Venus Square Pluto - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Astrology observations pt18🧛

Disclaimer: all these observations are based on my personal observations ❤️



Astrology Observations Pt18

🌹 i have saturn in 9th and this one time, i read that it causes delay in the things related to that house and YALL i feel like it's true.💀💀💀😂😂💀🥲

Saturn= restrictions

9th house= higher education, faith, long journeys etc

All my friends are like packing up for colleges and are like leaving for other cities and I'm going to college but mine starts 2 weeks later than them and I'm in my hometown (not a small city just I've spent 18 yrs here so🤌)

Delay here doesnt mean I'm not going to college sometimes it simply means starting later than your peers.👍😍


🌹 OKAYYYYY SOOOOOO ILL TELL YOU WHAT persona charts tend to give a more in depth analysis of that particular placement. Atleast thas how i interpreted it as. NOOWW IM NOT PRO AT IT but i rlly wanted to know abt my venus persona chart and guess what.😌🤠 I saw venus⬛ Pluto over there.😌🤌 Which explains my fear of getting cheated on or being left for someone else which has made me a bit paranoid abt it and idk how tf i should stop thinking abt it cause I'm like not even in a relationship and probs woNt be in oNE for A WHILE🤠🤠🤠🤠💀💀🥲🥲 (send help👁️👁️🤠🤌💀)

Venus= love and all

Pluto= transformation and fears

🌹 I've noticed something. Any planet touched by Pluto tends to cause a sense of obsession/ magnetism/ attraction to the themes of the planet in contact with pluto.

I'll explain.

I have moon square pluto and i have an obsession with thinking abt how i feel and tend to go on a very deep end abt it. Like legit no one can tell me abt my demons cause i know them. I also have venus square pluto which again creates a sense of fear and attraction towards my relationships and romance or love in general.

🌹 also adding on Pluto aspecting with planets it also creates a sense of fear regarding the respective themes of that planet in contact with pluto.

Ill xplain again

I have moon square pluto. Whilst I'm quite in touch with my feelings it's lost obsessive sometimes and kind of blurs my ability to be responsive rather than reactive and i also fear my feelings getting out of control. I have tried to Google how to control facial expressions.

Another one would be, mercury aspecting pluto. I have it and i was reading my comments on ig ad i realised my stark change in the way i communicated bakc then and the way i do now. Like i FELT the change ifywim.I also fear losing control over my tongue which again gets multiplied 10X cause i also have mars in aspect with Pluto which makes me fear losing my control over my anger or passion like i legit googled how to control anger 🤬💀💀💀💀🤠

🌹 i read somewhere that degree of your sun can indicate something significant happening to you at that age and i have 13 degree in my sun and i tried to commit su:cide when i was 13🤠🌹

🌹again, i read somewhere that nessus conjuncting with any of your personal planets or points can indicate abuse by you or towards you and guess what? I have it conjuncting with my mercury and i was always called stupid and crazy and dumb by my parents esp mother when they would get mad at me.💀💀🤠🤠👁️👁️

🌹ppl with moon in 10th/ cap/ moon saturn aspect may have been though incidents which caused them to grow up quickly and i feel like it's true. I have moon conjunct saturn and i remember i was called ✨selfish✨ by my father for not wanting to fill water bottles. I was 8bruh like how tf you gonna call an 8yo selfish?????🤠🤠🤠💀💀💀

Also, just saying you guys none of these placements always have to be as dark as mine were. It all gets down to your overall chart. Basic point is Pluto tends to cause transformation and let's be hoenest, it isnt always as golden and sweet as it may look. sometimes it's dark and painful but what can we say? In this lifetime you and i, we all will change and no one can stop it. So never let anything bog you down. Keep your head up and be hopeful🐅☀️


Notes for yll

I know this time it's gotten a bit dark but i rlly did want to get all of this off of my chest. The observations made this time are based on my personal bc. Hope y'all understand ❤️


I IS BACKKKK (did i piss yall earth esp virgo mercury/ mars to see this grammatical error👁️👁️🤣❤️) AND WILL TRY TO UPLOAD MORE OF MY ASTROLOGY CONTENT.

Thankyou bebebessssss for always supporting me and following me ANDDd engagignwith me and liking everything that i output here ily alot🧿❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️

Astrology Observations Pt18

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2 years ago

Astro Observations 2

- [ ] Aquarius moon people I’ve met, most of them act against the norm. For example, if most of their co-worker follow some stupid rules in a workplace, they won’t follow that.

