Valorant Yoru - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Can you do Yoru getting the silent treatment, like the one you make with Sova, Cypher, Chamber and Harbor

Thanks! ❤️❤️

Aight, just a quick one for him as well. The prompt heart anon is the reader giving the silent treatment after their double almost kills you. Lots of swearing and Yoru going through the motions cuz he has no emotional dial.

話して - Talk To Me

(Yoru x Reader)

"Hey, Yoru! The group's back from her mission." Skye calls, looking up from her little wooden sculpture as Yoru perks his head from the manga book in his hand. The group that got dispatched to Haven had his beloved in the team. Finally after almost a week of radio silence, they're finally back in the base.

Yoru teleports into the main hall as sees the group come in, completely exhausted.

"Damn, you look like you've been through hell." Yoru jokes, his usual greeting after missions while Sova, who dusted off some broken machine parts off his hair.

"Well... The definition suits. A close call, but we had to fight for that place. I'm more worried about your partner though, they have been quiet for the whole week." Sova says while Yoru nods.

"It's fine, I'm sure they're just tired. I'll give them some space to rest." Yoru says only for KAY/O to shake his head.

"Negative... When we mean quiet, we mean--."

"Quiet quiet... Like, something's on their mind." Neon she says, stretching her back as she takes off her electrical limiter while heading to KJ's lab.

"I'll see what I can do." Yoru sighs until he sees you enter the room looking like an exhausted mess. Bags under your eyes, messy and unkempt hair, tired eyes... He's seen you in tired states before, but nothing like this. Now he's getting worried.

"Hey, babe... I missed you." He greets, meeting your eyes, but instead of the tiredness or excitement you'd show, it was filled with a sudden fear. You gasp at his presence before pushing past him, swiftly walking to your room and slamming the door.

Something is definitely up. He couldn't help but growl and grab at the nearest person who walked past him;

Which happened to be Chamber.

"Mon amie?! What are you--??"

"What happened to (Y/N)?"

"I-. I don't know what you're talking about!! Si vous plait, calm yourself, Yoru." Chamber raises his hands as Yoru slams him onto the metal walls of the base.

"Woah! Woah!! Calm down, Yoru!! What the hell is wrong with you?" Phoenix yells trying to hold Yoru back but Jett pulls him back and shook her head.

You see, Chamber was the one assigned to lead your team. Sure, he had lots of military experience, but he could care less about his teammates dying on the job. As long as he came out alive, he sees things as a clean victory.

"Do you think I can stay calm when they come back like that?! You were in charge, Chamber. Tell me what happened. Now." Yoru yells before Chamber sighs.

"It's not my fault they couldn't keep up--."

"I don't care. Tell me what happened." Yoru barks, shaking him by the collar before Chamber sighs in defeat.

"I instructed your darling to anchor A site, however your double snuck up on them and well... hurt them." Chamber flaunts a nervous smile which only results in Yoru pushing him harshly onto the wall. Chamber sighs in relief, thinking that he's in the clear from Yoru's anger when the shorter man punches the metal wall behind Chamber, leaving a deep dent. "Brimstone already went through this hundreds of times!! We do not leave anyone to defend site alone, especially in a large map!! What is wrong with you?! God you're lucky I got my hands tied other wise I'd kill you!!" Yoru screams down the hall, his furious voice echoing down the barracks halls, summoning other agents out of their rooms.

"Please, Yoru calm down. It was my lapse in judgement---."

"Lapse in judgement?! You think leaving someone to deal with a whole site alone is a LAPSE IN JUDGEMENT?!" Yoru screams, squaring up dangerously close to Chamber.

"What's with all the yelling?" Brimstone barks, crossing his arms seeing the fight that was brewing between Yoru and Chamber. It was a rare occasion to see them fight as they were always in good terms due to them backing up each other in most missions, so Brimstone was caught by surprise.

"Monsieur Brimstone, there's no need to pry--."

"Chamber left (A/N) to defend site alone!! We've gone through this hundreds of times!! That is a last resort role to give someone and you gave it to (A/N) above all things?!? They're not even a sentinel!! You can't do that!!" Yoru screams, his attention now at Brimstone who is not at all that surprised by the outburst.

