Nana Is Writing - Tumblr Posts
"Thanks again for the braids."
Astra's fingers kept dancing in your hair with swift but expert movements as she stood behind you. You internally wondered how she managed to manipulate your hair so easily with her prosthetic arm. Her eyes were slightly squinted in concentration but her facial expression remained welcoming. Your gazes met through the looking glass and you shared a smile.
"No problem !" she smiled. "Told you that this hairstyle was more convenient for missions."
"True," you nodded. "Since you styled my hair for that mission a few days ago, I think I adopted that hairstyle. No more hair in my face while aiming nor any Omega bastard yanking at it."
She finally finished her arts on your head and looked at the result with a proud smile. You returned her smile and moved your head to admire your new hairstyle.
"Castor oil really did some miracle on your hair," she hummed, her hands gently squeezing your shoulders. "They seem longer and healthier."
You relished on the feeling of her touch and your smile widened slightly.
"Yep ! I didn't forget the olive oil either, don't worry."
You leaned back in your chair and nuzzled the back of your head against her torso.
"Thanks again, Efia," you murmured.
A thank for taking care of you and for this moment of bonding.
Astra looked down and directly looked at you in the eyes and you could feel her affection more intensely.
"Once again, there is no problem."

Vax'ildan was a very flirty guy. But it was even worse the rare times he managed to get drunk. Added to that a spark of clinginess and you could barely breathe nor move around.
"Vax, I can't move."
He held you in a bear hug, his grip tightening even more when you tried to move away from his embrace. His face nuzzled in your neck, he took deep breaths and just whined when you tried to escape again.
"You don't need to move, love," he mumbled as he suddenly lifted you. "I'll move for you."
Now you felt like you were being kidnapped in a very cuddly way. He was already insufferable when sober, it seemed like alcohol only worsened that trait in him.
"Vax'ildan, release me or I'll tell your sister !" you huffed as you kept struggling in his arms.
"Tell her what ?" he chuckled. "That I'm enjoying some quality with the love of my life ? Trust me she doesn't want to hear the details."
He pressed a loud kiss on your cheek and started to walk away with you still locked in his arms.
"Or I'll tell her about the time a snake almost bit your—"
He suddenly cut you off by putting a large hand over your mouth, his eyes glaring at you with a very faint heat.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Mmmf-mmm-hmmhmmph ?" you squinted your eyes at him.
He took his hand off your lips and raised an eyebrow.
"What ?"
"Is it a challenge ?" you repeated.
He stared at you with a few long minutes, his eyes dazy and his cheeks even more flushed. His gaze looked down at your lips for a second then back at your eyes. His eyes were saying a monologue that could not be translated into words.
"Do you know how hot you are ?" he murmured.
You blinked then dodged his lips.
"Okay," you huffed, finally managing to escape his embrace. "Time for you to go to bed."
You grabbed his wrist and led him towards the bedrooms of the inn, ignoring the hurt-puppy eyes and his pout as he whined a long inebriated speech about 'not being that drunk' and about 'how he deserves hugs and kisses'. You loved Vax'ildan from the bottom of your heart, but he was sometimes too much to bear when drunk. You felt like you turned into a Teddy bear in the grip of a sleepless child.
Once in the bedroom, you didn't even have time to exit the room that he immediately grabbed you by the waist and dragged you to bed with him.
"You're not going anywhere, love," he murmured while nuzzling his nose in your neck. "You're sleeping in my arms tonight."
You muttered a light curse and forfeited. But you swore yourself to scold him heavily in the morning.

"I wish you to drown in an ocean of rubber," you hissed, an inferno of rage burning in your heated glare. "I wish you to run endlessly in a wheel like a hamster just to charge a complete apartment complex for three entire nights."
Neon just rolled her eyes and sighed, unimpressed by your words. She leaned back more comfortably in her chair then looked at you gritting your teeth.
"You just have to pick two more cards," she said while taking a bite of her snack. "Don't be so dramatic."
Playing Uno was a dangerous game. The atmosphere was thick with tension : any word or action and the temporary calm would make way for a rageous storm. And unfortunately for the whole base, you were a petty individual.
Neon gasped, her eyes widening in offense as she watched you lay a cruel card on top of the pile.
"How dare you !?" she said, the lights of the room flicking slightly.
"You just have to pick four more cards," you answered with a smug smile. "Don't be so dramatic."
She stood up abruptly, statics and sparks of electricity dancing around her.
"Take that card back !" she barked.
You stuck out your tongue and winked smugly at her.
"I can't. You know the rules, sweetheart."
The electricity of the whole dormitory quarter suddenly shut down. The emergency LED quickly turned on as you both heard Brimstone shouting both of your call signs. Neon and you winced.
"How many board games did he confiscate already ?" she asked.
"I think with this one, it'll be seven."

