Universe Worship - Tumblr Posts
sometimes I talk to the universe, or to plants, or to myself. And it's mega embarrassing because what if somebody sees me look at a plant growing out of some concrete and go
"Wow! look at you! good job! that was probably super difficult but you did it, i'm proud of you little plant." or i'll be looking for something and I won't be able to find it, but then when I complete a chore it's suddenly just on the table or right behind me in plain sight where I've definitely checked before and i'll go "Oh, is this for doing my chore? are you (the universe) rewarding me for being responsible? Thank you, I get the lesson, I'll try to do chores more often." bcs like cmon that's my mom (the universe / mother nature / whatever you wanna call everything around us) And I want to do it more often, it's like praying I think, but it's SO embarrassing. depending on who i'm around I probably wouldn't be in any danger or anything but also I don't think very many people would understand. but also, how could I tell the universe I'm ashamed of her? just because not many would understand? that's it? idk man i'm rambling
Do I know the names of each moon phase? No. But do I know where the moon is in her cycle? Do I glance up at her every night just to check in? Do I keep in mind if the shadow we cast on her is growing or decreasing right now? Can I predict when the full or new moon will be based on where she is in her current unnamed phase? YES! And that's the thing, humans have named natural phenomenon a million different things a million different times. None of which matters to the phenomenon itself. To have a relationship with nature, the universe, the earth. You don't need to spend all this extra time memorizing scientific names. Instead, spend that time and effort observing. Noticing. Tracking. Even if you make up your own words on accident, the moon can't tell the difference. Even if you falter, and forget to check in for a week, a month, a year. The moon never leaves. She'll always be up in the sky, either shrouded in darkness invisibly watching over us or brightly lit up like our other friend the sun. Whenever you want to reconnect and glance up she'll be there. Stressing about tracking her every move will only strain your relationship. Stressing about memorizing just one set of the many names people have put onto her cycle will only strain your relationship. Stressing about full moon celebrations that may or may not fit into your schedule or come naturally to you is only going to strain your relationship. Do what feels natural, do what makes sense for you and makes you happy. There is no right way to be pagan. There is only what you feel in your heart to be true. This goes for literally everything btw
I feel the same way! The closest label I could find would be Pantheism or Panenthism, but I call her Mother Nature, or The Universe that I refer to with she/her pronouns even though she's genderless. Personally "the universe" feels more correct, because mother nature slightly implies a focus on the earth only, when I believe this being exists throughout all space and time, even on the other side of the cosmos. But that's just me, whatever label you feel fits you best is also good!
I think I’m leaning towards more of a goddess-worship sort of situation,, but I also don’t think this figure has a sex or gender, or a body at all. It just makes sense to me that I refer to it as a goddess.
I’m trying to do research to see if anyone has thought something similar but all that comes up is Dianic Wicca and “Divine Feminine” which Is not my vibe.
And this figure doesn’t seem to be an “existing” one, as in a named deity from a historical pantheon. It’s just sort of a “Mother Nature” figure as the embodiment of everything.
I prefer figuring things out rather than having a religion forced upon me but dang this hurts my head.
I would like to formally apologize to religious folk from my teenage years, turns out religion could help my mental health it just wasn't the one yall had in mind