"I understand your frustration, Yoru but--."

"NO!! This should never have happened in the first place!!"

"Yoru! Calm down!!"

"Like hell I would--."

"Ryo?" Everyone's head turns down the hall to see your head peeping out of your room's door. "(Y/N)... (Y/N) are you alright?" Yoru asks, walking close to you and holding your shoulders as you slowly nodded.

"I--. I'm fine, Ryo. Just, really really tired." You sigh before seeing the rest of the VP now eyeing you. "Let's get inside, Ryo... We don't want to cause a scene." You whisper as he nods, leaving a venomous glare at Chamber before entering your room. As the door closes he quickly hugs you tightly, nuzzling into your shoulder as you sigh, returning the hug.

"You were yelling out there."

"Because Chamber didn't take care of you on your mission. He left you alone in site!! He shouldn't--."

"I proposed that to him? Why? Why would you put yourself in danger--?"

"It was necessary. I had all my utility while everyone else got half. It was the only way we could defend the place from being spiked. It's part of our job." You explained as he turns his back and wipes his face with his hands.

"But you don't have to take that big risk, (Y/N). We talked about this, heck I held my part of the bargain; we don't do anything rash or reckless. What happened to that?" Yoru asked, his voice a little calmer than when he was talking to Chamber.

"I know, Ryo, and I'm sorry. I learned my lesson and I won't do it again... I don't plan on doing that again." You sighs, rubbing your eyes so tears don't drip from them when Ryo hugs you tightly.

"Please... Don't do that again." Ryo begs in a light whisper as your fingers start to crawl up from his back to his hair.

"I won't... I promise.." You whispered, nuzzling into his neck before he shakes his head.

"No... Don't do that again."

"Do what?"

". . . . " Ryo only hugs you tighter and grumbles.

"I-.. Ignore me." You chuckle at hit little stutter before he huffs and cross his arms.

"Don't you laugh!!"

"Okay, I won't!!" Ryo grumbles again, looking away from you until a small smirk quirks in the corner of his lips. You raised a brow before he suddenly tackles you onto the bed and smothers you in kisses. Sometimes you wonder what you're dating; was it an bad boy tsundere shark baby or a Doberman.

"Ryo!! Hey!! Cut it out!!" You squirm as you felt being squished and slobbered over by his butterfly kisses before lays on your chest.

"I missed you..."

"I missed you too, Ryo."

"And... I'm sorry." You start combing his hair with your finger again as you laid on your now messy bed.

"For yelling at my teammates on my behalf?" Ryo chuckles shaking his head.

"No, no... I don't plan on apologizing for that." He laughs before his smile sinks to a frown.

"Then... Then what for?"

"For hurting you, obviously." You sigh, tugging on his dark locks, catching him off guard.

"Hey! What was that for?!"


"Well, that's a first." He rolls his eyes as you shift your position, meeting eye-to-eye.

"It wasn't your fault. It was your double's fault... Okay? Now it's gonna take a lot to convince you otherwise so--."

"So are we gonna kill him?" You sputter a laugh. Of course your boyfriend wanted to kill him... You have yet to get back on that mangy devil double of his.

"That's the plan now, I guess." He smiles, pulling you closer and leaving you as the little spoon. He takes the covers over the bother of you before snuggling close to you.

"We'll plot that later, baby. I need cuddles." He mumbles as he kisses the back of your neck.

"I love you, darling." You smile, slowly drifting to sleep when you hear him snicker.

"Love you more."

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1 year ago

yikes, but its a win-win xD

Hey Yoru, i've been eager to inspect your butterfly comb cuz i find it really cool. Can i take a look or hold it by chance (≧∀≦)

Only if you let me stab you with the comb if you break it. I'd like to know how many stabs it takes to pierce a person with a blunt object. Tit for tat. Deal?