Vex'ahlia watched you and Trinket cuddling from afar. She watched you cooing, caressing and giggling with the bear. She watched you hugging the bear who nuzzled against you with affection. Of course, she was happy that her baby and her darling got along so well, but now, she felt a bit left out.
"Aren't you an adorable predator !" you cooed while caressing Trinket's belly. "So cute yet so dangerous, like your mommy !"
You looked behind you and winked at the archer before focusing on the bear again.
"Look, Trinket," you loudly murmured. "Mommy looks grumpy, today. Do you think cuddles would bring back her lovely smile ?"
Vex'ahlia rolled her eyes at your antics but couldn't stop her smile from blooming.
"Do you feel it, Trinket ?" you dramatically gasped. "That sudden warmth wrapping my soul in a gentle embrace ! It is your mommy's superpower, no doubt !"
The bear nodded and looked at the archer, as if beckoning her to get closer. Vex'ahlia rolled her eyes again. How could she resist you ? Such a smooth talker and an animal lover, how could she not fall ? She felt herself fall even more for you when you smiled at her as she sat beside you and Trinket.
"Look !" you said with enthusiasm. "I got you a new feather !"
Once again, she wondered how could she not fall.

There were days when you felt unattainable, when you felt like nothing could surprise you. Today was definitely not one of these days. Your jaw dropped at Yoru sudden but simple request :
"Kiss me."
Well, it was technically more of a command than a request but your brain was lagging too much by its sudden abruptness to notice. After a few seconds, your brain activity started again and you noticed the silence in the common room that followed his request—command. There was a certain determination in his eyes that you did not miss as well as the tension in his posture and his clenched jaw. His ego was hurt.
"Yoru," you sighed. "Ryo, my spiky blue rift-walking grumpy cat... what happened ?"
You face slowly turned towards Jett as your question left your lips. Your eyes narrowed on her as she avoided eye contact. Your gaze then fell on Phoenix who nervously looked away. What did these two do ? A bet ? Something that clearly hurt him, which led his ego to intervene in order to protect his heart.
"Or let me kiss you," he added, his eyes not leaving you.
Your gaze looked back at him as he took a step closer. He wanted a kiss. In front of the other agents. A kiss ? He hated PDA, something was fishy.
"Please ?"
Now that was even more fishy. He usually asked 'please' with his eyes and a waiting facial expression, not vocally. Humming softly, you sent a narrowed glare at Jett and Phoenix, grabbed Yoru's wrist and dragged him in the corridor without forgetting to close the door behind you.
"Now, can you tell me what's happening ?" you asked gently.
He stayed quiet as he leaned against the wall, crossed his arms while looking away, a frown on his face. He seemed like he did his best to avoid your eyes. But you knew better. You knew he was hurt.
"Is it something Jett or Phoenix told you ?" you took a step closer. "Should I punch them ?"
Yoru sighed as he let his arms falling to his sides.
"Am I a good boyfriend ?"
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you blinked at his sudden question.
"What ?"
"Do you think I'm a good boyfriend ?"
For the first time since you met him, you heard a crack in his usually confident voice. Despite the facade he was putting, he looked so fragile.
"You always say that I'm grumpy and that I have a big ego," his eyes still refused to meet yours. "PDA makes me uncomfortable and I'm not good at expressing my feelings vocally. Aren't you tired of me ?"
You stared silently at him. Then after a few seconds, you stepped closer and pinched his cheek.
"Silly," you said gently. "Would a bad boyfriend ask me this ?"
You pinched his other cheek and pulled him closer. He let you do it, his eyes finally landing on you.
"You are grumpy, cocky and sometimes so full of shit," you cupped his face and soothed his cheeks with your thumbs. "You also listen to me ranting, support me on anything I do, protect me during missions and show me that you care in so many ways." You gently rubbed your nose against his and smiled gently. "Ryo, you're a man of action. What you can't say in words, you often say it through your actions and it feels so much more powerful than words... So no, I am not tired of you and I never will. Now that we're together, your grumpy ass will not get rid of me so easily."
You booped his nose and chuckled when he scrunched it. He suddenly hugged you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and you heard him muttering something in his native language. You caressed his nape then gently pinched it.
"You're insufferable, you know that ?" he huffed against your skin.
"Deal with it."
He finally released you and it was his turn to pinch your cheeks, his teasing and confident smile back on these lips that you kissed so many times.
"Ow !"
"You didn't think you would pinch me without any consequences, did you ?"
You scrunched your nose then grabbed his cheeks to gently squeeze them, making him pursing his lips in a ridiculous and exaggerated way.
"I love you too."
He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Instead, he just pressed a quick but loving peck on your lips. You didn't mind his silence. You will wait until his ready to use words. You almost missed the light blush coloring his skin.
"I'll still have a serious conversation with Jett and Phoenix though," you added and Yoru only rolled his eyes, knowing that he couldn't stop you.

