Vegas - Tumblr Posts
Kim: how do I get Porschay to talk to me again?
Porsche: give him time, let him decide when he is ready
Kinn: pin him against a wall or window, sinks work too
Tankhun: don't be an asshole maybe
Vegas: torture him until he ultimately falls in love with you
Kim, Kinn, Porsche, Tankhun: NO!
Chan: Where’s Vegas?
Big: Doing stuff
Chan: Where’s Pete, then?
Big: He’s the stuff Vegas is doing…
Chan: …
Chan: Forget I asked
one thing i like about vegas theerapanyakul is that he is a bit of an asshole
*Vegas post a cool pic/gif with his brother*

The answers he gets:
Chay: P’Macau looks so cool!!
Vegas: …
Porsche: When the younger bro stills all the charms!
Vegas: …
Tankhun: The little monster it’s kinda cool…
Vegas: *annoys*
Kim: Looking good cousin~
Vegas: Thank—-
Kim: I was talking to the younger one of you…
Vegas: …
Porsche: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Porsche: Kinn and Vegas are still mad about it, but me and Pete were drunk and thought it was funny.
Vegas: I'm on top of the world!
Pete: Actually, you're on top of me...
Vegas, grinning: I know. You are my world.
Pete: *Blushes*
Pete: Why would you think any of this was a good idea? Vegas: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. Pete: Vegas: I don't know how you keep forgetting this.
cursed headcanon: in a world where gun didn't knock vegas's home-cooked food onto the floor with his bare hands, vegas starts feeding pete very tenderly and on the first bite pete chokes and spits it straight back out because, actually, despite his best efforts, vegas can't cook 😂
So no one's gonna talk about this vegas introduction scene
Even more late night thoughts about Vegas, Pete and how VegasPete came to be-
After writing "Grinch, please!" I had a revelation about VegasPete. A micro one, but still.
It's always SO fucking vital WHEN you cross paths with someone and what point they are at in their lives. If Pete had somehow caught Vegas' attention BEFORE everything began to go to shit, he might have been just another main family bodyguard Vegas railed and bailed on just to stick it to Kinn. Vegas would have moved on to fucking his next target and Pete would have been a(n even more) broken man for it. But like, Vegas' identity as the contender for the title of heir to his dad's position starting to crumble; Vegas' long-running, carefully executed plans being rendered useless by an abundance of muppets being sicced on him (Tawan, Porsche and Pete) - it all ensured that Vegas was on the brink of a HUGE breakdown and life crisis. When he caught Pete, he was alone, overwhelmed and tired of his life of abuse and humiliation. He literally did not have the sanity or the energy available to be cruel and calculated Khun Vegas. I think this is what the recurring label of sad little meow meow encompasses. The Vegas from episode 7 would not have taken his captive along to the safehouse for entertainment. Everything he does to Pete, from the electroshocks to the balls, to calling grandma and to playing cat and mouse with an injured Pete, is coming from a desperate and very basic need to be SEEN before he completely falls apart. On a level, even if not conscious, Vegas knows his number is up and that soon his family will get rid of him in an attempt to paint themselves as the good guys (Korn has no qualms murdering his own brother in front of witnesses, so we know that Vegas' predictions are not unrealistic). This is a man who did not hesitate to torture, murder and disfigure a prisoner just to persuade Big Wang to cooperate, only to then also get rid of Big Wang. This is a man who felt it necessary to spit a one liner at an Italian mob boss before killing him, like he was in an Al Pacino movie. My unhinged son would have made Pete into a matching purse and pair of shoes if he had caught him earlier in the game. And sure, Pete is exceptional and wields untold power, but even he couldn't have gotten through to Vegas if Vegas' armour hadn't been cracked prior. This doesn't take away from Pete's power and his ability to reset Vegas from the ground up, but it does show that life itself is cruel and everything depends on the headspace we are in when we meet someone or go through an experience or another. I also think that Korn was counting on Vegas' sanity circling the drain and taking his nephew out of the game for him. But he did NOT reckon with Pete being able to get through to Vegas because their different brands of crazy are compatible. Korn grossly misjudged Pete, as did everyone in the main family. There's this joke I love, about a new psychiatrist beginning a job at an asylum and seeing an otherwise non-communicative patient pull a length of string after himself. The new doc goes to him and asks: "Hello, are you out here walking your imaginary dog?" and to everyone's surprise, the patient looks at him, scoffs and says, "what imaginary dog? That would be insane. I am pulling the rope after me because it's limp and I cannot push it ahead of me!"
Pete succeeded because a. he was given a favourable window to try and get to Vegas and b. he was willing to do so because he recognised he and Vegas were not all that different underneath it all. Everyone else gave up on Vegas before they even took a closer look at him. It was always some flavour of "ugh, Vegas, fuck that creep" and moving on.
losing my shit over VegasPete scene again… I’m never gonna be over those two

my favourite kind of tags on a vegaspete post

#the ✨cockiest✨ gay smirks
yk i often use the "write in comic sans" tip but rn i am writing a vegaspete fanfic and i feel like vegas would become real just to kill me if i wrote his dialog in comic sans
hey remember when Kinn kidnapped and isolated Porsche on a boat for the one(1) fist fight he participated in in show and got his dick punched, neck bitten, and STILL LOST despite having a gun and multiple guards with him
remember when Kim brought nothing but sass to a 6-on-1 gunfight and won