brave Beginnings - https://gamejolt.com/games/Undertale-Brave-Beginnings/876174
Undertale Bold and Benevolent - https://gamejolt.com/games/UndertaleBnB/824599
Blue Soul
Undertale Blue - https://gamejolt.com/games/Undertale_Blue/869356
Undertale: Blue Legacy - https://gamejolt.com/games/Very_cool_undertale_blue_game/881195
Undertale Integrity - https://gamejolt.com/games/utintegrity/869156
Undertale Siren Song - https://x.com/UTSirenSong
Undertale: Kindred Spirits - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertale-kindred-spirits/145217
Purple Soul
Undertale: Kindred Spirits - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertale-kindred-spirits/145217
Undertale Purple - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertalepurple/869765
TM!Undertale Purple - https://gamejolt.com/games/TMUTP/907838
Undertale Magenta - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertale-magenta/871713
Green Soul
Undertale Green - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertaleGreen/878738
Undertale Mint - https://gamejolt.com/games/Undertale_Mint/910700
Undertale Kindness - https://gamejolt.com/games/UndertaleKindness/874628
Undertale Green (By Migs) - https://gamejolt.com/games/undertalegreen/161268
Yellow Soul
Undertale Yellow (COMPLETED) - https://gamejolt.com/games/UndertaleYellow/136925
Undertale Ivy’s Justice - https://gamejolt.com/games/ivysjustice/894376
These fangames seems to have the most promise, can't say for sure they will make it to full release tho. Maybe one of them will catch your eye in the mean time.
I haven't had the time, patience or motivation to play video games for a VERY long time now. My backlog of games I own but haven't even touched is big ngl.
But sharing these for anyone who's looking for something like this.

Patience from "TSWFBY" stimboard!!✩🎀
!!Some gifs were found on Pinterest!!

Persistence from TSWFBY stimboard!!✩💜
(yay, with the new part of TSWFBY/ураа, с новой частью ШУДТ)
Requests open!!


It has not ended as I thought, sorry :n

This is the other Soulkeepers who didn't survive the soul academy incident. Afterwards, they decided to make something special at the graveyard to remember these people who was chosen along with the main heroes. Though, some kids were younger like sukie but the rest were teenagers.
✨ History/Lore of Creationverse ✨

