Usa Election - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Hi unsolicited opinion from a British person incoming. If you live in the US and you don’t vote for Kamala you’re fucking stupid and basically the entire rest of the world will want to give you a slap for passing up the opportunity to bring in one of the least dogshit front-running leftist politicians in recent history just because you don’t agree with absolutely every single little tiny thing she believes.

Here in the UK we would give almost fucking ANYTHING to have a politician who openly shows care for their country’s people even an eighth as much as Kamala does. Do NOT fuck this up.

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6 months ago
I'm Seeing A Lot Of The Same Arguments And Thoughts About This Election As We Had In 2016. I Don't Want

I'm seeing a lot of the same arguments and thoughts about this election as we had in 2016. I don't want to see that repeated. Neither do you. So we have to come together and vote in record numbers. We defeated MAGA once. We have to do it again.

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6 months ago

How come the media could have endless coverage about every time Biden made a gaffe or slurred his speech but there's not the same furor and energy around covering the fact that Donald Trump literally openly admitted that he wants to abolish voting?! (X) (X)

Vote Blue all the way down the ballot to save democracy. This is so much bigger than any type of partisanship or party alignment or petty politics. Dictatorships hurt EVERYONE. Everyone's future and freedom and safety is at stake. Vote to save your freedoms. Vote to save your life.

Vote now because if the GOP gets their way you won't get another chance. Abstaining or voting for a third party makes you complicit.

The choice is simple: Freedom or Fascism.

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3 months ago
Remember To Check Your Registration Often! They're Increasing Their Efforts To Cheat And Disenfranchise.

Remember to check your registration often! They're increasing their efforts to cheat and disenfranchise.

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