Sparring is something that you did so casually with Grog. There were no hostility between you two. It was all fun and banter. But you two respected the other, and because of that, you would never dare going easy on the other. It would be the biggest insult you'd throw at the other.
"Not bad, big guy !" you smiled as you dodged another attack.
It was a show combining strength and agility. Instinct and strategy. Grog and you. You were both doing your best for the other, showing your love and your respect through your movements and attacks.
"Thanks !" he grinned as he threw another attack that you also dodged. "Beer after that ?"
"Yep !"
Even though your sparring always ended with a draw, there were not one time when you weren't satisfied. And there were not one time you weren't getting scold by Pike because of your bruises. But you did not care. You both spent the quality time moment that you needed. Sharing blows and smiles, dodging and laughing... It was one of the many ways you had to show your affection. Of course, there were his bone crushing hugs, and you couldn't escape any. You didn't want to, anyway.
"Let's try the double axes, tomorrow," he murmured once Pike turned her back.

Omen could be spooky. Master of shadows and teleportation, ambush expert and underestimated strategist. An air of authority and superiority radiated from each of his movements. He was a very estimated agent of the protocol, respected by all, and a very feared oppenent on the field.
Who would have thought that his room would be so cozy ?
"How the hell did you manage to have a fireplace in here ?"
"I have my ways," he answered casually.
He was calmly knitting, sat on a rocking chair but you also had his attention. His bed was carefully made but you doubted he ever used it. Some bonsai trees were put on some shelves as well as some books, and the room was only illuminated by the dim but warm light of the fire. You kept looking around and —was that Dizzy sleeping in the corner ?— noticed the book you recommended to him a few days ago on his bed table.
"Can I help you with something ?" he suddenly asked, exiting you from your daze.
You blinked, looked back at him then cleared your throat.
"Uhm...I came to give your knife back," you said as you handed him the weapon. "Thanks again. It was truly useful for yesterday's mission."
Dizzy raised her head slightly to take a look at you, then decided to changes spot to rest on the pillows of the bed instead.
You saw the three stripes of the wraith's face slightly dilating, as if he was observing you better. Unbeknownst to you, your presence had the odd ability to soothe him. Everytime you were around, Omen found himself feeling more stable. You also amused him. He found the surprise in your eyes as you looked around adorable.
He nodded and invited you to sit down on the bed.
"You seem tired," he said calmly.
You avoided his gaze and started to fidget your fingers. You took a deep breath then slowly released it.
"I'm not tired."
"Exhausted then ?" he hummed as he momentarily stopped knitting.
He always observed you, silently watching over you. He started to worry when he saw you weakening. He felt you less lively than usual, more tired, too feeble and too hardworking.
"That's..." you sighed and looked down on your lap. "That's one way to put it."
"Don't overwork yourself," he said firmly "Rest."
His words felt like there were on the tight line between a request and an order. You sighed, feeling yourself weakening even more under the intensity of his gaze. You lied down on the bed —like you thought, the bed was barely used— and your eyelids started to feel heavier.
"I recommend you stop going on mission until you feel better," he murmured, his voice had a soothing effect that embrace your ears in a warm embrace.
Your already frail resolve shattered at his words. You felt Dizzy nuzzling against you as sleep slowly took you away. He watched you fall asleep and resumed his knitting. Several hours passed and you still shared a quiet and cozy moment. Even though you were unconscious, you had never felt as relaxed as you did now. You internally thanked Omen.
And Omen internally thanked you. For finally taking care of yourself, and for your company.
Needless to say that you started spending a lot of time in his dorm. He helped you rest, and you helped him feeling more stable.

