Kievan Rus - Tumblr Posts
Sketch thing with Kievan Rus (no idea ho translate it). Just great strong slavic women.
Mikula Selianovič zo série Bohatier Autor - Martin Plsko
Prequelová momentka zo života Rurikovcov, staršia generácia.
Svjatoslav I, knieža z rodu Rurikovcov s Perunovou sekerkou v pozadí, jedna z hlavných postáv série Bohatier Autor - Martina "Agama" Zrostlíková
Kyjevskí hromotĺci - I
Zdroj -
Boy, were those Rurikids greedy. Novgorod was not enough, gotta have also Kiev. And then in next generation level down a rivaling city or two in neighbourhood. And then the next generation move the capital to Preslav on Danube right at doorstep of Constantinople - did not work out. The next generations after that took to founding cities in the northeast instead. But that's a tale for another time.
The Death of Askold and Dir by Fyodor Bruni 1839
"6388-6390 (880-882 CE): He [Oleg] then came to the hills of Kiev, and saw how Askold and Dir reigned there. He hid his warriors in the boats, left some others behind, and went forward himself bearing the child Igor'. He thus came to the foot of the Hungarian hill, and after concealing his troops, he sent messengers to Askold and Dir, representing himself as a stranger on his way to Greece on an errand for Oleg and for Igor', the prince's son, and requesting that they should come forth to greet them as members of their race. Askold and Dir straightway came forth. Then all the soldiery jumped out of the boats, and Oleg said to Askold and Dir, "You are not princes nor even of princely stock, but I am of princely birth." Igor' was then brought forward, and Oleg announced that he was the son of Rurik. They killed Askold and Dir, and after carrying them to the hill, they buried them there, on the hill now known as Hungarian, where the castle of Ol'ma now stands.
Oleg set himself up as prince in Kiev, and declared that it should be the mother of Russian cities. The Varangians, Slavs, and others who accompanied him, were called Russes."
-The Russian Primary Chronicle. Laurentian Text. Translated and edited by Samuel Hazzard Cross and Olgerd P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor
Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky
Golden chains with enamel birds, most likely made in Kyiv in 11th-12th century
#inktober day 30: A Varangian Guard. ‘Varangian’ was the name used by the Greeks, Russians and others of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East to describe the vikings who, in the 10th century, migrated east and south from Sweden and Finland to dominate areas such as modern day Belarus, the Ukraine and western Russia (collectively known then as Kievan Rus).
They are best known for the Varangian Guard, mercenaries who were retained as the elite household bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperor, acting in the same capacity as Anglo-Saxon and Danish 'housecarls’ in Western Europe.
After The Battle of Hastings many exiled and dispossessed english warriors journeyed to the region in search of riches and new masters to serve, and many ended up in the Varangian Guard.
Inks on A5 watercolour paper, no pencils. Available for sale for just £25 (free postage in the UK, folk elsewhere will need to add a couple of quid for shipping)
#ink #inks #inking #inktober2018 #viking #rusviking #kievanrus #varangian #varangianguard #byzantium #warrior #history #militaryhistory #middleages #medieval #illustration #sketch #mattsoffe
Tretia a štvrtá časť Bohatiera sú z veľkej časti o tom, že Koščej tají, čo vlastne robí, keď sa po nociach vytráca kamsi preč. A niekto sa zamyslel, ako by mohol reagovať knieža Svjatoslav, keby na to počas chazarského ťaženia prišiel.
S niečím takýmto by sa človek mohol stretnúť na cestách s Roganom. Prípadne aj v príhodách Sviatoslavových družiníkov. (Žeby námet na fanfikciu? ;) )
MYTICKÁ ZVÍŘATA - vystupovala ve vyprávěních Slovanů v obdobné míře jako u jiných národů a plnila zde různé speciální úlohy. V období avarsko-slovanské symbiózy se zvláštní oblibě těšil gryf - čtyřnohé zvíře s křídly a orlím zobákem. Bývá vyobrazen samostatně v loveckých scénách a také v boji s hadem, který v tomto případě symbolizoval zlo. Přestože víme, že tento dualistický motiv je íránského původu, není jisté, zda význam celého výjevu byl ve střední Evropě týž. Ve stejné době (8. století) byl vyobrazen čtvernožec s lidskou hlavou na nákončí z Pohořelic na Moravě*. Bohužel nevíme, jak byl takový tvor nazýván a proč na něm jiný bájný okřídlený tvor jezdil. Gryf byl často zobrazován i v mladší době, v Bulharsku 9. až 11. stol., na Rusi v 11. a 12. století. Stejně často vystupoval i Senmurv (okřídlený pes) - posel, ztotožňovaný většinou s východoslovanským Simarglem. Vzhledem ke značné míře stylizace při ztvárnění zvířat lze někdy obtížně odlišit bájného tvora od stylizovaných skutečných tvorů. Zjevná je inspirace jiným, většinou pozdně antickým či íránským prostředím. ~ MYTHICAL ANIMALS - appeared in the stories of the Slavs to a similar extent as in other nations' and performed various special roles here. In the period of Avar-Slavic symbiosis, the griffin - a four-legged animal with wings and an eagle's beak - was particularly popular. He is depicted separately in hunting scenes and also in a fight with a snake, which in this case symbolized evil. Although we know that this dualistic motif is of Iranian origin, it is not certain whether the meaning of the whole scene was the same in Central Europe. At the same time (8th century) a quadruped with a human head was depicted on nákončí (part of belts of Great Moravian elite) from Pohořice in Moravia*. Unfortunately, we do not know what such a creature was called and why another mythical winged creature rode it. The griffin was often depicted even later, in Bulgaria in the 9th to 11th centuries, in Russia in the 11th and 12th centuries. Senmurv (winged dog) - a messenger, mostly identified with the East Slavic Simargle - appeared just as often. Due to the considerable degree of stylization in the depiction of animals, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a mythical creature from stylized real creatures. Inspiration from other, mostly late antique or Iranian environments is obvious.
Encyklopedie slovanských bohů a mýtů ~ Encyclopedia of Slavic Gods and Myths (Naďa & Martin Profantovi)
* See: below
A poster I did for "Heroic epics of the peoples of Russia" project by Nikolay Rastorguev Foundation and the Moscow's Department of Culture
Rus Byliny (plural) — oral epic poems in Kyivan and Novgorod Rus, counting more than 400 poems and mostly focusing on the semi-historic deeds of bogatyrs ("great warrior"). Despite common traits, they show a variety of themes, structure and dates of origin. The centerpiece is the most famous bogatyr trio — Ilya of Murom, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovitch with their respective antagonists, while the foreground focuses on much more archaic heroes — Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovitch. Heroes of that period inhabit almost a mythological world, and often posses chthonic traits themselves. Even by the time of the Boratyr Trio their stories centered on no longer belonging to the "modern" world.
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Two of my living history kits, or two versions of one kit, finally coming together. This is my high status kit focusing on Kievan Rus in the later 10th to early 11th century. The territory of Kievan Rus encompassed the areas of modern day Ukraine, Belarus and western Russia; and the society was culturally a mix of Slavic and eastern Scandinavian peoples with notable Byzantine influences on the upper social strata.
(The fourth photo featuring my impression of one of the carved faces on the Oseberg cart) 😅