Hey Yoru, I've Been Eager To Inspect Your Butterfly Comb Cuz I Find It Really Cool. Can I Take A Look

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2 years ago

Dumping some of my valo oc x yoru here, her name is Venice btw ^^

Dumping Some Of My Valo Oc X Yoru Here, Her Name Is Venice Btw ^^
Dumping Some Of My Valo Oc X Yoru Here, Her Name Is Venice Btw ^^
Dumping Some Of My Valo Oc X Yoru Here, Her Name Is Venice Btw ^^
Dumping Some Of My Valo Oc X Yoru Here, Her Name Is Venice Btw ^^

I love these two a lot they're so silly and ridiculous /affectionate

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1 year ago
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe
So There's This Cartoon Version Of Valorant From The Official Valorant Arabia YouTube Channel. I Believe

So there's this cartoon version of valorant from the official valorant arabia YouTube channel. I believe there's like 10 episodes, more or less, but it's hilarious. I recommend the yoru episode. It has English captions.

Here's the link below.

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2 years ago
An Ode To Valorant.
An Ode To Valorant.
An Ode To Valorant.
An Ode To Valorant.
An Ode To Valorant.
An Ode To Valorant.
An Ode To Valorant.

an ode to valorant.

by: me!

I don’t know what I meant by this to be honest, it’s 3 am and I had an urge to draw this right here. Right now.

another peak performance

hello there valorant fandom 👋🏽

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2 years ago
Yoru Comes Back From S-22 [icebox]
Yoru Comes Back From S-22 [icebox]
Yoru Comes Back From S-22 [icebox]
Yoru Comes Back From S-22 [icebox]
Yoru Comes Back From S-22 [icebox]

yoru comes back from S-22 [icebox]

inspired off the voice message from yoru to brimstone, in which he tells him about the events he encountered, when he went back there (despite being told to leave the place be)

quote “cold as shit”

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2 years ago
Wisdoms 1/2
Wisdoms 1/2
Wisdoms 1/2
Wisdoms 1/2
Wisdoms 1/2
Wisdoms 1/2

⛩Wisdoms 1/2

Part 2!

Yoru and Neon have voicelines in the game and i just had this idea ^^

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2 years ago
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2
Wisdoms 2/2

⛩Wisdoms 2/2

pt 1!

I’m very proud of that last panel! :D I hope you liked this lil comic. Planning to make more at some point!🥰

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7 months ago

Yoru found you annoying.

Why did you have to get so drunk ? You're even louder than usual now. He had to endure your irritating voice singing as he carried you on his back towards the dorm. He had to endure the sweet giggle escaping your lips every time he turned a corner. He had to endure the frustrating sensation of butterflies in his tummy when you nuzzled your face in the back of his neck.

Of course, he did not forget that your inebriated state was Jett's doing. But he could not help but think how stupid you were to drink that much even though you knew you were a lightweight.

When he finally put you in the warmth of your bed, he rolled his eyes at the sight before him.

You were drooling.

With an exasperated sigh and a scowl on his face, he wiped your chin clean and prepared to leave the room.


He froze. You were only mumbling in your sleep, yet he could not stop the sigh of frustration from leaving his lips. He looked back at you, his cheeks slightly blushing, then tucked you in better.

He found himself ridiculous. Ridiculous for feeling that way towards you. Ridiculous for thinking you were cute. Ridiculous for caring that much.

He will definitely not forget to scold you in the morning while helping recover from your hangover.

Yoru Found You Annoying.

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7 months ago

Yoru was arrogant.

It was well-known by everyone and he wasn't even trying to hide it. To himself, he was the best, period. And like every arrogant people, he hated being humbled. It did not feel right.

"What is it, rift-walker ? Can't stand on your feet ?"

He despised it, your little proud smile. He couldn't believe that him, Kiritani Ryo, was being defeated in hand-in-hand combat by the newest agent. Each round felt like an humiliation. And he refused to accept that. But everytime he stood on his feet for another round, you immediately put him back to where he did not belong, the ground.

"Haven't you had enough ?"

He hated it, that tone you just used. You sounded so bored.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, newbie." he scoffed.

You let out a small giggle that made him clench his jaw.

"You're the one saying that ?" you asked rhetorically. "I can teach you some ropes, if you want."

Now he had enough. How dared you ? With an irritated huff, he stood up and walked out of the training room.