can you please make a percy x reader one shot where the reader is from a small village and has never seen a large city? And percy shows the reader around Whitestone?
Oh ? I think I can write something down. My brain is feeling cooperative.
Thanks for the request ! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Percy was busy. Busy admiring your smile as you looked at some shop windows, busy admiring your eyes sparkling as you looked around with a dreamy and fascinated expression, and busy smiling when you sighed, appreciating the sight of the Sun tree now healthy under the warm sun.
"How majestic !" he heard you gasping.
He wasn't fond of being a touristic guide, plus, Whitestone was still healing from the wounds left by the Briarwoods. But seeing the admiration and the light in your gaze as you strolled in his city, the heritage of his family, the place he grew up in, made him feel so proud. For the first time in years, he felt at peace.
"Percy !" he heard you call him.
His eyebrows raised when he felt you grabbing his hand and gently squeezing it. You looked at him with these eyes he grew so fond of, and this smile that protected him from so many nightmares.
"Yes ?" he answered.
"Show me your favourite place in all Whitestone !" you excitedly said, gently shaking his arm. "It has to be out-doors, so no library allowed."
He tilted his head slightly, thinking as some memories flew to his mind. It has been years now, and the place is probably destroyed, but he wanted to show you, to share it with you. He led you through the streets now buzzing with life again, freed from fear and uncertainty. He took care of explaining the history of each street you were walking through and answering your questions. Then finally, you arrived at a desert square. The first thing you noticed was a majestic fountain. It still stood there among the cracks on the floor and destroyed buildings, its water still flowing with strength and pride. Then, on top of the fountain, you saw statue representing the Sun tree.
"It's...still here," murmured Percival in relief.
He sat on the edge of the fountain, under the stone branches of the statue. He patted the space beside him and you immediately joined him.
"Let me guess," you hummed as you admired the shadows cast by the sculpture. "You liked to read here."
"I did," he nodded, his eyes venturing on the water before looking back at you. "What was your favourite place back in your village ?"
Your hand played with the water as his question slowly sinked in.
"A little space under a small bridge leading to the center of the village," you said, your voice heavy with nostalgia. "Not really practical when the water of the stream raised, but I liked this place."
You looked back at him and he felt himself blushing. He cleared his throat then diverted his eyes on the water again.
"How do you find Whitestone so far ?"
You hummed softly as the wind slowly rised.
"A bit overwhelming compared to my village. But oddly homey despite its size."
He nervously cleared his throat again, his eyes still avoiding yours.
"Homey. So, do you agree that it is a perfect place for two people to grow old together ?"
You blinked in surprise at his words, but quickly smiled and nodded.
"Well, yes. It is oddly cozy for a large city," your fingers are still playing in the fresh water. "Why do you ask ?"
Percival felt too flustered to answer honestly. He turned his face away to hide his blushing cheeks.
"For nothing."
"I might count that as a murder attempt," you gasped for air.
She couldn't help it. She couldn't control it. She couldn't stop it. Everytime you were around, Keyleth's clumsiness would just spike. Accidently coking you with her vines ? Done. Almost burning you ? Done. Almost making you fall from the top of a cliff ? Done. Today was sadly not an exception. The poor dear unfortunately pushed you in a barrel full of beer. Not any barrel. The biggest barrel in the tavern. Fortunately for you, you did not drown.
"I'm so so so so so sorry !" she apologized, her cheeks gaining more colors than her hair.
You sighed again and managed to exit the barrel, drenched in alcohol. Your clothes were wet and smelled like liquor.
"It's okay," you hummed calmly. "Let's just not tell Grog that I'm now booze-flavored."
You accepted the towel she handed you with a grateful smile. Keyleth felt so bad, now. What did you think of her ? Did you see her as a burden ? Did you even see her as a friend ? Would you want someone like her close to you ? Was she even worthy of your presence ? How could she—
"Hey," your voice lightened the obscurity of her overthinking. "Could you please help me get rid of the beer on my skin and find new clothes ?"
This simple request blew away any shadow of doubt. You weren't mad at her. And you trusted her. Her back straightened as she nodded with energy.
"Of course ! I'm so sorry again."
"It's fine, Keyleth. Really," you smiled reassuringly at her.
How adorable. Her clumsiness could be a deadly weapon for sure, but in your mind slightly drowsy because of the alcohol, you couldn't help but find her lovely. You internally wished she could see herself like you admired her.