"Long ago, there was a world inhabited by both humans and hybrid animals, and there were only eight remaining souls in existence up to that point. This world was protected by a team of heroes known as the Soulkeepers. Their mission was to ensure the safety and well-being of all people by shielding them from danger and malevolent forces."
"One of the Soulkeepers had the soul of Love, who was a fusion of a human and a tanuki. She was known for her creativity and incredible ideas, but unfortunately, she was unable to venture out due to restrictions on her magical abilities. Despite this, all of the other Soulkeepers cherished."
"One night, the Sk Love observed that the Sk Determination had developed feelings for her due to her captivating looks and endearing personality. Both of them longed to openly share their affection, but Sk Perseverance rejected the idea vehemently, insisting that their relationship would jeopardize their future hopes and dreams."
"No matter how much the Sk Perseverance attempted to dissuade her, Love remained resolute and ignored his advice. The other Soulkeepers tried to intervene, suggesting that he should allow her to follow her heart, but he vehemently opposed them. His unwillingness to compromise ultimately led to even more dire consequences."
"One fateful day, the Sk Perseverance attempted to harm the Sk Determination, but Sk Love courageously stepped in to protect him, ultimately giving her life for his sake. This act of sacrifice opened the door for evil to enter this world, leading to the birth of hatred. The malevolent force spread, infecting people's hearts and souls, causing them to lose their ability to feel love. In its wake, nothing but pain and despair remained."
"As a consequence of his transgressions, the Sk Perseverance was stripped of his status as a Soulkeeper, facing banishment from the group. In his wrath, he vowed revenge against those he believed wronged him. However, the situation took an even darker turn when the remaining Soulkeepers mysteriously vanished without a trace. This development ignited conflict and prompted the implementation of new rules across various regions of the world in response to the prevailing chaos."
"Meanwhile, Sk Determination chose to compile various books on the history of races, timelines, and soul-based abilities as a way to preserve the memory of his love for the Soul of Love. He fervently hoped and wished for a better future, holding onto the belief that the world would eventually heal and find its way back to a state of love and peace."
"Every 15 years, a legendary entity known as the Spirit Whale would emerge into the sky, diligently collecting the souls of those who have passed on. The Whale would carefully gather these souls, carrying them into the afterlife while preserving their memories and experiences up to the very moment of their passing."
"Before Sk Love passing, she made a final wish to create a new soul, which she named "Passion". Her hope was that this new soul would help make the world better for those who came after her. Several years went by, a human hybrid with the soul of Passion was chosen to become the next Soulkeeper. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in the intertwined destinies of humans and hybrid animals."
Okay, can you elaborate on the soul traits thing please? I'm really confused.
"This is the type of soul and ability in Creationverse. so plz don't judge me about cause I'm autism and I love being creative sometime. I hope this answers you're question." ^^
1. {Patience} "The Patience trait is one of the more balanced traits in terms of offense and defensive."
•Strings/Ropes - Patience user can use this Powers for training or battle and has the ability to use their string to catch something or someone quickly. Only this, Justice and Soulful have this ability.
•Statistics Amplification: This user with this soul can get stronger when people share the patience even if they don't have a patience soul.
~Weapons of Patience~
Strings of Patience
Knives of Patience
Original Shield/Shield bubble of Patience
2. {Bravery} "The Bravery soul trait is known for its destructive power, and it is a purely combat oriented trait."
•Blast Punch - Bravery users can create magic blasts that explode on impact by punching or clapping their hand loudly. The power of the explosion depends on the user.
•Fire Magic - People with a Bravery souls can create magical fire but not natural fire.
•Dodging - Bravery users can dodge very quickly from every moves or being attacked.
~Weapons of Bravery~
Two sickles of Bravery
Hammer of Bravery
Spear of Bravery
3.{Integrity} "The Integrity trait is one of the most versatile traits."
•Gravity - Integrity users have the ability to manipulate gravity, usually via creating platforms in the air out of magic. While seemingly basic, these platforms can allows the user to walk on vertically or upside down.
•Hearing powers - Only Integrity users have the ability to listen or hear what the sound or noise coming from. Even if its far away from them.
~Weapons of Integrity~
Rapier of Integrity
Katana of Integrity
4. {Perseverance} "Perseverance is well known for being a stable and powerful kind of magic."
•Against Death - Perseverance users can keep themselves alive longer using there magic if inflicted with fatal damage. However, they will still die if not treated quickly.
•Persevere Snap - perseverance users have a ability to snap their fingers in order to like the creatures attack one another. For example, When Daniel kidnap Jamie, He snap his fingers in order to let the fish monsters kill the others.
~Weapons of Perseverance~
Armblade of Perseverance
Handgun of Perseverance
Shield of Perseverance
Knife of Perseverance
Meteor Hammer of Perseverance
5. {Kindness} "The Kindness trait is a primarily defensive/support type trait"
•Shield - They have the ability to create shields like a circle or a dome from being damage.
•Healing - Kindness users can heal anyone who has been injured, or they can heal themselves.
~Weapons of Kindness~
Shield of Kindness
Tk's Katana {Mixed with Integrity}
6. {Justice} "Justice trait is known for making someone do what is right to keep their emotions stable."
•Finger gun - Justice users can use their fingers as a gun and shot directly in their target. They do sometimes use their gun or Slingshot.
~Weapons of Justice~
Bow of Justice
Slingshot of Justice
Sword of Justice
7. {Determination} "It fills you with determination"
•Reset - The reset function erases most information stored in a SAVE file, such as the user's Lv and Exp, though, they'll will act differently after the reset.
•Save - Save function automatically loads the last SAVE file of the user when the user's HP reaches 0.
• But it refused: If the user dies during battle, this ability will repair the shattered soul of the user right away and allow them to return to battle fully restored.
~Weapons of Determination~
sword of Determination
shield of Determination
Knife of Determination
Spear of Determination
Crescent Blades of Determination
8. {Two traited soul *Belongs to Camila Cuevas*} "A Two-Traited soul is otherwise known as a soul that changes its colors depending on which two traits the person has."
•Combining Magic - People with a two-traited souls can combine their magic with both of their traits to create something new.
•Weapons/Shield - They can create any weapons or a shield with their two traits souls.
9. "Soul of Passion" : "It could symbolize a soul that is driven by intense emotion, creativity, and a fiery spirit. Which is why the color is white but has a Light blue inside."
•Creative mind - "People with this soul has the ability to create things they thinking about. Like for example, Jamie can create her own jellyfish from her mind. Making her jump or his on them.
•Levitation - This user has the ability to float like Integrity but can make anything float like a person or more object around them.
•Regenerative Properties: People with this soul has a great proficiency in bodily repair afterwards.
~Weapons of Passion~
Arrows of Passion
Sword/Blades of Passion
Jellyfish of Passion
Soul sight {Only Kimi}
Handgun of Passion
10. {Love} - "Only Hybrid animals except normal humans have this soul of love."
•Magic - The main ability of all Creatures, a magical weapon can emerge, attack, or defend. Each creatures magic is different like demons for example.
•Healing Powers - Each creatures has the ability to heal themselves, or to heal others.
11. {Hatred} - "You must never become with this soul, it's very dangerous and could destroy the things you love."
•Hatred Form - Once this user get infected by this, they can never go back to your original form. As they slowly start turning into a horrific creature. The only way you can turn into them is by stressing yourself out, Anxiety, Dying or if you who wanted vengeance around others. They can kill, eat or suck your soul away by their negative soul traits.
• Weapons/ Shield -They have the ability to create shields and weapons in dark colors.