You just chuckled, not offended but amused. Other agents warned you about Yoru, and you just found how interesting and amusing he could be. You already figured him out : he'll soon challenged you for another round. That was how arrogant people worked, they were predictable and Yoru wasn't an exception.

Yoru Was Arrogant.

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7 months ago

Yoru was a grumpy guy. That was a fact accepted by everyone. You were already used to see him rolling his eyes or huffing in annoyance. It was part of his character and it amused you. But you soon discovered that Yoru was worse when he was sick.

"Told you to cover yourself better for that mission, silly," you sighed.

"Shut up." he coughed.

Sage had given you strict instructions to help taking care of him. The poor duellist caught a very nasty cold that pinned him to bed. He could not move without having striking muscular pain, he had a severe fever that made him sweaty and blushed his skin like you've never seen before and he had a sore throat that made his voice hoarse.

"You need to eat first before taking these medicines," you explained gently as you wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I brought you soup. Easy to swallow and warm for your throat."

He sat up, a grimace on his face, and winced when he reached for the bowl. You could read on his facial expression all the pain his body was putting him through.

"I can feed you if you want."

If you weren't used to his antics, the glare he shot you with would have killed you. He was about to throw a snarky remark but his throat interrupted him with a wet cough. Shrugging, you presented the spoon to his lips.


You were only amused by the offended look he had in his eyes. If anything, you were basking in the heat of his glower. What he would not admit, was that he was very grateful for your presence and help. You did not leave him alone, you took care of him and that was enough to make his cold heart melt.

"I'll draw you a bath, later," you murmured when he finally accepted the spoon in his mouth. "The warmth of the water should soothe your muscle pain."

Yoru was too prideful to admit out loud that your warmth was enough. Too prideful to admit that beneath his grumpy exterior, he was thankful to have you with him. He was already bathing in your care and he was silently grateful for that.

Yoru Was A Grumpy Guy. That Was A Fact Accepted By Everyone. You Were Already Used To See Him Rolling

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6 months ago

There were days when you felt unattainable, when you felt like nothing could surprise you. Today was definitely not one of these days. Your jaw dropped at Yoru sudden but simple request :

"Kiss me."

Well, it was technically more of a command than a request but your brain was lagging too much by its sudden abruptness to notice. After a few seconds, your brain activity started again and you noticed the silence in the common room that followed his request—command. There was a certain determination in his eyes that you did not miss as well as the tension in his posture and his clenched jaw. His ego was hurt.

"Yoru," you sighed. "Ryo, my spiky blue rift-walking grumpy cat... what happened ?"

You face slowly turned towards Jett as your question left your lips. Your eyes narrowed on her as she avoided eye contact. Your gaze then fell on Phoenix who nervously looked away. What did these two do ? A bet ? Something that clearly hurt him, which led his ego to intervene in order to protect his heart.

"Or let me kiss you," he added, his eyes not leaving you.

Your gaze looked back at him as he took a step closer. He wanted a kiss. In front of the other agents. A kiss ? He hated PDA, something was fishy.

"Please ?"

Now that was even more fishy. He usually asked 'please' with his eyes and a waiting facial expression, not vocally. Humming softly, you sent a narrowed glare at Jett and Phoenix, grabbed Yoru's wrist and dragged him in the corridor without forgetting to close the door behind you.

"Now, can you tell me what's happening ?" you asked gently.

He stayed quiet as he leaned against the wall, crossed his arms while looking away, a frown on his face. He seemed like he did his best to avoid your eyes. But you knew better. You knew he was hurt.

"Is it something Jett or Phoenix told you ?" you took a step closer. "Should I punch them ?"

Yoru sighed as he let his arms falling to his sides.

"Am I a good boyfriend ?"

Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you blinked at his sudden question.

"What ?"

"Do you think I'm a good boyfriend ?"

For the first time since you met him, you heard a crack in his usually confident voice. Despite the facade he was putting, he looked so fragile.

"You always say that I'm grumpy and that I have a big ego," his eyes still refused to meet yours. "PDA makes me uncomfortable and I'm not good at expressing my feelings vocally. Aren't you tired of me ?"