"You're writing fanfictions about us ?" you asked, your eyes widening in surprise.
Clove started to giggle like the maniacal pixie that they were as their fingers played with some random dice. You sat down on their bed as your eyes traveled on the words written in their notebook.
"So, what do you think ?" they asked, leaning towards you.
"I think that your imagination is somewhat frightening," you chuckled lightly and turned a page. "You even did illustrations !?"
Their smile only widened at your words as you admired their arts. The crazyness and passion baked onto these pages resulted in a chaotic and sparkly madness that was a beautiful representation of Clove's peculiar mind. The fact that they took the time to fill a complete notebook full of scenarios where the agents of the protocol were the main characters still baffled you. You were even among the pages living crazy adventures.
"Clove, darling, my dear Scottish stardust pixie," you sighed in a very dramatic way. "I don't know if I want to expose this in a museum or hide it from everyone's eyes."
"Well, I'm pretty sure Cypher already saw it," they hummed. "His eyes are literally everywhere."
Clove leaned a bit closer to you, the mischief in their eyes sparkling like lost stars bathing in an ancient ocean.
"The reason I showed you this is because I wanted to live a scenario that I wrote about us two."
"Hm ?" your eyebrows raised slightly. "Which one ?"
They bit their lower lip to silent their laughter as they turned the pages of the notebook. Your eyes then fell on the scenario they meant. As your read the lines, your eyes widened and your face flushed. Maniacal butterflies took ownership of your stomach and time released your brain from its hold. Your voice was stolen from you as your astounded gaze fell on a very graphic illustration of Clove and you.
"Damn," you murmured after a moment of silence.
Their nose scrunched in mirth at your loudly silent flusteredness. They mentally took a picture of your face to redraw it later.
"So ? What do you say ?"

"There are times when I wonder if you're a masochist," Pike sighed as she used her healing ability on you.
You just giggled casually, staring at her with so much intensity that she felt herself blushing. The blood dripping from your injury on your abdomen didn't seem to phase you, which astounded Pike. You end up hurt pretty often, and you were always reaching for Pike.
"Aren't you suffering ?"
"You're presence is my painkiller," your grin widened as the red on her cheeks deepened.
She cleared her throat as she kept healing you, doing her best to ignore your stare. You kept your smile and brush a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are ?" you murmured. "I could admire you for centuries without getting tired of it."
She abruptly stood up and turned her back to you, hiding her flustered face.
"Your injury is healed !" she almost shout nervously. "Try to not get hurt too much !"
You chuckled, noticing the red of her ears.
"Alrighty, blondie !"
You did not promise, though. The only reason you let yourself being hurt was because you knew Pike would be there for you. The pain was just temporary anyway. When her golden light was near, nothing else mattered. Plus, you loved seeing her all flustered.
In a way, you maybe were indeed a masochist.

Reyna knew she could be intense. She knew she could be scary. She was aware of her talent for making people uncomfortable. But for the first time of her life, she almost felt intimidated. Almost.
You were only supposed to collect intel in a Kingdom facility. The infiltration phase started well, taking the intel was easy, but of course, a random scientist had to pass by and activate the alarm.
Taking the upcoming soldiers down was easy. Torturing the one who shot Reyna was satisfying. It was terrifying how creative you could be with a gun. She knew you could be intense sometimes, but she did not know you could be that violent. Violent to the point that she had to ask you to...
"Please calm down."
She couldn't believe that these words came out of her mouth. And apparently neither did you. You stopped your actions, then looked at her, your pupils dilated and your breathing harsh. She noticed how the veins in your neck stood out.
"He hurt my queen," you said with an offended tone.
Reyna found you adorable and would affectionaly pinch your cheeks if you had more time. She just grabbed your hand and drag you through the corridors of the facility. She then looked back at you when she felt your hand lightly squeezing hers.
"You're bleeding," you said.
"Just a scratch."
You shook your head and tore the sleeve of your top to make a makeshift bandage for her injury. She raised an eyebrow but let you do, knowing how you would stubbornly insist that she needed it. Once you were done, she grabbed your hand again and led you outside where the VLR/T was waiting for you.
"Let's go home, mi caballero," Reyna murmured.

