Up And Down - Tumblr Posts
Dai un'occhiata

Virginia Mori 2014
"Su e Giù" drawing from the ArtBook "Hotel Miramare"
(book available here: http://lamine.tictail.com/product/virginia-mori-hotel-miramare)

#me too charles #me too

Brad felt slighted by Chis’s proclamation for up and down fashion. Maybe it was the only thread of shade on an otherwise perfectly sunny beach throwing him off.
Either way, Brad preferred classic vertical lines that laid themselves out on top of one another sideways like the black and white ones on his swimmers… Brad paused there. For whatever reason Brad wanted to screw Chris in the elevator of the beach parking garage. What floor were they on? Five? Six? It didn’t matter. There was always the emergency brake.
Brad then asked Chris to remind him what the hell they were talking about. He wanted to say blinds but knew that was off. “Was someone playing Aerosmith earlier?”

Tw: @baked_b8

i dont hate you guys i swear i just have really shitty memory
LE’s rap in the Japanese version has BDE

hey baby boy, stop spinning me around and around. hey baby boy, stop being so risky. stop touching me, stop vaguely touching me. up and down, up up and down. EXID - UP&DOWN ( 2018 )