- [ ] Leo stellium = strong Leo characteristics (I said Leo because it’s the most obvious one)

- [ ] Pluto trine Ascendant natal are just smooth, get along well with people and also make people feel at ease and calm when being around these natives. They are really charming and people seem to trust them even in the first meet.

- [ ] Also Pluto trine Ascendant from my experience, they don’t exude s*x appeal much. not obvious like conjunction and square ones. S*x appeal is subtle for this aspect(trine)

- [ ] I’ve noticed that some Scorpios (Rising or moon) will try to avoid holding too long eye contact when talking or interacting with people. As if they just know that if they do that, it will make people uncomfortable and intimidated by them. (Not sure tho, let me know if you do this). Also can apply to Pluto-Ascendant harsh aspects.

- [ ] Saturn in 5th house( house of creativity, hobbies etc.) from my experience, the way they express their creativity(art, writing, drawing, fashion) is more refined, well thought out, less messy, not too loud which can be either good or bad. ( I said good or bad because their work could be too analysed . It’s like they don’t express their creativity to the fullest coz they’re too careful which sometimes can be good)

- [ ] Neptune in 5th house or Venus in 12th house usually have great taste in music and films.

- [ ] Venus positive aspects to Moon natal are really caring, loving and always want to take a good care of their loved ones which is really good in a relationship.( if no negative aspects to either the moon or venus)

- [ ] Libra moon men also take a good care of their loved ones too

- [ ] If some aspects you read don’t resonate with you, it might Will one day. I started studying my birth chart and noticed something interesting, some aspects resonate well when I was younger, and some just resonate NOW. It’s about timing of your life, some will resonate once you’ve grown up or evolved!

- [ ] If you have Venus Square Pluto in a really tight orb, I know that you may be jealous and possessive. Not only that, you also ATTRACT envious, jealous people too, either friends, coworkers, lovers. I don’t know how to explain this but it is what it is, it’s your energy.

- [ ] Also Venus square Pluto, what you need to learn in order to have a great relationship is that you have to let go of what you can’t control and love yourself more. ( This is why we study our birth chart. To fix what needs to be fixed in ourself, agree?)

- [ ] No offend, but Mercury Square Ascendant people, if undeveloped, you will annoy people with the way you communicate, you make people feel like your words are against them even if you don’t intend to. You really need to think before you speak, your tone of voice and choice of words are the keys.

- [ ] Once again, Not all Leo Rising are attention seeker. BUT they just attract attention.

- [ ] Most of my Leo rising friends are an introvert.

- [ ] If someone has an intense gaze, they don’t have to be a Scorpio Rising. It can be any rising. Look to the aspects to Ascendant(especially harsh ones to Mars, Pluto, Saturn)

- [ ] But if talking about great deep hypnotic eyes, yeah that’s when you can assume that they are Scorpio rising. Not always though.

- [ ] Pisces Rising has a watery, dreamy eyes. I love that!

- [ ] If you have kitty asteroid conjunct Ascendant, you may act like a kitty only when you are with your boyfriend/girlfriend. ( this is me, how about you?)

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1 year ago

Women with soft Venus-Pluto(Venus sextile Pluto, Venus trine Pluto)aspects understand they intimidate other women. They usually grasp this the hard way,(Betrayal, friendship wise or even sometimes romance wise, that often rattles but does not destroy them) and move with confidence in knowing they shake women who are not confident within themselves , which provides a natural protection from those with envious eyes.

Women with hard Venus-Pluto(Venus conjunct Pluto, Venus square Pluto, Venus opposite Pluto)aspects tend to not understand as well. Because of the heavy magnetism(Pluto touching planet of friendship of love) they attract those intimidated or not, with motivations hidden or betrayal multiplying due to the touch of dark Pluto on this planet There is usually a misunderstanding or confusion on her part for why she feels so alienated, or why she finds her female friends to be secretly jealous or private enemies, this can often lead to one feeling constrained or forced to change how they confront their femininity,something that can happen with Venus conjunct Pluto women, who specialize in rebirth as means of revitalizing one's relationship , or be in constant battle within, something common with the opposition and square. The hard aspect holder feels peace when she recognizes her power , she recognizes her magnetism that naturally shakes those not confident enough and lets the rivalry they feel internally at her mere presence fuel her self esteem rather than destroy it.

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