Mi caballero = My knight
Physical touch and words of affirmation were Gekko's main love languages. Hell, he was very fluent in those languages. That was something you immediately noticed when you first met him, and then later when you two started dating. He was clingy, very cuddly, and loved to cheer you up, no matter what you did. But one thing he absolutely adored, was helping you stretching your body during your workout.
"Don't you think you're taking advantage of the situation, puppy ?" you raised an eyebrow as you exhaled slowly.
He blushed slightly at the endearing pet name but grinned widely against the back of your neck.
"I'm just helping you, cariño," he replied with a mocked innocence.
He was kneeling behind you, his chest flushed against your back as he helped you pushing your torso further as you were sat in a forward fold.
"You're doing so well," he murmured against your skin and you were certain he could feel your goosebumps. "Your flexibility never stops to amaze me."
You gasped sharply when you felt him press a long but soft kiss against your neck.
"Dude !"
He leaned back, snickering mischievously as you straightened your back up. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but feel flustered. It seemed like Gekko turned into a total flirt especially when you were stretching. You took a deep breath, laid back down on the yoga mat then raised one leg up while the other stayed flat against the floor. Gekko's pupils dilated as he looked down at you. He then helped you by pinning your resting leg against the floor with his knee and pushing the raised one further.
"Don't forget to breathe," he said gently.
Your eyes met his and you felt your pulse quickening when you saw the raw emotions in those hazel eyes that you loved so much. Only his eyes had the ability to make you feel so flustered. Only his eyes had the ability to make you feel so desired.
"You're enjoying this way more than I do," you groaned.
"You have no idea," he smiled.
Your breath hitched when he did the bold action of pressing long kisses along your ankle and your calf, his eyes closed as his face morphed into a sinful expression. He then hugged your leg against his torso and leaned it further towards your chest.
"Mateo," you scolded him sternly.
Of course, he didn't take you seriously. How could he when you were hiding your face behind your hands and turning your face away ? You could barely look into his impish eyes. You didn't even see the wicked blush spreading on his cheeks.
"You're doing so good," he murmured smoothly as he sensually caressed your leg. "Thirty seconds left."
"You bastard," you grumbled, completely flustered.
"I thought I was your puppy," he chuckled.

Iso was an attractive guy. Decent and respectful, skilled and humble, gentle and eye-candy. Everything in him screamed 'handsome'. You noticed that when you first met him, and since you two started to date, you were bathing in the warmth of his casual tenderness. He was a master of quality time. And it was by spending a lot of tender moments with him that you discovered one of his many hidden talents : making you flustered.
He did it so naturally, so effortlessly, that he wasn't even conscious of it.
The soft grunts and huffs he let out as your hands skillfully massaged his wide back —was it you or did he really get buffer ?— made you feel like the most wicked being on this universe. You almost drooled when you reminded yourself that you were straddling his hips. The weight of his hoodie on your shoulders and the sent of his cologne teasing your nose slowly made you feel like jelly. Was it how victorian men felt when they had a glimpse of a woman's ankle ?
"Are you good back there ?" he hummed, his voice muffled by the pillows.
His voice.
"Shut up," your breath was shaky. "You're not helping."
You kept massaging his back, less and less focused when you suddenly heard him chuckling. You noticed him staring at you with an amused glint in his eyes.
"What ?" you asked.
In the blink of an eye, you were suddenly pinned down, his fingers teasingly pinching your cheek.
"可爱的," he murmured in awe.
He looked at you with these pretty eyes that you loved so much, powerful but undescribable emotions screaming in his gaze. You felt your heart beating so fast that you were surprised he wasn't teasing you about it.
"Damn," you murmured.
He pressed a soft and reverential kiss on your cheek and resumed on admiring you. You sometimes wondered how on Earth you got lucky enough to date such an amazing person.
Unbeknownst to you, so did Iso.
"Your turn, now," he said with his usual calm tone. "You're tense."

可爱的 — Kě'ài de = adorable.
"I am surprised and not so surprised at the same time," you sighed while massaging your temples.
Before your very eyes : Scanlan. Well, Scanlan but with his body gender swapped. He smiled smugly at you and tossed your grimoire at you, winking victoriously.
"Told you I'd manage," he laughed. "And damn, I'm hot !"
He pressed a quick kiss on your cheek before checking himself in the mirror, posing in some ridiculous positions while you shook your head behind him, astounded. Earlier, you challenged Scanlan into successing a random spell in your spellbook without an instrument. You didn't think he would actually success the spell.
"Look at that !" he blew a kiss at his reflection. "What a hottie !"
"How on earth did you manage that spell ?"
He winked at you again and put his hand on his hips.
"It's actually not the first time I use this kind of spell."
"Yeah, but it is the first time you're using my type of magic."
"Let's say I'm a prodigy, then !"
He then put his hands on his chest to feel his new attributes while looking at his rear. You only watched him with a raised eyebrow then opened your grimoire at the page where the spell was. Your eyes squinted slightly as you let out a small hum.
"Did you read the page well ?" you asked.
"Of course, duh !" he rolled his eyes was pointing himself. "The proof is right in front of you. Admit it, your magic is not that—"
He suddenly interrupted himself and held his abdomen, grimacing in pain.
"What's happening ?" he grunted.
"It's your karma for being an ass," you rolled your eyes then point a specific line in the grimoire with your index. "Congratulations on your first period, doofus. Seems like yours are the painful ones."
He let himself fall down on the floor with a wheeze of distress, curled up in himself.
"Please," he whined. "Give me my balls back."

