Universal Healthcare - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

A GoFundMe Campaign is not Health Insurance

The images below are from an essay comic I created for @thenib 

You can read the comic for free here:


For Shane Patrick Boyle

Please feel free to share the link, recopy, talk to your friends and family, whatever you need to do to get the word out about this. I made this in the hope that people might start a conversation about healthcare. #universalhealthcare #noAHCA

I love you all. I wish you good health and long life.

A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance
A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance
A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance

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I live in Australia too and do not know where I would be without universal healthcare.

I have a number of mental health conditions, and cannot live at home due to a combination of my uni degree not being offered closer to home, and the simple fact I don’t get along with my parents very well when I have to share space with them.

Under the current system in Australia I get 6 subsidied sessions with a clinical psychologist, and a further 4 if deemed necessary by my GP. My appointments with my GP are also subsidised. Any appointments with a psychiatrist are also subsidised by our healthcare system.

Now while this isn’t perfect and I would love to have more sessions covered, and they would be especially useful for anyone with more serious issues than me, without this I would not have gotten my diagnosis when I started university, and I definitely would not have been able to afford treatment.

I am lucky in that I have been able to access my treatment through my university who offer bulk-billing meaning that I have had no out-of-pocket costs for my treatment outside the sessions with my psychologist after I ran out of subsidised allowance.

The ability to access this basic level of care, for a reasonable price, should be available to everyone, everywhere. The fact that there are people out there who are happy to pay taxes that go towards paying for pointless wars, yet refuse to support giving access to affordable healthcare to anyone who needs it is ridiculous.

So it's not exactly a free healthcare, but more like a discount to the real cost, and the discount is from people's taxes?

In Australia, if it’s a necessary procedure, it’s generally free. 

I had a bad reaction to some medication once and went into anaphylactic shock. I don’t remember too much about that day TBH, but there was an ambulance ride, a stay in the emergency ward, then a transfer to a general ward for observation–and god knows exactly what medications I got pumped into me over the course of those hours, but I’m sure it all added up. And I didn’t have to pay a cent for any of it. 

My mother’s cancer treatment–because some of it was through a private clinic–cost her $50 out of her own pocket every few weeks. 

For elective stuff, or cosmetic stuff, you will pay for it unless you also have private health insurance to cover it. 

And it’s not a perfect system–there are some things that aren’t covered, and there are still gaps that some people fall through–but generally speaking, hospital care is free. 

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3 months ago

If we had universal healthcare do you think doctors would find a reason to not treat the poor and homeless?

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2 years ago

american anti-socialists are so funny to me like. u do realize your next-door neighbor has universal healthcare and subsidized post-secondary education so college graduates don’t suffer from crippling student debt? and this works just fine? you can still have your precious capitalist society with socialist governmental policies. you can graduate from a quality school with zero dollars in student debt because of subsidized tuition. professors and doctors still make bank under a ‘socialist’ subsidized system. like. do you not realize that socialist policies can exist in society and....not destroy your precious capitalism? (and you would literally. benefit so much from socialism)

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10 months ago
We Need To End Lobbyism As We Know It. Corporate Bribery Is The Worst Way To Provide A Human Right Like

We need to end lobbyism as we know it. Corporate bribery is the worst way to provide a human right like health care.

Sad that $800 million/year in bribes costs us 650 billion/year in savings.

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