Vet Bills - Tumblr Posts
Hey, hi! Im really sorry for sending this, i just hope im not overstepping any boundaries as I'm about to ask help which is very important right now: our cat, Sleepy needs an urgent vet care. She is pain and I can't afford to pay the vet to help her so l'm reaching out to ask for help, I mean even if you can't help monetarily, reblogging or sharing it would truly mean a lot. She is my daughter's best friend and she's all I have left of my mom who passed away last 2021. In case you'd be insterested to help, I have pinned the post on my blog, please try to also answer the ask privately as some people tend to get weird on this stuff. Please send us prayers, be safe.
please help anyway you can

My brother's rescue pup, Ajax, has developed seizures about a month ago. Even with his vet coverage plan, it costs 5k for him to be seen and tested. Ajax is a sweet, intelligent dog who has been there for my brother when his cat passed away. He is very well loved. All shares and donations are appreciated.

update on the grocery situation : we now have food [ yay ] thanks to those who donated and a lovely friend of mine we were able to get a few essentials :') so thank you guys !
unfortunately sometimes before things get better, they get worse and my oldest rabbit smokey [ he's almost 8 now !! some of u might remember him, esp since i had to ask for assistance a few yrs ago ;; ] has had reoccurring gstasis, usually we are able to treat this by giving him lots of water, hay, baby gas drops, and massaging his tum. now it's gotten so bad that nothing will work at all and it's so concerning because gstasis can become so very deadly. unfortunately the only animal clinic that is still open and treats rabbits is over an hour away.
this means a 32 dollar ride [ to and from ] unless we find someone who can take us, a regular exam starts at 80 dollars, and looking at posts online [ the vet said as of now she can't give us an estimate until she sees him ] treatment could be around $400+ so in total it would most likely be around 544 dollars [ at the LEAST ]
so i will be leaving my ko-fi below TT
i also want to say that i might be less active for awhile / leave my blog on a q mostly so i can just spend as much time focusing on him as much possible. thank you to those who read this, and those who can help, and those who can keep my sweet boy in your heart !
my ko-fi
🙃 vet was nearly 400 bucks today for this boy

Goodbye savings

Editing the commission sheet to include designing characters for folks lol
please help me pay my kitties emergency vet bill!
ive never done this before but one of my cats just had to get an extremely sudden emergency procedure and i don't know what to do, my vet and i have reached out to a couple incredible programs here to help with the bill but one is less than half and the other hasn't replied back yet, i've already declined the blood work (CA$356) to lower the bill at the risk of possible underlying liver and kidney issues not being found but its still a monumental amount for us right now. i just feel so helpless
we had enough to pay the minimum deposit to get the procedure started in time thankfully, but we were already scraping by as it is and now we're in desperate need of funds to eat/pay rent/pay off any remainder of the bill. i am disabled without aid and have been unable to work/haven't worked since 2015 but am on track to hopefully start working pt this fall. i live with my mom who has 3-4 jobs including one seasonal job which needless to say is stressful and wearing her down. we unfortunately are stuck in the most expensive place to live in canada with the inability to save up to flee so the cycle is never ending.
this is Teddy, my typically very silly vocal happy boy who's not quite 2 yet, my comfort king, my little muffin who acts like a weighted blanket for me at night and eases my anxiety, his favourite toy is his pink unicorn poof, he loves car rides and he can shake paw!

he got a sudden urinary blockage last night with no straight answer as to why and progressively got worse as the night went on, i didnt sleep at all, i was panicking and bawling, naturally, and raced to the vet to get in as soon as the door opened. i assumed it was a uti which wouldn't have been as costly, but it turned out to be much more severe and life threatening. i never expected my usually extremely healthy boy to suddenly be at risk of that and im still trying to just process whats been happening
he needed to be sedated and given a catheter and some medication, the total bill came to CA$985.62, of which we were barely able to pay 500 of, and one program was able to donate 300 leaving a total of CA$185.62 for the bill. this, of course, leaves us scrambling for food and rent as well

i know there are a lot of fundraisers out there needing donations right now, and i really hate letting myself be so open and raw like this but even a dollar would help tremendously and i would be forever grateful for any help whatsoever, even a rb to signal boost is greatly appreciated <3
TLDR; my cat had a sudden life threatening issue and now we can't pay the full vet bill or pay for food/rent

This is my friend’s gofundme for her dog and her puppies. Please please please help! The puppies might make it to the vet but they don’t have the money for the vet appointments. For every single donation i’d happily write a piece, ramble, one shot, or the likes of whatever is commented as something people would like to read. Your help will be greatly appreciated! <3 #stories for donations
Donation post

My cat cali has an infected anal gland that ruptured, i don't have the money to pay for a vet visit, to get her antibiotics. If you can please donate or share this i would really appreciate it
something's wrong with my smallest cat & she needs to go to the vet. i could use a little help affording it, if you're in a position to do so. money's been tight this month. many blessings
cashapp/venmo: $/@ swordquest
something's wrong with my smallest cat & she needs to go to the vet. i could use a little help affording it, if you're in a position to do so. money's been tight this month. many blessings
cashapp/venmo: $/@ swordquest
Please help my friend with their vet bills
A friend of mine is struggling with their cat's vet bills because the vet office they use keeps changing their prices. I've been helping them look into ways to deal with it legally as I'm certain the business isn't following business ethics, but in the meantime, please donate to them if you can! They originally owed $500, then $960 when I initially found out about the issue, and now currently owe a little over a thousand. If not for a discount of $321 (that they were not aware of until recently), they would owe $1,400.
Update, they sent this information to me:

I definitely dont know why this is even allowed, this is shady imo and I feel bad for my friend who just wants their cat to be happy and healthy
Please help my friend with their vet bills
A friend of mine is struggling with their cat's vet bills because the vet office they use keeps changing their prices. I've been helping them look into ways to deal with it legally as I'm certain the business isn't following business ethics, but in the meantime, please donate to them if you can! They originally owed $500, then $960 when I initially found out about the issue, and now currently owe a little over a thousand. If not for a discount of $321 (that they were not aware of until recently), they would owe $1,400.
The floor level beast needs surgery!
The vet has finally decided - and I agree - that it is time for my stinky old man Fig to have surgery. He needs his bad eye removed, and it has got significantly worse.
The quote for this is £1,886!

We brought him home at the end of October 2022 after he was picked up as a stray by a local rescue. No microchip and not neutered, he was probably the father of many litters, considering his estimated age is 10+. He's a big boy and a former bruiser, considering all of his scars.
The highest he ever seems to jump is the bed (although this is more of a climb) and he has never been a lap cat, but he loves to lay close to you. His best trick is sitting on his back legs, waving a paw when he wants treats. He *really* likes his treats!
These days, he is a spoilt baby, going between his boxes in the living room and the bed. Throwing cat litter across the floor every chance he gets.

He is completely blind in his left eye, and the lens is detached. It has also developed a film that has only got worse this past month. At the last checkup, the vet confirmed that it had swollen further.
The surgeries will happen. When we set out to get a cat, we initially went looking for an older one to give it the best remaining years we could.
Any help with the cost of Fig's surgery is greatly appreciated.