You hated roses. Their squeamish appearance, their ridiculously smooth petals or people's weird fascination for this flower in particular. You hated roses.
But you loved Vyse.
"Don't you dare scaring me like that ever again," she murmured against your ear.
You loved her fierceness, her personality, her voice, her sole being. You adored the embrace she pulled you in even though you hated the light but unusual quake in her voice. You returned her hug, releasing a small shaky breath as you relished in the warmth of her body instead of the cold of the infirmary.
"I didn't do it on purpose though," you chuckled lightly.
Vyse was clearly not amused. She pulled back slightly and sternly grabbed your shoulders. She let out a long sigh.
"I am glad that you have enough energy for laughing, but I am serious."
You nodded and pulled her in another embrace. You hated roses, but you love Vyse. And you were ready to be her rose while she'll be your bramble bush wrapping you in a comforting protection of thorns.
"I can't promise anything," you murmured. "But please, stay with me."
"I obviously will."

Larry didn't need to be high to be quiet. He could just listen to his music. He could be painting. Or he could just stare into the void while a maelstrom of thoughts invaded his mind. He liked to isolate himself in the treehouse for these kind of moments. But you liked to bother him.
“Hey Larry-bear !”
He heard you voice coming from the feet of the tree. But he didn't move. He knew you would soon join him. He heard you yapping down the tree and a chuckle escaped his lips when he heard you grunting as you climbed the tree.
“Damn you need to change those planks !” he heard you grumbling. “I swear those are older than Mrs. Rosenberg !”
He finally saw your head emerge from the tree house entrance as you dramatically gasped for air. You beamed when you saw him, sat in a corner.
“Yo !” you raised your hand and Larry raised an eyebrow when he saw the plastic bag in your grip. “I've got snacks ! Want some ?”
You did not wait for his answer. You immediately joined him against the wall of the tree house.
“Paninis are still hot, Larry-bear,” you handed him one of the said 'paninis'. “Careful with your tongue.”
You handed him a can of soda (his favorite) then proceed to bite in your snack. Larry silently watched you do before biting in his panini.
“Told ya, silly bear !” you snorted as you quickly opened his can and he immediately chugged it down.
You leaned your head on his shoulder as you kept eating. You shared his silence but chased away his thoughts like the sun scoffing at the thunderclouds. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers. A soft sigh escaped your lips as your thumb caressed the back of his hand.
“Next time you let yourself beaten by your own thoughts without me knowing, I'll choke you with your own hair, Rapunzel,” you murmured.
He snorted at your words but nodded.
As long as you were there, his thoughts didn't stand a chance.
Skye looked at you with an amused exasperation.
"Please don't tell Brimstone," you said while caressing the little chick in your hands.
She should have seen it coming. She should be used to your antics, yet, you always managed to catch her off-guard.
"His name is Nugget," you smiled.
She couldn't stop the soft laugh from escaping her mouth. She then looked back at the little bird staring at her, then your soft grin and she momentarily wondered if she fell under your charm like the chick did. It wasn't the first time you adopted a random animal. Skye sometimes wondered if you were a Disney princess.
"Wasn't the cat from last time enough ?" she asked as she pet the little bird with her index finger. "Brimstone would not let your little friend stay."
You looked away and lightly bit your lip. You hadn't had the heart to tell her that you left the cat under Fade and Omen's care. Who would inspect the wraith dorm room ? It was the perfect hide out.
"Where did you find him anyway ?"
"You ask too much questions," you pouted then took a step closer. "Could you please help me build a little house for Nugget ? We could put it in your garden and Brim wouldn't find out."
"What about Cypher ?"
The small chuckle that escaped your lips managed to make her blush lightly.
"He already knows," you pointed at the camera around the corner and friendly waved at it.
The camera nodded, as if returning your enthusiasm. Skye laughed again, quickly joined by you.
"Alright," she accepted. "I will build your little friend a house and help you feed him in exchange of your company."
The smile you blinded her with was so warm she felt her heart blooming.
"Deal !" you exclaimed. "I'll get his seeds in my room and I'll join you in the garden. Thank you so much, Skye !"
She watched you go back in your dorm room, leaving her breathless. She was looking forward to bask in your sunny company.

