Varangian - Tumblr Posts
Svjatoslav I, knieža z rodu Rurikovcov s Perunovou sekerkou v pozadí, jedna z hlavných postáv série Bohatier Autor - Martina "Agama" Zrostlíková
Kyjevskí hromotĺci - I
Zdroj -
#inktober day 30: A Varangian Guard. ‘Varangian’ was the name used by the Greeks, Russians and others of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East to describe the vikings who, in the 10th century, migrated east and south from Sweden and Finland to dominate areas such as modern day Belarus, the Ukraine and western Russia (collectively known then as Kievan Rus).
They are best known for the Varangian Guard, mercenaries who were retained as the elite household bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperor, acting in the same capacity as Anglo-Saxon and Danish 'housecarls’ in Western Europe.
After The Battle of Hastings many exiled and dispossessed english warriors journeyed to the region in search of riches and new masters to serve, and many ended up in the Varangian Guard.
Inks on A5 watercolour paper, no pencils. Available for sale for just £25 (free postage in the UK, folk elsewhere will need to add a couple of quid for shipping)
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