You stared silently at him. Then after a few seconds, you stepped closer and pinched his cheek.

"Silly," you said gently. "Would a bad boyfriend ask me this ?"

You pinched his other cheek and pulled him closer. He let you do it, his eyes finally landing on you.

"You are grumpy, cocky and sometimes so full of shit," you cupped his face and soothed his cheeks with your thumbs. "You also listen to me ranting, support me on anything I do, protect me during missions and show me that you care in so many ways." You gently rubbed your nose against his and smiled gently. "Ryo, you're a man of action. What you can't say in words, you often say it through your actions and it feels so much more powerful than words... So no, I am not tired of you and I never will. Now that we're together, your grumpy ass will not get rid of me so easily."

You booped his nose and chuckled when he scrunched it. He suddenly hugged you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and you heard him muttering something in his native language. You caressed his nape then gently pinched it.

"You're insufferable, you know that ?" he huffed against your skin.

"Deal with it."

He finally released you and it was his turn to pinch your cheeks, his teasing and confident smile back on these lips that you kissed so many times.

"Ow !"

"You didn't think you would pinch me without any consequences, did you ?"

You scrunched your nose then grabbed his cheeks to gently squeeze them, making him pursing his lips in a ridiculous and exaggerated way.

"I love you too."

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Instead, he just pressed a quick but loving peck on your lips. You didn't mind his silence. You will wait until his ready to use words. You almost missed the light blush coloring his skin.

"I'll still have a serious conversation with Jett and Phoenix though," you added and Yoru only rolled his eyes, knowing that he couldn't stop you.

There Were Days When You Felt Unattainable, When You Felt Like Nothing Could Surprise You. Today Was

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1 year ago
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

╰┈➤ characters... .•`YORU´•.

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... my dating headcannons about him; what would it be like to date with him ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,2k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... fluff, slight nsfw (tw!), mentions of smut, boyfriend! yoru, gender neutral reader ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER... ​reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!

a/n: more headcannons! yoru might be mean sometimes, but he has a softer side, or at least i think so and i will tell you why in the next hcs. also yoru will be ryo. will be nsfw hcs [TW] but mostly fluff about your relationship with him and if or if not you're his significant other.

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

⋆˙.’ if you’re friends with him, yes, he wouldn’t treat you any different from his other friends. in fact, the he’s the exact opposite from a ‘good’ friend. you even considered to cut ties with him.

⋆˙.’ he’s mean. he’s a jerk. ryo would always try to start fights with you and will tease you about almost everything. won’t stop unless he sees that you’re deeply hurt by his mocking and when that happens he just mumbles a quick ‘sorry’ and will ignore you for a few hours or days.

⋆˙.’ but not bc he’s THAT much of a jerk. he just never dealt and will deal with that much human emotion. he think’s it’s better to leave things calm down, rather than bringing it up by talking it out.

⋆˙.’ he’s like some online boyfriend. if he’s not in the mood for talking, he won’t. he simply walks past you, a quick glance and that’s it. but if you’re looking for his company, most of the times he won’t ignore you.

⋆˙.’ won’t initiate conversations at first, unless he needs something.

⋆˙.’ you have a crush on him? well, sorry but he couldn’t care less. ryo will notice in an istant the changes in girls’ behavior and your secret won’t be unknown anymore.

⋆˙.’ he will reject you coldly or it would take a damned long time for him to love you back.

⋆˙.’ when he has a crush on you, he. be. tsundere. like don’t expect him to tell you about his feelings. even more mean than before and you think that he actually hates you or something. but he’s not dumb. he will try tricks to be close to you and try very hard to impress you. sometimes too hard and accidentally harms himself. but keep in mind. never you. he would never hurt you on purpose. -only by mistake-

⋆˙.’ won’t confess. no amount of teasing from his friends will make him act. unless he’s drunk. if he drinks enough he will simply blurt it out. something like: “i like you. i won’t say it again so you better remember it tomorrow.” but we all know that he will say it again to you in the morning.