The very first time Clove faced death, you both were children. They did not understand what was happening. One instant they were falling from the tree they were playing in, the next, they were in that strange and desert place. They felt lost and scared but then, you appeared and comforted them.
"It's your first time here right ?" you had ask. "It's the first time I see someone else here."
You showed them the way out and they woke up in a hospital bed. When they told their parents what had happened, they were faced with wide opened eyes.
"My child, you must have faced an angel."
The second time they faced death, they were a bit older and had been the victim of a hit-and-run. They appeared in that strange place again and you were sat on the edge of a ravine, your legs dangling in the void. They joined you and when you noticed their presence, you smiled widely at them.
"I thought I'd never see you again," you had said. "It gets easily lonely, here."
"Are you an angel ?" they asked.
Your eyes had widened at their words before a bursting laugh escaped your throat. You didn't give them an answer, though. You just offered them to walk through the path of awakening together. Clove had often wondered who you were. But they were glad they met you. Discovering their immortality had been less overwhelming thanks to you.
The third time Clove faced death, you were not there. But they had not felt lonely for long when they discovered a comical version of yourself drawn by you on a wall and several arrows showing them the way out.
Facing death was now a thrilling habit for Clove, and meeting you on the liminal space between life and death had become a normal stroll for them. You literally saw each other growing up. They often wondered what was happening in your life for you to often be there, but never dared to ask.
And then, after they joined Valorant, you stopped taking the path of awakening with them. You entertained them until they woke up, but never woke yourself up. You could, but you did not want to. So one day, they purposefully joined you in the liminal space and were welcomed by your smile.
"Why ?" they just asked.
Your smile immediately dropped as well as your shoulders as you just sat down.
"Let's just say I put my immortality on hold," you shrugged as you carelessly shot in a pebble.
"Why ?" they repeated.
"Breathing is not leaving."
They sat down beside you and grabbed your hand, a new determination burning in their eyes.
"Tell me where I can find you," they said. "So I can give you a reason for your immortality."
Your eyes widened at their words and you looked at them as if a second head grew on their shoulder.
"What ?"
"Join me. Join Valorant," they insisted.
Their determination burned your resolve. You flinched and told them where you were before they encouraged you on the path of awakening.
"I promise I'll come get you," were the last words you heard before waking up.
You quickly forgot those words but never these burning blue eyes. But you quickly remembered when a few days later, you recognized them, waving at you as a aircraft descended from the sky. It was the first time you two met outside of the liminal space. They quickly jumped off the aircraft to jump in your arms as their teammates slowly followed behind. You held them tightly, as if to make sure they were real and they did the same.
"I told you I'd get you," they murmured in your ears. "Come with me, with us."
They cupped your face and looked at you closely.
"Clove," someone called — a girl with striking blue hair —. "Who is it ?"
Their eyes did not leave yours as they answered.
"My angel."

Question : can this be considered angsty ?
Vax'ildan found you hot when you were irritated. Your narrowed eyes and dilated pupils, your jaw clenching, your fists tightening and the light scowl on your lips. But he hated when you decided to ignore him. Did he go to far in his teasing ? Maybe. But you were too irritated to listen to his apologies.
"Please, love," he begged but you turned your back on him. He found you adorable. Yet, he could not admire you. "I'm so—"
He was cut off in the middle of his sentence by you stabbing the mattress of the bed right between his legs.
"Any more words and I make you a eunuch," you murmured with a poisonous tone. "Am I clear ?"
He loudly gulped but nodded, you were cristal clear. No words.
But what about actions ?
Slowly, his hand reached for yours and brought it to his lips. He left a small kiss on your knuckles as your glare sent shivers down his spine. You were about to stand up when he suddenly pulled you on his lap. You huffed, he smirked and cradled you in his arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck and rocked you from side to side.
"What the heck do you think you're doing ?" you sighed.
Vax'ildan chuckled lightly then mimed his mouth being sewn.
No more word.
You rolled your eyes, tried to escape from his arms but his embrace tightened softly as he pressed long but soft kisses in your neck. His large hands caressed your sides as he lied the both of you on the bed —without forgetting to throw your dagger away. He then looked at you with sad puppy eyes, his lower lip trembling in hope to soften you.
Am I forgiven ?
"I'm going to punch you," you sighed.