It's been a long time since I last posted. (This was due to health issues and school and a bunch of other projects blablabla) but hey! I'm okay now! :).
I deeply apologize to the people I (still) haven't done requests for! I'll try to post them! (mostly in text form or Sketches since I am in a rush)
I may not post alot, but that doesn't mean these humans are done answering just yet! (against their will ofc..)

I'll try to post weekly! (Sketches, headcanons, ect.)
I have changed and added some stuff in the rules! Please check out the pinned post to view it! (and many other stuff.)
(P.S. some of the monsters may appear! Such as, asriel, susie, ralsei, Noelle and berdly! Also some characters from uty.)
Quick mock ups of the bravery and patience souls

I might update them later Idk
Random Dalv artwork because hes neat

Souls in my style/design

Human kids sketches


see the MASTERLIST for the prologue
The Red Soul: An Undertale Theory
In the Undertale universe, there can only be one red soul, and it is passed onto a different human after its last vessel dies. That is the theory, and let me explain why I think this is the case.
When you are playing Undertale for the first time, you're led to believe (for the most part) that you are naming the human that you play as (Frisk). The name you pick is shown in the stats menu and it's shown right next to your HP and LV during battle. This wouldn't make sense if Chara and Frisk had two separate souls. This theory explains that: last time, the soul belonged to Chara, and now Frisk has Chara's soul.
Furthermore, I think it also explains why Chara slowly takes control over the course of the Genocide Route. Flowey, despite being a fucking liar, explains this as soon as you meet him: your soul starts off weak, but grows stronger with LV, and guess what you gain more and more of as you progress through the genocide route. That's right. LV. LOVE. If it were Chara's soul, that would perfectly explain why they take over - because when Chara's soul grows stronger, Chara also grows stronger.
Lastly, this explains why Flowey/Asriel believe that Frisk is Chara, despite them looking clearly different. Asriel would've most likely seen Chara's soul considering he absorbed it as part of Chara's plan. Since Asriel and Flowey both see your soul at the start and end of the game respectively, it would make sense for them to believe you are Chara if you were controlling Chara's soul.
So that's the theory: the red soul was once Chara's, and now it belongs to you.

I decided to add a little undertale to it cause i love it