⋆˙.’ if you’re his significant other ryo will let you know how much he loves you. pda isn’t something he’s afraid from and sometimes he can go too far, when that happens you have to tell him to behave himself. ofcourse you don’t mind little kisses and stuff but grabbing ass publicly is a little too much.

⋆˙.’ but on the other hand he doesn’t like to post on social media about your relationship. don’t expect activity from him; and even when you decide to share something, he hesitantly will say yes but only because you want it.

⋆˙.’ he doesn’t pamper. -or at least he says that- but will always give in to you. you just learned how to get what you want.

⋆˙.’ surprisingly good at cooking but won’t do it unless necessary. he thinks it’s women’s job. -tho at times you can get him to cook together-

⋆˙.’ since he’s a short king, he won’t be happy if you wear high heels even though he thinks it’s sexy. you’re not much shorter than him but his body posture is straight as hell bc he wants to appear taller.

⋆˙.’ his jealousy level is crazy most of the times. would not hesitate to warn the person who’s hitting on you. in the beginning he was more violent and would take action but you ‘practiced’ being at piece with him and explained how it would be better for both of you if he wouldn’t just straight up beat the shit out of the other person who got close to you.

⋆˙.’ so when his possessiveness hits, you shot a quick glance at ryo and he calms down like a dog and backs away. ofc he’s going to be a little upset but won’t show it. he would rather die than seem weak in front of you. (another red flag ahem)

⋆˙.’ but you see through him like you see through a sieve. in those times it’s best to comfort him. he doesn’t know that you realized so he just simply enjoys your kindness. he was all grumpy at first -or tried to seem grumpy-, now he just goes up to you with lowered head, flushed cheeks and slightly opened arms.

⋆˙.’ i love this man’s aggression. he only has a soft spot for you and you know it.

⋆˙.’ make out session are rough. almost as if he wants to make a competition from it. don’t get me wrong. it can be passionate but there’s always a way he makes it more harsh. expect a lot of touching while kissing.

⋆˙.’ expect a lot of you touching overall.

⋆˙.’ this man will not let you hear his moans. he’ll do anything and everything he could to seem more masculine in front of you. no amount of encouragement could change his mind.

⋆˙.’ so even when he lets slip out noises, it’s mostly groans. (for comparison when he teleports in game. ik it’s weird but i can only imagine him doing that sound)

⋆˙.’ he likes to put his whole weight on you, sticking together from sweat; doesn’t mean to hurt you or make you uncomfortable and that’s why he always asks for permission. it’s a habit of him that he couldn’t control from the start. it’s just goes without thinking. ryo wants to feel you as close as possible.

⋆˙.’ yes. ryo is a walking red flag most of the times, but he’s not crazy. and by that i mean that he probably doesn’t has any weird kinks. satisfied with vanilla, unless you want to try out something new. he’s always down for that.

⋆˙.’ only breeding kink but i guess it’s still okay—

⋆˙.’ and probably a masochist too some days.

⋆˙.’ he’s obsessed with your boobs. he loves all of you, but your chest takes a special place in his heart; -and mind- so when you just want to tease him, it is enough to walk in front of him a few times without a bra and you get what you want.

⋆˙.’ arguing with him can be kind of painful. he will just wait for you to shut up. won’t yell back unless you finished your rant. when that happens, he will simply just say back the most hurtful things he can think of, with the calmest tone that could be heard from him.

⋆˙.’ ryo’s goal is to crush all your dignity into pieces and he can reach it quite easily. you feel stupid to the core.

⋆˙.’ he WON’T sit you down with you to talk it out. after arguments you will be all pouty at him. ryo will either be the same, or wouldn’t care at all and act like nothing happened. if the second, it will fume your hatred even more.

⋆˙.’ sometimes to the point you’re not even mad, just straight up sad.

⋆˙.’ he notices it and that’s when he brings it up again. but this time he tries to not to put his own feelings first.

⋆˙.’ he tries. really tries but fails so in the end you’re feeling even worse.

⋆˙.’ at one point tears started welling from your eyes. that was when he finally just embraced you with a tight hug, placing his chin on top of your head, not daring to look into your eyes; just his arms folded around you and a simple apology.

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

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